When the Burkes loose their jobs in New York, they have to move to Arizona, where Tom has an job-offer in the management of a small company for children's clothing. Unfortunately Tom's new boss Sirus Lovelin turns out to be extremely fond of the traditional American family and automatically assumes Amanda to be housewife and mother - but the Burkes don't even have children! To not offend him, they "hire" two kids they met prowling the streets. When they turn out witty, but nasty and impertinent, the Burkes want to rid themselves of them, but are entangled already too deeply in their lie...
Judge Carrigan
Чувства лишают нас объективности и ведут к катастрофе там, где нужен исключительно холодный ум. Женщина-адвокат Тедди Варне забыла эту простую истину, влюбившись в своего клиента, богача Джека Форрестера, обвиненного в убийстве жены. Чем сильнее ее страсть к кажущемуся таким искренным и честным парнем Джеку, тем больше у суда поводов сомневаться в его невиновности. Любовь слепа, но даже одурманенная ею Тедди не в силах закрыть глаза на копящиеся странности в деле ее очаровательного клиента. Напряжение нарастает с каждой минутой. Так кто же он, этот Джек Форрестер — жертва необоснованных подозрений, или ловкий и хитрый убийца, пытающийся обвести всех вокруг пальца?..
Биолог доктор Хэрри Уолпер - одинок. Он никак не может забыть свою любимую жену, умершую при родах 25 лет назад. Вооруженный знаниями и талантом, он пытается управлять жизненными процессами. А именно: воссоздает свою покойную жену. Мешают ему только работа в университете, законы природы и человек двадцать практикантов. И вот когда он уже готов разрешить тайну жизни и смерти, юная сексуальная ассистентка завоевывает его сердце. Теперь бы ему хоть в собственной жизни разобраться!
Henry Luce
1953 год. Карибское море… Реактивный самолет взлетает с борта авианосца, он просто исчезает в небе. Приборы фиксируют: он перешел границу скорости звука… Эта картина — фрагментарная история американской астронавтики с 1947 по 1963 год, когда после долгих и трагических испытаний, американцы наконец вышли в космос.
The Commissioner
Полет шаттла, совершающего первый регулярный рейс на Луну, проходит нормально, если не считать того, что все системы корабля отказали, на борту находится безумный террорист, угрожающий взорвать звездолет, и, что самое страшное, у экипажа… абсолютно кончился кофе.
Hadden Marshall
A T.V. show along the lines of a soap opera which centers on one young woman, Tiger Hayes, as she starts up a perfume company. The usual soap plots of adultery, romance, corruption, and greed abound.
Capt. John Sutter
Author Bret Harte relates the story of the discovery of gold in California at Sutter's Mill, and how that discovery changed the history of the west forever.
Environmentally concerned lawyer Abigail Adams works with Professor Roger Keller in his effort to protect baby seals from slaughter.
Henry Wheelock
В джунглях Южной Америки нацистский преступник врач Йозеф Менгеле собирается создать при помощи клонирования целую армию. А клонировать он собирается не кого-нибудь, а самого Гитлера. Но для начала ему необходимо убить некоего Эзра Либермана, который известен как охотник за военными преступниками.
Col. Lafayette C. Baker
Speculative Sunn Classics chestnut detailing a wide-ranging government conspiracy to murder the 16th American President and the subsequent cover up and escape of his killers.
Barrett Fears
A young man has to battle his greedy stepmother for control of his father's huge estate.
Jane's Father
Дик и Джейн были обычной американской семьей среднего класса Америки. Дик работал в крупной аэрокосмической компании, а Джейн вела хозяйство и воспитывала сына. Они только что переехали в новый дом, и вдруг Дика увольняют с работы. Новой работы он найти не может и оказывается в очереди за пособием. За дом еще нужно выплатить 75 тыс. долларов. Джейн находит мало оплачиваемую работу, обращается за помощью к родителям, но отец отказывается одолжить денег, утверждая, что трудные дни только закалят их с мужем…
John Muir
Bob Maples
Haunted by visions from his abusive childhood, Montana deputy sheriff Lou Ford gradually exhibits the signs of a homicidal schizophrenic.
Warden Mannering
Three young women who posed as the daughters of an elderly homesteader find out that he has been falsely accused of murder, convicted, and sentenced to hang. They hatch a plot to smuggle him out of prison.
