Olimpia Carlisi
Рождение : 1946-12-29, Campi Bisenzio - Tuscany - Italy
Olimpia Carlisi (born 1946) is an Italian stage, film and television actress. She worked with Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet in Othon (1970), where her work was praised by critics.
Ариа — классная девчонка, которая умеет дружить и стильно одеваться, но ей жутко одиноко: звездные родители со скандалом разводятся, сводным сестрам тоже не до неё, а злые одноклассники завидуют и строят козни. В компании любимого черного кота Ариа отправляется в свободное плавание по итальянским улицам.
Donna negozio stoffe
День Джованны с утра до вечера заполнен трудом: она работает на птицефабрике, воспитывает двоих детей, стряпает и убирает в доме, а по вечерам выпекает пирожные для соседнего кафе. Однажды муж Джованны Филиппо приводит в дом пожилого мужчину, потерявшего память. Теперь молодой женщине приходится ухаживать и за новым постояльцем. Поначалу он ее раздражает, но чем больше она общается с ним, тем больше проникается любопытством к этому загадочному утонченному человеку, совсем не похожему на ее доброго и очень ординарного мужа. Постепенно Джованна узнает тайны прошлого своего постояльца и, незаметно для самой себя, переносит на него свои мечты об идеальном мужчине, который мог бы наполнить ее жизнь смыслом и счастьем…
La Sibilla Cumana
Giuseppe M. Gaudino made his directorial debut with this experimental film portrait contrasting the ancient Roman empire with poverty in present-day Naples. The film's narrator introduces the ancient town of Pozzuloi, home to Nero, his mother Agrippina, the Sibyl of Cumae, and Christian martyr Artema. This historical drama is intertwined with a modern-day story of a poverty-stricken family, forced by earthquakes during the '70s to move to the country, a devastating blow to the close-knit family. After a 1997 Venice Film Festival screening at 125 minutes, the filmmakers announced their plans to re-edit to a shorter running time. Also known as Moonspins Between Land and Sea.
The Mother
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
Nurse Stiles
Michael Woods stars as Tony Giordani, a narcotics agent who learns that his wife has been murdered while he is recuperating from an attack by a mysterious stranger. His boss thinks it's a Mafia vendetta, but Tony follows the clues to an empty house which his wife had been photographing on the day of her murder. There, he finds a burned corpse and several clues leading to the Full Moon Killer, who has been decapitating prostitutes around the city. The owner of the house is an insane countess, whose escape from an asylum leads to yet another murder. Before long, Tony and his partner, Lisa, with whom he is engaged in a passionate affair, find themselves targeted for murder unless they can solve the case.
In the 18th century, English aristocrats had, among their better known strange customs, one really strange one: they kept "ornamental hermits" for their gardens. These were actual people who were willing to live in squalid conditions and serve as something like museum exhibits for the amusement of the wealthy. This movie takes that notion and transfers it to 18th century France. In the story, an English hermit Rupert Everett) has somehow been brought to France in the period following the French Revolution, and prior to the Napoleonic Era, a period (1795-1799) known as "The Directory." He eventually comes down out of his tree into a chateau owned by an Italian nobleman (Ugo Tognazzi) and his wife. Before long, the hermit has washed and bathed and become quite presentable, even charming. However, his appearance in their midst is like a sentence of death for many of those who associate with him.
Американская балерина приезжает в Венгрию, чтобы поступить в балетную школу. Но вскоре девушка понимает, что здесь все является не тем, чем кажется на первый взгляд.
This quickly-filmed avant-garde farce by prolific director Raul Ruiz features an insomniac (Michel Lonsdale) whose main preoccupation is surreptitiously watching private matters -- he is a voyeur. He and an equally disreputable acquaintance rape a woman alongside the Seine, a crime made all the worse because she is pregnant. The rest of this slow-paced film deals with the consequences of that action.
Красивая и необыкновенно сексуальная девушка, из тех, в кого безоглядно влюбляются мужчины, приезжает из провинции в Париж, мечтая стать актрисой. Судьба сталкивает ее с молодым актером, переживающим, как выяснится позже, страшную личную трагедию…
Short film showing cinematographer Henri Alekan, director Raúl Ruiz and actress Olimpia Carlisi at work creating sublime visual effects of the sort seen in City of Pirates.
