An elderly Catherine de Medici reflects back on how the prophecies of Nostradamus accurately predicted the fates of her husband, her three sons and herself.
Narrator (voice)
An elderly Catherine de Medici reflects back on how the prophecies of Nostradamus accurately predicted the fates of her husband, her three sons and herself.
Narrator (voice)
Nostradamus writes a letter to his young son, and his prophecies are compared to events of the French Revolution.
The life of the French seer and some of his selected quatrains are reviewed.
Андре Моро — незаконный сын знатного аристократа, не знающий, кто его отец, теряет друга, написавшего листовку о свободе, равенстве, братстве. Его товарищ пал от руки лучшего дуэлянта Франции — маркиза Де Мэйна и умер у него на руках. Моро поклялся, что убийца умрет от его руки такой же точно смертью. Но для этого весельчаку и сорванцу, плевавшему на политику и считавшему весь мир одним сумасшедшим домом, нужно было научиться фехтовать. И он научился…
There's a deficit of good, honest women in the West, and Roy Whitman wants to change that. His solution is to bring a caravan of over 100 mail-order brides from Chicago to California. It will be a long, difficult and dangerous journey for the women. So Whitman hires hardened, cynical Buck Wyatt to be their guide across the inhospitable frontier. But as disaster strikes on the trail, Buck just might discover that these women are stronger than he thinks.
Based on a collection of stories with the focus on young John Humperkink "Dink" Stover, a student at the Lawrenceville Prepatory School, in 1896, whose family, in Eastcester, New York, have just about given up on his education because he is an incorrigible student. He gets into one situation after another and incurs the dislike of his classmates, who think he is cowardly but he changes their opinion when he challenges several of them to a fight. When he returns home for the summer, he meets Miss Dolly Travers and increases his 'hatred of women' because she does not accept his schoolboy pranks. Back at school, in the fall, he is more difficult than ever until his philosophy is changed by a teacher.
A Russian ballerina in Vienna tries to flee KGB agents and defect.
Spoiled socialite Cynthia Grace is suffering from a blood clot. Not unexpectedly, Tommy Coalt falls in love with Cynthia, much to her parents' dismay. Soon he's drawing up plans to marry the girl and setting up private practice in a smaller town.
Софи любила Эдмунда, но он покинул город, когда ее родители вынудили ее выйти замуж за богатого Октавия. Спустя годы Эдмунд возвращается со своим сыном Уильямом. Дочь Софи Маргарита и Уильям влюбляются друг в друга. Сестра Маргариты Марианна тоже любит Уильяма, а плотник Тимоти тайно влюблен в Марианну. Тимоти убивает в драке человека, и Эдмунд помогает ему сбежать в Новую Зеландию. Случайно дезертировавший из флота Уильям также позорно сбегает в Новую Зеландию, где вместе с Тимоти начинает прибыльный бизнес. Однажды ночью пьяный Уильям пишет Октавию письмо с предложением руки и сердца его дочери, но путает имена сестер.
This shows the natives of Bikini Island as they were being evacuated and relocated (o.k., dispossessed) from their island prior to the atom bomb tests.
Фрэнк, путешествующий по Калифорнии в поисках работы, заходит перекусить в придорожную забегаловку. Её владелец Ник предлагает поработать у него, но Фрэнку не очень-то нравится место, пока на сцену не выходит жена Ника.
Появление платиновой блондинки Коры в дверном проеме в обтягивающих белых шортах нокаутировало бы любого. Одно из лучших появлений героини в истории кино: мгновенное влечение выплескивается на экран, с самого начала Фрэнк понимает: эта женщина — для него одного.
Он остается работать за небольшие деньги и бесплатную комнату, в которой вскоре появляется ОНА! Кора признается Фрэнку, что не любит пожилого мужа и готова бежать с ним отсюда, но они бедны, начинать жизнь с нуля красавица не хочет, а деньги можно получить, только если Ник умрет…
Всё идет как по маслу, но от посланника Смерти уйти нельзя — старый Почтальон всегда найдёт Вас и позвонит в Вашу дверь…
A young doctor proves his worth at a metropolitan hospital.