Former Secretary of State Dean Acheson
Based in part on Robert F. Kennedy's book, "Thirteen Days," this film profiles the Kennedy Administration's actions during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
In the wild west con-man 'Candy' Johnson heads to Nevada to set up his own gambling den and teams up with Lucy Cotton, a young woman he meets there. This failed television pilot film is loosely based on Honky Tonk (1941), which starred Clark Gable.
На небольшом острове расположился Центр морской биологии доктора Тарелла. Предмет исследования ученых — дельфины-афалины и поиск средств общения с ними. Родившийся в неволе дельфин Альфа научился не только понимать Тарелла, но и повторять простые слова. Спонсоры Тарелла решили использовать достижения ученого в военных целях. С помощью сотрудника лаборатории Дэйвида они похитили Альфу и его подругу Бету и, убедившись в способности дельфинов взрывать «корабли противника», решили избавиться от них. Но умные животные, подорвав судно, приплыли к друзьям, на остров. Тарелл понял, что мирный Центр будет закрыт, и выпустил своих питомцев в открытый океан.
Билли Пилигрим, ветеран Второй мировой войны, таинственным образом оказывается оторванным от времени, так что он может путешествовать, не имея возможности помочь этому, от дней своего детства до дней своей своеобразной жизни на далекой планете Тральфамадор, проходя через свой горький опыт военнопленного в немецком городе Дрездене, над которым нависла неизбежная тень невыразимой трагедии.
Colonel Ames
Брачный аферист Латиго Смит, ускользая от очередной брошенной дамочки, оказывается в шахтёрском городке с красноречивым названием Чистилище. Городок этот контролируется двумя конкурирующими группировками. Противоречия не разрешимы, и глава одной из группировок вызывает знаменитого стрелка Свифти Моргана чтобы уладить проблему с конкурентом. Латиго Смит оказывается в самой гуще стремительно развивающихся событий.
Brig. Gen. George
Пародийный вестерн, рассказывающий о приключениях парочки мошенников, постоянно пытающихся надуть друг друга, – мелкого преступника Дингуса Маги и становящегося шерифом Хока.
Dr. John Bedford
A family of doctors that runs a medical clinic finds itself up against a sudden cholera epidemic and other difficulties like a movie star who refuses to cooperate with her treatment.
Sheriff Chancey Jones
Vietnam war hero, accused of murdering his brother, recruits his socialite girlfriend to hunt for the real killer.
District Attorney Frank Simpson
A rich, jet-setting playboy has a secret life: he's also a professional Mafia hitman. When he decides it's time to retire from that life, he finds that his former employers don't like the idea that someone who knows so much about them won't be under their control anymore, and decide to send their own hitmen to eliminate him.
Sam Ball
The blacksmith of a small western town finds himself an outcast. He had led the townspeople west in hopes of starting a new life, only to find the town that they founded is to be bypassed by the railroad.
Dr. Kharmusi
The men from U.N.C.L.E must stop a band of would-be sorcerers from using a deadly weapon.
Jason Gore
The cub reporter, Gallegher, becomes involved in a land fraud, when some valueless land is sold to a group of Cornish immigrants. A murder implicates one of the immigrants, and it is up to Gallegher to prove that a local resident is actually the murderer and the swindler is a local banker.
High-Spade Johnny Dean
TV Remake of the 1950 James Stewart Western movie of the same title has two brothers, one an ex-con the other a law officer, competing for possession of the famed repeating rifle.
Les Blank's first documentary cinematography job shooting Drag Racers in Long Beach, CA, driving everything from hopped up "Mercs" to Supercharged "Rail Dragsters". These cars could accelerate to over 220 miles/hour in a mile. The film follows the life of Rick "The Iceman" Stewart as he attempts to grab the world's record. Original score by Canned Heat Blues Band.
Scotty Hawke
An unknown Kentucky writer (James Franciscus) comes to New York and pursues fame and women (Suzanne Pleshette, Genevieve Page).
Mr. Henderson
S.P. Champlain
Parker Ballantine is a New York theater critic and his wife writes a play that may or may not be very good. Now Parker must either get out of reviewing the play or cause the breakup of his marriage.
Geoffrey Harnish
Психолог Джордж Чепмен приезжает в Лос-Анджелес со своим ассистентом. Они ищут добровольцев для изучения психологической основы женской сексуальности. Откликаются четыре женщины.
