Robert Alazraki

Robert Alazraki

Рождение : 1944-09-06, Casablanca, Morocco


Robert Alazraki


Goodnight, Soldier
Director of Photography
A young couple whose relationship is challenged when the husband is rendered impotent after being shot at the front.
Мужчина и женщина: Лучшие годы
Director of Photography
История великой любви возвращается. Спустя много лет Жан-Луи и Анна снова встретятся, чтобы погрузиться в прошлое и вспомнить лучшие годы своей жизни. Неожиданно сильное и волнующее чувство вырвет героев из холодных оков одиночества.
Один плюс одна
Director of Photography
Антуан — знаменитый композитор, сочиняющий музыку к фильмам. Его приглашают в Индию поработать над музыкальным сопровождением к индийской версии «Ромео и Джульетты», где он знакомится с Анной, женой французского посла. Он прагматичен и циничен, она восторженна восточной духовной философией: совершенно разные, они быстро привязываются друг к другу.
Мы тебя любим, мерзавец
Director of Photography
Жак Камински, военный фотограф, куда больше увлечён своей камерой, чем четырьмя дочерьми. Отойдя от дел, вместе со своей новой подругой он живёт в своё удовольствие в Альпах. Однажды спокойная жизнь Жака резко меняется после того, как лучший друг пытается с помощью обмана примирить его с семьёй.
La rupture
Director of Photography
Upon the sudden death of President Georges Pompidou, the French right is taken aback. Who will succeed him? It is finally Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, aged 48, elected with the support of Jacques Chirac, who is then appointed Prime Minister. Their alliance seems strong, but it will quickly crack.
Отель романтических свиданий
Director of Photography
Элис молода, красива, занимается любимым делом. Если бы она не потеряла мужа несколько лет назад, то можно было бы сказать, что она просто эталон счастливой женщины. Ближайшие подруги полны решимости выдать ее замуж. Именно для этого они отправляют Элис в самый романтичный отель на свете — легендарную «Нормандию» в Довиле. Уж там-то она точно кого-нибудь встретит!
Arrête de pleurer Pénélope
Director of Photography
Chloé, Léonie and Pénélope, three friends who have not set eyes on each other for many years, are reunited in a notary’s office. It appears that Chloé’s aunt, with whom they used to spend their summer holidays, has died and bequeathed them her house in the country. The three young women agree to spend the weekend at the house, to clear it out so that they can sell it. As soon as they arrive at the house, old memories come flooding back. It is the beginning of a very long weekend...
Would I Lie to You? 3
Eddie, Dov, Yvan and the others ... Our warm friends have migrated from the moribund Sentier to the flourishing suburb of Aubervilliers ... Where the old Jewish entrepreneurs left the ground to young courageous and dynamic Chinese wholesalers ... The little band is as close to each other as in previous episodes, and life goes on at the mercy of small family events and business. Dov still seems frivolous, enterprising Eddie, chilled Yvan, casual Karine, resolute Sandra, naive Chochana, irresponsible Serge and mythomaniac. As for Patrick, he is in love and the happy elected is far from easy to access. Everything would be fine until a bad wind brings its share of adversity seriously compromising the cohesion of the group. Will they succumb under the storm to the turmoil, or, once again, by mutual aid, cunning and skill, will they triumph over the crisis with panache?
Père-Lachaise - one of the world's most famous and beautiful cemeteries - is the final resting-place of a gifted group of artists from all eras and corners of the world. Some - such as Piaf, Proust, Jim Morrison and Chopin - are worshiped to this day. Others have fallen into oblivion, or are visited occasionally by a single admirer. In Forever we see the mysterious, calming and consoling beauty of this unique cemetery through the eyes of people of flesh and blood. Many come for their 'own' beloved: husbands, wives, family and friends. Others Honor 'their' artist by leaving behind a personal message or a flower. While admirers share with us the importance of art and beauty in their lives, the graveyard gradually reveals itself as a source of inspiration for the living. Death offers little consolation except for the passing of time, the melancholia of a moss-covered tomb, and the beauty and power of a piece of music, a poem or a painting Written by Cobos
A Muslim Childhood
This film, the first in what has become a semi-autobiographical trilogy for Smihi, follows the everyday experiences of Mohamed-Larbi Salmi against the changing Moroccan society. In 1950s Tangier, Larbi Salmi is a young, timid, pre-teen, boy, trying to make sense of the gentle religious upbringing of his father, the secular education offered him in French school, and his budding desires for the forbidden pleasures of the cinema and the women he meets through it.
Kilometer Zero
Set during the Iraq-Iran war in the 80s, the film tells of a tragicomic road trip set in Iraq's Kurdistan.