This Carey Wilson Miniature takes a further look at prophecies by 16th century seer Nostradamus.
Narrator (voice)
This Carey Wilson Miniature takes a further look at prophecies by 16th century seer Nostradamus.
Himself - Narrator (voice)
Legends associated with the lost treasures of Incan gold, thought to be located at the bottom of one of the many shafts of what is called the hawk's nest above the city of Cusco, Peru are presented. These stories begin in 1531 with the arrival of explorer Francisco Pizarro, under the direction of King Charles V of Spain, Pizarro who is in search of the gold associated with the legendary El Dorado. Pizarro holds captive the Emperor of the Incas, Atahualpa, to discover the location of the gold. Atahualpa, in turn, promises a cave full of gold for his release. Receiving some gold, Pizarro, not trusting Atahualpa, murders him without ever finding the location of the gold, thought to be twenty thousand shiploads full, worth, in today dollars, in the billions. Legend now has it that the Incas have placed a curse on the gold to avenge Atahualpa's murder, the several attempts by outsiders to locate it leading to tragedy. Coincidence or curse?
Leonardo Da Vinci was seen as a great artist during his lifetime. The same cannot be said for his life as an inventor. His genius as an inventor was only truly known through reading his secret manuscripts after his death. His want to invent was because of his curiosity and insatiable quest for knowledge. He was able to invent the earliest prototypes of such things as the steam cannon, the machine gun, the submarine, the depth charge, and the tank, all which were welcome inventions of the day for monarchs who saw their usefulness in warfare.
Narrator (uncredited)
John Jones contemplates how fortunate he and his family is in America, where no wartime bombing occurs.
John Jones contemplates how fortunate he and his family is in America, where no wartime bombing occurs.
John Jones contemplates how fortunate he and his family is in America, where no wartime bombing occurs.
Documentary short film depicting the work of the United Service Organizations (USO) in providing recreational and morale-boosting services for American troops.
Documentary short film depicting the work of the United Service Organizations (USO) in providing recreational and morale-boosting services for American troops.
This short film applies the prophecies of Nostradamus to events of World War II.
Narrator (voice)
This short film applies the prophecies of Nostradamus to events of World War II.
Author Frank R. Stockton, often asked the question, finally decides to divulge the untold ending of his story, The Lady or the Tiger?
While Judge Hardy handles a couple's divorce, Andy takes a shine to their shy daughter.
Told on the premise that the United States has always been a refuge from those seeking a reprieve from poverty and bigotry, this Miniature short from M-G-M is the story of a young Polish boy, unable to speak English, just arriving in New York City with hie parents. He leaves his lower east-side tenement to go play. Passing an open field he sees a sight unfamiliar to him; a group of boys playing baseball. When the boys drop their bats and gloves to hitch a ride on a passing ice-wagon, the Polish boy goes over to the baseball diamond and starts examining the baseball equipment. The boys come back and think he is about to steal their belongings but, when they learn he is a new immigrant and doesn't understand English, they invite him to play base ball with them..and he gets a base-hit his first time at bat.
Told on the premise that the United States has always been a refuge from those seeking a reprieve from poverty and bigotry, this Miniature short from M-G-M is the story of a young Polish boy, unable to speak English, just arriving in New York City with hie parents. He leaves his lower east-side tenement to go play. Passing an open field he sees a sight unfamiliar to him; a group of boys playing baseball. When the boys drop their bats and gloves to hitch a ride on a passing ice-wagon, the Polish boy goes over to the baseball diamond and starts examining the baseball equipment. The boys come back and think he is about to steal their belongings but, when they learn he is a new immigrant and doesn't understand English, they invite him to play base ball with them..and he gets a base-hit his first time at bat.
