Original Music Composer
Barbara is an adult-orientated fantasy tale filled with love and the occult from Osamu Tezuka's reimagining of "The Tales of Hoffmann". Its story deals with the erotic and bizarre experiences of a famous novelist called Yosuke Mikura whose life is tossed upside down by a mysterious girl named "Barbara".
Действие разворачивается в 2017 году, когда несколько дивизий армии Европейского Союза оказываются на грани разгрома Британской Империей. Шансов на успех меньше 5%, и единственное, что может спасти армию ЕС от поражения и сохранить множество жизней, — это операция отряда «В-0», состоящего из выходцев 11 сектора, под командованием Лейлы Малкал. Если подростки потерпят неудачу, целая дивизия будет уничтожена. Может, именно от «Призрака Ганнибала» зависит судьба всего Европейского фронта?
Original Music Composer
2017 год по республиканскому календарю. Европа. 132-я дивизия армии Союза Европейских республик пошла на врага в надежде отбить Санкт-Петербург, однако британские военные узнали об этом и устроили засаду. В Нарве дивизию взяли в кольцо. Несмотря на численное превосходство противника, специальное подразделение «В-0» Японии, состоящее из парней и девушек так называемой Одиннадцатой зоны, начало операцию по спасению отрезанной дивизии. Шанс на успех операции был практически равен нулю.
Среди «счастливчиков», входящих в состав «В-0», был и Акито Хюга — одиннадцатый и пилот найтмэра, ранее известного как Призрак Ганнибала. Именно он — скрытое оружие специального подразделения «Отряд Виверн», и далеко не так прост, как может показаться на первый взгляд.
Что же ждёт «Отряд Виверн» во главе с Лейлой Малкал, так обеспокоенной проблемой одиннадцатых?
Ayato and Haruka are middle-school sweethearts whose lives take a dire turn when the mysterious Mu invade Tokyo in the year 2012. Protecting humanity from the Mu may be Ayato's destiny, but what he really wants is to regain the relationship he once had with Haruka... a love that will have to transcend space, time, and reality itself.
An experimental drama with the motif of "experimental film". What does it mean to be reproduced on film? Under the theme of fundamental questions, it will express the relationship between men and women with a mysterious visual beauty. The story gradually increases in illusion, and the audience is brought into the world of the hero's heart.
Альтернативная история. В Японии идет долгая и кровопролитная война. Никто не помнит, кто ее начал, и никому
не известно, когда она кончится. Страна в руинах. Молодой помощник режиссера работает на телестудии посреди разбомбленного города. И мечтает снять фильм о правде жизни, и людях, как они есть.
Third part of the Elements series. A world without dialogue, which is developed with the motif of "Earth". The camera submerged on the ground continues to descend like an elevator, and strange images develop one after another. It is a work that shows the "shadow" of human beings like a panorama. A special style that transcends the time and space of the story and shows 80 scenes in one cut.
Second part of the Elements series with the motif of "water". A beautiful swamp image is displayed at the beginning. An allegorical story of sisters and lovers living at the bottom of the water is developed in an experimental narrative that does not depend on dialogue. Aesthetic images and music highlight the dazzling atmosphere.
A fortuneteller tells Hidari Taisho that he must hunt down 1000 foxes in order to conquer the country. So Akuemon, who is disliked by everybody, is hired to do the foxhunting. In response, the foxes send a female fox to Akuemon's house disguised as his wife. A story unfolds between Akuemon, who has never loved anyone, and the female fox, who slowly discovers true love in him even while tormented by sorrow over her comrades' death. This is the 6th work in "The Lion Books" series. It is also the first attempt by visualist Tezuka Makoto, Tezuka's older son, to render an original of his father's into an animated version.
Ammonites were a kind of snail-like precursor to today's mollusks, common in the seas of the Cretaceous period, many millions of years ago. They are among the most commonly found fossils, so they must have been extremely plentiful. In this meditative and largely unstructured first feature, a young geologist is traveling by train to visit his sister in the countryside after having received a disturbing and mysterious letter from her. As he travels, he remembers his childhood fixation with rocks, nurtured by his mother, and his very strong affection for his sister.
First part of Tezuka's Elements films series representing "fire".