Мистер Икс покупает лодку и непреднамеренно вступает в гонку на водных лыжах. Без опыта, он немного не в своей лиге.
Дональд Дак и его племянники выбрасывают мусор где попало, пока их не останавливает полицейский и не заставляет собрать всё, что они уронили.
Frank Boone
When the Sioux come to Canada, the Canadians permit them to stay in Canada if they come peacefully. However, some cowboys kill all inhabitants of one of their villages. The cowboys seek to get back their horses, but they pretend to search for a girl who once had been robbed by the Indians.
Emir Bhaki aka The Lion of the Desert
An American wheeler-dealer woos a colonel's wife amid danger at a French Foreign Legion fort.
Chip Donahue
A young man without surname inherits a big indebted ranch and has to prove his worthiness managing a cattle drive.
Colonel Tedesco
As the Salo Republic crumbles around him, Mussolini, along with his mistress and several of his ministers flee with retreating Nazi soldiers, but are caught at the town of Dongo by red partisans. All are brutally executed without trial.
In this film, edited from eight episodes of Disney's hit TV series, Don Diego returns home to find his town under the heel of a cruel dictator, Capitan Monastario. Diego dons the mask of Zorro to fight the evil commandant's tyranny, and, with the help of his mute servant Bernardo, free the pueblo from his oppression.
Claude Tobin
Грубоватый фермер Линк Джонс оказывается посреди пустыни в компании привлекательной танцовщицы и картежника после того, как поезд, на котором они ехали, был ограблен.
Grant Kimbrough
Logan Cates sets out to rescue a white woman captured by Apache Indians and prevent a war. On the way he is joined by a few civilians and a small band of soldiers at a water hole. They are ambushed and laid siege to by Apache. As their food and water supplies dwindle a storm arrives which enables Cates to put an escape plan into action.
Pat Garrett
Картина посвящена жизни Билли Кида, легендарного убийцы с Дикого Запада. Единственный плюс Билла - умение метко стрелять. Он был яростно верен и предан своим немногим друзьям и смертельно опасен для всех, кто становился его врагом. Этот парень был взят на работу английским фермером Джоном Танстеллом. Богатый, обладающий хорошими связями владелец ранчо Мерфи конкурент Танстелла, вместе со своими подельниками убивает англичанина. Молодые работники Танстелла пытаются добиться справедливости законным путем, но у них не получается. Тогда они начинают истреблять врагов одного за другим. А Билли Кид становится вожаком банды.
Sheriff Jess Holmes
Residents at a posh Utah hotel become suspects when a girl is found murdered during a pool party. Local sheriff Jess Holmes takes charge of the investigation and must discover who among the terrified guests and staff -- including bodacious vixen Harriet Ames, the hotel's bitter, crippled proprietor, visiting lawyer David Hewson and his secretary, Beth -- is the culprit, even as murders continue to take place.
Короткометражный анимационный фильм, исследующий подлинные истории, которые легли в основу детских песенок и сказок. Зрители узнают, что на самом деле случилось с маленьким Джеком Хорнером (Джеки-дружок). Он работал в городской администрации и прислал подарок королю Генриху VIII, запеченный в пирог. А реальная история Мэри из популярной детской потешки имеет религиозную подоплеку, которая зачастую скрывается.
Fred Sutliff
После того как племя каманчей разбило небольшую группу солдат, сержант Хук со своим отрядом даёт им бой и берёт в плен их лидера Нанчеса и его маленького сына со своей белой матерью. Хук должен сопроводить женщину с сыном-полукровкой к её настоящему мужу. Нанчес совершает побег из тюрьмы форта и вместе с оставшимися в живых членами племени решает совершить налёт на дилижанс и забрать своего ребёнка. Кто-то из дилижанса считает, что не стоит спорить с индейцами, но только не Хук. Но… есть проблемы похуже каманчей..
Roger Pollack
Frontier peacekeeper Sheriff Galt faces a crisis of conscience in The Iron Sheriff. In the aftermath of a robbery-murder, Galt follows the trail of evidence directly to his own son, Benjie. Sworn to uphold the law at all costs, Galt is grimly determined to see that Benjie will receive a fair trial without any coercion on his part. But the townsfolk have already decided that the sheriff will try to spring the boy, and a lynch-mob mentality slows festers its way through the community. As the trial proceeds, it becomes obvious that Benjie is going to hang for his alleged crime, but there's still one or two surprises in store.