Narrator (voice)
This short film presents three legends of hidden gold in California's Death Valley.
This short film portrays Nostradamus as having predicted the horrors of WWI and Hitler's rise to power, as well as the eventual triumph of "the daughter of the English Isles" against these forces. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Short Subject, One-Reel.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
This short film portrays Nostradamus as having predicted the horrors of WWI and Hitler's rise to power, as well as the eventual triumph of "the daughter of the English Isles" against these forces. The film was nominated for an Oscar for Best Short Subject, One-Reel.
Commentator - as Oscar statuette (voice)
This 1940 presentation features highlights of earlier (1928 onward) Oscar ceremonies including Shirley Temple and Walt Disney, plus acceptance speeches for films released in 1939 with recipients and presenters including Vivien Leigh, Judy Garland, Hattie McDaniel, Fay Bainter, Mickey Rooney, Thomas Mitchell, Sinclair Lewis, and more, with host Bob Hope.
Judge Hardy takes his family to New York City, where Andy quickly falls in love with a socialite. He finds the high society life too expensive, and eventually decides that he liked it better back home.
The story of Abraham Lincoln's 30-year struggle of persistence-through-failure is told to an unemployed 50 year old man.
Narrator (voice)
The story of Abraham Lincoln's 30-year struggle of persistence-through-failure is told to an unemployed 50 year old man.
Andy wants to buy a new car so he goes into the judge's home office where his father is about to write a $200 check to charity. He asks his dad for the $200 and they go used car shopping.
Narrator (voice) (uncredited)
Andy wants to buy a new car so he goes into the judge's home office where his father is about to write a $200 check to charity. He asks his dad for the $200 and they go used car shopping.
Judge Hardy guides Andy through problems with girls, money and an essay contest.
This short film portrays the story of Matthew Fontaine Maury (1806-1873), an American Naval officer who developed the first maps that charted the oceans' winds and currents.
Narrator (voice)
This short film portrays the story of Matthew Fontaine Maury (1806-1873), an American Naval officer who developed the first maps that charted the oceans' winds and currents.
Narrator (voice)
This short film tells the true story of the heroic sacrifice of Father Damien, the Belgian priest who suffered a living death in order to bring hope and God's comfort to the lepers confined on the Hawaiian island of Molokai.
A look at various predictions Nostradamus made, such as the American and French Revolutions.
Narrator (voice)
A look at various predictions Nostradamus made, such as the American and French Revolutions.
Narrator (voice)
A look at whether Napoleon Bonaparte indeed died on the island of St. Helena in 1821.
Narrator (voice)
This short film looks at the life of Michel Ney, who fought at Napoleon's side and was made a Marshall of France.
Narrator (voice)
During the American Civil War, General Ulysses Grant carries out the 'Tennessee Plan,' which involves stopping the Confederate supply line on the Tennessee River. This proved to be a vital action for the North in its push south...
Narrator (voice)
An American trader disrupts life on a Polynesian island.
An American trader disrupts life on a Polynesian island.
Narrator (voice)
This MGM Historical Mystery short follows the life and exploits of killer outlaw Joaquin Murrieta, in California in the 1850s.
A satirical visualization of strange and forgotten, but (at that time) nevertheless still existing laws in the U.S.A.
Himself - Narrator (voice)
This short looks at the possibility that those who have passed on can communicate with us in ways we least expect.
This short presents the possibility that a dead person's spirit can intervene in the lives of the living.
Narrator (voice)
This short presents the possibility that a dead person's spirit can intervene in the lives of the living.
Andy Hardy and his sister find romance during a family vacation in Catalina.
