Henry Lehrman

Henry Lehrman

Рождение : 1886-03-30, Vienna, Austria

Смерть : 1946-11-07


Henry Lehrman


Show Them No Mercy!
A young couple and their child fall prey to kidnappers when a storm drives them into a seemingly abandoned farmhouse.
Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back
Bulldog Drummond finds himself immersed in another adventure when he stumbles upon a corpse in the mysterious London mansion of Prince Achmed. Enlisting the help of his old friend Algy and the beautiful Lola, Drummond uncovers a scheme to ship illegal cargo into the country. He must rely on his cunning to survive when the prince offers a reward for his capture.
Moulin Rouge
A singer marries a famous composer, and after a while she gets the itch to go back on the stage. However, her husband won't let her. When she hears that a popular French singer named "Raquel" is coming to New York, she decides to go to Raquel with a plan--unbeknownst to her husband, "Raquel" is actually her sister, and her plan is for them to switch places so she can fulfill her dream of going back on the stage. However, things don't go quite as planned.
New Year's Eve
Taking place over 24 hours, "New Year's Eve" is the story of Marjorie Ware, broke and unemployed, who despairs as her ailing younger brother languishes at home. She runs into rich gambler Larry Harmon and rejects his overtures. She later finds a wallet with 10 $100 bills belonging to Edward Warren.
Babe, a lonely servant girl in California, puts a "husband wanted" ad in the newspaper...
The Fighting Edge
Juan de Dios O'Rourke, an American Secret Service, of Spanish-Irish descent, leads the cattle ranchers and border patrol in a fight to suppress a gang of cattle rustlers, who have been driving large herds north-to-south from Texas into Mexico, and smuggling illegal, no-passport Chinese aliens south-to-north from Mexico into Texas, operating from a rambling mansion on the Texas side of the border, aided by his sweetheart, a rancher's daughter, Phoebe Joyce.
On Time
A scientist attempts to transplant a gorilla's brain into a man.
Fighting Blood
Al Santell silent sports boxing comedy series starring George O'Hara, and all star cast: Kit Guard, Al Cooke, Clara Horton, Mabel Van Buren, and Clark Gable (in one of his 14 uncredited roles prior to making his real debut in 1931's "The Painted Desert"). Note that this was one of a series of boxing films with the same characters, and each new film in the series was called a "round" (appropriate for a series of boxing movies!), but these movies were not serials, just connected by having the same characters. This card is from the second series, 11th round, "Beauty and the Feast".
Double Dealing
The servant girl of a wealthy young man helps him fend off criminals who are trying to steal his property.
Double Dealing
The servant girl of a wealthy young man helps him fend off criminals who are trying to steal his property.
His Noisy Still
If you can't buy it... make your own! A Fox silent short subject comedy.
How Stars are Made
Comedy short starring Alice Howell
Live Wires and Love Sparks
Bill is a married telephone worker, who gets chased around by a lot of people.
Live Wires and Love Sparks
Bill is a married telephone worker, who gets chased around by a lot of people.
Under New Management
Web of office romance entanglements lead to slapstick hijinks at a fly paper company.
Under New Management
Web of office romance entanglements lead to slapstick hijinks at a fly paper company.
Married on Credit
This ceremony requires greenbacks.
Silk Hose and High Pressure
It all starts when the actress-wife gives a midnight party to her former associates and Bill and Mr. Jowlish try to horn in on the revelry...
Silk Hose and High Pressure
It all starts when the actress-wife gives a midnight party to her former associates and Bill and Mr. Jowlish try to horn in on the revelry...
Silk Hose and High Pressure
It all starts when the actress-wife gives a midnight party to her former associates and Bill and Mr. Jowlish try to horn in on the revelry...
Almost a Scandal
A comic one-act film in which affairs of the heart lead to a duel, and a chase. Amorous entanglements between Billy Ritchie and the wife of an overweight man, who himself has been flirting. In a restaurant, this all comes to a denouement that leads to a duel and a chase.
Father was a Loafer
A deadbeat father abandons his wife after she has triplets, who chases him down and exacts comic justice.
