George Shane

George Shane

Рождение : , Belfast, Northern Ireland

Смерть : 2016-03-09


George Shane was a Northern Irish actor of stage and screen. His film credits included A Prayer for the Dying, An Everlasting Piece, and Closing the Ring. He died in Derry on 9th March, 2016 at the age of 71.


George Shane


Замыкая круг
Вторая Мировая Война, Ирландия, 1943 г. Смертельно раненный американский пилот просит местного парня вернуть обручальное кольцо его девушке в США. 50 лет спустя внезапно обнаружив кольцо, совершенно посторонний молодой человек узнав его историю, предпринимает поиски невесты погибшего пилота.
Заключенные тюрьмы Young Offenders’Institution по праву считаются одними из самых опасных преступников, которых нельзя перевоспитать и допустить к жизни в обществе. Будучи закоренелыми и опытными преступниками, их никто и ничего не могло испугать или устрашить… До тех пор, пока они не встретились лицом к лицу с нечеловеческой дикостью. На необитаемом острове, куда их забрасывают, в мире непроходимых лесов, смертельно опасных рек и крутых берегов, они становятся жертвами некоего охотника, который готов преподать им кровавый урок. Группа понимает, что вдали от цивилизации им не от кого ждать помощи. Безжалостный хищник и его свирепая свора собак постоянно дают о себе знать. Смогут ли герои объединиться перед лицом смертельной опасности и вместе дать отпор?
Holy Cross
Violence erupts in north Belfast when the residents of Glenbyrn, a predominantly Protestant suburb, object to schoolgirls walking through their neighbourhood from the Catholic area of Ardoyne to the Holy Cross primary school.
Вечный мир
Billy King
Белфаст – далеко не курортное место. Там, знаете ли, иногда и стреляют. На этом фоне дружба, а тем более общие дела между католиком и протестантом кажутся немыслимыми. Однако Колм и Джордж ухитрились организовать совместный бизнес по продаже париков в родном городе. Почетные жители Белфаста в шоке и не совсем определились, считать ли героев предателями, или просто идиотами. «Париковый вопрос» медленно, но верно перерастает рамки курьеза, приобретая нешуточное политическое значение, порождая одну абсурдно-комическую ситуацию за другой…
James Kelly
Виктор — гангстер и беспощадный убийца, его называют «Человек со шрамом» 90-х. Он главарь банды киллеров. Журналист по имени Рин стремится раскрыть тайну о так называемом «Воскресшем человеке», рискуя собственной жизнью.
Life After Life
Mr. Moloney
Leo Doyle, a convicted IRA murderer, is released into the community after 14 years in prison on a scheme to rehabilitate former terrorists. He soon finds that the ceasefire has robbed him of both purpose and identity. Relationships with his family are difficult and reach boiling point when they find that he has rekindled his affair with a former fiancee Roisin, now married with three children.
Love Lies Bleeding
Gerry Ellis
Conn is an IRA murderer serving a life sentence in an Irish prison. He is given a 24 hour home leave during which he goes from point to point in Belfast looking to revenge his lover's murder.
You, Me & Marley
A group of bored Roman Catholic teens from Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom steal cars and joyride around the city, causing havoc among the nearby Protestants and local Irish Republican Army members, all of who are outraged by the youths' nihilism. The gang, led by ace thief Sean (Marc O'Shea), is connected with the IRA but couldn't care less about the group's politics. But things turn serious when an IRA member captures one of the boys, Marley (Michael Liebmann), in an effort to end the mayhem.
Shoot To Kill
DCI Samuel George Flanagan
Shoot to Kill is a four-hour drama documentary reconstruction of the events that led to the 1984–86 Stalker Inquiry into the shooting of six terrorist suspects in Northern Ireland in 1982 by a specialist unit of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), allegedly without warning (the so-called shoot-to-kill policy); the organised fabrication of false accounts of the events; and the difficulties created for the inquiry team in their investigation.
Chinese Whispers
Kenny's work as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital isn't just a job, it's a vocation. His special group of patients are his friends - his only friends. When a strange young man is introduced to the group, he threatens the love, discipline and respect that have been the very basis of Kenny's authority, and all that surrounds the institution is scant protection from the madness of the world beyond.
Отходная молитва
На глазах ирландского террориста Мартина вместо бронетранспортера на мине подрывается школьный автобус. Потрясенный Мартин решает «выйти из игры» и бежать за границу. Он скрывается и от полиции и от своих бывших товарищей по оружию из Ирландской республиканской армии. Для того чтобы получить фальшивый заграничный паспорт, он должен совершить еще одно, последнее убийство по заказу гангстера Михана. Свидетелем убийства становится католический священник Да Коста. Вместо того чтобы «убрать» свидетеля, Мартин идет к нему на исповедь. Теперь священник связан обетом молчания и не может выдать его полиции. Такое положение дел не устраивает Михана, и он решает навсегда «заткнуть рот» всем, кто знает о преступлении…
Tommy Agnew
In the follow-up to Graham Reid’s trilogy of ‘Billy’ plays, Billy's sister Lorna Martin is left to care for their Uncle Andy. Lorna feels trapped, but Andy wishes to give her the freedom she desires.
Malachy: "Who do you kidnap? You can't touch children, women, no sons of Irish mothers. What's left?" When Frankie is released from Portlaoise Prison, his old comrades are expecting some action. He hits on a plan for raising £2 million, but his plan goes wrong.
Grim tale of marginalized souls in an apocalyptic Dublin inner city. Jimmy takes up residence in a derelict and once elegant house in a no-go inner area. He is soon joined by other squatters, George a business man trying to retain some dignity, Ronnie a drug dealer, Tom a paranoiac, Orwell a Jamaican pimp and his prostitute Mary
Second Policeman
Cal, a young man on the fringes of the IRA, falls in love with Marcella, a Catholic woman whose husband, a Protestant policeman, was killed one year earlier by the IRA.
A Coming to Terms for Billy
Tommy Agnew
Belfast, 1980: July, the marching season ... Norman Martin, away for two years, returns with his 'English woman', Mavis. How will the family - particularly Billy - react? And has she achieved the impossible in mellowing the man?
Acceptable Levels
Frank McAteer
A BBC film crew is interviewing a ‘typical Catholic family’ in the Divis Flats area of Belfast, when news comes in that a child, known to the family, has been hit by a stray plastic bullet fired by a British soldier – a version of events contested by the army. Back in London, editing the footage, the producer and researcher on the project wrestle with how to present the incident, and with their responsibility to the people in the film.
Causeway Man
Maeve returns home to Belfast after a long absence. Her arrival in the city stimulates a series of memories of childhood and adolescence both in herself and other people.
The Last Window Cleaner
When DC Denis Deacey finds himself surprisingly transferred to Belfast he gets digs in a most unusual boarding house called The Crumlin View where no one is what they seem and everyone has been living with 'the troubles' for far too long...
The Boxer
It's 1975 in Belfast. Jimmy Doherty returns to his home town just having lost a boxing match in Dublin, where he has been living. He awakes in a rundown room and begins to take stock. He finds that things have changed and people have gone. He begins to search for Gerry Mitchell, a figure from his past. He runs into dead ends and in frustration begins to drink. In a bar, he meets two men who tell him they can take him to Gerry...
The Legion Hall Bombing
Second Accused's Father
The story of the trial of Willie Gallagher, convicted of bombing the Strabane British Legion Hall in Northern Ireland, 1976. The transmission of this film was postponed by the BBC several times, and when it did finally air, it was shown with cuts; the writer, Caryl Churchill, and director, Roland Joffé, had their names removed from the credits in protest.