Albert est méchant
Director of Photography
Patrick Lechat learns that his father, the famous writer Jo Lechat, whom he never knew, has just died leaving a colossal fortune. "Good thing!" Patrick Lechat and his family are currently in a very bad situation.
Born Romantic
Director of Photography
In modern-day London, three men (Craig Ferguson, Jimi Mistry and David Morrissey) and three women (Olivia Williams, Jane Horrocks and Catherine McCormack) fall in and out of love and back again, to the Greek-chorus accompaniment of two cab drivers, who engage in an ongoing conversation about sex. A winning romantic comedy, Born Romantic is the second feature by British writer-director David Kane of This Year's Love fame.
This Year's Love
Director of Photography
The big-screen debut from Scottish stage director David Kane, This Year's Love is a comedy about the romantic misadventures of six young people in Camden, North London. The marriage of tattoo artist Danny (Douglas Hanshall) and dressmaker Hannah (Catherine McCormack) gets off to a less-than-inspiring start when Danny finds out Hannah has already been fooling around with a friend's husband, so Danny takes a walk and Hannah splits with a friend to get drunk. At the airport, where the newly-weds were supposed to leave for a honeymoon, Danny meets a cleaning woman named Mary (Kathy Burke) and is immediately infatuated, while Hannah is picked up by a scruffy artist named Cameron (Dougray Scott). Elsewhere, Liam (Ian Hart), a geeky comic-art enthusiast who shares an apartment with Cameron, finds romance with Sophie (Jennifer Ehle), a single mother and full-time neurotic.
Любовь в Париже
Продолжение фильма «Девять с половиной недель» - десять лет спустя. В Париже, на аукционе произведений искусства, Джон встречает красивую, очень сексуальную Ли и видит на ней платок, который когда-то подарил Элизабет. Джон настойчиво допытывается у Ли, как ему отыскать прежнюю хозяйку платка, и в то же время пытается забыть о ней в объятиях самой Ли и ее подруги Вероники. Но воспоминания об Элизабет влекут его сильнее, чем самые изощренные сексуальные игры.
During a happy evening, the famous professor Levy, one of the masters of cardiac surgery, collapses, struck by a heart attack. His whole life comes back to him, and in particular his childhood, enlightened by a loving and beloved mother.
A Summer in La Goulette
Director of Photography
Summer, 1967. La Goulette, the touristic beach of Tunisi, is the site where three nice seventeen-year-old girls live: Gigi, sicilian and catholic; Meriem, Tunisian and Arab; Tina, French and Jewish. They would like to have their first sexual experience during that summer, challenging their families. Their fathers, Youssef, Jojo and Giuseppe, are old friends and their friendship will be in crisis because of the girls, while Hadj, an old rich Arab, would like to marry Meriem.
The Last Writer
Jacques asks a public writer to compose love letters for a beautiful stranger that he pretends he has just met.
La Crise
Director of Photography
Victor is a legal advisor who finds himself abandoned by his wife and fired the same day. He tries to seek comfort from different friends and family members, but everyone he meets is concerned with their own problems. His morale begins to falter when he realizes that no one cares about him.
My Mother's Castle
Director of Photography
My Mother's Castle (Le chateau de ma mere) is a sequel and companion piece to My Father's Glory (La Gloire de Mon Pere), both based on the childhood recollections of Marcel Pagnol. Like its predecessor, the movie explores the adventures of the young Marcel during his summers at the family summer home in Provence.
Слава моего отца
Director of Photography
Экранизация автобиографического романа известного французского писателя Марселя Паньоля, первая часть дилогии. С теплотой, любовью, юмором и необыкновенной точностью показываются зрителю детские годы мальчика Марселя. Его окружают прекрасная горная природа, друзья, семейная забота и любовь. И, разумеется, юного героя ждут разнообразные приключения.
И стал свет
Camera Operator
Жизненный уклад африканского племени мутирует под натиском новых технологий. Племя с равной смекалкой приспосабливает для своих нужд и дары цивилизации, и ее отбросы. Но со временем вещи меняют отношения между людьми…
Brothers in Arms
Director of Photography
Simon, a Jewish police inspector, arrests Karim, a Muslim, in the bust of a drug smuggling cargo ship, only to realize that Karim is an undercover agent from the military intelligence, whose mission he was not aware of. The two men pursue the narc investigation, which will lead them to confront middle eastern terrorists together.
Director of Photography
A young French woman returns to the vast silence of West Africa to contemplate her childhood days in a colonial outpost in Cameroon. Her strongest memories are of the family's houseboy, Protée — a man of great nobility, intelligence and beauty — and the intricate nature of relationships in a racist society.
Last Summer in Tangiers
In 1956, with the independence of Morocco, the Fedala conference in Tangier is set in a city of turmoil.
