Still Photographer
1945, Zofia Szablewska, a repatriate from the East, arrives in the former Breslau, now Wroclaw. He lives in a former German villa - the House under the Two Eagles. Zofia's roommate is Jan Liski, an officer of the Security Office who raises his stepson, Kazio, alone. Zofia uses the Red Cross to search for her husband Antoni and son Zbyszek, with whom she lost contact during the war. The commemorative clock left by the Germans brings back memories of her native Kresy, the Nowosiolo estate and the beginning of her love with the Polish settler - Antoni.
Camera Operator
1945, Zofia Szablewska, a repatriate from the East, arrives in the former Breslau, now Wroclaw. He lives in a former German villa - the House under the Two Eagles. Zofia's roommate is Jan Liski, an officer of the Security Office who raises his stepson, Kazio, alone. Zofia uses the Red Cross to search for her husband Antoni and son Zbyszek, with whom she lost contact during the war. The commemorative clock left by the Germans brings back memories of her native Kresy, the Nowosiolo estate and the beginning of her love with the Polish settler - Antoni.
Director of Photography
1945, Zofia Szablewska, a repatriate from the East, arrives in the former Breslau, now Wroclaw. He lives in a former German villa - the House under the Two Eagles. Zofia's roommate is Jan Liski, an officer of the Security Office who raises his stepson, Kazio, alone. Zofia uses the Red Cross to search for her husband Antoni and son Zbyszek, with whom she lost contact during the war. The commemorative clock left by the Germans brings back memories of her native Kresy, the Nowosiolo estate and the beginning of her love with the Polish settler - Antoni.
Director of Photography
Молодая пара из Америки, Ана и Том, отправляется в путешествие по Франции. Там они знакомятся с владельцем большого поместья, Ричардом Роллем, который предлагает ребятам поработать у него за неплохое вознаграждение, при условии, что те не будут выходить за пределы дома. Заподозрив неладное, Том решает сбежать от странного незнакомца. Выбравшись наружу, он понимает какую ошибку совершил и теперь всеми силами пытается найти путь обратно, чтобы спасти свою девушку.
Director of Photography
Kacper, who works as a foreman, has an affair with the wife of his best friend Oskar, also a miner. To meet his mistress, he assigns Oskar to the distant and dangerous coal seams. As the lovers enjoy their rendezvous, Oskar gets buried underground, so they throw themselves into a rescue mission.
Director of Photography
В центре сюжета 13-летний мальчик Кос, чья мама умерла, а отец попал в больницу. Теперь ему предстоит управлять семейным отелем и приглядывать за тремя совершенно разными сестрами.
Director of Photography
The story of a loving man and father who falls under the influence of an extremely orthodox Protestant sect. He sacrifices everything and everyone to this faith, including his business and the respect of his younger son. However, he never loses the love of his wife.
Director of Photography
What happens if someone loses control over his own life and at the same time searches for grip in ascending and descending devices? A winterly story about loss, desire and airplanes.
Director of Photography
A famous game show host is being harassed in a restaurant by a strange man who claims to have kidnapped his wife and daughter. A morbid game ensues in which the game show host turns out to be the contestant.
Director of Photography
Йоханна хочет порвать с преступным прошлым, которое ее окружает. Но когда ее муж освободился из тюрьмы, все возвращается на круги своя. Йоханне все труднее и труднее уйти от зверств, совершаемых бандой Oss, и чем дальше, тем глубже она погружаются в обман, проституцию и убийства.
Director of Photography
Oliver (Pawel Szajda) is a talented young pianist of Polish American heritage. After breaking off his European tournée, he is forced to repay the tour organizers 250 thousand Euros. On his journey, he meets the very colorful character of (Janusz Gajos) a retired high school math teacher and a great enthusiast of the horse races. He dreams of returning to America as a somebody, but can only do so after wining a momentous prize. From then on the two friends endeavor to gain success. They discover true friendship. Together they fulfill Franks dream of winning at the horse races, which in turn allows Oliver to buy back his personal freedom. Having recovered from a dramatically ended marriage, the young man is able to open up to a new love.
Director of Photography
В последний день января 1953 года прорыв сразу нескольких дамб и сильный шторм на море вызывают колоссальное наводнение в Голландии. Хлынувшее море затопляет сотни километров земли, разрушая фермерский дом молодой матери-одиночки Юлии, которая оказывается разлучённой со своим маленьким ребёнком. Саму её от гибели чудом спасает молодой лейтенант военно-воздушных сил, который соглашается помочь ей в безнадёжной попытке найти потерянного малыша посреди обрушившегося на страну хаоса и разрухи.
Director of Photography
История четырёх пассажиров рейса компании KLM, который выиграл воздушную гонку в 1953 году из Лондона в Крайстчерч (Новая Зеландия).
После смерти родителей две сестрёнки разлучены. Лотта растёт в Нидерландах, Анна - в Берлине. Два совершенно разных мира. На исходе Второй Мировой войны они отыскивают друг друга, что приносит лишь разочарования. Анна выходит за офицера СС, Мартина, погибающего затем в боях, а Давид - жених Лотты, еврей, замучен в концлагере. Пятьдесят лет спустя престарелые Анна и Лотта сталкиваются на курорте. Возможно ли воссоединение сестёр?
Director of Photography
In the guest-house of sister Klivia, the inhabitants are very cheerful and good-hearted persons whose open communal lifestyle is contrasted with the life of somewhat nasty and complaining neighbour Mr Boordevool. Boordevool has spent ages looking for reasons to shut the guest-house. One day a girl from the guest-house meets a nice young guy Gerrit. Sister Klivia lets Gerrit stay regardless of him being a thief. Will that give a chance to the insinuations of the neighbour?
Director of Photography
Composer Misha Mengelberg collaborates with director Anthony Garner on a commissioned short film to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the death of Mozart.