Father was a Loafer
A deadbeat father abandons his wife after she has triplets, who chases him down and exacts comic justice.
Занятой день Мейбл
Spectator (uncredited)
Мейбл Норман — продавщица хот-догов и единственное, чего она хочет — продать свой товар и чтобы ей никто не мешал. В поисках покупателей она забредает на гонки, где полно богачей. И вот тут появляется человечек с маленькими усиками и в котелке. Он всячески будет портить бедной Мейбл ее «занятой день».
Sergeant Hofmeyer
A police officer attempts to steal a go-cart from a child.
Love and Vengeance
Schmaltz's Rival
Ford Sterling in the park courting.
Love and Vengeance
Ford Sterling in the park courting.
A Rural Demon
A Rural Demon is a 1914 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Eva Nelson.
Кинематографический Джонни
Self (uncredited)
Чарли прерывает съемки фильма, устраивает пожар, но вскоре все же встречает актрису, которую искал.
Между двумя ливнями
Чаплин и Стерлинг играют двух ухажеров, стремящихся помочь женщине перейти через поток, разлившийся по улице после недавнего ливня. Пока они ищут доски, женщине помогает полицейский. После этого герой Стерлинга пытается отобрать у нее зонт, который он дал ей, а перед этим украл у полисмена. Герой Чаплина вступает с ним в схватку.
Gentleman Burglar
Baffles, Gentleman Burglar
Невероятно затруднительное положение Мейбл
Роскошный отель, в одном из коридоров которого, находится юная леди, одетая в одну лишь пижаму, поскольку дверь ее номера захлопнулась. В отеле полно развратных мужчин, злобствующих женщин, скоро должен прийти ее ревнивый возлюбленный, а тут еще под ногами крутится этот маленький пьяненький человечек в котелке. Да уж, Мейбл не позавидуешь…
Невероятно затруднительное положение Мейбл
Guest in Lobby (uncredited)
Роскошный отель, в одном из коридоров которого, находится юная леди, одетая в одну лишь пижаму, поскольку дверь ее номера захлопнулась. В отеле полно развратных мужчин, злобствующих женщин, скоро должен прийти ее ревнивый возлюбленный, а тут еще под ногами крутится этот маленький пьяненький человечек в котелке. Да уж, Мейбл не позавидуешь…
Детские автомобильные гонки
Скучающий бездельник-бродяга приходит поглазеть на гонки детских автомобилей. Там он сталкивается со съёмочной группой — режиссёром и оператором. Бродяга всё время старается попасть в кадр, но его постоянно отгоняют, от чего он оказывается на треке, что приводит к массе смешных ситуаций.
Детские автомобильные гонки
Film Director
Скучающий бездельник-бродяга приходит поглазеть на гонки детских автомобилей. Там он сталкивается со съёмочной группой — режиссёром и оператором. Бродяга всё время старается попасть в кадр, но его постоянно отгоняют, от чего он оказывается на треке, что приводит к массе смешных ситуаций.
Детские автомобильные гонки
Скучающий бездельник-бродяга приходит поглазеть на гонки детских автомобилей. Там он сталкивается со съёмочной группой — режиссёром и оператором. Бродяга всё время старается попасть в кадр, но его постоянно отгоняют, от чего он оказывается на треке, что приводит к массе смешных ситуаций.
Зарабатывая на жизнь
Reporter (uncredited)
Герой фильма, стремясь получить место репортера, обманным путем добывает сенсационный материал для газеты.
Зарабатывая на жизнь
Герой фильма, стремясь получить место репортера, обманным путем добывает сенсационный материал для газеты.
The Champion
A horse racing comedy in which Mabel Normand plays the part of the driver after her lover has been bound and hidden away by the villain and his tools.
The Champion
A horse racing comedy in which Mabel Normand plays the part of the driver after her lover has been bound and hidden away by the villain and his tools.
Protecting San Francisco from Fire
The Woman Haters
The Woman Haters is a 1913 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Nick Cogley.
