China Zorrilla

China Zorrilla

Рождение : 1922-03-14, Montevideo - Uruguay

Смерть : 2014-09-17


China Zorrilla (born Concepción Matilde Zorrilla de San Martín Muñoz; Montevideo, 14 March 1922 –Montevideo, 17 September 2014) was an emblematic Uruguayan theater, film, and television actress, also director, producer and writer. An immensely popular star in the Rioplatense area is often regarded as a Grand Dame of the South American theater stage. After a long career in the Uruguayan theater, Zorrilla made over 50 appearances in Argentina's film, theater and TV. Her distinguished career took off in Uruguay in the 50-60s, later she settled in Argentina where she lived for over 35 years and was popular on TV, theater, and cinema. At 90, she retired and went back to Uruguay where she died in 2014. In 2008, Zorrilla was invested Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government and in 2011, the Correo Uruguayo (the national postal service in Uruguay) released a print run of 500 commemorative postage stamps dedicated to her.


China Zorrilla


Mercedes is a woman who has 212 years. She is also an unusual biological phenomenon in the human race, the only living witness of the entire history of Argentina.
Blood Pacific
Jorge is an old artist, actor and director, who says he wants to direct a film about the Latin American wars of independence. Charito is a young woman who comes from the Peruvian jungle to work as a maid in Buenos Aires. The unconscious of the protagonists bursts in the form of dreams, visions and fantasies amid horses, fencing sessions, fragments of lost films and anthropological videos.
Дотянуться до небес
Эта история начинается в Новогоднюю ночь. У группы друзей существует традиция, из года в год одновременно осуществляемая в Аргентине и в Испании: ровно в полночь в Буэнос-Айресе и в пять часов утра в Мадриде, каждый из них запускает воздушный шарик с написанным на листочке бумаги и прикрепленным к нити желанием.
Tres de corazones
Angel decides to return to his hometown. In an inn on the route meets Dora, and they engage in conversation, but their relationship did not end there. Once installed in the same city, Angel gets a job as a taxi driver will take you to reconnect with Dora. The attraction they both feel continues, even though Angel discovers that Dora is the wife of his boss, a former police officer made ​​in the street, given to sudden outbursts of violence. .
Эльза и Фред
Вдовствующие Альфред и Эльса оказываются соседями. Между ними возникают взаимные чувства, на которые способен мало кто из пожилых людей. Эльсе удается превратить мрачного ипохондрика Альфредо в любящего жизнь человека, а он помогает ей осуществить самую заветную мечту.
Conversations with Mother
Jaime has lost his job and has to provide for his wife, son and daughter. Pressured by this circumstances, he visits his mom, who lives in an apartment he owns, to ask her to move with him so he can sell the apartment. But she is not going to cooperate. And, to Jaime's surprise, she also has a boyfriend!
Besos en la frente
Mercedes, a lady of eighty, widow and with fear of loneliness falls in love Sebastian, a writer sixty years less than her. Mercedes will feel trapped in that body wrinkled and slow that it allows she to live that love as it should be lived.
Lola Mora
Reina de Italia
Ship of Fools
Dra. Marta Caminos
In a small town in Patagonia (Southern Argentina), a Mapuche Indian chief sets a tourist complex under construction on fire. He denies all attempts to defend himself. Locked up, he waits for the arrival of "Caleuche," the Ship (Nave) of Fools (de los locos), a mythical figure of his ancestral strength which "made" him start the fire. An appointed lawyer (a white woman) comes to the chief's defence, alleging the chief had acted in self-defense as the white man was building commercial structures on the sacred burial grounds of his ancestors, and continued doing so even after heated protests.
Cuatro caras para Victoria
Victoria IV
God Raises Them
Angel lives with his mother and has homosexual inclinations. One day he meets Mirna, a prostitute who has a son. The three try to form a strange family.
Summer of the Colt
This award-winning film by André Melançon -- set on a ranch on the pampas of Argentina -- tells the story of three children spending a summer with their grandfather. The youngest, Felipe, makes friends with a puppy; his older brother, Daniel, breaks and train his first horse; their 13-year-old sister, Laura, struggles with the transition between childhood and growing up. The kids find it difficult to adapt to their proud and stubborn grandfather, and he learns that he has to change his ways and try to understand them as they all experience the joys and sorrows of growing up and growing old. ~ Alice Duncan, Rovi
