Sheriff Ed Hatfield
The O'Toole Brothers are Eastern con men, exceptionally good at talking their way out of tight situations. When they ride into Molybdenum, Colorado, not suspecting the riches beneath the streets, they turn the sleepy mining town upside-down for their search for the gold. High-spirited hijinks ensue, with the brothers involved in everything from stolen gambling equipment to a "belchin', cussin' and spittin' " contest.
Ken Murray narrates his 16mm home movies shot over 35 years in Hollywood.
Rock Club leader
A hitchhiker (John Derek) sleeps with a rancher's wife (Ursula Andress) and is hunted by the sheriff (Aldo Ray) for her murder.
Harvey Baker
Swindlers con a lunchroom clerk into doing them a favor, supposedly on behalf of the FBI.
Joe Gordon, Editor
A reporter stumbles on a runaway heiress whose story could salvage his career.
Harvey Maxwell
Whenever it becomes known how good he is with guns, ex-gunman George and his wife Dora have to flee the town, in fear of all the gunmen who might want to challenge him. Unfortunately he again spills his secret when he's drunk. All citizens swear to keep his secret and support him to give up his guns forever -- but a boy tells the story to a gang of wanted criminals. Their leader threatens to burn down the whole town, if he doesn't duel him.
J.H. Handy
A C-47 transport plane, named the Corsair, makes a forced landing in the frozen wastes of Labrador, and the plane's pilot, Captain Dooley, must keep his men alive in deadly conditions while waiting for rescue.
Earl Meeker
Неудовлетворенная жизнью Джулия Стерджес решает отправиться за океан с двумя детьми. Ее муж, не желая терять контакт с детьми, садится на тот же корабль, чтобы приехать в Америку вместе с семьей. Корабль назывался «Титаник»…
Frank Schneider
Melvin Hoover, a budding photographer for Look magazine, accidentally bumps into a young actress named Judy LeRoy in the park. They start to talk and Melvin soon offers to do a photo spread of her. His boss, however, has no intention of using the photos. Melvin wants to marry Judy, but her father would rather she marry dull and dependable Harry Black. As a last resort, Melvin promises to get Judy's photo on the cover of the next issue of Look, a task easier said than done.
George Miller
As Jerry Golding scales the heights of show business, he breaks the heart of his father, who'd hoped that Jerry would follow in his footsteps. Sorrowfully, Cantor Golding reads the Kaddish service, indicating that, so far as he is concerned, his son is dead. A tearful reconciliation occurs when Jerry dutifully returns to sing the "Kol Nidre" in his ailing father's absence.
George Hodges
65-летний Джон Ходжес отправлен в отставку. Судьба складывается так, что позже он приезжает на свой старый завод с инспекцией. Президент Мак-Кинли, отправивший в отставку Ходжеса, нервничает так, что даже его красивая секретарша Гарриета не может успокоить его. Ситуация осложняется тем, что жена Мак-Кинли, Люсиль, увлечена Джоном Ходжесом…
Billy Birkmire
Гаррьет Крейг — очень властная женщина, которая обожает свой дом и богатство, и совершенно равнодушна к людям. Она обманывает мужа, к кузине относится как к секретарше, а со слугами обращается как с рабами.
Ralph Whitcomb
Jennifer Smith heads a "Consumer Reports"-type company and her reputation for honesty is her greatest asset. While out boating one day she encounters a secret prototype submarine piloted by Bill Craig. Trying to explain her absence after her boat sinks becomes very difficult as Bill and his cohorts attempt to discredit her story.
Clem Otis
Дэнни Хокинс, на котором лежит тень трагичного прошлого, совершает непреднамеренное убийство, спасая девушку от рук негодяев. Оказавшись перед мучительным выбором, он пытается спастись бегством не только от полиции, но и от себя самого.
Mike Garrett
In the small town of Brookford, everybody can trace their ancestors back to the Revolutionary War, except Sam and Susie Parker. One day, however, they find a letter written by George Washington that mentions the bravery of a Revolutionary War hero named Parker.
Leander Woolsey
In the late 1800s, Miss Pilgrim, a young stenographer, or typewriter, becomes the first female employee at a Boston shipping office. Although the men object to her at first, she soon charms them all, especially the handsome young head of the company. Their romance gets sidetracked when she becomes involved in the Women's Suffrage movement.
John Habour
Steve, revue producer in Rio de Janeiro, is still in love with his ex-wife Vicki, his star Linda is in love with Steve and Tito is in love with Linda. Because of this they all get small problems.
Henry Barton
A pretty blonde with a Doberman pinscher walks into a bar on April Fool's Day and asks for a bag of bones. Thus begins a merry chase in which a newspaper reporter, a drunken policeman and a hand-painted necktie help locate the missing witness in a criminal investigation.
Earl Hoats
The story takes place in 1940. On the eve of America's entry in World War II, a colonel retired to his small Southern town, and discovers that there is a plan afoot to tear down Confederate Monument Square. He begins a campaign to rally the townspeople to save the square.
