Sibylle Rauch

Sibylle Rauch

Рождение : 1960-06-14, München, Germany


Sibylle Rauch was born Erika Rauch in Munich in 1960. After appearing as a Playmate in Playboy in 1979, she launched her acting career in small roles, mainly in German erotic comedies. Despite the ambitions of a career in journalism, Rauch was stuck with the role of the blonde lady of life, although she also increasingly starred in more serious films. In 1987, her first porn film was released, which was followed by numerous others. Rauch survived a suicide attempt, but soon she had problems with drugs until she finally ended up in a brothel in 2006. Nowadays you can still see Sibylle Rauch from time to time on German television.


Sibylle Rauch


Eskimo Limon - Eis am Stiel: Von Siegern und Verlierern
A documentary directed by Eric Friedler.
Dirty Sisters
Sylvie Rauch Olivia del Rio Zabou Randy Storm Wyona Winter Ramon Claudio Melonie Freddy Dalton Sibylle Rauch
Project Genesis: Crossclub 2
In a "death zone", a self-proclaimed "leader" with his 5-man army and zombie mutants created by him wants to take over the rule. For this he must first pursue three women dressed in lingerie through a German mixed forest ...
Heisse Spiele 2
Полуторочасовая компиляция из пяти сцен.
Der Prinz aus Wanne-Eickel
Freundin von Kuppel-Klaus
Cross Club 2: Project Genesis – The Teaser
Der Boss
Amazing Woman
A part-compilation including a contemporary Sibylle scene and two older ones.
Die Liga der Sexbesessenen Hardcore Stars
Kühles Leder, starke Ketten und dominante Huren
Crossclub – The Legend of the Living Dead
In 1969, a bloody cult ritual of the "Cross Club" ends with the intervention of a special squad. Only a baby and a little boy are among the survivors. 30 years later, perverse murders keep the whole city in turmoil. Andy and his colleague have been on the trail of the killer for some time, but they are treading water. Only when they are lured to Spain and come into possession of a miraculous liquid, the extent of the danger becomes clear. Because through this material it is possible to bring the dead back to life!
Art of Love
Exciting Life
exciting life aka dirty games
Supergirls of Sybille
Super girls of Sybille
Dirty Woman 3
Third installment of the Dirty Woman series.
Dirty Woman 2  - We Love You to Death
Dirty Woman
A famous porno movie, a big budget production and Sarah's first porno film. Delightful girls enjoy the sex fun but the film is stolen at the end by Sarah in a revealing duo sex scene. Definitely a film to be seen again and again
Летний блюз
Восьмой эпизод из серии Эскимо лемон. История трёх друзей Бенци, Момо и Йюдале.Все трое решили открыть бизнес, а вернее клуб "West of Eden", но для этого Момо должен закадрить Поли, дочь владельца аренды, а она простушка и не во вкусе Момо...
Молодая любовь
Woman with Dog
Седьмой эпизод из серии Горячая жевательная резинка. История трёх друзей Бенци, Момо и Йюдале. Йюдале вместе с друзьями попал в аварию и поломал новую машину родителей, чтоб починить машину все трое устраиваются на работу в гостиницу. В гостинице Бенци встречает свою бывшую подружку, и узнаёт что она обручена.
Born for Love: Part 2
The saga of actress Sylvie Deschamps, whose been caught in a web of blackmail, continues in the second part to Born for Love.
Born for Love: Part 1
While on the set of her latest film, famous movie actress Sylvie Deschamps discovers that the film's producers are planning to turn the picture into a hardcore porn film. When she refuses to go along with their scheme, they produce some very "intimate" photographs of her sister Jenny and say they'll release the photos if Sylvia doesn't comply.
How loyal is Nik?
Female fans are flocking to pop star Nik's feet. But when he announces that he is madly in love with Sarah and wants to marry her, there is an outcry from his fans. In view of Nik's popularity rating, the record company fears a slump in sales. So they stage a "meet your star" contest in which three ladies want to do everything they can to get the superstar away from Sarah. Can Nik remain faithful...?
