
Молодая любовь (1987)

Жанр : комедия, мелодрама, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 26М

Директор : Walter Bannert

Краткое содержание

Седьмой эпизод из серии Горячая жевательная резинка. История трёх друзей Бенци, Момо и Йюдале. Йюдале вместе с друзьями попал в аварию и поломал новую машину родителей, чтоб починить машину все трое устраиваются на работу в гостиницу. В гостинице Бенци встречает свою бывшую подружку, и узнаёт что она обручена.


Zachi Noy
Zachi Noy
Yudale / Hughie
Yftach Katzur
Yftach Katzur
Jonathan Sagall
Jonathan Sagall
Sonja Martin
Sonja Martin
Eva Astor
Eva Astor
Michael Gahr
Michael Gahr
Linda Caroll
Linda Caroll
Leonard Lansink
Leonard Lansink
Schnitzer Jr.
Sibylle Rauch
Sibylle Rauch
Woman with Dog
Ya'ackov Ben-Sira
Ya'ackov Ben-Sira
Schnitzer sen.
Itzhak Aharon
Itzhak Aharon
Dorit Adi
Dorit Adi
Bodybuilder's friend
Igor Borisov
Igor Borisov
Man with Deckchair
Armon Bismout
Armon Bismout
Fat Man from Montana
Meir Almog
Meir Almog
Employment Agent
Gregory Tal
Gregory Tal
Husband of Woman with Dog


Walter Bannert
Walter Bannert
Sam Waynberg
Sam Waynberg
Hanus Polak
Hanus Polak
Director of Photography
Walter Bannert
Walter Bannert
Anton Moho
Anton Moho


Sweet Prudence & the Erotic Adventure of Bigfoot
The hilarious new feature film combining science fiction, comedy and erotica, all set against the pastoral splendor of an actual Nudist Resort.
В фильме рассказывается о переживаниях Андера, сорокалетнего холостяка, живущего в касерио вместе со своей матерью и сестрой. Для сельскохозяйственных работ они нанимают молодого латиноамериканца, и вот тогда главному герою ленты открываются его потаенные чувства.
Venus & the Sun
Model and Page 3 favourite Keeley Hazell thinks she's solved all her problems by taking up an unexpectedly high-brow hobby: translating Latin. The language has given her magical powers, enabling her to ward-off the frenzied attention of her adoring fans, and the British Library offers an ideal refuge from the hordes. But when she meets Adam, the one Sun-reader in the country she hadn't bargained for, Keeley is given a lesson in not judging books by their covers. Her journey of discovery will reveal just how far she's come to rely on the advantages of fame. A warped retelling of Ovid's most famous myth, Venus and Adonis, and a comic study of society's obsession with the image.
Just Looking
It's 1955. Lenny is a 14-year old boy who is totally fascinated by sex. He is too scared to "do it," so he dedicates his summer to seeing two other people do it. Easier said than done. Caught in the act of spying, his mother and stepfather ship him off to spend the summer with his aunt and uncle in "the country" -- Queens. His plan looks like a bust and his summer seems destined for boredom, until he meets a whole new group of friends -- young teens who have a "sex club."
The Alley Tramp
A teenage girl sets out on a sexual odyssey of having affairs with various men including her mother's secret boyfriend.
Рай: Любовь
Если даме слегка за пятьдесят, означает ли, что её сексуальная жизнь закончилась?! В строгой, флегматичной Австрии, откуда родом наша героиня Тереза, — вполне вероятно. Но в жаркой, чувственной Кении, куда она собралась в отпуск, секс только начинается! Ведь здесь к услугам любой белой женщины десятки черных жрецов любви с белозубой улыбкой и отменной эрекцией. Проблема «активного» отдыха для дам пост-бальзаковского возраста лишь в одном: вулкан доступной эротики детонирует невостребованный запас нежных чувств, которые безжалостно разбиваются о неприступную меркантильность местных альфонсов.
An offbeat anthology film, mix of sex, horror and humor filmed in varied styles.
The Spider Labyrinth
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Прекрасная пленница
Некто Вальтер знакомится в баре с незнакомкой, которая, оказывается, была убита 6 лет назад на вилле своего жениха — графа Коринфского. Тут же Вальтера отправляют к самому графу передать конверт, и новые мистические приключения ему обеспечены…
Clinic Exclusive
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Trip to the Moon
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Darna: The Return
Valentina, Darna's snake-haired arch enemy, is trying to take over the Phillipines through subliminal messages on religious TV shows. Darna has her own problems, however, as she has lost her magic pearl and with it the ability to transform into her scantily clad super self. Trapped as her alter-ego, the plucky reporter Narda, she must try to regain the pearl and foil Valentina's plans.
Доктор Робен посредник в необычных дебатах хрупкой Марей, неоднократно подвергавшейся физическому и психологическому насилию с теми людьми, кто повинен в том, что с ней произошло.
A single young woman moves to Los Angeles, gets a job as a chef and has casual affairs.
The Erotomaniac Daimyo
Kiyohime, a daughter of Tokugawa Ienari is married-off to Tadateru Ogura, the lord of a Kyushu clan. However, the lord's sexual inexperience and Kiyohime's strict morals lead to significant crisis in their marriage. To improve his sexual prowess, the lord is introduced to Sandra, a French woman held captive by usurer-smuggler Hatakaya. This results in the lord's choosing Sandra as his mistress. Kiyohime's attendants see this move as an insult and have Sandra beaten and imprisoned. Nevertheless, Sandra escapes with the help of Morita, a retainer of the lord. Out of bitterness and as some sort of revenge, the lord imposes a sex ban on his subjects.
Higher Education
Another Canadian screwball comedy involving a horny college man who can't decide between his girlfriend and his teacher.
A Black Veil for Lisa
Franz Bulon is a police inspector intent on bringing down a major drug ring operating in Hamburg. Thwarted at every turn by an assassin who is systematically killing informants, jealous of his beautiful, younger wife, Lisa, and suspecting her of having an affair (is it real or imagined?), Bulon can scarcely focus on his work. With jealousy nearing the boiling point, Bulon hires Max, the assassin he has arrested for the recent informant murders, to kill his wife...
Красивая, но бедная девушка становится богатой, после того как знакомится с мафиози. Вскоре она понимает, какую цену ей придется заплатить за такую жизнь.
Arabella: Black Angel
Beautiful Arabella is an insatiable nymphomaniac with a crippled writer husband, Francesco, who is unable to pleasure her. Instead, Arabella searches for lovers in elicit dens of debauchery, bedding an endless array of men. However, when her husband discovers her having sex with a stranger in their shed, Arabella panics and kills the man, only to discover that her sudden act of violence arouses creative inspiration in Francesco. Covering up the crime, Francesco asks his wife to further explore her sexual fantasies and report back on her experiences. Unfortunately, Arabella's lovers are subsequently visited by someone else... a vengeful murderer who violently castrates them...