Maj. Seth Bradner
At the breaking of the Civil War the garrison of Fort Laramie splits between the sympathezers of the two different factions, but when the fort is attacked by the Sioux, they unite their forces to fight them.
When the owner of a stagecoach station is killed, a gunman takes his place.
John Dehner
Taylor Swope
Whenever it becomes known how good he is with guns, ex-gunman George and his wife Dora have to flee the town, in fear of all the gunmen who might want to challenge him. Unfortunately he again spills his secret when he's drunk. All citizens swear to keep his secret and support him to give up his guns forever -- but a boy tells the story to a gang of wanted criminals. Their leader threatens to burn down the whole town, if he doesn't duel him.
Preacher Jason
Town marshal Alan Burnett life is saved by a stranger he meets on the trail. His rescuer turns out to be Jagade, a gunslinger just returned after years away, who finds when he gets into town that he can't abide the peace that has been settled between "his" people (i.e. the saloon-keepers, gamblers, etc.) and the righteous, "respectable" folk.
Lew Hanlon
A newly promoted police sergeant discovers his girlfriend my be involved with a gang of car thieves.
Dist. Atty. Ray Willis
A lawyer tries to exact justice on a woman he defended in court -- a woman whom he found out was guilty after getting her off.
Mr. Bascombe
Гордон МакРэй и Ширли Джонс блистают в невероятной истории любви сладкоголосого зазывалы и простой девушки с мельницы из маленького городка на побережье Мэна. Убитый грабителями незадолго до рождения дочери, спустя годы Билли получает шанс вернуться на землю на один день и преподать дочке очень важный урок. Многие из хитов этого лиричного мюзикла Роджерса и Хаммерстайна стали настоящей классикой!
Tom Quentin
A gunslinger returns to his hometown to warn of an impending outlaw gang attack, but he's met with hatred and fear for his previous killings.
Jacques Scarlet
In bustling era of 19th-century Louisiana, sugar is as valuable as gold, and pirates like Lili Scarlet (Patricia Medina, Mr. Arkadin) will do anything to get it. After robbing Jules Tulane’s (John Dehner, The Boys from Brazil) estate of his crop, Scarlet takes over Tulane’s land debt and forces him to pay or go to prison. In exchange for postponing his debt, Scarlet allows Tulane’s son, André (Lex Barker, Robin Hood and the Pirates), to work as her servant. When André and Scarlet fall in love, it leads to jealous rage from Scarlet’s former paramour, expert swordsman Hugo (Warren Stevens, Forbidden Planet) — and when Hugo looks to raid the Tulane estate again, it is up to André and Scarlet to take him down and save the estate.
Captain Herrick
An ex-soldier turned highwayman uncovers a plot to take control of England from King Charles II.
Nathanael Greene
An American officer goes undercover to unmask a Revolutionary War traitor.
Ames Luddington
Still seeking revenge against ranch owner Tuck Ordway for publicly whipping him years earlier and breaking up his relationship with Ordway's daughter, cowboy Larry Madden plans to oust Ordway from his ranch by having his claim to the land declared invalid. Ordway's daughter Corinna, believing Madden to be the cause of the family's recent misfortunes, is unaware that the local saloon owner also has designs upon the Ordway holdings.
A wealthy young Hebrew traveling in Damascus renounces his faith after he is seduced by an alluring pagan priestess and cheated of his fortune by the High Priest as well.
Ranse Jackman
The Man from Bitter Ridge is a film directed by Jack Arnold. Jeff Carr, a special investigator, arrives in Tomahawk. His assignment is to discover who has been holding up the local stagecoach and is guilty for a series of killings that terrorize the town. Sheepman Alec Black is suspected by the local population but it is not long before Jeff realizes the man is innocent. Alec even becomes a good friend although he is in love with the same woman as him, Holly. Jeff will manage to arrest the real culprits but not before the latter try to compromise him down.
Capt. Thomas Flynn
A martinet of a general, one of his former officers, and a middle aged plane passenger find themselves in a liferaft with only one canteen of water.
Один из наследников Джеронимо, Массаи, единственный индеец, который отказывается сдаться после смерти Джеронимо, в одиночку вступает в войну с белыми за права своего племени…отвоевывая Запад с помощью ножа, стрел и ружья.
