Новая глава в истории U.C. переводит часы сразу на 30 лет вперёд. Итак на дворе 123 U.C... 30 лет относительного мира в космосе позволили продолжить строительство колоний и эмиграцию туда людей. Связка новых колоний, Фронтир, оказывается атакована новым врагом - Crossbone Vanguard, возглавляемых древним аристократическим родом Рона. Их целью является захват власти в космосе и создание новой монархии, при которой у власти находились бы чистокровные аристократы, а не корумпированые и трусливые чиновники. Молодой парень - Сибук Арно, оказывается поневоле втянутым в этот конфликт и вместе со своими друзьями, и возлюбленной пытается покинуть родную колонию...
The series follows the odd life of kindergartener Makoto Sawada and his family. Makoto gets into all sorts of toilet and adult humor. He sometimes dresses in his mother's and sister's clothing, and often has a long strand of mucus dangling from his nose.
Hyuma joined the glorious giant army. However, while he was happy, he revealed his fatal weakness, the lightness of the ball, and was demoted to the second army. In his humiliating farm life, he finally completes the changing ball "Big League Ball No. 1". And whereabouts of the confrontation with his fateful rival, Mitsuru Hanagata, Toyosaku Samon ...
Kozue is a high school girl and an enthusiastic volleyball player. Her dream is to play on the Japanese national volleyball team. Over the course of the series she makes it from the school district league up to the Japanese volleyball finals, step by step until the international volleyball championship. But the faster and higher Kozue climbs, the more she is confronted with the dark side of success: too-high expectations, self-conceit, and envy.