Elda Guidinetti


Deer Girl
Rachele laughs at the stranger with whom she chats online. And she leads us to discover the only feeling she knows – the poisonous bond which unites her parents. In public they seem tenderly in love, but behind closed doors, it’s all possession, fear, submission and pain. Rachele wants to be different, but can she really be so, when the only form of love she knows is violence?
Nina and her two friends share trepidations and desires, amid adolescent games and self-discovery. As the girls engage in ever new challenges, Nina immerses herself in her own hesitations.
The Age of Innocence
A personal diary that also acts as a sentimental journey. Will the man-child that emerges from behind the camera be able to glimpse something of himself before growing to maturity? One of Enrico Maisto’s most intimate and enlightening films.
Camilla is a successful attorney in her forties who accidentally causes the death of an undocumented migrant. At first, she is only interested in exonerating herself, but soon a feeling of responsibility starts nagging her: the dead body of a young man is lying in the morgue because their destinies fatally crossed. Camilla is used to shielding herself from pain, and she is incapable of really caring, even for her own daughter. In the midst of discovering the victim’s identity, she meets Bruno, the head of the morgue, who seems to be the only one who can truly understand her. The investigation she pursues will take her far from her surroundings until she will be forced to question herself, her unresolved past, and the life she really wants to live.
In 1902 Switzerland, child laborer Emma is expected to thread needles, but just like children today, she desperately tries to live her dream of playing the violin.
Nha Mila
After fourteen years away from her homeland, Salomé is forced to return to Cape Verde to see her dying brother. During her stopover at Lisbon airport, Águeda, a cleaning lady, recognizes Salomé as "Mila", her childhood friend. Águeda invites Salomé to leave the airport and spend the stopover at her home, with the women of her family. The neighborhood transports her on a spiritual journey, whose destination reveals a painful bond with her homeland.
Nha Mila
Executive Producer
After fourteen years away from her homeland, Salomé is forced to return to Cape Verde to see her dying brother. During her stopover at Lisbon airport, Águeda, a cleaning lady, recognizes Salomé as "Mila", her childhood friend. Águeda invites Salomé to leave the airport and spend the stopover at her home, with the women of her family. The neighborhood transports her on a spiritual journey, whose destination reveals a painful bond with her homeland.
Paul Nizon: Der Nagel im Kopf
The film tells of the radical life-search by the Swiss writer Paul Nizon, born 1929 in Bern, Switzerland, who became what “he was meant to be” in Paris. Now 90-year-old, Paul Nizon grants insights into his life and work in a self-ironic, direct manner. The intimate portrait of a great literary outsider emerges, for whom the risk of life and the risk of writing merge into one and the same work of art.
Libellula gentile. Fabio Pusterla, il lavoro del poeta
A film about the Swiss Italian poet Fabio Pusterla and his creative poetic process, his struggle to find an honest language, one which adheres to the personal experience and is able to unfold a hidden truth that creates a strong and profound bond with the other, with his public.
Il colore nascosto delle cose
Teo has a good job, a fiancee, a lover, no intention to assume any responsibility in his life. Meeting Emma, a blind woman, will upset his convictions.
Il fiume ha sempre ragione
Alberto Casiraghy and Josef Weiss are true bibliophile artists. One in Osnago, the other in Mendrisio, they have been dedicating themselves for years to valuable editorial and typographical activities, still printing with mobile characters, preserving the memory of a perfect ingenuity made of manual skills and technique, but also of inventiveness and poetry. Silvio Soldini gives us a realistic and poetical portrait of these two artists-artisans, who chose one of the oldest professions in a modern world, finding great success and approval.
Per altri occhi
Impaired vision-friendly documentary about blindness.
Wrapping the audience in waves of sound, Alberi takes us on a circular journey through the Italian countryside. The marvelous natural music at the tops of the eponymous trees makes way for the rhythmic cadence of civilization—men baring axes and the natural clatter of daily life—before their unforgettable return home from the forest. The singular artistry of director Michelangelo Frammartino (Le quatro volte) is beautifully displayed in this mesmerizing homage to nature.
Garibaldi's Lovers
A widowed working-class father falls in love with a struggling, poor artist.
Скорее случайно, чем намеренно швейцарский химик Альберт Хофман сделал весной 1943 года сенсационное открытие. Он понимал, что имеет дело с сильнодействующей молекулой, которая окажет влияние отнюдь не только на научный мир. Этот фильм рассказывает историю бурных взаимоотношений человечества и ЛСД с момента его синтеза до наших дней.
Старый пастух доживает свои последние дни в тихой средневековой деревушке, взгромоздившейся на холмах Калабрии на самом юге Италии. Он пасет коз под небесами, которые большинство жителей деревни покинуло очень давно. Он болен и считает, что нашел лекарство — пыль, которую собирает на полу церкви и которую принимает каждый день, размешав в воде…
Fuori dalle corde
Игра слов: Переводчица олигарха
Главная героиня, русская девушка Ирина, живет в Женеве, куда она эмигрировала в семилетнем возрасте вместе со своей матерью, Мариной. Старинный приятель Марины предлагает Ире подработать переводчицей у находящегося в тюрьме Ивана Ташкова. По версии швейцарских властей, Ташков — криминальный авторитет, но он себя таковым не считает…
Юность в движении
Главный герой фильма, пожилой иммигрант Вентура, переселён из трущоб в недавно построенный район. В своих скитаниях по новому кварталу он встречает многих обитателей снесенных трущоб, которые окончательно потерялись на новом месте.
Великое безмолвие
Документальная картина о монашеском ордене, члены которого хранят обет молчания. Действие фильма происходит в картезианском монастыре Гранд Шартрез, затерянном во французских Альпах. На всем протяжении этой ленты зрители почти не слышат человеческой речи; тишину прерывает только звон колоколов. Фильм отображает каждодневную жизнь монахов, живущих в полумраке: кельи монастыря освещаются лишь свечами. Спят они на лавках, застеленных соломой, а свои жилища обогревают лишь небольшими жестяными печками. Покрытые снегом альпийские горы служат величественным фоном их духовным поискам. По ночам монахи собираются в каменной часовне, где царит пронизывающий холод, садятся на пол и поют грегорианские песнопения.