Johnny Green leads the MGM Symphony Orchestra in a medley of waltzes and other familiar pieces by three members of the Strauss family.
Derek Gravesend
Slip, Sach and the rest of the Bowery Boys enter a haunted house, where they engage in slapstick with a gorilla, a robot and a vampire
Matt Carroll
Director Ray Nazarro's 1954 western, originally filmed in 3-D, stars John Ireland and Joanne Dru as fugitive bank robbers who hide out by joining a government expedition bound for California.
Sid Barlowe
Surviving a plane crash in the Sahara, four oilmen find and manage to repair a German Afrika Corps tank which had been buried in the sand since WWII.
Police Capt. J. "Chief" Donald (uncredited)
A supermodel gets murdered. While investigating the case the story of a waitress turned glamor girl is revealed.
Major Colle
In northwest Africa, a tribal leader tries to stir up a rebellion against the ruling powers.
Matt Ringo
Gunfighter Billy Ringo decides to hang up his guns, buy a ranch and marry Arlene Reach. His brother Matt, father of Chip, the nephew Ringo is trying to keep on the straight and narrow, with three other outlaws, Dixon, Hollaway and Hoke, frame Ringo into pulling a bank robbery with them. Pretending to side with them, after accidentally killing Matt, Ringo informs Marshal Wyatt Earp of their plan to rob a Wells Fargo express wagon. A gunfight ensues at the robbery and the three outlaws are killed and Ike Clinton, the ringleader, is turned over to Marshal Earp by Ringo. Written by Les Adams
Harvey Logan
Ex-marshal Chino Bull has hung up his guns until his prospecting partner is shot dead. Chino then takes over as the law in town, forming a friendship with gun-man Mitch Hardin and making enemies of the Logan brothers. When Hardin' girl from the east arrives, he makes her pretty unwelcome - as does his new flame, saloon owner Frenchie.
The Chief
Мечтающий выбраться за рубеж управляющий цирка из Чехословакии с установлением в его стране коммунистического режима решает взять судьбу в свои руки и вместе с цирком отправиться на Запад.
Gilbert Winslow
Фильм повествует об историческом путешествии «Мэйфлауэра» через Атлантический океан в Новый Свет.
Emmett Sanderson
Durango, aka Steve Rollins rides into town with saddle pal Smiley Burnette. The boys go to the rescue of pretty Kathleen Case, who is being victimized by greedy relatives.
Count de Fourrier
A female version of the man in the iron mask. In this version the mask is put on a princess (patricia medina) rather than a prince as in the original book by Alexander Dumas.
Fredo Brios
The period is the 1840s and California is part of Mexico. Many of the citizens wish to become part of the United States. Other countries are also interested and the Russians have established bases in the northern part of the state. To further their hold they have stolen guns and Don Arturo Bordega, a leader of those wanting statehood, is out to recover them.
Emil Cabeau
It's 1893 and gold is being smuggled out of the country. Instead of stealing gold bars, the outlaws are stealing high grade ore, having it smelted, and then having it plated to look like lead. The Government sends agents Bret and Larry who arrive in Cripple Creek posing as Texas gunfighters. Bret finds the smelting operation and Larry learns of the payoff. But the crooked town Marshal is suspicious of the two men and the reply of his inquiry to Texas exposes them putting their lives in danger.
Parolee John Carver seeks the stolen money he has hidden, but so does his girlfriend, lawyer and cellmate. Tom and Chito are hired to get him across the border into Mexico and find themselves caught in the middle.
Андре Моро — незаконный сын знатного аристократа, не знающий, кто его отец, теряет друга, написавшего листовку о свободе, равенстве, братстве. Его товарищ пал от руки лучшего дуэлянта Франции — маркиза Де Мэйна и умер у него на руках. Моро поклялся, что убийца умрет от его руки такой же точно смертью. Но для этого весельчаку и сорванцу, плевавшему на политику и считавшему весь мир одним сумасшедшим домом, нужно было научиться фехтовать. И он научился…
Narrator (uncredited)
In World War II France, American soldier Michael Blake captures, then loses Nazi-collaborator art thief Paul Rona, who leaves behind a gem studded gauntlet (a stolen religious relic). Years later, financial reverses lead Mike to return in search of the object. In Paris, he must dodge mysterious followers and a corpse that's hard to explain; so he and attractive tour guide Christine decamp on a cross-country pursuit that becomes love on the run...then takes yet another turn.
