Jaems Grant

Рождение : 1952-01-01, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


The Family
Director of Photography
Anne Hamilton-Byrne was beautiful, charismatic and delusional. She was also incredibly dangerous. Convinced she was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, Hamilton-Byrne headed an apocalyptic sect called The Family, which was prominent in Melbourne from the 1960s through to the 1990s. With her husband Bill, she acquired numerous children – some through adoption scams, some born to cult members – and raised them as her own. Isolated from the outside world, the children were dressed in matching outfits, had identical dyed blonde hair, and were allegedly beaten, starved and injected with LSD. Taught that Hamilton-Byrne was both their mother and the messiah, the children were eventually rescued during a police raid in 1987, but their trauma had only just begun.
Потерянные: Книга теней
Director of Photography
Феликс, случайно обнаружил древний манускрипт. Молодой человек уже сталкивался с магией и ощущал, что книга опасна, но любопытство взяло верх. Начав её читать, Феликс сам того не желая, открыл дорогу в наш мир демону, который был в древние времена изгнан в другое измерение. Когда юноша понял, что натворил, было уже поздно, зло обрело свободу. Теперь он вынужден обратиться за помощью к своим старым товарищам, потому что без них победить демона нельзя. Четверка снова собирается вместе. Ребят ждёт тяжёлое испытание.
Тайна двухколёсного экипажа
Director of Photography
Кучер кэба думал, что везет домой подгулявшего джентльмена, но доставил его труп. Скорее всего, вдрызг пьяного мужчину отравил снотворным знакомый, покинув двуколку на полпути. Мельбурн смакует подробности сенсации: здесь давно не слышали о подобном. На скамье подсудимых - молодой представитель высшего света, вместе с убитым претендовавший на руку богатой наследницы. Казалось бы, исход ясен, следователь, представив железные доказательства, потирает руки в ожидании смертного приговора. Но к делу привлечен второй сыщик, привыкший ставить палки в колеса своему коллеге. Его версия стремительно обрастает столь же неоспоримыми уликами...
Jon Peregrine (Jason Donovan), a financial slueth investigates a stock market rort which caused his brother-in-law to commit suicide. Meanwhile his ex-wife asks for his help to investigate a missing underworld "business" figure.
Like Mother Like Son: The Strange Story of Sante and Kenny Kimes
Director of Photography
The real-life case based on the horrific crimes of Sante and Kenny Kimes, the mother and son duo who specialized in theft, fraud and murder.
Strange Fits of Passion
Director of Photography
The hilarious tale of a sexually-curious, romantically-frustrated bookstore clerk on a mission to lose her virginity. In between encounters with other people, she returns to the one person she can trust and truly relate to, her gay friend Jimmy, whose faith in love is being shaken by the revelation that his boyfriend has been unfaithful.
Head On
Nineteen-year-old Ari confronts both his sexuality and his Greek family. Ari despises his once-beloved parents, former radical activists, for having entombed themselves in insular tradition. Ari is obsessed with gay sex, although he does make an unenthusiastic attempt to satisfy the sister of one of his best friends. While all of this is going on, he's facing problems with his traditional Greek parents, who have no clue about his sexual activities.
The Last of the Ryans
Director of Photography
Ron Ryan is accused of a murder he did not commit. As his family races to prove his innocence, he and a priest aim for redemption.
The Mini-Skirted Dynamo
In this captivating, perplexing portrait of her mother, Dora Bialestock, filmmaker Rivka Hartman explores the wildly contradictory nature of this well-known Melbourne figure.
Only the Brave
Alex is in love with her best friend, Vicki, her mother has dissapeared and she sets fire to things in her spare time. Vicki comes from an abusive home and wants Alex to run away with her. Alex is a bit of a nerd and a teachers pet, so takes advantage of this by trying to seduce her drippy school teacher. Alex watches as Vicki, unable to escape her terrible homelife and an psychological wreck, sets alight to herself and burns to death.
Director of Photography
A half-hour narrative fiction short that explores the Greek experience in Australia. Memories, betrayals and secrets emerge from the past when Katina's mother comes from Greece to visit the family. The bitter embrace between mother and daughter is observed by Katina's own daughter, Sophia, who must play her own role in this moving drama of estrangement.
A Kink in the Picasso
Director of Photography
Two crooked gallery officials swap a Picasso for a fake hoping to make a fortune. When thieves break into the gallery to steal the Picasso, an amusing chain reaction snowballs into a hilarious romp.
Director of Photography
On the first morning of her honeymoon after a whirlwind 3 week romance, successful business woman Virginia Bond finds herself both a widow and the prime suspect in her husband's murder. Desperately attempting to piece together the jigsaw of her husband's life, Virginia and police detective Broulle uncover political and business connections involving mullions of dollars worth of real estate. As the true picture of the man she impulsively married emerges, Virginia plunges deeper into a web of danger and conspiracy.
Virgin, Whore, Saint
Three versions of a woman – bride to be (virgin), dominatrix (whore), and actress playing Joan of Arc (saint) – are shown. Each is dissatisfied with her place in the world.
Blowing Hot and Cold
The story of two men from opposite backgrounds and social structures who become friends. Jack Phillips is a laid-back, wry service station proprietor in a small Australian country town. His world is disrupted when a fast talking, gesticulating, vocal Italian, Nino Patrovita bursts upon the scene.
Second Unit Director of Photography
Фильм о фантазии маленькой девочки, обладательницы незаурядного воображения, о странных и злых существах. В этом мире она скрывает свою настоящую уязвимость. Но девочка растет, и фантазии растут вместе с ней...
All That Is Solid
Director of Photography
Partly funded as a Bicentennial commission through the University of Queensland Art Museum and the ABC, Hughes’ speculative, essayistic documentary is an examination of the future of Australia in light of the processes of post-industrialisation, Walter Benjamin’s ruinous “angel of history” and Marx’s quixotic vision of modernity.