Narrator (voice)
The narrator's voice tells of John Dough, who wakes up after a late-night party and prepares to go to work. However, a few interruptions, including thinking for a moment that he sees a woman's body in his bed, having his car key not work, and thinking he hears his mother calling, delay his departure from home by almost a minute. When tragedy strikes close by, John revisits the morning's events. A phone call from his brother in Chicago confirms how odd this morning is. Did John experience telepathy or was it all coincidence? If radio waves can carry a communication, why not a mother's love?
Narrator (voice)
After John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Abraham Lincoln, he escaped to Maryland and was discovered hiding in a barn. After he refused to surrender, the barn was set afire and Booth died in the blaze. However, in 1903 a Mr. David E. George, while on his deathbed in Enid, Oklahoma, claimed to be John Wilkes Booth. This MGM An Historical Mystery series short presents evidence of the possibility that Mr. George's claim was true.
Покоренный Марией с первой же встречи, французский император Наполеон Бонапарт предпринимает попытки соблазнить ее, но безуспешно. Однако под давлением обстоятельств графиня Валевска соглашается на встречу: политики просят ее уступить Бонапарту во имя спасения Польши. К своему удивлению, она находит удовольствие в их союзе и даже счастлива, когда узнает о его разводе с бездетной Жозефиной и о своей беременности. Однако Бонапарт сообщает Марии о невозможности их брака...
Told by (voice)
In Chinese culture, live theater performances are attended by all classes of society. This short shows a performance of "The Rainbow Pass," a tale of a wife who challenges her husband's murderer to combat.
Narrator (voice)
This short explores the possibility that Louis XVII, son of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, escaped death during the French Revolution and was raised by Indians in America.
Carey Wilson narrates this MGM Miniature short in which an average office worker suffers all week-end because his boss, who had a bad case of indigestion, didn't speak to him when he came to work on Friday and is convinced he is going to get fired.
Narrator (voice)
Carey Wilson narrates this MGM Miniature short in which an average office worker suffers all week-end because his boss, who had a bad case of indigestion, didn't speak to him when he came to work on Friday and is convinced he is going to get fired.
Carey Wilson narrates this MGM Miniature short in which an average office worker suffers all week-end because his boss, who had a bad case of indigestion, didn't speak to him when he came to work on Friday and is convinced he is going to get fired.
Allen Meighan, an intern, assures himself residency at 'General Hospital', when he saves the life of a man trapped in an explosion. Allen is in love with student nurse, Claire Donahue, and she with him, but, she is married to Tom a physically abusive husband.
Hank Medhill, artificial silk manufacturer, has returned to the U.S. from Japan to learn that his former girlfriend, Eleanor Breen is about to marry. Hank convinces Eleanor to leave the groom-to-be and marry him. Shortly after the marriage, they discover that they have nothing in common. They separate. Hank decides to pick any name from the phone book and date them. That date results in a wild and frightful night for Hank, thanks to Eleanor's clever plan.
Hank Medhill, artificial silk manufacturer, has returned to the U.S. from Japan to learn that his former girlfriend, Eleanor Breen is about to marry. Hank convinces Eleanor to leave the groom-to-be and marry him. Shortly after the marriage, they discover that they have nothing in common. They separate. Hank decides to pick any name from the phone book and date them. That date results in a wild and frightful night for Hank, thanks to Eleanor's clever plan.
Narrator (voice)
A short biography of William Shakespeare that highlights the various jobs he worked at in the theater.
This short follows the early career of actress Jane Barnes. She starts by doing extra work. After several months she is offered a studio contract (the "first step"). However, her work consists mostly of fashion shoots and bit parts that end up on the cutting room floor. She is even used as a stand-in for Maureen O'Sullivan on the set of a Tarzan movie when camera angles and lighting must be set up.
Английский флот XVIII века отличался жесткой (даже жестокой) дисциплиной. Малейшие провинности наказывались плетьми, более тяжелые проступки карались смертной казнью. Доведенные до отчаяния матросы поднимали бунты и пытались освободиться от гнета.