Harry Graves
A Manhattan family's Christmas season turns topsy-turvy when 13-year-old Judy Graves mistakenly thinks her newly-arrived visiting uncle has just been released from prison.
Second Trumpeter / Osidro
A trumpet player in a radio orchestra falls asleep during a commercial and dreams he's Athanael, an angel deputized to blow the Last Trumpet at exactly midnight on Earth, thus marking the end of the world.
Bill Harrison
Eminent psychiatrist Dr. Brenner invites cartoonist Bill Harrison and his wife, Jack, to a banquet honoring war refugees. Bill volunteers to pick up fellow psychiatrist Dr. Baumler at the train station, but the man vanishes when he has Bill stop so he can use a pay phone. At the dinner, Bill and Jack are seated with Brenner's daughter, Freda, and, to Bill's surprise, another man is introduced as Baumler -- who dies moments later.
Lester Barnes
After their annual free concert at Chicago's Dearborn Settlement, Benny Goodman and his band are packing up to go to their next engagement when a kid steals Goodman's clarinet. Goodman and Popsie pursue him to a tenement flat where he has led them to hear his brother play the trombone. Shenanigans ensue following Goodman's offering the brother a job with the band.
Phil Vernon
The staggeringly wealthy Norah Hunter, a shipyard owner, too often finds herself the romantic target of gold-digging men. To attract a suitor whose main interest is not money, she changes places with her secretary, Sylvia Lockwood, and assumes the role of a young working woman. However, she then falls for recuperating fighter pilot Anthony Travis, who, in turn, is madly in love with Sylvia -- or, perhaps, with the millions he thinks she has.
The story concerns a condemned murderer named Clement (Jean Gabin), who is "liberated" when the Nazis bomb the French jail that holds him. During his escape, Clement comes across the body of a French soldier; he steals the dead man's uniform and identification papers, then hides from the law by joining the Resistance movement. Clement's new identity and purpose in life reforms him, and in due time he has sacrificed himself in service of his country.
Barry Craig
Mystery writer Barry Craig (Allyn Joslyn) and his wife Jane (Evelyn Keyes), prefer solving crimes rather than writing about them. They get a chance when killings plague the fashion photography studio of Ralph McCormick (Edmund Lowe). After his secretary, Julie Taylor(Anita Louise) reports an attempt to murder her there, Erika McCormick's (Ann Savage) Aunt Isabel Fleming (Mary Forbes) is stabbed and the evidence points to Madge Lawrence (Bess Flowers) an older model and an apparent suicide. Police Inspector Joseph Clinton (Frank Craven) declares the case closed...but then Erika is murdered.
Albert Van Cleve
Дон Амече в роли Генри Ван Клива, современного Казановы, чья жизнь показана с младенчества и до самой смерти (в возрасте 70 лет). Скончавшийся Ван Клив стоит перед Дьяволом, требующим предъявить пропуск в Ад. Для этого Дьявол должен тщательно изучить всю жизнь Ван Клива…
Adam Trent
A widow's grown children try to break up her romance with a college professor.
Вторая Мировая, 1942 год, северная Африка, пески Ливии. Капрал Колин Спенс в группе военного патруля из четырнадцати бойцов отправлен в патрулирование контролируемого союзниками сектора Ливийской пустыни. Отрядом командует жёсткий и бывалый сержант Келли. Внезапно рядовое задание превращается в отчаянную схватку за жизнь, где простое выживание зависит только от опыта, мужества и воли к жизни простых солдат…
Chic Clark
Сестры Рут и Эйлин переезжают из Огайо в Нью-Йорк в надежде построить собственную карьеру. Рут грезит о работе писателем, а Эйлин надеется добиться успеха на сцене. Но живут они в мрачной подвальной квартире в Гринвич-Виллидж, где никогда нет тишины и покоя. Им посчастливится встретиться с редактором журнала Бобом Бейкером, который лично заинтересован помочь им с карьерными планами.
Joel Archer
Members of a well-to-do small community become worried when it is revealed that one of their maids is writing a telling exposé.
Major Zellfritz
Christopher Reynolds, an American flying with the R.A.F, is shot down over German-occupied Holland and is given shelter by a Dutch family. Posing as the insane husband of the daughter of the house, Anita Wolverman, Reynolds convinces the German officer quartered there, Major Zellfritz, with the necessity for her divorce decree to be granted. After the court-hearing, Anita, goes to manage a home for retired ladies and, persuaded by Reynolds, tries to gain military information from the German Officer. When her former husband escapes from the insane-asylum his exploits are blamed on Reynolds. With the help of the old ladies and Anita, who "remarries" him, Reynolds escapes to England in a stolen German airplane.
