Antonino Bruschetta

Antonino Bruschetta

Рождение : 1962-01-06, Messina, Sicily, Italy


Ninni Bruschetta (born Antonino Bruschetta on 6 January 1962) is an Italian actor, film and stage director and screenwriter. Born in Messina, in 1983 Bruschetta co-founded with Maurizio Puglisi 'Nutrimenti terrestri', a stage company which primarily focused on subjects of social value, and was active both as an actor and a director. In 1987 he debuted as a screenwriter with the indie drama La gentilezza del tocco, and in 1989 he co-directed the indie film Private Screening. He is also very active as an actor in films and television series. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Antonino Bruschetta
Antonino Bruschetta
Antonino Bruschetta


A man wakes up from a coma that has lasted since 1984.
The Bone Breakers
Inside a warehouse in Palermo, a group of people smashes a man’s arm to pieces with a wheelie bag packed with weights. This is the method used by an amateur criminal organization that fractures the limbs of its willing victims before staging fake accidents and raking in the insurance payouts. Vincenzo recruits the individuals from among the down-and-outs that haunt the city streets, where Luisa is a habitué, since she gets her crack there. Vincenzo’s problems suddenly get worse, though, after a series of mistakes shut him out of the gang, and Luisa is now his only chance: he convinces her to have her bones broken.
My Brother and I
Sofia is the black sheep of her family. She is a 28-year-old gay girl who can’t help but cheat on her partner and struggles to find a stable job. She has left a little town in Calabria, her homeland in Southern Italy, to move to Milan, where she lives with her roommate Alessandro. Mauro is Sofia's brother. Reliable and loving, unlike Sofia with whom he has a troubled relationship, Mauro has never left Calabria and runs the family winery. Despite their opposite attitudes, Sofia and Mauro has one thing in common. Michela is Sofia's first and only love, but she is Mauro’s bride-to-be. When Sofia realizes that she is about to lose the woman of her life, she decides to go back home to Calabria and win back her true love. This unexpected return will break the delicate balance of Mauro and Sofia’s family and will force the two siblings to a showdown, when they will choose who they really want to be when they grow up. A story of rekindled loves, friendship, growth, and family.
Gli anni belli
Summer 1994. Berlusconi has come into power and 16-year-old Elena, listening to Nirvana and starting to develop a political consciousness, can't wait to bring him down. Unfortunately her parents have other plans and, like every year, they head to the same boring summer camp. This year however they're all in for a surprise... A lighthearted coming-of-age set against the backdrop of an Italy facing the "end of history."
Once Were Humans
Leo is an Italian who lives in Slovenia. Vučko is a Bosnian who arrived to Slovenia as a child refugee. Leo continues to stay in Slovenia because of his ex-wife Tanja and his son Luka, hoping that they can become a family again. When the bank refuses to grant a loan Leo and Vučko would need to renovate their restaurant, they have no choice but to accept an offer from Gianni, a swindler. They are tasked with stealing Gianni’s truck so that he can collect the insurance money. However, instead of stealing Gianni’s truck, Leo and Vučko mistakenly steal a truck full of refugees. Vučko the refugee and Leo the migrant themselves thus inadvertently become responsible for destinies of people similarly unfortunate as they had once been. In order to solve their financial problems, they decide to sell the refugees. At first it seems that they are not indifferent towards these people, but with each passing day there is less and less humanity left in Leo and Vučko.
La concessione del telefono
Father Macaluso
Although Pippo Genuardi seems to have cleared his mind by marrying Taninè Schilirò, daughter of the richest man in Vigàta, he is in fact someone who is not satisfied with his life…
Appena un minuto
Uomo Poker
Giovanni Mancuso
Roberto is a student in a corrupt university where teachers sell exams and only hire friends and relatives.
Сезон охоты: Однажды в Вигате
Father Macaluso
Действие фильма происходит в Вигате в 1880 году. Главный герой - фармацевт скромного происхождения Альфонсо Фофо Ла Матина. Вскоре после его прибытия в город с семьей маркиза Пелусо, местного богатого дворянина, происходит несколько трагедий. Отец-инвалид маркиза совершает самоубийство, бросаясь в море. Сын Рико умирает, предположительно от отравления грибами. Жена, которая консультировалась с Фофо, поскольку подозревала, что на самом деле Рико был убит, умирает несколько недель спустя. Сезон охоты открывается и неизвестно, к каким последствиям он приведёт.
