Þórarinn Óskar Þórarinsson

Рождение : 1955-02-23,


Глава семьи, в которой случилось страшное несчастье - смерть пятилетней дочери из-за генетической мутации её мозга - пытается найти корень зла. Параллельно инспектор Эрлендур отыскивает спрятанную в квартире убитого пожилого мужчины фотографию могилы умершей тринадцать лет назад маленькой девочки и идёт по следу.
Ангелы вселенной
Vistmaður á Kleppi
Пол влюбился в девушку, но ее родители запрещают им встречаться. У Пола — шизофрения, он попадает в психиатрическую лечебницу. Будучи наделен талантами художника и поэта. Он отождествляет себя с героями Шекспира и Ван Гогом. Друзья Пола по клинике — Оли, у которого телепатический контакт с «Битлз» и эрудит Виктор, которому временами кажется, что он — Гитлер. Пытаясь скрасить ужас холодной исландской жизни, троица время от времени сбегает из больницы и наведывается то в гости к президенту, то в самый фешенебельный ресторан Рейкьявика.
Remote Control
Since his mother wants to watch TV, Axel, a young auto-mechanic, must recover her remote control, accidentally taken by his punk sister Maja. During his quest, he becomes involved in the conflict between Moli, the liquor smuggler, and Aggi, a night club owner who wants to be Iceland's first mafia boss.
Magnús is a 45-year-old lawyer, whose routine is upset by the personal news that he is suffering from cancer. This causes Magnús to stop and think about himself, his life and his family. If his life is going to end sooner than he expected, he wants to know how much it's been worth to him. Has life been worth living? Is it worth fighting for; is it worth a struggle against death? He takes a look at his family, a group of ordinary people, who are the colourful heroes of everyday life, struggling along in a world far removed from the world of high finance, power politics and international intrigues, but yet to them their lives are lives of high adventure. Those adventures, from the sublime to the ridiculous, form the storyline of the film, told against the background of Magnús' dilemma.
Белые киты
A whale-boat is making its final whaling tour of the season. It pursues and catches a whale, and then proceeds home. The men working on the boat have to find themselves different employment now that the season is over. Among the crew are two friends, Grímur and Bubbi. They are well- seasoned and experienced seamen of the kind that never puts down roots anywhere. Grímur is not the kind of man to allow much to set him off balance. When he arrives on land he heads directly for the capital where he intends to make a new start and get himself involved in the night life. With him is his faithful and rather troll-like companion, Bubbi. The film then mainly concerns itself with their efforts to make some kind of contact with what is going on in Reykjavik.