The Secret Wife
It was during one of his missions in Norway that Antoine learned of his wife's death. He leaves his experimental submarine and returns to Paris. Helene was found in the Seine and had taken barbiturates. Even though he had not been with Hélène for six years, he knew her well enough to believe that she was incapable of committing suicide. So who and why?
Семейный совет
Director of Photography
Отец отсидел пять лет. Выйдя на свободу, он опять принимается за старое. Более того, приобщает к «семейному делу» тринадцатилетнего сына. Когда мальчишке надоедает изображать гангстера, он сдает отца полиции…
Слова и музыка
Муж Марго решает на время уехать. Она получает долгожданную свободу. В это время директор музыкального агентства, с которым у нее был когда-то мимолетный роман, предлагает Марго возглавить новый отдел. Приняв предложение, она знакомится с Джереми и Мишелем. Неразлучные друзья, они очаровывают Марго своей молодостью, талантом и ироничным отношением к жизни. Женщина начинает разрываться между страстью к Джереми и желанием остаться с мужем и детьми.
Liberty Belle
Director of Photography
Liberty Belle tells the story of a group of student's involvement with a group who oppose the French Algerian war. The film premiered at the 1983 Cannes Film Festival.
Scarlet Fever
Director of Photography
In a building on the Boulevard Haussmann in Paris lives ten-year-old Roger, who is surrounded by women - his great-grandmother, his grandmother, and his mother Nicole. Living in an exclusively feminine environment, the boy wishes more than anything else to have a masculine presence around. His dream comes true when he meets Jacques, who's madly in love with Nicole and who is about to completely turn the boy's life upside down.
Дед Мороз - отморозок
Director of Photography
Такое впечатление, что все сумасшедшие со всей Франции решили встретить Новый Год вместе. Пьер и Тереза - не вполне вменяемые операторы парижского телефона доверия. Жозетта - городская дурочка с окраины. Ее нечистый на руку дружок Феликс, подрабатывающий Дедом Морозом на улицах. А также - все, кто мимо проходил, проезжал, пробегал. Праздничек получился - мама не горюй! Кстати и без жертв не обошлось.
Qu'est-ce qui fait courir David ?
Director of Photography
David, a Jewish filmmaker in his thirties, is working on a screenplay with autobiographical overtones. His girlfriend, Anna, with whom he lives, finds his story very narcissistic.
Too Early / Too Late
Director of Photography
Inspired by a letter by Friedrich Engels and a 1974 account of two militant Marxist writers who had been imprisoned by the Nasser regime, Straub-Huillet filmed this film in France and Egypt during 1980. They reflect on Egypt’s history of peasant struggle and liberation from Western colonization, and link it to class tensions in France shortly before the Revolution of 1789, quoting texts by Engels as well as the pioneering nonfiction film Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory (1895).
Director of Photography
An Italian lumberjack named Giovanni falls in love with a girl named Louise. What starts off as a whirlwind romance devolves Louise becoming a prisoner of passion.
The Virgin of Pessac
In 1979, under the presidency of the city mayor, the people of Pessac elect a virtuous and gracious maiden from amongst the residents, following a tradition that comes from times immemorial.
Les petites fugues
Director of Photography
The old farm worker Pipe is old enough to retire. Even so he cannot imagine a life without work. So he keeps on doing his job and wonders what to do with his additional financial means.
I, Pierre Rivière, Having Slaughtered My Mother, My Sister and My Brother…
Based on documents compiled by leading French philosopher Michel Foucault, this unique and original film charts the gruesome events which took place in a Normandy village in 1835, when a young man, Pierre Rivière, murdered his mother, sister and brother before fleeing to the countryside. With a cast made up of real-life villagers from the area where the events took place, the detailed re-enactments and careful attention to the gestures of their ancestors serve to create an intense and sometimes disturbing atmosphere of hyper-realism. Details of the crime and of the trial that followed are told from varied perspectives, including the written confession of Pierre himself, and form a rich and complex narrative that interrogates the concepts of “truth” and “history”.
The Daughter of the Railroad Crossing Guard
Director of Photography
Based on the idea by Roland Topor (screenwriter of Roman Polanski's The Tenant), this very curious completely silent melodrama tells the story of Mona, who has left her father, the railway gatekeeper, after being raped on the train track. She is kidnapped and taken to a Parisian whorehouse. However, a disinherited prince, Dudu who tries to rescue her, is himself kidnapped and forced to serve as a male prostitute. The two captives meet there and fall in love. They are taken away by different rich people - he to an Arab "harem," she to a surgeon's home.
Brighton Belle
The real life and the parallel life of two women. A delirium that results from their confusion and their expectation. The mixture of reality and imagination ending in emptiness.
A Full Day's Work
Assistant Camera
A father plans to kill in the same day the nine members of the jury who condemned his son to death.