Вальтер шокирует общественность громкими кражами. Его ловят, судят, но раз за разом ему удается совершить побег, за что Вальтер с гордостью носит прозвище Король побегов. Барбара Хуг – молодой и амбиционный адвокат, решившая бросить вызов швейцарской пенитенциарной системе. Барбара надеется использовать популярность Уолтера в интересах своей реформы. Но чем меньше Уолтер поддаётся на её уговоры, тем больше Барбару очаровывает его неудержимое стремление к свободе.
1997 год. Американские спецслужбы и их союзники лихорадочно ищут в Ираке бактериологическое оружие, чтобы иметь законный повод развязать войну против Саддама Хусейна. Доктор Вольф, один из лучших экспертов в мире и сотрудник Федеральной разведывательной службы Германии БНД, возвращается из командировки в Ирак ни с чем: доказательств наличия в Ираке биооружия нет.
Mirko Talhammer is beyond himself when two strange guys show up in his noble insurance office and remind him where he really comes from: from a scrapyard in the provinces, where careers are not what counts, other things are more important: scrapping things, the family, and every once in a while, a nice fist fight. Mirko left all that behind, but his father messes things up big time when he dies and leaves his son the run down scrapyard - together with his brother Letscho. And Letscho is still ticked off that Mirko deserted the clan. But soon the brothers realize that the Talhammers only have a future if they can pull themselves together and fulfill their father's last wish: to rob a train like real professionals! The coup itself is like a suicide mission, but then Kercher, the Talhammer's biggest nemesis, gets wind of things...
A soccer magnate on a promotion tour in Addis Ababa gets mixed up in a fake kidnapping. His supposed liberator is a 12-year old street kid with a plan - to have the Godfather of soccer take him to ballplayer's heaven.
Marc, an unexperienced medical doctor from Germany arrives at the Hospital Universitario del Valle in Cali, Colombia for his internship and soon finds himself in-between a raging gang war in Siloé, a Cali barrio. In the hospital he has to care mostly for shotgun wounds, while in the streets he falls in love with a stall-holder who cares for some of the children involved in drug trafficking and criminal violence. Alienating his colleagues and his host family while befriending the kids, he soon finds himself trapped in the center of the violent conflict between the gangs and has to come to a decision.