John M. Stahl

John M. Stahl

Рождение : 1886-01-21, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 1950-01-12


John Malcolm Stahl (January 21, 1886 – January 12, 1950) was an American film director and producer. Born in New York City, New York, he began working in the city's growing motion picture industry at a young age and directed his first silent film short in 1914. In the early 1920s Stahl signed on with Louis B. Mayer Pictures in Hollywood and in 1924 was part of the Mayer team that became MGM Studios. In 1927, John Stahl was one of the thirty-six founding members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. With the industry's transition to talkies and feature-length films, John Stahl successfully made the adjustment and for Universal Pictures he directed the 1934 film Imitation of Life which was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture. The following year, he directed Magnificent Obsession, starring Irene Dunne and Robert Taylor. John Stahl continued to produce and direct major productions as well filler shorts right up to the time of his death. Some of his other notable directorial work was with The Keys of the Kingdom in 1944 and the 1945 film noir, Leave Her to Heaven with Gene Tierney who was nominated for Best Actress. Stahl died in Hollywood, California in 1950 of a heart attack, aged 63, and was interred in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Glendale, California.


John M. Stahl


Oh, You Beautiful Doll
Period musical about a song plugger who vows to turn an opera composer's music into popular hits.
Father Was a Fullback
Coach George Copper's college football team is losing game after game, much to the dismay of stiff-and-stuffy but influential alumni Roger Jessup, and also having trouble at home with his oldest daughter, Connie. The team keeps losing and Coach Cooper is about to lose his job as his efforts to win the last game of the season, against the team's Big Rival, end in disaster. But, unknown to he and his wife, Elizabeth, Connie has sold an article, called "I Was a Bubble Dancer" to a 'True-Confession" magazine, and the girl-who-couldn't-get-a-date becomes suddenly popular and, because of her, the high-school football star from another town decides to play his college-ball for Coach Cooper. Jessup is forced to keep Cooper on as the school's football coach.
The Walls of Jericho
In a small town in Kansas, a county attorney in an unhappy marriage falls in love with another woman.
Фоксы из Харроу
1827 год. В Новом Орлеане, штат Луизиана, карточный мошенник Стивен Фокс покупает себе путь в общество, чего он не мог сделать на своей родине, потому что он незаконнорожденный. В карты он выигрывает плантацию, которую превращает в самую прибыльную в Луизиане и называет её Харроу в честь своей ирландской семьи. Стивен добивается любви красавицы аристократки Одали Д'Арсено. Они женятся, но совместная жизнь приносит им мало счастья...
Бог ей судья
Писатель Ричард Харланд женится на прекрасной Эллен Берент, однако вскоре счастье молодых супругов омрачается: сначала умирает брат Ричарда, а потом у Хелен случается выкидыш. Ричард начинает понимать, что эти несчастья каким-то образом связаны с болезненной ревностью его жены.
Ключи от царства небесного
Действие этой картины начинается в Шотландии, затем переносится в Китай и снова на родину, охватывая более половины столетия. По сюжету к старому, хромому и бедному священнику отцу Френсису Чизхолму приходит монсеньор и волею случая начинает читать его дневники. Сначала мы узнаем о безответной любви молодости, затем о рождении бескорыстной преданности, отказе себе во всем и самоистязаниях и наконец, беззаветном исполнении миссии молодого священника, посланного в Китай. Сильный духом герой аскетично живет в далекой провинции Чек-Kay и пытается наладить отношения с местным населением. Здесь он спасает жизнь сына и наследника богатого мандарина. Его миссия нести европейскую культуру и религию китайскому народу дает свои результаты, но начинается гражданская война, и прекрасный Холм Зеленого Нефрита оказывается на линии огня между армией и китайскими бандитами. Много тягот и лишений выпало на жизнь героя картины, но именно через страдания и боль он понял смысл своего предназначения...
The Eve of St. Mark
Quizz West is conscripted into the United States Army in late 1940. Prior to being shipped out first to San Francisco, then the Philippines, Quizz and his hometown girlfriend Janet discuss their future plans.
Holy Matrimony
An artist returning from years abroad takes the identity of his dead valet and gets married, but then there are complications.
Бессмертный сержант
Вторая Мировая, 1942 год, северная Африка, пески Ливии. Капрал Колин Спенс в группе военного патруля из четырнадцати бойцов отправлен в патрулирование контролируемого союзниками сектора Ливийской пустыни. Отрядом командует жёсткий и бывалый сержант Келли. Внезапно рядовое задание превращается в отчаянную схватку за жизнь, где простое выживание зависит только от опыта, мужества и воли к жизни простых солдат…
Our Wife
A musician's ex-wife wants him back after he finds love and success.
