Aline Gavroy


The Pot-au-Feu
Foley Mixer
Eugenie, an esteemed cook, has been working for over the last 20 years for Dodin, a fine gourmet. Growing fonder of one another, their bond turns into a romance and gives rise to delicious dishes that impress even the world’s most illustrious chefs. When Dodin is faced with Eugenie’s reluctance to commit to him, he decides to start cooking for her.
Temps mort
Sound Mixer
Temps mort
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Маленький Самеди
Sound Mixer
Damien Samedi is 43 years old. When he was a child in his Belgian village on the banks of the river Meuse, they called him the “Petit Samedi”. To his mother, Ysma, Damien is still her child, the one she never abandoned when he got caught up in drugs. A son who sought to protect his mother despite it all, a man attempting to liberate himself from his addictions and faces his past to get through.
Love According to Dalva
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
One evening, Dalva is suddenly taken away from her father’s house. Dumbfounded and outraged at first, she later meets Jayden, a social worker, and Samia, a teen with a temper. A new life seems to start for Dalva, that of a girl her age.
The Rite
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Anne divides her life between the primary school where she teaches and her home where she engages in a strange ritual with her son Simon. But her daughter Helena, whom she hasn’t seen in a long time, is in town for a special performance of The Rite of Spring.
Employee of the Month
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
What does a lifetime of service get you? That's what Inès (Jasmina Douieb) wants to find out. As the long-time office manager for EcoCleanPro Cleaning Supplies, she's the only woman on staff in this very sexist office. She does whatever it takes to keep things running – even if it means replacing toilet paper her male coworkers can't seem to do themselves. After the regional manager's visit reveals abysmal numbers in gender pay equity at EcoCleanPro, Inès wants her dedication to pay off with a raise. Unfortunately, her request is rejected by her incompetent boss Patrick (Peter Van den Begin) and, fueled by the unfairness and under the watchful eye of Melody (Laetitia Mampaka), the new intern, Inès redoubles her efforts for compensation. When her history with Patrick rears its ugly head and leads to an accident, all hell breaks loose, and the two women must combine troubleshooting skills for possibly the biggest mess of their lives.
L'enfant et la nuit
Sound Mixer
Sound Mixer
On vacation in the countryside, a filmmaker thinks about the mourning of his parents. As their faces, and most especially their gaze, fades away, he starts meditating on masks as passages to the afterlife.
Clara Sola
In a remote village in Costa Rica, Clara, a withdrawn 40-year-old woman, experiences a sexual and mystical awakening as she begins a journey to free herself from the repressive religious and social conventions which have dominated her life.
Sound Mixer
While dancing, bees tell each other stories about the world around them. People also claim a role in those stories, sometimes very close and intimate, sometimes distant and on an industrial scale. Nina de Vroome's thoughts also swarm with the bees: from the smallest cell in a honeycomb to the global economy, her essayistic nature documentary Globes charts the bond between humans and bees. As accomplished storytellers, they both give shape to their lives under the sun.
Foley Mixer
После автоаварии, в которую Алекса попала в детстве, в голове у неё титановая пластина. 15 лет спустя она работает стриптизёршей, а когда беременеет совершенно невероятным образом, это провоцирует у девушки всплеск неконтролируемой агрессии.
Если стихнет ветер
Sound Mixer
Международный аудитор Ален приезжает в Арцах, чтобы дать оценку новому аэропорту. Он сталкивается с особой атмосферой самопровозглашенной республики и проникается ее жителями, в особенности мальчиком Эдгаром, у которого рядом с аэропортом свой собственный бизнес.
Дружная семья
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
18-летний Жюль неохотно проводит свои каникулы в нудистском кемпинге своего детства. Он разрывается между влечением к красавцу Кариму, сезонному работнику на «текстильном» пляже, и депрессией Адели, его матери, которая отказывается дать ему повзрослеть.
Dreaming Under Capitalism
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
We know what labour wreaks on the body, but what less visible imprint does it leave on the unconscious? The nights of twelve dreamers – sometimes recounted in front of the camera, sometimes with a voice-over that accompanies shots of office buildings or urban worksites – reveal how the capitalist system invades the modern-day psyche. Long shots of edifices with smooth surfaces and sheer edges instil a deceptive gentleness. Zombies, corpses, mummies, ghosts, skulls sliced open like an egg and emptied by spoonfuls… The images follow one after the other, no two alike, but the editing organises a gradation towards the vampirism and an insidious passage from night to day, from dreams to real working life.
Июнь 1944 года, Франция по-прежнему находится в немецкой оккупации. Писатель и коммунист Робер Антельме, главный деятель Сопротивления, арестован и депортирован. Его молодая жена, писательница Маргерит Дюрас, встречается с Пьером Рабье — французским агентом, работающим в гестапо. Женщина готова на всё, лишь бы найти своего мужа. Окончание войны оборачивается для Маргерит агонией, болью, невыносимым ожиданием возвращения Робера — живым или мёртвым.
Go Home
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Nada is going home. Or at least she wants to. When she comes back to Lebanon, she realizes she's a foreigner in her own country. But there's still a place she calls home: an abandoned house in ruins, haunted by the presence of her grandfather who disappeared mysteriously during the civil war. Something happened in this house. Something violent. A young woman searching for the truth and discovering herself.
Очень тяжелая жестокая фламандская драма об успешном бывшем ударнике Дризе, в дверь которого постучали трое музыкантов, акцентирующих внимание на том, что они калеки. Вокалист полуглухой, гитарист — лысый громила с сексуальными комплексами, насилующий и убивающий женщин, живущий на потолке собственной квартиры, басист — гомосексуалист, чей невменяемый отец находится дома на привязи… Эти люди начинают играть в рок-группе, которая благодаря экс-драммеру добивается мнимого успеха. Однако Дриз счастлив не поэтому. Его радует перспектива до конца уничтожить и без того полумертвые мечты и амбиции сборища неудачников и морально неполноценных людей…