Non ho niente da perdere
Tu mi nascondi qualcosa
Vittorio, padre di Valeria
Il vegetale
Bruno Rovazzi
Fabio struggles with a cumbersome father and a capricious and spoiled little sister who consider him a good for nothing, a “vegetable” in fact. The unfortunate recent graduate looks for a job reacts to the contempt of his family and demanding employers, when an unexpected event remixes roles…
A testa alta - Libero Grassi
Viola, Franca
Bernardo Viola
Sicily, 1965. Franca is being forced to marry her rapist to avoid becoming a pariah in her traditionalist community but she rebels against the established custom.
Cani di razza
It’s My Turn
Rino Germanà
The true story of the 1992 car-bombing murder of Paolo Borsellino, an anti-Mafia crusader and Palermo judge, is recounted in this documentary drama.
The Family Jumble
Direttore di banca
A kid tries splitting his boring parents to join the group of his schoolmates who are all children of divorced mums and dads
How to Grow Up Despite Your Parents
Igor Alessi
More and more parents take competitive behavior towards the teachers of their children: deny votes and programs, vaneggiano of likes, dislikes, and conspiracies. So, instead of helping in the training of their children, they become insurmountable obstacles to their growth. Presumptuously they think: "We know better than anyone else our children and we know what they are worth and how and what you have to teach."
Quel bravo ragazzo
Enrico Greco
К чёрту на рога
Ministro Magno
15 лет верой и правдой служил Кекко своему народу — с утра до ночи, не жалея сил, просиживал штаны в Управлении охоты и рыболовства. Положение, зарплата, куча бонусов, включая милые подарки от посетителей: не жизнь, а сказка. Но пришла беда, откуда не ждали, — в министерстве решили сократить штаты, предложив чиновникам хорошее выходное пособие. Ну, а тем, кто заартачится — добро пожаловать в командировку «к черту на рога». Упрямец Кекко не захотел расставаться с дорогой его сердцу госслужбой — и начался полный приключений период в жизни бюрократа-бездельника. Уж чего только реформаторы не придумывали, чтобы от него избавиться, в какие только медвежьи углы Италии его не посылали — всё бестолку. И тогда министерские изверги отправили Кекко на Северный полюс, думали — в наказание, а оказалось — навстречу сумасшедшей любви.
Nomi e cognomi
Mario De Libertis
Basta Poco
Land of Saints
Ambitious magistrate Vittoria (Valeria Solarino) makes the dramatic decision to relocate from the north to the south of Italy with one mission in mind – to defeat the Calabrian ‘‘Ndrangheta’ mafia. She is flabbergasted by the violence, the cruelty and the killings that Mafia men project – even youngsters are not spared. But instead of targeting the men, Vittoria tries a new approach; an appeal to the women involved in these circles. The bosses’ wives are as hard as nails; they will not talk and will not betray their powerful husbands, but could it be they have a soft spot for their own children?
La trattativa
Prof. di Teologia / PM Processo Dell'Utri
La moglie del sarto
assessore Cordaro
Diario di un maniaco perbene
Мафия убивает только летом
Fra Giacinto
Наблюдательный мальчик Артуро интересуется особенностями преступной жизни родного Палермо. Его собственная жизнь строится между двух полюсов: с одной стороны — безответное чувство к прекрасной и недоступной Флоре, с другой — кровавые разборки мафии. Все герои фильма вынуждены жить двойной жизнью: их дни рождения, влюблённости, важные моменты проходят на фоне покушений, угроз, убийств, в зоне действия правил мафиозного «кодекса чести». Артуро — и в детстве, и в зрелом возрасте — пытается бросить вызов этой раздвоенности, следуя зову сердца и чувству гражданского долга.
Aspirante vedovo
A ne'er-do-well who's married to a millionnaire realizes his financial trouble might be solved if his wife was dead - and sets out a plot to achieve just that. A remake of Dino Risi's "il vedovo".
Здравствуй, папа
Андреа чуть за сорок. Каждую ночь этот ошивающийся в мире кино специалист по продукт-плейсменту проводит с новой подружкой, едва достигшей совершеннолетия. Так было до тех пор, пока в одно прекрасное утро в дверь к профессиональному ловеласу не позвонила 17-летняя школьница Лайла: «Здравствуйте, я ваша дочь». С этой минуты свидания на одну ночь, равно как и вся привычная жизнь Андреа, под угрозой: в неё уверенно входит этот неформальный подросток, глядя на которого мамаша Андреа и, соответственно, бабушка девочки, спрашивает «Ты что, занят на фильме про наркоманов?»…
Trilussa - Storia d'amore e di poesia
Biographical movie on the life of Trilussa, aka Carlo Alberto Camillo Mariano Salustri. Italian poet, writer and journalist known for this works in Romanesco dialect.
Да здравствует Италия!
