Patsy Rowlands

Patsy Rowlands

Рождение : 1931-01-19, Palmers Green, London, England, UK

Смерть : 2005-01-22


Patsy Rowlands


The Unforgettable Sid James
A profile of the comedy actor, best known for starring in many films of the Carry On franchise, with contributions from family, friends, co-stars and fans. The programme looks at his early life in South Africa, his start in films as a heavy in 1940s and 1950s crime thrillers, and his big break appearing in Hancock's Half Hour on radio and TV.
What's a Carry On?
Documentary commemorating the 40th anniversary of the 'Carry On' comedy film series. Archive clips and out-takes are mixed with interviews with the cast.
The Cater Street Hangman
Mrs. Dunphy
With the help of a feisty aristocratic woman, a working-class Scotland Yard inspector hunts for a serial killer of young women in Victorian London.
Stop Messin' About!: The Very Best of Kenneth Williams
Documentary and celebration of the life and career of British comedian Kenneth Williams.
Madame Tepinski
What would happen if the nation’s criminals decided to go on strike? A comedy drama based on an idea by Czech writer Jaroslav Hasek.
When We Are Married
Lottie Grady
Three married couples discover that, through a legal technicality, they are, in fact, not actually married in the eyes of the law. This was the fifth television film version of this play by J.B. Priestley made by the BBC.
Dangerous Davies: The Last Detective
Madame Tarantella
When D. C. Dangerous Davies, not held in high regard by his superiors, is assigned to find a notorious criminal kingpin, he uncovers the details of 15-year-old cold case.
Маленький лорд Фаунтлерой
Mrs. Dibble
Маленький мальчик живёт с матерью и не подозревает, что является единственным наследником лорда Фаунтлероя. И вдруг для него начинается новая жизнь, как, впрочем, и для старого лорда. Оказывается, доброта и любовь способны творить настоящие чудеса.
MIRIAM: "Here we are; celebrating a marriage, eating a cake, drinking, standing in a uniform, standing in a canteen ... with a Teasmade and a red red garter ... and I want an explanation." VALERIE: "I want to know why you all resent me." BRENDA: "Because you're not one of us."
Юная красавица-крестьянка Тэсс неожиданно узнаёт, что в её жилах течёт благородная кровь норманнских рыцарей. По воле родителей девушка уезжает жить к новообретённым состоятельным родственникам. Там она сталкивается с обольстительным кузеном Алеком, который не прочь воспользоваться невинностью Тэсс.
Sammy's Super T-Shirt
A young boy's lucky t-shirt is transformed through a power surge and gives its wearer super-powers.
Джозеф Эндрюс
Gammer Andrews
Трагикомедия по одноименному роману Генри Филдинга. Молодой слуга Джозеф Эндрюс верой и правдой служит сэру Томасу Буби. Но на свою беду Джозеф влюбляется в служанку, в то время как им заинтересовалась сама леди Буби. И когда он отказывает хозяйке, та решает отомстить.
Так держать, не обгонять!
Linda Upmore
Professors Vrooshka and Crump decide to visit an archaeological site to study the artifacts there. Lo and behold, it's right next to a caravan site where all manner of people are staying. With a randy Major owning the site, a snobbish mother, and the two professors' constant innuendos, the film ends with a sinking caravan site and a striptease performance as a replacement for the cabaret night.
Так держать, Дик!
Mrs. Giles
Dick Turpin is terrorising the countryside around Upper Dencher. Captain Fancey and Sergeant Jock Strapp plan to put an end to his escapades, and enlist the help of the Reverend Flasher. Little do they know that the priest leads a double life. Then Madame Desiree and her "Birds of Paradise" arrive in the village...
Так держать, девочки!
Mildred Bumble
Local councillor Sidney Fiddler persuades the Mayor to help improve the image of their rundown seaside town by holding a beauty contest. But formidable Councillor Prodworthy, head of the local women's liberation movement, has other ideas. It's open warfare as the women's lib attempt to sabotage the contest.
Приключения Алисы в Стране Чудес
Очень красочная, с масштабными декорациями экранизация сказки Льюиса Кэрролла "Алиса в Стране чудес". Погнавшись за Белым Кроликом, Алиса неожиданно проваливается в глубокую нору и попадает в страну чудес. За одной из дверей загадочной комнаты она видит прекрасный сад, но но не может туда попасть, так как дверца, ведущая туда, слишком мала. Алиса переживает несколько волшебных превращений, когда она то сильно вырастает, то уменьшается. Путешествуя по волшебной стране, девочка встречается со сказочными существами, населяющими её: Белым Кроликом, Герцогиней, Чеширским Котом, участвует в Безумном чаепитии у Мартовского Зайца вместе с Болванщиком и Соней. В конце концов она входит в прекрасный сад... От других постановок эту отличает «звёздный» состав британских актёров кино и театра. Фильм завоевал две награды Британской киноакадемии – за работу оператора и дизайн костюмов.
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Evelyn Banks