Our Wife
A musician's ex-wife wants him back after he finds love and success.
Когда наступит завтра
Официантка Хелен встречает Филиппа Шагала, представившегося безработным музыкантом, и влюбляется в него. Филипп приглашает её на свидание, и она узнаёт, что он знаменитый пианист. Начинается ураган, на их машину обрушивается дерево, и влюблённые продолжают путь пешком. На ночь они находят убежище в церкви. А утром Хелен узнаёт, что Филипп женат...
Когда наступит завтра
Официантка Хелен встречает Филиппа Шагала, представившегося безработным музыкантом, и влюбляется в него. Филипп приглашает её на свидание, и она узнаёт, что он знаменитый пианист. Начинается ураган, на их машину обрушивается дерево, и влюблённые продолжают путь пешком. На ночь они находят убежище в церкви. А утром Хелен узнаёт, что Филипп женат...
Letter of Introduction
An aging actor, trying to make a comeback on Broadway, is surprised when his estranged daughter shows up. It seems that she is an actress and is also trying to make it on Broadway. He tries to re-establish his relationship with her while also trying to hide the fact that she is his daughter from the press.
Letter of Introduction
An aging actor, trying to make a comeback on Broadway, is surprised when his estranged daughter shows up. It seems that she is an actress and is also trying to make it on Broadway. He tries to re-establish his relationship with her while also trying to hide the fact that she is his daughter from the press.
Irish politician Charles Stewart Parnell struggles to free his country from English rule, but his relationship with married Katie O'Shea threatens to ruin all his dreams of freedom.
Magnificent Obsession
A playboy tries to redeem himself after his careless behavior causes a great man's death.
Magnificent Obsession
A playboy tries to redeem himself after his careless behavior causes a great man's death.
Имитация жизни
После смерти своего мужа, Беатрис Паллман пытается продолжить его бизнес, продавая кленовый сироп. Для облегчения работы по дому и воспитанию дочери она нанимает на работу чернокожую служанку Делилу, которая готова за крышу над головой, предоставленную ей и ее белокожей дочери Пеоле, помогать по хозяйству, поскольку у Беатрис совсем не было денег. Делила оказывается превосходной поварихой, ее рецепт блинов с кленовым сиропом, побуждает Беатрис создать собственною «Блинную». Проходят годы, дела идут на лад, кафе превращается в сеть популярных закусочных, двадцать процентов в доле бизнеса принадлежит Делиле, но все это не радует Пеолу, она стесняется черного цвета кожи своей матери и старается избегать общения…
Only Yesterday
On the back of the Wall Street Crash of 1929, a young business man is about to commit suicide. With the note to his wife scribbled down and a gun in his hand, he notices a thick envelope addressed to him at the desk. As he begin to read, we're taken back to the days of WW1 and his meeting with a young woman named Mary Lane.
Back Street
A woman's love for and devotion to a married man results in her being relegated to the "back streets" of his life.
Strictly Dishonorable
A hopelessly silly young flibbertigibbet from Mississippi is faced with the choice of her poor, boorish New Jersey boyfriend or a dashing Opera star, a man of experience.
Барт Картер пожертвовал писательской карьерой, чтобы поддерживать свою жену Пегги и их пятерых детей, работая клерком в Нью-Йоркском издательстве. Когда его бывшая подруга Милдред Бронсон, литературный агент, возвращается в Штаты из Парижа, она предоставляет Барту возможность получать своё жалованье, одновременно работая над романом. Дома у Барта царят хаос и сумятица, поэтому он пишет на квартире у Милдред и часто после этого остается на ужин. Вскоре оба понимают, что их старые чувства друг к другу возродились…
Барт Картер пожертвовал писательской карьерой, чтобы поддерживать свою жену Пегги и их пятерых детей, работая клерком в Нью-Йоркском издательстве. Когда его бывшая подруга Милдред Бронсон, литературный агент, возвращается в Штаты из Парижа, она предоставляет Барту возможность получать своё жалованье, одновременно работая над романом. Дома у Барта царят хаос и сумятица, поэтому он пишет на квартире у Милдред и часто после этого остается на ужин. Вскоре оба понимают, что их старые чувства друг к другу возродились…
A Lady Surrenders
A wealthy industrialist's wife gets into a big argument with him; to cool off, she goes on an ocean trip. He thinks she's left him for good, so he marries another woman. When his first wife returns, complications ensue.