1789 год. Экипаж британского корабля «Баунти» под руководством жестокого капитана Блая наполнив трюмы, отчаливает от берегов Таити. До этого дня в течение шести месяцев команда корабля подвергалась физическим и моральным издевательствам со стороны капитана и его приспешников.
Изнурительная работа и отсутствие пищи вынуждают моряков поднять бунт. Зачинщиком мятежа становится матрос, аристократ Кристиан Флетчер. Ссадив с корабля капитана и преданных ему людей, «Баунти» взял курс обратно на Таити, именно там Флетчер и другие мятежники решили провести всю оставшуюся жизнь…
Narrator (voice)
This visit to Pitcairn Island in the South Pacific Ocean shows that life for the residents has changed little in the years since Fletcher Christian and his fellow mutineers on HMS Bounty, along with several Tahitian natives, landed here. The island is self-sufficient and has few visitors. Among the islanders we see at work is Fletcher Christian's great-grandson.
A wilderness girl raises a deer and a mountain lion to be friends.
Президент внезапно пропал, причём в самый неподходящий для страны момент, накануне надвигающейся войны и возможного импичмента.
A woman's dubious past proves to be a stumbling block when she becomes engaged to marry.
Shortly before the curtain goes up the first time at the latest performance of Earl Carroll's Vanities, someone is attempting to injure the leading lady Ann Ware, who wants to marry leading man Eric Lander. Stage manager Jack Ellery calls in his friend, policeman Bill Murdock, to help him investigate. Bill thinks Jack is offering to let him see the show from an unusual viewpoint after he forgot to get him tickets for the performance, but then they find the corpse of a murdered woman and Bill immediately suspects Eric of the crime.
The complicated relationship between an ambitious, ruthless nightclub dancer and the woman he loves.
A political hack becomes President during the height of the Depression and undergoes a metamorphosis into an incorruptible statesman after a near-fatal accident.
Gunner and Bucker are friends who work as riveters. Whenever Bucker gets the urge to marry, which is often, Gunner will hit on his girl to see if she is true or not. So far, Gunner hasn't failed. But one night, while Gunner is in jail, Bucker meets Mary, a tough dame with a line. He falls for her, and she falls for his money. But Mary is already a gal pal of Gunner, and no two know about the third one. The trouble starts when the triangle is revealed too late.
Socialite Carol Morgan romps through the Depression and her wealth while breaking up with Bill Wade and getting back together with him.
When Polly Fisher, a circus aerialist, is hurt while performing, she is taken to the house of a nearby minister, John Hartley. As she recuperates, they fall in love with each other and secretly marry. But when the truth leaks out , John's congregation rebels at having a circus woman as their minister's wife, and he is fired. Polly decides to leave John in hopes of giving back to him the calling that means so much to him. But fate steps in and rearranges all plans.
When Polly Fisher, a circus aerialist, is hurt while performing, she is taken to the house of a nearby minister, John Hartley. As she recuperates, they fall in love with each other and secretly marry. But when the truth leaks out , John's congregation rebels at having a circus woman as their minister's wife, and he is fired. Polly decides to leave John in hopes of giving back to him the calling that means so much to him. But fate steps in and rearranges all plans.
A charming and very daring thief known as Arsene Lupin is terrorizing the wealthy of Paris, he even goes so far as to threaten the Mona Lisa. But the police, led by the great Guerchard, think they know Arsene Lupin's identity, and they have a secret weapon to catch him.
A vaudeville performer has trouble dividing her time equally between her career and her two daughters.
A vaudeville performer has trouble dividing her time equally between her career and her two daughters.
Mary Linden is the secretary who is the unheralded power behind successful executive James Duneen. He takes her for granted until rival Wales tries to take her away from him.
In this melodrama, a dancer works in a sleazy Marseilles portside dive that is really the front for a bordello. While dancing one night she meets a sailor and agrees to be his bride. Unfortunately, one of her former suitors suddenly shows up and a terrible fight ensues.