Warriors and Prisoners
Patagonia, Argentina, 1880s. During the Conquest of the Desert, Marguerite, the French wife of Colonel Garay, in charge of protecting a new railway, discovers that a French woman is being held captive by the local natives.
Nunca estuve en Viena
Несчастная бабочка
В мае 1945 вести о падании Германии достигают Буэнос-Айреса. Клара — дочь социалистического лидера по имени Борис — узнает о внезапной смерти отца. Когда Клара пытается выяснить причины смерти отца, которого она едва знала, она узнает о его участии в политической жизни во время войны. В Аргентине беспокойно в это время, и вскоре даже Клара не будет в безопасности…
В ожидании перевозки
Мама Кора — старушка 80-ти лет, у неё трое сыновей и одна дочь. Мама живёт со старшим сыном и его женой и делает их жизнь невыносимой. Однажды Кора уходит из дома посидеть с ребёнком соседки, не предупредив никого из близких. Все четверо детей Коры ищут её. Ошибочно опознав в морге тело другой женщины, семья готовится к похоронам. Во время всей этой суеты выясняются многие подробности отношений внутри семьи.
Contar hasta diez
Argentina's turbulent political history is an uncredited but clearly present protagonist in this rather slow-paced story about Ramon (Oscar Martinez) and his search for his brother Pedro in the capital city of Buenos Aires. Pedro has disappeared at a time of upheaval, after a military junta takes over Argentina in 1976, killing thousands of leftists and dissidents. Unlike many others, Ramon's father has political ties that matter, but that may not change Pedro's fate, which could be death -- or like some who have been tortured, worse than death. This film was nominated for a Golden Bear award at the 1985 Berlin Film Festival.
Darse cuenta
The relationship between a doctor and a depressed young patient in a public hospital.
Darse cuenta
The relationship between a doctor and a depressed young patient in a public hospital.
La Invitación
Dolores Ortega de Zubarán
Pubis Angelical
It's about three women, three stories, or perhaps a single story in different projections of time and space. The Mistress wishes to unravel the meaning of being a woman is the victim of Hollywood. Ana is the product of a society ruled or dominated by men.
Last Days of the Victim
Beba (Landlady)
Mendizábal, a hit man, its ordered by his anonymous clients to murder a man. But in the precise and obsessive persecution, he will discover that he is only part of a game that doesn't belong to him, a web at the service of greater interests.
Nobody's Wife
It is the story of Eleanor, a good housewife who lives with her husband, Fernando, and their two children. Deeply loves her husband and does not question the reciprocity of love and fidelity. One day, circumstantially, discovers her husband is cheating. Leonor emotionally feels betrayed and realizes that his world, based on a lie, has collapsed like a house of cards. With more fear than conviction, leaving the house, leaving little signs with instructions for their march and trust their children to the care of her husband.
Las sorpresas
"The Surprises" is an episode film. In the episode Five Years of Life an unknown man and woman spend a night locked in a subway station. In Corazonada, a domestic employee takes revenge on her employer by making her son fall in love and in The Wells there is a love triangle in which the deceived husband is blind.
Jewish Gauchos
The film recreates the arrival of a group of Jewish immigrants fleeing persecution in Czarist Russia, establishing the first Hebrew colonies in the province of Entre Rios, Argentina.
Triangle of Four
In a boring marriage a model-photographer attracts the husband and a young man to the woman.
The Truce
A man has to come to terms with his wasted youth, estranged family and grim prospects for the future.
Las venganzas de Beto Sánchez
Maestra de primaria
When his father dies in a hospital, Beto decides to take revenge on all the people he blames for his bad luck in life.
A woman who has been traumatized by her brother's accidental death from electrocution in the subways of Buenos Aires learns to readjust.
The Mafia
A thinly disguised account of the story of the Galiffi mafia family of Rosario, Argentina, their decadent loves and brutal crimes.
Un guapo del 900
The moral conflicts of a conservative politician, his wife and a bully, in the Buenos Aires of the early twentieth century.