Robert Liensol

Robert Liensol


Robert Liensol


Кирику и дикие звери
Le grand-père (voice)
Фильм от лауреата премии «Сезар», создателя знаменитого мультфильма «Кирику и колдунья», удостоенного Гран-при самого престижного в мире фестиваля анимационных фильмов Анси (Франция) в 1999 году. Это антология разных подвигов маленького негритенка, о которых повествует его мудрый дедушка. Кирику разгадывает тайну разграбленного огорода, восхищается красотами родного континента, путешествуя на жирафе, и даже — спасая деревню — бросает вызов самой Смерти.
Кирику и Колдунья
Le Sage dans la montagne (voice)
В маленькой деревне, где-то в Африке, родился мальчик по имени Кирику. Это был необычный мальчик: едва родившись, он уже умел говорить и ходить и очень хорошо знал, чего хочет. Мама рассказала ему про злую колдунью, которая высушила их родник и уничтожила всех мужчин в деревне, кроме ее младшего брата. Храбрый малыш решает сопровождать последнего воина по дороге огненных деревьев на решающее сражение с колдуньей…
Sucre amer
Sucre Amer tells the story of a unique court case in which an event from the past is judged by a court of history. Major figures from history are brought together in the present to re-examine the "Ignace case", about a legendary figure in the history of Guadeloupe who fought against the armies of Napoleon Bonaparte to preserve his freedom. A hero despite himself, Ignace's life and struggle were subsequently consigned to oblivion by his enemies. His treatment has left a bittersweet taste in the mouths of the people of Guadeloupe.
L'exil du roi Behanzin
Evocation of the ruthless war which opposed from 1890 to 1894 the French colonial army to the young Ahydjere Behanzin, king and living god of Dahomey, who ended in his surrender and his exile.
Время убивать
1936 год, итальянская армия готовится вторгнуться в Эфиопию. Страдающий от зубной боли лейтенант Сильвестри решает добраться до ближайшего лагерного госпиталя. По пути он замешивается в страшную историю. Теперь его жизнь уже не будет прежней…
Périgord noir
The recolonization of Africa, this time by the very blacks who had to flee it as exiles during the time of the original French occupation, is the theme of this political comedy. Adiza, who has been living well in France, has decided that she will return and buy the plantation she and her compatriots were expelled from, and enlists some unlikely helpers to bring them back into the country and enact their plot. Meanwhile, these "local" blacks are unwittingly accepted by the other landowners as more cheap labor.
La vieille quimboiseuse et le majordome
An old couple, Eugenie and Armand, have been living in Paris since 1921 part of the wave of post-war immigration from Martinique. Eugenie, a former dancer with Josephine Baker's Black Revue has become a professional quimboiseuse (practising black magic) for a white clientele. Armand who had been a servant is retired. Now they are both old and bitter and still quarreling with each other. One day they set out, arm-in-arm for a last promenade in the metropolis.
Amok deals with the apartheid system in South Africa. It sheds light on the terror, misery, theft, drug addiction, and violent death common under apartheid. (MUBI)
This drama about a barmaid caught up in events beyond her control is the first film directed by Juliet Berto, and was also based on her own concept for the story. The barmaid, played by Berto, has been trying to take care of Bobby, a teenage drug pusher who is in over his head. Before she can put him back on track and get him out of the drug underworld, the young man is killed while being chased by a narcotics agent. Depressed by his death but not derailed, she finds herself trying to help out a gay user who depended on Bobby for his supply of drugs. She decides to procure some drugs for the desperate addict, and is trapped in the bathroom of a bar - with the drugs - when narcotics agents burst upon the scene. Her boyfriend rushes to help her but is killed by an agent who shoots first and thinks later. The barmaid does not face a very optimistic future as the narc arrests her - but releases a parish minister who had been helping her find a source for the drugs.
Vivre libre ou mourir
The defense attorney
Coco-the-Flower, Candidate
David 'Coco La Fleur' Boyeur
It shows an electoral campaign in Guadeloupe in which Coco la fleur is asked to stand for election for strategic purposes. However, when he discovers how much publicity the campaign offers, he seizes the opportunity to voice the people's grievances.
West Indies
Le parlementaire
A single-set color musical tracing the history of the West Indies through several centuries of French oppression.
О, солнце
О тяготах жизни африканского иммигранта во Франции.
Комитет 19-ти
Комитет 19-ти, один из рабочих органов ООН, устав от бесплодных дискуссий, направляет в Африку экспедицию из шести человек во главе с советским профессором Смоленцевым, чтобы на месте изучить вспышку неизвестной эпидемии.
Les Verts Pâturages
Dieu / Le pasteur
A French TV movie directed by Jean-Christophe Averty , broadcast on December 24, 1964 . The Old Testament set in Louisiana with an all black cast.