Спаньоло – большая итальянская династия. Во главе её – успешный политик Микеле, отец троих взрослых детей: актрисы, врача и менеджера по персоналу в транснациональной компании. Правда, политик – тот ещё коррупционер, менеджер – глуп как пробка, актриса – разве что не из погорелого театра, а врач – коммунист, порвавший связи с родителем много лет назад. Кто знает, что случилось бы с этой странной семьей, если бы после приватной встречи с проституткой сиятельный папа не пережил инсульт, погрузивший его в необычное состояние: теперь он чудит, матерится и бросает всем окружающим только правду в лицо...
Давайте забудем об этом
Маттиа собирается переехать в Мадрид к своему бойфренду Эдуарду, чтобы заодно избежать подозрений семьи в том, что он — гей. Эдуард, однако, убежден, что их отношения имеют благословение всех членов его семьи. Когда за день до отъезда в Испанию, Эдуард объявил о своем прибытии в Рим, чтобы познакомиться с родственниками, перед Маттиа встает выбор — быть честным со своим любимым, или признаться в своем обмане перед родными.
Римские приключения
Hotel Detective
Комедия, действие которой происходит в одном из самых прекрасных городов мира. Мы встретим известного американского архитектора, переживающего вторую юность, простого обывателя, неожиданно проснувшегося знаменитым, молодоженов из провинции, каждого из которых ждут романтические открытия, и американского оперного постановщика, задумавшего вывести на сцену поющего работника похоронного бюро…
È nata una star?
Marco, a shy teenager, learns that he has... what it takes to be a great porn star, but he doesn't know how to tell his parents. Hell breaks loose when a neighbor finds a porn video of him and leaves it in his parents' mailbox.
Make a Fake
Ciccio Rizzuto
Boris - Il film
Duccio Patané
A director and his crew attempt to make the transition from the small to the big screen.
Кого хочу я больше
Domenico's brother
У Анны есть все для счастья: красивый дом, успешная работа и любимый человек. Но неожиданно у нее начинается роман с официантом Домиником. Оказывается, между ее рассуждениями о любви и настоящей страстью не было ничего общего! Ее невозможно планировать, ею нельзя управлять… Но Доминик женат, он отец двоих детей, и выясняется, что настоящая любовь возможна только два часа в неделю.
Скандал Римского банка
Commissario Cavaterra
Фильм рассказывает о скандале, произошедшем при инспекции Римского банка. Маттиа Барба, уверенный, что с помощью пера можно изменить мир, переезжает из провинции в столицу чтобы стать журналистом. В Риме наивный молодой человек попадает в игру, правил которой не понимает. Первое очарование Римом постепенно сменяется осознанием суровой реальности, но дороги назад уже нет.
Aldo Moro - Il presidente
Oreste Leonardi
Il generale Dalla Chiesa
Pio La Torre
My Brother Is an Only Child
Secretary Bombacci
Accio and Manrico are two working-class brothers in 1960s Italy: older Manrico is handsome, charismatic, womanizing, and loved by all, while younger Accio is moody, hotheaded, and lives everything as if it was a war, much to his parents' chagrin. When the former is drawn into left-wing politics, Accio joins the fascists out of spite. His flimsy beliefs are put to test when he meets Manrico's like-minded girlfriend, falling in love with her.
L'uomo di vetro
Bruno Cantone
Mimmo Nunnari
Golden Door
Italian Emigrant (voice)
The story is set at the beginning of the 20th century in Sicily. Salvatore, a very poor farmer, and a widower, decides to emigrate to the US with all his family, including his old mother. Before they embark, they meet Lucy. She is supposed to be a British lady and wants to come back to the States. Lucy, or Luce as Salvatore calls her, for unknown reasons wants to marry someone before to arrive to Ellis Island in New York. Salvatore accepts the proposal. Once they arrive in Ellis Island they spend the quarantine period trying to pass the examinations to be admitted to the States. Tests are not so simple for poor farmers coming from Sicily. Their destiny is in the hands of the custom officers.
Политическая мишень
В Италии после 11-летнего перерыва разворачивает свою деятельность террористическая организация Красная Бригада — происходят новые убийства влиятельных людей, в том числе и начальника полиции Петри. Но их гибель дала следователям ответы на многие вопросы, и в результате террористам была нанесена серия сокрушительных ударов. Эти относительно недавние события в Италии корнями уходят далеко в историю, и ее надо помнить, ведь всегда существует опасность возобновления терактов.
A Judge of Honor
Antonio Cassarà (as Ninni Bruschetta)
In 1980 Paolo Borsellino was appointed with the preliminary investigations and the task of setting up a team which would later become the famous anti-mafia pool, investigating into the criminal activities of various mafia bands, in particular the gang headed up by Totò Riina.