In this melodrama, a dancer works in a sleazy Marseilles portside dive that is really the front for a bordello. While dancing one night she meets a sailor and agrees to be his bride. Unfortunately, one of her former suitors suddenly shows up and a terrible fight ensues.
Claire Tree spends the night in the hotel room of her friend and confidante, saying goodbye to him before her impending marriage the following day. When she returns to the hotel with her husband the following night, the house detective accuses her of prostitution and throws them out. Now Claire must explain everything to her unsympathetic husband.
Claire Tree spends the night in the hotel room of her friend and confidante, saying goodbye to him before her impending marriage the following day. When she returns to the hotel with her husband the following night, the house detective accuses her of prostitution and throws them out. Now Claire must explain everything to her unsympathetic husband.
Moore plays the "dual" role of a French singer in America who was originally an American chorus girl in France to acquire a new persona.
A flapper unwittingly falls for the boss' son.
A French country lass Marie Ducrot, name is "mud" after she is compromised by a German soldier . Turning to religion, Banky becomes one of the "sisters in white" in the field hospitals of World War 1. THE AWAKENING was nominated by the Academy for its Art Direction in the first transitional year of the talkies. A vast number of films from this year are lost and this is no exception. No print or negative materials are known to exist at this time. William Cameron Menzies received his third nomination for this film, having received two the prior year and winning for both.
Scenario Writer
In France during World War I, a charming farm girl keeps a squadron of English pilots in good spirits as best as she can. She falls for a handsome newcomer who is already engaged.
A ditzy American girl visiting Monte Carlo is hired by a tennis champ to be his "cardboard lover"--to pretend to be in love with him so he can teach his two-timing fiancé a lesson and win her back. What he doesn't realize is that the girl isn't pretending --she actually is in love with him, and she sets out to win him for herself.
A ditzy American girl visiting Monte Carlo is hired by a tennis champ to be his "cardboard lover"--to pretend to be in love with him so he can teach his two-timing fiancé a lesson and win her back. What he doesn't realize is that the girl isn't pretending --she actually is in love with him, and she sets out to win him for herself.
On the eve of her wedding Lady Kay Rutfield runs off aboard her sloop. A storm carries her out to sea and she is rescued by a passing rumrunner bound for the Long Island Sound. Once they arrive in the States, Kay makes her escape and hides in the deserted mansion of Jimmy Winter. Jimmy is due to marry the following day. He comes home to the mansion unexpectedly, and finds Kay, who persuades him to let her pose for a night as his wife.
After bringing down yet another German pilot and escaping uninjured from his burning aircraft, Haggerty (Milton Sills) and his buddy, aircraft machinist Klaxon (Arthur Stone), head for Paris, albeit without an official leave of absence. In escaping from M.P.'s, Haggerty takes refuge in a room occupied by Germaine Benoit (Molly O'Day). Love soon springs up, and Haggerty decides to reform, returning to Major Cotton (Mitchell Lewis) with this resolution. He is unprepared, however, to be awarded a medal for his actions as a fighter pilot. - From Wikipedia
The daughter of a count and the son of a shoemaker, both Hungarian, fall in love in America. As they're about to marry, the young woman is called back to Europe. When her betrothed goes after her, difficulties ensue.
Naughty But Nice was based on The Bigamists, a story by Lewis Alen Brown. Gawky country girl Berenice Summers (Colleen Moore) is catapulted head-first into High Society when her Uncle Seth (Burr McIntosh) strikes oil. Shipped off to a fancy boarding school, Berenice suffers at the hands of her snooty classmates, but the last straw comes when she's publicly humiliated by local wise-guy Paul Carroll (Donald Reed).
Scenario Writer
Naughty But Nice was based on The Bigamists, a story by Lewis Alen Brown. Gawky country girl Berenice Summers (Colleen Moore) is catapulted head-first into High Society when her Uncle Seth (Burr McIntosh) strikes oil. Shipped off to a fancy boarding school, Berenice suffers at the hands of her snooty classmates, but the last straw comes when she's publicly humiliated by local wise-guy Paul Carroll (Donald Reed).