Prince Bokra
A poor young man finds a lamp with a genie trapped inside. The genie promises to grant the man three wishes if he frees him from the lamp.
The palace secretary to a princess foils a sheik's plot to grab royal oil.
Mr. Hadley
Romance, music, and 1952 Oldsmobiles.
Sgt. Mike Kincaid of the French Foreign Legion learns, from a Riff prisoner, that an attack will soon be made by the villainous Hussin on the Legion's outpost of Tarfa. Kincaid volunteers to lead nine other Legionnaires on a mission to delay Hussin's attack till reinforcements arrive. When he discovers that Hussin plans to marry Mahla, a girl from a rival tribe, in order to build a coalition against the French, Kincaid kidnaps Mahla. Hussin forcefully takes her back, but by now his planned attack on Tarfa is crumbling and Mahla has begun to fall in love with Kincaid.
Turk Thorne aka John H. Smith
Recently released from prison, nice guy Dave Collins finds himself unwillingly mixed up with his old outlaw acquaintances Turk Thorne and his gang as they try to use his telegraphy talents to zero in on the arrival of a gold shipment on the local train. Taking a liking to Collins, cowboys Tim Holt and Chito Rafferty get him to agree to help set a trap for the train robbers
Jefferson Jay
A small town family discovers an unwanted houseguest is harder to eject than they expected. Comedy.
A stranded U.S. ship's engineer (Jon Hall) helps a Eurasian beauty (Lisa Ferraday) with coveted antique jade.
Wes Hardin
It's 1874 and the Texas Rangers have been reorganized. But Sam Bass has assembled a group of notorious outlaws into a gang the Rangers are unable to cope with. So the Ranger Major releases two men from prison who are familiar with the movements and locations used by Bass and his men and sends them out to find him.
Baron de Wichehalse
An English farmer leads a village uprising against their corrupt landlords.
John Delmont
A French spy (Mary Castle) flirts with an Indian chief's son (Jon Hall) amid war in 1753 Williamsburg, Va.
Capt. Michael Craydon
Fort Savage Raiders is another entry in Charles Starrett's "Durango Kid" western series. Starrett once again does double duty as a peacekeeper named Steve (this time his last name is Drake) and as masked avenger Durango. The heavy of the piece is escaped military prisoner Craydon (John Dehner) who, with several other fugitives from justice, forms an army of terrorists.
Tom Marsden
Bank robber serves his time in prison, tries to go straight.
Lieutenant Commander
A Navy commander experiments with launching missiles from submarines.
Bob Reynolds
A federal agent (Howard St. John) joins forces with a British lawman (Ron Randell) to foil a spy ring.
Sgt. Belchue
Swashbuckler about the adventures of pirate Jean Lafitte after he helped save New Orleans from a British invasion during the War of 1812.
Gordon Crossley (uncredited)
Маленький туристический самолет, летящий над Сьерра-Невадой, разбивается в горах. В катастрофе погибает семейная пара, но их приемный ребенок остается жив. Спасатели отправляются на его поиски. У подножия горы, в толпе зевак, привлеченных происшествием, особую тревогу проявляют три женщины. Судя по дате рождения ребенка и некоторым сведениям, каждая из трех может оказаться его родной матерью. Чтобы заглушить страх ожидания, они вспоминают прошлое…
Frank Reynolds
A Counterspy in the US military is killed under suspicious circumstances. His friend, Jerry Baldwin, a Navy Commander, is assigned to replace him and stop a saboteur in a torpedo factory.
Jungle Jim is out to save Joan from an evil witch doctor whilst simultaneously fighting evil treasure hunter Barton.
Sir Baldric (uncredited)
1214 год. Англией правит кровавый тиран — король Джон Первый, брат Ричарда Первого. Король постоянно развлекает себя просмотрами рыцарских турниров и на этот раз должна состояться дуэль между Болдриком — чемпионом Фландрии и графом Хантингтона — Робином, сыном знаменитого Робин Гуда Шервудского леса.
Король жаждет смерти Робина за то, что его отец получил в свое время освобождение от государственных налогов. Он подговаривает Болдрика убить Робина во время поединка. Храбрый юноша оказывается проворнее чемпиона и его копье пронзает заговорщика насквозь.