The Power of Silence
Would An Innocent Woman Keep Silent? Would the fear of a murderer's death shake her from the Sphinx-like silence that shielded- who?
Clothes Make the Woman
A young Russian peasant feels pity for the Princess Anastasia and saves her life by accidentally wounding her in the massacre of the Romanovs during the Russian Revolution.
In Old Kentucky
Young Brierly struggles to save his father, Major Brierly, from the clutches of alcohol after the Great War. At the same time, he prepares Major Brierly's horse, which served bravely with the Major at the front, for the Kentucky Derby.
Wild Geese
Silent romantic melodrama about a wife and mother who is desperate to keep a secret from the past IN the past, despite her husband's intentions to reveal it.
The Gay Deceiver
A deceiver leads the fast set in Paris and is involved in love affairs and blackmail. Will he mends his way for his daughter's sake.
Memory Lane
Original Story
Mary is marrying Jimmie, from whom she has kept a secret; Mary remains in love with another man. Problems ensue, jeopardizing the tranquility of their relationship.
Memory Lane
Mary is marrying Jimmie, from whom she has kept a secret; Mary remains in love with another man. Problems ensue, jeopardizing the tranquility of their relationship.
Fine Clothes
The owner of a London clothing store is driven out of business, but later makes a triumphant return.
Husbands and Lovers
For Husbands and Lovers, John M Stahl pairs devoted wife Florence Vidor with ungrateful husband Lewis Stone for a splendidly nuanced marital comedy that proves his versatility as a filmmaker. When Vidor’s hausfrau transforms into an elegant lady of leisure with an expensive makeover, the quintessentially caddish Lew Cody takes lascivious notice but Stone can only grouse about the bill. A gentle rebuke of a husband’s bad manners and a salute to a wife’s sweet revenge, Husbands and Lovers was a favorite in the trade press. “Here is a comedy-drama that fairly scintillates with humor,” said Exhibitors News, “and then when the laugh is over, salty tears rush unbidden to the eyes. Chided by her husband, James, for not putting effort into her looks, Grace goes for a surprising makeover and lets James struggle to dress himself without her help. Her new look draws James' disdain and the eye of his best friend, Rex.
Husbands and Lovers
For Husbands and Lovers, John M Stahl pairs devoted wife Florence Vidor with ungrateful husband Lewis Stone for a splendidly nuanced marital comedy that proves his versatility as a filmmaker. When Vidor’s hausfrau transforms into an elegant lady of leisure with an expensive makeover, the quintessentially caddish Lew Cody takes lascivious notice but Stone can only grouse about the bill. A gentle rebuke of a husband’s bad manners and a salute to a wife’s sweet revenge, Husbands and Lovers was a favorite in the trade press. “Here is a comedy-drama that fairly scintillates with humor,” said Exhibitors News, “and then when the laugh is over, salty tears rush unbidden to the eyes. Chided by her husband, James, for not putting effort into her looks, Grace goes for a surprising makeover and lets James struggle to dress himself without her help. Her new look draws James' disdain and the eye of his best friend, Rex.
Why Men Leave Home
John and Irene Emerson's marriage begins well enough, but it is not long before John becomes less attentive. Feeling neglected, Irene spends more time with her girl friends, and John, consequently, falls prey to the vamping wiles of his secretary, Jean Ralston. When John comes home from the theater smelling of Jean's perfume, Irene procures a divorce; John then marries Jean.
The Wanters
Elliot Worthington falls in love with Myra, the maid in his sister's household. Myra is dismissed; Elliot finds her, proposes marriage, and returns home with his new bride. She is snubbed by his relatives and shocked by the hypocrisy of his wealthy friends. Disillusioned, she runs away: Elliot follows and saves her from being hit by a train when her foot gets caught in a switch.
The Dangerous Age
Married for 22 years, Mary Emerson treats her husband, John, more like a son than a husband. He is stung by her rebuffs and, therefore, succumbs to the youthful charms of Gloria Sanderson, whom he meets on a business trip. But just after he mails a letter to Mary telling her that he will not return, John finds Gloria in the arms of her fiancé.
One Clear Call
An outcast who runs a road house of ill repute leads his mother to believe him dead. His only friend, a doctor, falls for a married woman.
The Song of Life
A woman abandons her husband and baby to look for a better life in the big city. Years later, as an elderly woman, she finds her son living in the big city and tries to make amends by moving in with him without revealing her secret identity.