This romantic drama was released in 1927.
Set in New York City, flapper Pink Watson works a telephone operator at a cement factory who dreams of marrying rich. Her constant daydreaming of wealth annoys her fellow workers, and ruins the heart of one of her worshiping colleagues.
Silent Film a lost film. Julian Ramos is a fisherman in the Canary Islands. As the guardian of his hotheaded younger brother Charles, Julian regards it as his duty to protect the boy from women -- and vice versa. When Charles begins pitching woo at aristocratic Amy, Julian runs interference by pretending to be in love with the girl himself. As time passes, of course, he stops pretending.
Silent Film a lost film. Julian Ramos is a fisherman in the Canary Islands. As the guardian of his hotheaded younger brother Charles, Julian regards it as his duty to protect the boy from women -- and vice versa. When Charles begins pitching woo at aristocratic Amy, Julian runs interference by pretending to be in love with the girl himself. As time passes, of course, he stops pretending.
Young husband Jerry, a clerk, loses his job, and in order to bring money into the house, his wife Tamara goes back to her old job as a dancer in the Follies. The husband doesn't like the idea at all, and they wind up separating. One night the clerk and his friend, an inventor, are dining at a restaurant, and the inventor is lamenting that he has a great invention but can't get in to see a millionaire named Hammersley in order get get financial backing. They don't know that Hammersley happens to be sitting at the next table. The three strike up a conversation and become friends. However, there's another thing Jerry also doesn't know--Hammersley is in love with Tamara and, in fact, she is going to his house that night to see him.
Based on the 1922 play Der Legionër by Lajos Biró.
Three girls from a small town win a trip to Monte Carlo. The trip was sponsored by their local newspaper, which sends along its ace reporter Bancroft as their "chaperone".
Ann Martin will inherit six-million dollars if she marries a man her two spinster-aunts approve of, but, so far, her aunts haven't approved of any man she knows. Ann tries to get a bashful hotel clerk to marry her in name only, and then get a divorce, but he refuses to because he is in love with her. Her cousin then brings in another clerk and Ann now has two men on her hands. Ann now wants to marry the first clerk, having discovered she also loves him, but the aunts object. She then hires two gigolos to charm her aunts into a compromising situation.
Scenario Writer
Ann Martin will inherit six-million dollars if she marries a man her two spinster-aunts approve of, but, so far, her aunts haven't approved of any man she knows. Ann tries to get a bashful hotel clerk to marry her in name only, and then get a divorce, but he refuses to because he is in love with her. Her cousin then brings in another clerk and Ann now has two men on her hands. Ann now wants to marry the first clerk, having discovered she also loves him, but the aunts object. She then hires two gigolos to charm her aunts into a compromising situation.
During World War I, a young woman marries a famous flying ace. After the honeymoon, he is called back into service and leaves for the battlefield. Not long afterwards she discovers evidence that her new husband has been cheating on her.
During World War I, a young woman marries a famous flying ace. After the honeymoon, he is called back into service and leaves for the battlefield. Not long afterwards she discovers evidence that her new husband has been cheating on her.
In Czarist Russia, a young peasant boy is sent to Siberia for insulting the Grand Duchess. Released years later, he joins the fighting to overthrow the royal family. The entire royal family is condemned to death when fighting ceases.
Captain Terrance Connaughton loses his stable of horses in a card game with Algernon Cravens.
Captain Terrance Connaughton loses his stable of horses in a card game with Algernon Cravens.