A gang of thieves plan to make their fortune by stealing a shipment of contraceptive pills from Finisham maternity hospital. They assume disguises and infiltrate the hospital, but everything doesn't go according to plan. The hypochondriac consultant Sir Bernard Cutting, Matron and the doctors and nurses at Finisham have a habit of getting in the way.
Bless This House
Betty Lewis
The legendary Sid James stars as the head of a chaotic household in this movie spin-off from the hit ITV sitcom. Sid Abbott and his best mate Trevor (Peter Butterworth) enjoy home-brewing. Plans to turn their hobby into a profitable, if illicit, sideline come unstuck when a Customs and Excise officer (Terry Scott) moves in next door! What’s more, Sid’s outspoken and madcap family hinder neighbourly relations even further.
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Hortence Withering
This is the tale of industrial strife at WC Boggs' Lavatory factory. Vic Spanner is the union representative who calls a strike at the drop of a hat; eventually everyone has to get fed up with him. This is also the ideal opportunity for lots of lavatorial jokes...
Please Sir!
Angela Cutforth
Mr. Hedges, the somewhat naive and idealistc teacher of the rebellious Class 5C, lobbies to have them allowed on the school camping trip despite much precedent to the contrary. Once on the camping trip Mr. Hedges pursues the local barmaid and the class indulge in their usual activities. A small feud with some stereotypical upper class children in red blazers is resolved with a false rape allegation. A case of some stolen money is resolved through Mr. Hedges trusting the class. At the final dance Mr. Hedges is ensnared in the romantic clutches of Miss Cutforth, contrary to his wishes.
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Miss Dempsey
The Wedded Bliss computer dating agency aims to bring together the lonely hearts of Much-Snoggin-in-the-Green. Its owner, Sidney Bliss, has enough complications in his own love life, but still produces a pamphlet called "The Wit to Woo". The strange collection of hopefuls lead to some outlandish matches, and jealousies are bound to lead to trouble
Так держать, доктор, опять!
Miss Fosdick
Dr. Nookey is disgraced and sent to a remote island hospital. He is given a secret slimming potion by a member of staff, Gladstone Screwer, and he flies back to England to fame and fortune. But others want to cash in on his good fortunes, and some just want him brought down a peg or two.
Dateline Diamonds
Mrs. Edgecomb
In this swinging romp through 1960s London, the frenzied manager of mod-rockers the Small Faces (made up of Steve Marriott, Kenney Jones, Ian McLagan and Ronnie Lane) gets into trouble when he agrees to use the band to smuggle diamonds out of the country. Songs include the Small Faces' "I've Got Mine," "It's Too Late," "Come On Children" and "Don't Stop What You're Doing" and The Chantelles' "I Think of You" and "Please Don't Kiss Me."
Приключения Питкина в больнице
Мистер Гримсдейл (Эдвард Чэпмэн) хозяин мясной лавки, в которой работает Мистер Питкин, во время ограбления со страху проглатывает свои карманные часы. Питкин звонит в скорую помощь, и вместе с санитарами приезжает в больницу, где и начинается очередная серия смешных и нелепых приключений Питкина. Его стремление всем угодить, везде успеть, а также стать врачом, приводит к таким последствиям, что образцовая городская больница превращается в сумасшедший дом.
Том Джонс
Том Джонс, брошенный ребенок, воспитывается у сквайра Олверти. Негодуя, что Блайфил является законным наследником Олверти, Том становится мошенником, падким на хорошеньких женщин. Он испытывает чувства к дочери сквайра Вестерна Софи, однако ее доброжелатель узнает про его отношения с местной девушкой Молли. Том терпит неудачу и отправляется в путешествие…
The Snag
Agatha Mannering
When developer John Goggin plans to build a civic center, only Emma Mannering's corset shop stands in the way, and she refuses to sell, so he sends his unscrupulous assistant Ed Crayshaw to "fix" things, but instead, he's double-crossed.
The Brain
Young Woman at Dance Hall (uncredited)
A millionaire businessman's brain is kept alive after a fatal accident, and communicates clues to a doctor on the trail of the killer
In the Doghouse
After 10 years of failure a bumbling vet finally graduates and takes on his own practice.
A Kind of Loving
As Vic Brown vacillates between infatuation and disinterest for his co-worker Ingrid Rothwell, she finds out that she is pregnant and Vic has to reconcile how he thought his life would go with what life actually has in store for him.
On the Fiddle
Tricked into joining the RAF by a wily judge, wide boy Horace Pope sets his sights on the main chance, teams with slow-witted, good-hearted gypsy Pedlar Pascoe, and works up a lucrative racket in conning both his colleagues and the RAF. By means of various devious schemes Pope and Pascoe manage to avoid the front lines until they are sent to France - where they find themselves making unexpected and uncomfortably close contact with the enemy.