Желанная жизнь
Любовная история, разыгрывающаяся на съемках фильма о запретной любви. Лаура получает роль возлюбленной Стефано — главного героя драмы. Как только начинаются съемки фильма, актер, известный своей сдержанностью и самоконтролем, попадает под воздействие яркой, необычайной привлекательной и чувственной Лауры. Молодая пара все больше и больше влюбляется друг в друга, и благодаря съемкам фильма находит путь для проявления своих подлинных чувств…
To Sleep Next to Her
A well-liked employee in a multinational firm, formerly working on peers' motivation and professional training, is given the task to fire 25 of his colleagues. Stress and changes in his life ensue.
The Vanity Serum
Vittorio Terracciano (as Ninni Bruschetta)
The vips of italian television disappear in a mysterious way. Two detectives, Lucia and Franco, try to investigate in this mystery, drowning into a strange world, where the leader is the powerful star Sonia Norton.
E io ti seguo
Italian drama
I cinghiali di Portici
Потерянная любовь
Фильм из двух частей. В первом — 12-летний сицилиец с глазами Бэмби и острыми коленками внимает руладам Верди и пассажам Данте, с которыми его знакомит на ярком солнце плодородных 50-х местный аристократ. Во втором — он же, на 10 лет старше, с большими надеждами в маленьком чемодане среди мотоциклетного озноба Милана 60-х, превращающегося из промышленного города в столицу мод.
One Man Up
The story of two men, both named Antonio Pisapia, who are on the decline and lead strangely parallel lives. One is a pop singer whose success ends after a sex scandal; the other is a football player whose career is cut short by an injury.
Lupo mannaro
Medico legale
Lupo Mannaro, based upon the novel by Carlo Lucarelli, is a psycho-thriller revolving around the police commissioner Romeo who is obsessively convinced that the unsuspected Engineer Velasco, well known and respected in his milieu, is a dangerous serial killer. Romeo together with his determined assistant Grazia Negro and police superintendent Rago starts investigating with the help of the famous criminologist Del Gatto. The commissioner will often find himself in difficulty but won't give up the investigation due to his obstinacy and his strong vocation. The case slowly turns itself into a personal challenge between Romeo and Velasco, with unpredictable moves as well as strategies of defence and attack.
Сто шагов
Сто шагов — таким было расстояние между домами Пеппино Импастато и Тано Бадаламенти, крупного босса Мафии, хозяина маленького сицилийского города Чиничи. Фильм — подлинная история Пеппино Импастато, молодого левого активиста, который в конце семидесятых, когда почти никто не смел говорить о Мафии, а политики вообще не признавали её существование, неоднократно осуждал преступления Бадаламенти и всю мафиозную систему, используя для этого ироничные по стилю передачи местной маленькой радиостанции.
Before the Sunset
a young and charming immigrant, is about to marry the daughter of the underworld boss he works for. The ceremony is ready, but at the last moment Ali decides not to show up, and flees from Hesse, his countryman hopelessly in love with him. The two young lovers hide in a hotel waiting for the sunset to be able to reach the airport and escape forever. With Ninni Bruschetta.
Fiabe metropolitane
Black Holes
The impossible love between one prostitute, managing a bunch of handicapped prostitutes, and the homosexual Adamo. In the horrible suburb of Napoli we can follow among fantasy, mythology and reality the absurd life of the protagonists.
Law of Courage
Sostituto procuratore Di Salvo
The true story of Rosario Livatino, a young judge in Sicily in the early 1980s, who have been nicknamed 'The Boy Judge' from the President of the Republic. He's strictly incorruptible, working hard and refusing even to shake hands with suspects. He then starts a number of investigations that lead him to touch the mafia power in the area, and then to personal war with the hidden organization.
This high-energy three part comedy has a strong undercurrent of melancholy, as it shows three different women coping with difficult situations which are usually sexual in origin, even if the moment of romance is long past. In the first tale, Aurora has gotten used to a cozy, wealthy life, but begins to see her world destroyed when her husband is caught in bed with his secretary. Later, he flees the country to avoid getting arrested for something else he has done. Carmela is just welcoming her wayward son back to their slum home after he has spent a stint in "reform" school. Not only has he just confessed to her that he's gay, but he has become a heroin addict.Finally, Libera works at a newsstand outside of Naples as the sole breadwinner for her family. She is tired of her husband lounging in their house when he is not out tomcatting around with prostitutes, and decides to do something about it. So she secretly has him filmed in bed, and is marketing the tapes at her newsstand.
Ladri di futuro
Everyday people, everyday stories. Normal, therefore special. They crave for a tomorrow what they haven't got today: the man or the woman of their dreams, a child all of their own, the hope of making it... The only thing they all have in common is the place where they live.
Visioni private
Visioni private
Italia '90: lavori in corso
Il paese dei jeans d’agosto
Un eretico in corsia