Scenario Writer
«Бен-Гур» — рассказ о богатом юноше еврее, который в результате случайности был обвинен в покушении на римского наместника и попадает в рабство, а его сестру и мать забирают в тюрьму. По пути на галеры, он сталкивается с Иисусом Христом, сыном плотника, который подаст воду страждущему. Когда судно потопили пираты, Бен-Гур спасает римского центуриона от гибели, и тот в благодарность усыновляет его…
«Бен-Гур» — рассказ о богатом юноше еврее, который в результате случайности был обвинен в покушении на римского наместника и попадает в рабство, а его сестру и мать забирают в тюрьму. По пути на галеры, он сталкивается с Иисусом Христом, сыном плотника, который подаст воду страждущему. Когда судно потопили пираты, Бен-Гур спасает римского центуриона от гибели, и тот в благодарность усыновляет его…
An American millionaire wants to reform a Parisian cabaret singer who moonlights as a jewel thief.
When a secretary overhears her boss disparaging her looks, she decides to show him how wrong he is.
Adapted from the play The Merry Wives of Gotham, twin sisters are separated at birth - one of them becomes a society girl in New York, the other lives in the Irish slums.
Produced under the supervision of the U.S. Navy. James Randall, an upperclassman at the Naval Academy, falls in love with Patricia Lawrence, the sister of a plebe. She is engaged to Basil Courtney, a wealthy reprobate who arranges with Rita to discredit James.
A tour of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio in 1925 shows the people who make the movies there, and gives viewers a glimpse at how movies are made.
Учёный, множество лет посвятивший обоснованию теории происхождения человечества, в результате предательства своего друга и любимой жены становится клоуном, выступление которого заключается в бесконечных издевательствах над ним самим. Однако, смеётся тот, кто смеётся последним…
The only known copy of this film copy was reported to have been destroyed in the 1967 MGM Vault fire.
Based on a play be Rachel Crothers, WINE OF YOUTH is a solid drama about "the modern young generation" and how they think they know it all. It's also a play about love and marriage.
Claire Endicott throws a wild party and her father walks in to find her flirting with the very married Milt Bisnet. In an attempt to straighten her out, Endicott sends Claire to the Canadian northwoods, where his field engineer, Grimshaw, is working. While fishing, Claire is swept over the rapids and Grimshaw tries to rescue her. Both of them wind up in a remote gorge, and Grimshaw goes about building a hut as a shelter.
Nellie Horton, when mistreated by her father, is taken in charge by Thomas Lipton. She grows up in poverty not knowing her true identity as the heiress to her mother's millions. Upon the death of her benefactor, she becomes a model in a fashionable shop. There she falls into the hands of her mother's unscrupulous nephew, who contrives to do away with her in order to obtain her fortune. ....
A young aristocrat strikes up an affair with a mysterious woman for three weeks.
A young aristocrat strikes up an affair with a mysterious woman for three weeks.
A doctor's adopted son turns out to be an ungrateful whelp. He beds the doctor's maid, then his secretary, and finally targets the doctor's wife, his own stepmother as his next conquest....
Faulke, a swindling white trader who persuaded Madge to leave Captain Blackbird, insists that her daughter, Lorna, marry Waki, a native leader, although Lorna loves Lloyd Warren. While in search of a doll for his other daughter, Baby Madge, Captain Blackbird comes to Pago Pago and gruffly refuses to aid Lloyd and Lorna, whom he does not recognize. A chance encounter with Faulke, however, reveals the trader's evil doings and Lorna's identity. The captain and his men rush to the island and rescue Lorna from the warring natives.
Infamous Singapore smuggler Bully Brand possess a beautiful pearl necklace that is desired by Chinese merchant Chan Chang for his daughter Pain, a young white girl he had adopted. Warren Bradford, Brand's ward, returns from college and falls in love with Chang's daughter.
Filmed on location at Monterey, CA, and starring exotic stage dancer Mlle. Doraldina, this long-lost South Seas romance featured Stuart Holmes as a vicious plantation overseer who poisons his boss (W.A. Bainbridge) in order to possess both the unfortunate man's estate and his daughter.