The first movie directed by Roberto Benigni in four surreal short stories: "Durante Cristo" (During Christ), "Angelo" (Angel), , "In Banca" (At the Bank) and "I Due Militi" (The Two Soldiers). An excursus in Benigni's satirical views on man, religion and society.
Freely adapted from a story by Marcel Schwob in 'Screw imaginary' and deeply focused on the thought of Georges Bataille, the film wants to give substance to Clodia tragic affair, the Roman noblewoman loved by Catullo and made him immortal in his ways, with the Lesbia pseudonym.
la chiromante Romola
Похищен сын владельца крупного итальянского завода, который находится на грани банкротства. Теперь промышленник должен сделать выбор между жизнью сына и бизнесом.
Rome, 1960. Four different people meet each other at the Olympics. They follow the games and become friends, talking about their sad lifes.
Картина о потерянных иллюзиях поколения. Интеллектуалы собрались на террасе дома в Риме для бесцельного времяпрепровождения и разговоров. Они утратили все демократические идеалы своей юности, забыли о том, какую радость принесла свобода и избавление от фашистской диктатуры. Они потеряли многие надежды и мечты. В этой жизни их ждала только апатия, бесцельное существование, духовная смерть. Или преждевременный уход из жизни после инфаркта. Проводив в последний путь умершего «счастливчика», который нашёл покой в мире ином, они вновь соберутся на террасе. И все будет продолжаться по-прежнему.
'Dalla nube alla resistenza (From the Cloud to the Resistance ) (1978), based on two works by Cesare Pavese, falls into the category of History Lessons and Too Early, Too Late as well. It, too, has two parts—a twentieth-century text and a text regarding the myths of antiquity, each set in the appropriate landscape. Pavese's The Moon and the Bonfires looks back on the violent deaths of Italian anti-Fascist resistance fighters; Dialogues with Leucò is a series of dialogues between heroes and gods, connecting myth and history and returning to an ambiguous stage in the creation of distinctions, such as that between animal and human, which are fundamental to grammar and language itself. Such a juxtaposition of political engagement with profoundly contemplative issues such as myth, nature, and meaning points to the characters of Empedocles and Antigone in the Hölderlin films.' (From "Landscapes of resistance. The German Films of Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub" by Barton Byg)
Созданная Федерико Феллини кинематографическая версия безумной жизни известного итальянского авантюриста XVIII столетия Джакомо Казановы, путешествующего по городам Европы и проповедующего бессмертную любовь. Среди множеств его любовниц — монахиня, горбатая нимфоманка и старая ведьма, которая убеждена в том, что секс с Казановой повлечет за собой ее превращение в мужчину.
An Italian film
Self / Host
During his preparation for his film on Casanova Fellini asks a number of renowned actors to give him their view on the character of Casanova.
Paul is married, a successful engineer, and a conservative candidate in an upcoming local election. He falls in love with Adriana, a café waitress from Italy. Paul's party is very critical of foreign labour and wants to keep Switzerland to the Swiss. Where Paul falls deeper and deeper into the relationship and is ready to leave his wife, Adriana feels the social pressure growing and has to make her own decision.
Directed by José Varela
Maria Salfati
A young couple of burglars, waiting for trial, marry in jail. Annick writes down her observations of the women's ward. When she hears that her lover must serve a twice as long prison sentence, she plans their escape.
Psychiatrist takes young man to castle owned by strange woman, where the latter discovers he's the incarnation of a dead man.
Straub-Huillet’s first color film, adapts a lesser-known Corneille tragedy from 1664, which in turn was based on an episode of imperial court intrigue chronicled in Tacitus’s Histories. The costuming is classical, and the toga-clad, nonprofessional cast performs the drama’s original French text amid the ruins of Rome’s Palatine Hill while the noise of contemporary urban life hums in the background. Their lines are executed with a terrific flatness and frequently through heavy accents; the language in Othon becomes not merely an expression but a thing itself, an element whose plainness here alerts us to qualities of the work that might otherwise be subordinated.
Pisa, 1942. Marcella, Olimpia’s daughter, is suffering from meningioma. Her husband Pierluigi and her brother Daniel attempt to relieve Olympia’s grief from the imminent loss of the child.
Антивоенный крестовый поход против тех, кто наживается на войне, имеет место в Италии во время 2-ой мировой войны. Главный герой отчаянно пытается получить свидетельство о том, что он сумасшедший, чтобы более не участвовать в боевых вылетах.