Cohen Saves the Flag
Lt. Goldberg
Cohen and his rival Goldberg enlist in the Union Army during the American Civil War. Goldberg receives a lieutenant’s commission while Cohen becomes a sergeant. During the Battle of Gettysburg, Cohen inadvertently becomes a hero when he tosses back an enemy hand grenade and raises a fallen flag in the midst of the conflict. Goldberg conspires to have Cohen shot by a firing squad, but Cohen’s girlfriend Rebecca rides to the rescue.
Two Old Tars
Two old tars, retired from service, live alone in a cottage by the sea. They sail along on an even keel, until a buxom and comely widow projects herself on the scene when one old tar breaks one of their unwritten laws and falls in love with her. The other old fellow objects strenuously.
Mother's Boy
Mother's Boy is a 1913 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Alice Davenport.
Professor Bean's Removal
Professor Bean's Removal is a 1913 movie starring Ford Sterling and Mabel Normand.
Love and Courage
Love and Courage is a 1913 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Mabel Normand.
Love and Rubbish
Love and Rubbish is a 1913 movie starring Ford Sterling and Charles Avery.
For the Love of Mabel
A presumably lost film starring Mabel Normand and Roscoe Arbuckle.
Help! Help! Hydrophobia!
The professor does not approve of his daughter's suitor. His disapproval is so marked that it is finally noticed by said swain, Tim Brown, when he is kicked out of the house by the father of his lady love, and he resolves to be careful in the future and not be subjected to further indignities.
Passions, He Had Three
Henry is a big, fat country boy with three passions. He likes eggs, milk and girls. He steals the eggs from the nests, sucks their contents, and refills the shells with water. When the family sit down to breakfast and the shells are broken the crime is discovered and Farmer Jones places a big bear trap, covered with straw, in front of the nests.
The Gangsters
An amusing burlesque of gang fighters. The police go after them, one by one, and each guardian of the peace is caught and despoiled of his clothing and compelled to return to the station.
Toplitsky and Company
Toplitsky runs a second-hand clothing shop, but his partner "admires" his wife. Two conniving businessmen, intent on gaining a place in the store, inform Toplitsky of an upcoming tryst. A runaway bear adds to the complications.
Algy on the Force
Algie secures a job on the force. A new chief of police is appointed, who wears a soft hat and a frock coat. A woman reports the theft of her watch by a thief with a soft hat and a frock coat and Algie goes out looking for the thief. He meets the chief of police and arrests him after a chase and a fight, and handcuffs his prisoner to a telegraph pole while he goes for assistance. The Captain's consternation can be imagined when he arrives with his men and finds his chief a prisoner.
Бэнгвильская полиция
Мэйбл услышав в сарае непонятные звуки, подумала, что это грабители. Она вызывает полицию, но, оказывается, она ошиблась.
Cupid in a Dental Parlor
Harold is in love with Ethel Parks, but finds scant favor with her father, Parks always manages to get his daughter away from her admirer, but one day Harold makes bold to call at the house.
Murphy's I.O.U.
Murphy, the cop, gives his I. O. U. to the money-lender. Pressed for payment, he gives up his wife's jewelry. She thinks she has been robbed and reports the matter to the police lieutenant. Amusing complications result in which Murphy's duplicity is exposed, and his wife administers punishment for his offense.
Murphy's I.O.U.
Murphy, the cop, gives his I. O. U. to the money-lender. Pressed for payment, he gives up his wife's jewelry. She thinks she has been robbed and reports the matter to the police lieutenant. Amusing complications result in which Murphy's duplicity is exposed, and his wife administers punishment for his offense.
Father’s Choice
Father wants Mabel to marry a little, wealthy shrimp. She is in love with Charlie, a big, strapping fellow. Mabel is locked up in the house, but her lover sets the house on fire, and In the confusion runs to the minister's house with her. Father and his choice pursue, but Mabel and her lover hide in the chimney. Father sticks around with a big gun, and Mabel and her lover make up as negroes and are married, father being persuaded to act as best man.