Раздосадованный неудачным исходом его замыслов, король посылает войска в Хангтингтон с документом, отменяющим неуплату налогов и требованием заплатить все налоги за прошлые годы. Робин и все жители графства встают на защиту своих прав...
Frank Niles
Laura Mansfield catches a glimpse of mob hit man Jackie Wales after he shoots her businessman father. At the police station, Laura identifies Jackie as the murderer, but the policeman in charge of the case, Lt. Brewster, lets him go, citing a lack of corroborating evidence. Outraged, Laura worms her way into the unsuspecting Jackie's heart, trying to snare him and mob-connected club owner Armitage in her trap.
Charles Starrett plays The Durango Kid in the 1950 Columbia western Texas Dynamo. As a novelty, Starrett not only plays Durango and his "alter ego" Steve Drake, but also takes on a third identity, that of a hired gun in the employ of the film's bad guys. As one critic noted, this may be the only western in which the hero is obliged to chase himself. Jock O'Mahoney -- later known as Jock Mahoney -- plays a secondary role, and also doubles for Starrett during the riskier stunt sequences.
Anson Thurber
A cowhand becomes involved in a war between a road construction crew and the greedy toll-owner hoping to thwart the new project.
Duke Webster
When Robin Grant inherits a valuable range, certain evil interests try their best to kill off Robin and claim the land for themselves. US Marshall Steve Saunders comes to the boy's rescue.
Murad Reis
U.S. agent Major Tom Blake is sent to Tripoli to uncover who it is in Washington that is tipping off the pirates as to what's being shipped where. A fast-moving story with lots of sabers and rapiers.
A female police detective (Marsha Hunt) enters jail to gain the confidence of a shoplifter and learn the identity of the leader of a stolen goods racket.
Charles Bruton
Wanted outlaws have mysteriously disappeared. Ranger Captain Henley and Steve have a plan to find them. Steve becomes a wanted man by faking the killing of Henley. Not only is he now in trouble as both the Rangers and the Mexican Rurales are after him, but Smiley knows him and may expose his masquerade to the bad guys.
Henri Le Clerc
Based on the novel by James Oliver Curwood about Kazan, the wolfdog.
A French soldier in the Napoleonic Wars plots his escape after he's captured and imprisoned in a castle fortress in Edinburgh, Scotland. Director Philip Rosen's 1949 film, adapted from a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, stars Richard Ney, Vanessa Brown, Henry Daniell, John Dehner, Douglas Walton, Aubrey Mather, Jean Del Val, Luis Van Rooten, Maurice Marsac and Billy Bevan.
Assistant Bureau Chief (uncredited)
Сюжет представляет прямолинейный рассказ, снятый в полудокументальной манере, о психопате и гениальном убийце, которого пытаются поймать полицейские детективы.
Joe Comstock
An expedition into the deep jungle discovers a native tribe led by a tall white blonde woman.
A woman watches her own funeral, then sets out with her lawyer to learn who was in the casket.
Bob Fitzsimmons
The ranch of Red Ryder (Allan Lane) and his aunt, The Duchess (Martha Wentworth), is being used as the training site for "Gentleman Jim" Corbett (George Turner) for his upcoming fight in Carson City, Nevada for the heavyweight championship against Bob Fitzsimmons (John Dehner). Molly McVey (Peggy Stewart), the daughter of a U.S. Senator, crusading against prize-fighting in Nevada, complicates matters soemwhat when she conceives the bright idea of having Corbett kidnapped, thus causing the cancellation of the fight. The two men (George Chesebro and George Lloyd) she hires to do the kidnapping also add to the complications by kidnapping Ryder instead of Corbett. Meanwhile, a gang of crooks, led by McKean (Roy Barcroft), descend on the town intent on looting the town and also making off with the fight proceeds.
Reporter (uncredited)
Claghorn gets into some financial difficulties and is forced by a machine-political gang to enter a race for state senator against his wife (Una Merkel) who appears to have a good chance to beat the political hack backed by the machine. Claghorn is in to siphon votes and ensure his wife's opponent will win and is expected to run a campaign that will defeat himself and his wife. But, he runs to win and the machine's henchies abduct him.
