
Бессмертный сержант (1943)

Many heroic stories will come out of this war ... but there will never be a greater one than this !

Жанр : военный, драма

Время выполнения : 1Ч 31М

Директор : John M. Stahl
Писатель : Lamar Trotti

Краткое содержание

Вторая Мировая, 1942 год, северная Африка, пески Ливии. Капрал Колин Спенс в группе военного патруля из четырнадцати бойцов отправлен в патрулирование контролируемого союзниками сектора Ливийской пустыни. Отрядом командует жёсткий и бывалый сержант Келли. Внезапно рядовое задание превращается в отчаянную схватку за жизнь, где простое выживание зависит только от опыта, мужества и воли к жизни простых солдат…


Henry Fonda
Henry Fonda
Corporal Colin Spence
Maureen O'Hara
Maureen O'Hara
Valentine Lee
Thomas Mitchell
Thomas Mitchell
Sergeant Kelly
Allyn Joslyn
Allyn Joslyn
Reginald Gardiner
Reginald Gardiner
Tom Benedict
Melville Cooper
Melville Cooper
Bramwell Fletcher
Bramwell Fletcher
Morton Lowry
Morton Lowry
Peter Lawford
Peter Lawford
Bess Flowers
Bess Flowers
Nightclub patron


John M. Stahl
John M. Stahl
John Brophy
John Brophy
Lamar Trotti
Lamar Trotti
Lamar Trotti
Lamar Trotti
Arthur C. Miller
Arthur C. Miller
Director of Photography
David Buttolph
David Buttolph
Original Music Composer
James B. Clark
James B. Clark
Richard Day
Richard Day
Art Direction
Maurice Ransford
Maurice Ransford
Art Direction
Earl Luick
Earl Luick
Costume Design
Thomas Little
Thomas Little
Set Decoration
Fred J. Rode
Fred J. Rode
Set Decoration
Guy Pearce
Guy Pearce
Makeup Artist