Her New Beau
Mabel has a new beau. Her father forgets his watch at home. Mabel sees it has stopped running and gives it to her beau to have repaired. Father walks through the park and accidentally bumps into a stranger. He feels in his pockets for his watch and thinks he has been robbed. In the meantime the beau has lost the watch and a stranger has picked it up. Father appears and takes it away from him. The beau, looking for the lost watch sees papa with the timepiece, and not knowing who he is, attacks him and beats him up.
Love and Pain
Jones is engaged to a jealous girl, Ethel. His stenographer has a fainting spell in his office and Jones attempts to revive her. Ethel walks into the office and sees the girl in Jones' arms and bounces out. She sends Jones a note breaking her engagement, and in despair he attempts to commit suicide.
Foiling Fickle Father
A short comedy starring Mabel Normand. It is now considered lost.
Her Birthday Present
The Bandit's Rival
A Keystone film, especially from the beginnings, is always worth attention.This film is notable for the profit which it manages to derive from derisory material. It plays more on the resources of comedy than those of burlesque.
A Temperamental Husband
Brown is insanely jealous of his wife and mistakes her brother for a lover, while the Brown's child is kidnapped by an evil tramp.
A Beast at Bay
Mary Pickford as "The Young Woman", is quite taken with Edwin August; in fact, he is her "ideal". But Mr. August's refusal to get mixed up in a street brawl makes him look like a coward to Ms. Pickford. Meanwhile, convict Alfred Paget has escaped from prison; and, he is "A Beast at Bay". While Pickford and August go for a ride in her automobile, criminal Paget ambushes one of his guards, taking the man's clothing and gun. Pickford drops off August, still arguing he is a coward, and drives off. Alone, Pickford gets out of her car to retrieve a fallen garment; then, on-the-lam Paget moves in to carjack her. From a distance, August witnesses Pickford being taken at gunpoint - can he save his girl, and prove he's not a coward?
Why He Gave Up
Hubby is anxious to get away for a little time at the beach with the boys, and works up a quarrel with wifey over a new hat, the bill for which he is asked to pay. Making this excuse, he goes off with his chums. The wife is an expert swimmer and diver and is invited to attend a meet of the ladies' swimming club, of which she was formerly a member. Her husband's treatment induces her to accept the invitation. The affair takes place at the very beach to which the husband hied himself. One may imagine that hubby has not only plunged into the cooling waters of the surf, but into domestic hot water as well.
Josh's Suicide
Josh doesn't like the way things go at home and decides to quit and get out. Later, his wife gets what purports to be his farewell letter, which is intended to lead her to believe he has committed suicide. He, however, goes to New York to have a good time, and he does, "by gosh." The wife, believing herself a widow, makes a trip to New York with her admirer. Well, you may guess the rest.
The Villain Foiled
A Mack Sennett comedy for Biograph released as a split reel along with the comedy The Baron.
The Butler
Two creative bums invade a high society gathering by pretending to be rich.
Sunshine Sue
Harry's Friend
A country girl follows a city suitor, but is left alone and must fend for herself.
The Usurer
Waiter at Luncheon
A wealthy, callous moneylender finds a terrifying way to learn about money's limitations.
A Flash of Light
At Second Party
An experiment goes wrong and blinds a newly married chemist. The chemist's wife does not want to take on the burden of caring for the blind chemist, and her younger sister take her place.
The Day After
Party Guest
Mr. and Mrs. Hilton throw a New Year's Eve party. They agree not to drink the punch themselves, but as guests begin to arrive their resolve weakens, and soon they are both cavorting drunkenly. Next morning Mr. Hilton, feeling very sick, is conscience-stricken over his drunkenness and his behavior with another woman. He fears to face his wife until he discovers that she feels just as guilty herself.
Спекуляция пшеницей
Жадный биржевой магнат решает, по собственной прихоти, поставить в безвыходное положение мировой рынок пшеницы. Это в два раза повышает цены на хлеб.
Wet and Warmer
Silent comedy featuring the Chaplin-esque Heinie Conklin. The ill-fated Virginia Rappe appears as a hotel guest.