William Dudley
A Braodway playwright wants to keep on writing plays for his wife to star in, but all she wants is to retire to Connecticut and, following a few 'worlds-apart" discussion of the issue, they get a divorce. The actress marries a banker in a fit of pique only to quickly discover the divorce was not valid. She communicates this information to her not-yet ex-husband and he, to prevent consummation of the invalid marriage rescues her by sending plumbers, waiters, porters, chambermaids, bellhops, desk clerks, exterminators and, finally, a crowd of roistering conventioneers to the suite to ensure no bedtime story would take place there
Larry Evans
Промоутер Фрэнки Кристофер обвинен в убийстве модели Викки Линн, для которой он был покровителем некоторое время назад. В полицейском участке происходит допрос обвиняемого, во время которого он рассказывает двум инспекторам Эдду Корнеллу и Джерри МакДоналду как несколько месяцев назад он, поспорив со своими приятелями, согласился сделать из простой официантки королеву эстрады. Для этого они выбрали Вики — общую знакомую официантку, девушку красивую и амбициозную. Эксперимент резко пошел в гору, девушка буквально захватила сердца зрителей и даже умудрилась заключить контракт с Голливудом, но внезапная смерть от руки неизвестного убийцы прервала ее жизнь. Полиция сразу заподозрила в этом преступлении Фрэнки, которого девушка не пожелала видеть рядом собой в Голливуде, и теперь парню предстоит доказать что он не совершал убийства, хотя все обстоятельства указывают на него…
Harry Bertrand
Two professional people marry, but the wife insists that they be celibate for the first three months to make sure they are truly compatible.
Morgan Carrell
Director William Keighley's 1940 film adaptation of S. N. Behrman's stage hit, about an aspiring playwright who finds himself an overnight Broadway success, stars James Stewart, Rosalind Russell, Genevieve Tobin, Louise Beavers, Charles Ruggles and Allyn Joslyn.
Дэн МакГинти ведет успешную, но весьма лживую политическую деятельность. Но всего лишь один момент необдуманной честности ставит все под угрозу…
Jarvis Johnson
Construction worker Buzz Blackwell becomes the guardian of 12-year-old Pat Johnson after one of his buddies, her father, is killed. Buzz and Pat, along with their chum Axel Swensen, head to New York to look for the girl's uncle. The trio soon unexpectedly become owners of a tired restaurant.
Ted Bentley
Joel & Garda Sloan, a husband and wife detective team, who also sell rare books in New York, take a vacation to Seaside City. At Seaside, Joel's pal, Mike Stevens is managing and preparing for their beauty pageant. Joel is made one of the judges plus he has invested $5,000 in it, to Garda's dismay. Eric Bartell, promoter, arrives to dupe Stevens. When Ed Connors, New York racketeer arrives, Bartell is mysteriously murdered. Joel and Garda set out to investigate the murder.
Les Peters
Храбрые американские летчики на быстрокрылых машинах стараются изо всех сил заработать свой кровный доллар в почтовой авиакомпании Джеффа Картера. Дружный коллектив расположился на одном из аэродромов Перу. Помимо работы, здесь кипят нешуточные человеческие и любовные страсти…
Sonny De Witt
A pampered heiress (Madeleine Carroll) elopes with a shipboard reporter (Fred MacMurray) just to get her name in a society column.
Бродвейский театр празднует шестую годовщину самой успешной постановки последних лет «Возлюбленные». Все эти шесть счастливых лет супруги Гвен Марлоу и Эрнест Лэйн выходили на сцену, исполняя главные роли. Их имена не менее известны, чем сам спектакль и, самое интересное, что в этот же день у них шестая годовщина свадьбы. Но праздничный вечер не будет столь же приятным, как хотелось бы. Вездесущий продюсер Голливуда Норман Трумпетт, пробовавший неудачно в течение шести лет подписать с Гвен и Эрнестом контракт на съемки в кино, придумал новый хитрый план для выполнения своей миссии. Он будет делать все возможное, чтобы супруги бросили сцену и переехали в кино-столицу Америки. Интриги, ложь, подлог и обман — вот его козыри в этой нечестной игре, но планам негодяя не суждено сбыться: он будет выведен на чистую воду и посрамлен, a супруги вновь взойдут на подмостки театра исполнить самую лучшую песню Бродвея.
Roger Q. Franklin
A nightclub dancer shakes the foundations of a wealthy farming family after she marries into it.
Joe Craig
Unable to get work in her home country, Laurine Lynne (Beverly Roberts) travels to Vienna where her press agent, Joe Craig (Allyn Joslyn), convinces her to marry royalty. The lucky fellow is Prince Rupert (Patric Knowles), an impoverished nobleman now working as a waiter. Do the two of them fall in love despite this marriage of convenience?
Bill Brock
Южный город потрясен скандалом: девушка-подросток Мари Клей убита в День памяти Конфедерации. Эндрю Гриффин, мелкий адвокат с политическими амбициями, видит в этом преступлении свой билет в Сенат, нужно только найти правильную жертву и обвинить её в убийстве. Он выбирает Роберта Хейла, северянина, учителя Мэри в бизнес-школе, где она и была убита. Несмотря на то, что все улики против Хейла косвенные, Гриффин как безжалостный репортер создает в СМИ волну ненависти и предрассудков в отношении учителя.