Rod Mason
Newcomer Monte Hale is tying to just get a job in western films when he meet young Danny McCoy and his sister Gloria. Danny is trying to get his horse, "Pardner" into films. Monte sings a song and "Pardner" does some tricks and a casting director notices. Monte gets a singing-cowboy role and the horse gets a bit, but there is an accidental explosion, engineered by western star Rod Mason, who is jealous of Monte, and the horse is badly scared and blows his lines.
Jarvis, Gang Leader
A mystery grows after a bank robbery car leads investigators to a carnival sideshow.
German Radar Captain (uncredited)
The (O)ffice of (S)trategic (S)ervices' Cmdr. Brady (Patric Knowles) forms Operation "Applejack" (based on a composite of actual incidents during WWII) and sends Lt. (j.g.) Philip Masson, U.S.N.R. aka John Martin as spy Philippe Martine (Alan Ladd) along with Miss Ellen Rogers posing as her college roommate, Madame Elaine Duprez (Geraldine Fitzgerald) and Robert Bouchet, Tech Sgt., A.U.S. as Albert Bernardito (Richard Benedict) to acquire secret Nazi plans. After nearly getting caught they succeed and get new identities. However they discover a secret that could change the war and risk their lives to get the information back to London before it jeopardizes their lives. Martine and Duprez then get reassigned to assist fellow spy Frank Schmidt aka Parker (Richard Webb) embedded in the German army so he can relay important Nazi troop movements. Then she is discovered by an old foe, Col. Paul Meister (John Hoyt) but Martine must radio the vital information and misses her.
When author Charles Regnier (Carl Esmond) returns to Paris with a best-selling book that criticizes the government, he's tormented by frequent blackouts. After a mysterious cat-like creature slaughters people close to him, Charles is suspected of murder. Charles fears that he is the beast, but his paramour, Marie (Lenore Aubert), and best friend, Henry (Douglass Dumbrille), believe he's innocent ... until the creature begins to stalk Marie (from Netflix description).
Walter Hughes
Two women private detectives arrive at a dude ranch in time to investigate the murder of their client's philandering husband.
Jeffreys (uncredited)
A doctor answers a suicide call in a Latin nightclub.
Hog Contest Announcer (uncredited)
Классический мюзикл рассказывает о поездке американской семьи Фрейк из Айовы на ежегодную ярмарку штата. Все чего-то ждут, чего-то нового. Кто-то - приз, а кто-то - романтических отношений и, возможно, любви.
Contest Announcer (uncredited)
Stephanie and Terry are identical twins who have been raised separately since their parents divorced seven years earlier. Each envies the lifestyle of the other; and they decide, without telling Jeff or Mary, to switch families for a day or two. They soon find that it is harder to do what the other person is expected to do, and that looking alike is not enough. When they find that their charade may bring their parents back together, they agree to continue it. A major complication begins when Alice, Jeff's girlfriend and co-worker, finds out the real story.
Miner in Bar (uncredited)
Сорокалетняя учительница Лилли Моффат полна благородных идей. Она твердо намерена открыть в захолустном шахтерском поселке школу для детей шахтеров. Столкнувшись с сопротивлением владельцев шахт, Моффат открывает обучение у себя дома…
Norwegian Sailor (uncredited)
Капрал Слим Грин, влюбленный в актрису Джоан Лесли, во время отпуска после ранения попадает в изумрудную сказку под названием «Голливудская Столовая» — место, где недосягаемые Звезды Голливуда спускаются с Небес на Землю и общаются с простыми американскими солдатами. Там он встречается со своим кумиром и осуществляет заветную мечту — поцеловать Джоан. На другой день ему везет еще больше — он становится миллионным посетителем «Столовой», а приз — вечер с любой голливудской актрисой. Он, конечно же, выбирает Джоан. При этом мисс Лесли оказывается никакой не недоступной Звездой, а обычной девушкой, проникающейся симпатией к парню. Их романтические отношения сопровождаются музыкальными выступлениями в «Столовой» Звезд экрана той эпохи.
Baby Weems Storyboard Artist (uncredited)
Большинство известных драконов — кровожадные, огнедышащие монстры, нo есть среди них один, который любит играть, петь и даже сочинять стихи. Таким бы он и был, если бы один маленький мальчик не рассказал ему о том, каким должен быть настоящий дракон. Прекрасная история о самосознании и независимости для всех!