Pete is no stranger to success, delivering hit series as a musician in a rock group. When he parts ways with his band and produces his first solo LP, he learns for the first time what a flop means. He did not expect this. He is insecure and desperate, while Lena, his wife, accepts this low blow as a challenge. Jealously, Pete observes that Lena is becoming more and more independent and self-confident in her surroundings. At home there are arguments until everyone packs his bags. Alone with his longing and tenderness for Lena, Pete composes the "Bolero" on his white grand piano that calls her back.
Das Wunder
Teenager Raphaela was born blind into a wealthy, material focused family. Her father escapes reality into an affair with his secretary while her mother reacts to the difficult situation in an over protective and possessive conduct towards her blind daughter.
Die Küken kommen
Six young men are disturbed by their girlfriends while looking for adventures in Munich after their discharge from the Bundeswehr.
Performance Girl
In an apocalyptic future world, a young upper class couple is visiting an exhibition of surrealistic paintings, presented by a group of young anarchists in their loft flat where they trap and torture their high society guests.
Die Story
The young Munich sensational reporter Raoul Miller has attacked a lot of people in his cocaine report, who now take terrible revenge: they kill his girlfriend Raphaela and his parents. The drug mafia also ensures that Raoul loses his good reputation and becomes an outsider. But Raoul does not give up...
Plem, Plem – Die Schule brennt
The Prinz-Eugen-Gymnasium is in a crisis, which is not least due to the insolent students who lack any respect for the staff and the chaotic principal. Three new teachers are supposed to bring discipline and order, but due to a mix-up they are exchanged for three escaped lunatics from a nearby asylum who take on these jobs. One of the three is constantly triggered by the duck dance to freak out, a second is a bosom grabber and the third thinks he is an alien who would like to go home. At the same time, a new student joins the group, the smart checker Jürgen, who immediately falls in love with Karin, the kitchen assistant at the local snack bar. Chaos soon breaks out...
Flotte Biester auf der Schulbank
Секс Школьниц
Die unglaublichen Abenteuer des Guru Jakob
Jakob Feierabend has a hard time. Everywhere he applies for work, he is rejected. The reason is his last name. He also fails as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. As a salesman he makes a house call and lets himself be nibbled by the green widow Clothilde Rieker. When suddenly the husband comes home, he has to flee, wrapped in an orange bed sheet. In doing so, he is mistaken by a reception committee for the announced guru. From now on he resides as a guru in the castle of Countess Falkenberg. Jakob's friend Tommi turns this delusion into a lively source of money.
Трое в армии, часть 2: Частные манёвры
4 часть - эпизод 2 из серии Эскимо лемон, где главный герой Йюдале в Армии. На базу приезжают важные гости - полковник из Щвейцарии и его ассинтентка. Воинской части назначают военные учения, которые они уже девять лет подряд проигрывают соседней казарме. Если они опять проиграют - командир обещает Шемешу, который занимается подготовкой не годных к строевой службе по состоянию здоровья новобранцев, сделать его ночным сторожем. И опять все солдаты попали в засаду ... Йюдале вместе с Шемешом переодевшись в женские платья - должны любой ценой выиграть это задание.
Laß laufen, Kumpel
Carola Siefart
German sex comedy - part 6 in the serie
Wie die Weltmeister
Ini Charell
A man moves to Berlin after relationship trouble.
Кипящая жевательная резинка
Frieda / Trixie
Один из самых известных фильмов этого цикла. Это именно тот фильм, который мы смотрели еще в СССР на затертых видеокассетах. Если помните, то дело было так: у Бенци новая появляется подружка. Веселая, рыжая Нурит. Но есть одно обстоятельство: она девственна... Бенци, вечный романтик, вновь встречает Нили, которая уже давно потеряла стыд. Ну и конечно же, как же без приключений с нимфоманками?
Three Lederhosen in St. Tropez
A comedy about three Bavarian guys who are traveling to Saint Tropez.
Der Kurpfuscher und seine fixen Töchter
Arriving in an alpine village a crook is mistaken for a recently deceased doctor and decides to impersonate him. Three girls stranded in the same village are sheltered by the "doctor" and naked German hilarity inevitably ensues.