The trio Erik, Arne and Ingrid have been friends since childhood, the two boys always competing for the affection of Ingrid. At the naval academy Erik gets into a fistfight and is expelled, to instead become a captain of a trading ship. Before he leaves Ingrid and Erik are engaged in secret. Later, when Erik is believed to be lost at sea, Ingrid instead gets engaged with Arne.
Nathalie: Escape from Hell
When a Russian doctor (Patrizia Gori) falls foul of the Nazis, she finds herself imprisoned at Fort Stilberg, a luxury brothel for German top brass where the women are overseen by sadistic SS officer Helga Hortz (Jacqueline Laurent). The doctor's medical skills bring her to the attention of Nazi Lieutenant Erik Mueller (Jack Taylor), who saves the lovely lady from becoming one of the establishment's 'hostesses' by assigning her to the infirmary.
Вторая мировая война. Маленький городок в Техасе. Нита работает телефонисткой и одна воспитывает двух сыновей. Из-за своего развода она постоянно терпит насмешки и издевательства окружающих. Дружба с молодым моряком Тедди, который пытается стать защитником и опорой для Ниты и ее детей, дает городским сплетницам новый повод для разговоров. После того, как Тедди призывают на военную службу, в жизни Ниты появляется бродяга Бейли...
Hitler's Madman
In 1942, a young paratrooper in the RAF returns to Czechoslovakia to encourage his fellow countrymen to sabotage the German war effort.
Человек посередине
1944, Индия. Убийство американским офицером британского сержанта ставит под удар сплоченность американо-британского альянса в преддверии решающего наступления. Справиться с этим кризисом и и предотвратить раскол в рядах союзников поручается боевому офицеру с юридическим прошлым (Роберт Митчум). Но вскоре он обнаруживает себя между молотом и наковальней: между интересами коалиции и Правосудием.
Вероятность равна нулю
В 1943 году английским учёным удалось создать абсолютно новое устройство, которое было названо радаром. С этого момента стратегия ведения войны в Европе изменилась и вооруженные силы союзников стали одерживать победы на всех направлениях. Однако, осенью того же года английский разведовательный самолёт, оснащённый таким радаром, был сбит немецкими истребителями над территорией норвежских вод. Небольшая группа сил союзников приступила к операции, чтобы не дать возможности попадания радара в руки немецких учёных. Суровая природа севера, численное преимушество противника и нехватка времени - всё было против диверсионной группы в этой самоубийственной операции. Ожидаемый результат которой: вероятность равна нулю.
This Life
The true story of the Fiils: a family of innkeepers who, during Nazi-Germany's occupation of Denmark, took up arms against the German occupiers. But in the fight for freedom, some must die so that others may live.
The Halfway House
A group of travellers, each with a personal problem that they want to hide, arrive at a mysterious Welsh country inn. There is a certain strangeness in the air as they are greeted by the innkeeper and his daughter. Why are all the newspapers a year old? And why doesn't Gwyneth seem to cast a shadow?
Embajadores en el infierno
Spanish right-wingers equally devoted to Catholic religion and Franco dictatorship, go soldiering as volunteers with the Germans when these started hostilities against Russia (1943), then under the Soviet regime. They lose, mostly are imprisoned, and will suffer eleven years in captivity - keeping their faith and their dignity. Written by Artemis-9
An American Romance
A European immigrant becomes a master of industry but almost loses his family.
Белый тигр
Вторая Мировая война подходит к концу. Тяжелые затяжные бои изматывают обе стороны. Но чем увереннее наступают советские войска, тем чаще на полях сражений появляется огромным неуязвимый немецкий танк «Белый Тигр». Внезапно возникает он в дыму сражений, безжалостно расстреливает своих противников и неожиданно исчезает. Советское командование решает для борьбы с «Белым Тигром» создать особый танк — специальную модель Т-34.
Silent Gunpowder
Silent Gunpowder (Serbo-Croatian: Gluvi barut) is a Yugoslavian war film Based on a novel by Branko Ćopić and set during World War II, the film tells the story of a Serbian village in the mountains of Bosnia and its villagers who found themselves divided along two opposing ideological lines, represented by the Chetniks and the Partisans. These two opposing sides are personified in the Partisan commander Španac and a former Royal Army officer Radekić. Španac sees Radekić as the cause of villagers' resistance to the new, Communist, ideology and so the main plot axis is the conflict between them. At the 1990 Pula Film Festival, the film won the Big Golden Arena for Best Film, as well as the awards for Best Actor in a Leading Role (Branislav Lečić), Best Film Score (Goran Bregović). The film was also shown at the 1991 Moscow International Film Festival, where both Branislav Lečić and Mustafa Nadarević won the Silver St. George Award for their performances.
A ballerina resorts to prostitution when her fiance is reported killed in World War II.
How I Was Stolen by the Germans
How I Was Stolen by the Germans (Serbian: Koko su me ukrali Nemci) is a Serbian movie. Alex (52) is sufficiently renowned writer who is engaged in repairing other people's texts. It is vital, educated, talented but a bit of a misanthrope. One day in his life enters a girl Roma (6). Alex tells her the stories of his childhood ... The movie is a story of the film director childhood.
The Dunera Boys
At the start of WWII the British Government decided to arrest all Germans in the UK no matter how long they had been there. Among those arrested were many Jewish refugees and many who were fully assimilated. This film records the story of a group who were sent to a POW camp in Australia aboard the Dunera.
Camp de Thiaroye
A Senegalese platoon of soldiers from the French Free Army are returned from combat in France and held for a temporary time in a military encampment with barbed wire fences and guard towers in the desert. Among their numbers are Sergeant Diatta, the charismatic leader of the troop who was educated in Paris and has a French wife and child, and Pays, a Senegalese soldier left in a state of shock from the war and concentration camps and who can only speak in guttural screams and grunts.
The story of the film is set in the period from the 1940s until today in the Pannonian plain (the plain in the Central Europe), in an area of elusive boundaries, mysterious and unstable spiritual identity. The witness of the time is a Jewish boy Benya Cohn who, with his eye wide open, remembers the tragedy of his family, in the shadow of the Holocaust, concentration camps and new wars.
Count Five and Die
Dutch patriots, a U.S. officer and a British spy fool the Nazis with a fake Soho film company.
The Gestapo: Hitler's Secret Police
The rise and fall of Nazi Germany's terrifying secret police force from 1933 through 1945.
Why We Fight: The Nazis Strike
The second film of Frank Capra's Why We Fight propaganda film series. It introduces Germany as a nation whose aggressive ambitions began in 1863 with Otto von Bismarck and the Nazis as its latest incarnation.