The Child Thou Gavest Me
On her wedding day, Norma Huntley wants to tell Edward Berkley, her husband-to-be, her secret -- that she mothered a child out of wedlock which subsequently died. Her mother forbids her to reveal this. Only moments after the ceremony, it is discovered that the child, now three, is actually alive. Berkley, incensed at this turn of events, agrees to adopt the child and remain married for appearance's sake -- but when he finds the father, he will kill him.
The Child Thou Gavest Me
On her wedding day, Norma Huntley wants to tell Edward Berkley, her husband-to-be, her secret -- that she mothered a child out of wedlock which subsequently died. Her mother forbids her to reveal this. Only moments after the ceremony, it is discovered that the child, now three, is actually alive. Berkley, incensed at this turn of events, agrees to adopt the child and remain married for appearance's sake -- but when he finds the father, he will kill him.
Sowing the Wind
When Rosamond, a convent girl, discovers that her mother is Baby Brabant, a notorious queen of Petworth's gambling house, her ideals are shattered and she denounces her mother's life.
Suspicious Wives
A melodrama of misunderstandings in which a rich couple grow more and more suspicious of each other fidelities after the groom’s father is shot dead on their wedding night.
The Woman Under Oath
After a forward introduces the question of whether women are temperamentally suited for jury duty, Jim O'Neil, a young shipping clerk, is found holding a revolver over his dead employer, Edward Knox. The celebrated novelist Grace Norton, selected to be on the jury at Jim's trial, becomes the first woman juror in New York.
Wives of Men
Just as Mr. and Mrs. James Randolph Emerson, Jr. are about to depart on their honeymoon, Lucille Emerson discovers her husband gazing at a photograph that bears the inscription, "With love to my husband, Grace." Too proud to question James about the photograph, Lucille is tormented by the image of the woman for many years. Finally Lucille becomes involved in a flirtation with another man, and when her husband learns of her infatuation, he becomes insanely jealous. Enraged, he is choking her when a small boy rushes into the room and collapses. James leaves Lucille, who returns the boy to his tenement home. While there, Lucille discovers that the child is James's son, born to a woman who died in childbirth.
Wives of Men
Just as Mr. and Mrs. James Randolph Emerson, Jr. are about to depart on their honeymoon, Lucille Emerson discovers her husband gazing at a photograph that bears the inscription, "With love to my husband, Grace." Too proud to question James about the photograph, Lucille is tormented by the image of the woman for many years. Finally Lucille becomes involved in a flirtation with another man, and when her husband learns of her infatuation, he becomes insanely jealous. Enraged, he is choking her when a small boy rushes into the room and collapses. James leaves Lucille, who returns the boy to his tenement home. While there, Lucille discovers that the child is James's son, born to a woman who died in childbirth.
Wives of Men
Just as Mr. and Mrs. James Randolph Emerson, Jr. are about to depart on their honeymoon, Lucille Emerson discovers her husband gazing at a photograph that bears the inscription, "With love to my husband, Grace." Too proud to question James about the photograph, Lucille is tormented by the image of the woman for many years. Finally Lucille becomes involved in a flirtation with another man, and when her husband learns of her infatuation, he becomes insanely jealous. Enraged, he is choking her when a small boy rushes into the room and collapses. James leaves Lucille, who returns the boy to his tenement home. While there, Lucille discovers that the child is James's son, born to a woman who died in childbirth.
Shortly after Dr. Allen Forrest, who is involved with aircraft production for the United States government, invites his young nephew and business partner, Leonard White, to live in his home, idle gossips begin to spread rumors about Leonard and the doctor's pretty wife Madelyn. At first, Allen refuses to believe the stories, but gradually he becomes suspicious. One night, the doctor hears a noise in Madelyn's room, and when he rushes in, he is shot in the arm. The young man jumping from Madelyn's balcony resembles Leonard, and the doctor, deeply hurt, accuses his wife of infidelity. Madelyn is on the verge of killing herself when a secret service agent appears, reporting that the German spy who attempted to steal secret documents from the doctor's home the night before had been apprehended.
The Lincoln Cycle
This remarkable series of 10 short silent dramas by John M. Stahl, produced by Benjamin Chapin as a vehicle for his performance as Abraham Lincoln, are structured entirely around memory and recollections of the past.
Her Code of Honor
A man brings up, on Long Island, the illegitimate daughter of a deceased woman who'd been an art student in love with a married Parisian. Is a French man the daughter, now grown up, attracted to a descendant of that same Parisian as well?