Dude Guest
In order to prove his manliness to the girl he loves, a young urban dandy takes a job at a dude ranch. Predictable misadventure ensues in this poorly-made early talkie.
The Innkeeper's Wife
Squire Peachem (Ford Sterling) wants to marry the innkeeper's daughter (Normand). Since Peachem has a hefty mortgage on the inn, he thinks he can use it to effect a union, but the girl is not interested in him. She already has a sweetheart, handsome Randolph Roanoke (Owen Moore). Peachem and his dumb-as-dirt assistant, Blaa Blaa (Sennett), try to keep Roanoke and Mabel apart. Their feeble attempts are in vain, and Mabel easily manages to outwit them and win the man she loves. - Janiss Garza
Audience member
Герой крадет букет цветов, предназначенный для звезды, и дарит их простой хористке, не зная, что кошка опрокинула на него бутылку чернил. Затем он включает ветряную машину в неподходящее время, заполняя сцену и театр чёрным порошком. Он пытается спасти драгоценности звезды, но теряет сознание и мечтает о совершенно невероятной поездке, чтобы вернуть их. Затем он просыпается.
Cyma Roget, a beautiful young woman, has fallen under the influence of the evil Hindu scientist Chandra Dak, who can cast her at will into a hypnotic state resembling death. Chandra Dak's power over Cyma wanes as his love for her grows, however, and one night she escapes and takes refuge in the atelier of three young and struggling Bohemian artists. During her stay at the atelier, she becomes an artist's model and forms an attachment to one of the artists, Paul Bridere, but soon Chandra Dak falls out of love with Cyma and sends her into a hypnotic coma.
Rip's Wife
Comedy Short
Lady Platt
Short comedy
Directed by Hal Roach. With Harold Lloyd, Bebe Daniels, 'Snub' Pollard, Bud Jamison.
Maggie's Mother
Maggie's First False Step
Minor Role
The Snow Cure is a silent Comedy short.
The Wife's Mother
A mild-mannered man's problems with his domineering wife and mother-in-law lead to complications with the law.
The Cashier's Mother
Sam Bernard in the kitchen cooking up something for his loved one.
Woman at Studio
Fatty and the Broadway Stars is a 1915 American short comedy film directed by and starring Fatty Arbuckle.
The Mother
About a boy growing up and acting like this abusive, alcoholic father.
Mrs. Stebbins - Mabel's Mother
The parents of a wealthy young man arrange for him to marry a woman he has never seen. When he meets and falls for a young woman he convinces his valet to switch places. The idea is that the valet will make a bad impression on the fiance, the wedding will canceled and the hero can marry his true love. There is only one problem, his love and unseen fiance are the same woman.
The Landlady
After a dastardly villain steals milk from a baby, he tries to put the heroine through a laundry press.
Mabel's Mother
Mabel has just gotten engaged during a housewarming party of which her mother is the hostess. When an annoying party guest persuades Mabel to dance with him, Mabel hurries through the dance and then goes to look for her fiancé, only to discover him caressing another woman. Her fiancé finds not only Mabel, but also her mother, very displeased, and not inclined to believe his explanation.
Mabel's Mother
Mabel sneaks away from her parents for some mischievous fun at the fairgrounds with a pair of impromptu suitors.
Mabel's Mother
У матери Мейбл вор украл в парке часы, но сам потерял их. Фатти, найдя часы, преподнёс их Мейбл в качестве подарка.
Mabel's Mother
После свадьбы Фатти быстро потерял интерес к семейной жизни. Он пустился во флирт, и дело дошло до развода. И тут их чувства вспыхнули вновь.
Streetcar Accident Victim's Mother
A poor man finds a bag with a lot of money resulting in a change of lifestyle. But not without complications...
Woman (uncredited) (unconfirmed)
When a woman's husband leaves town, she begins to see odd things happening in her house. Afraid that gangsters are after her, she becomes increasingly anxious.
Mrs. Spegle
Mr. Walrus needs a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner with his in-laws but his plans keep going awry.
Mrs. Ambrose
Bankers Mack Swain & Chester Conklin courting each other's wives.
Woman Behind Rope in 2nd Crowd (uncredited)
Семейная пара отравляется на выставку, но Фатти любит пофлиртовать...
Flirty Prisoner (uncredited)
Фатти со своей женой Мэйбл решили прогуляться по парку. Фатти отходит в киоск для того, чтобы купить мороженого. Там он начинает флиртовать с девушкой. Но Фатти не знает, что в это время Мэйбл завязала знакомство с мужем этой девушки.
Fatty's Nagging Wife
Фатти и Мейбл — соседи. Они находят общий язык и решают совместно провести время.
Party Hostess
Фатти очень хочет попасть на большое танц-шоу. Но для этого ему необходимо должным образом одется. Пойдя на кражу, он даже не представлял, чем все это обернется.
Fatty's Mother-in-Law
Fatty, his wife and mother-in-law are on a ferry to Catalina Island for an outing. So are Mabel and her father. Mabel and Fatty flirt with each other, and Fatty tosses her father overboard, thinking he is another suitor. The boat docks and the two go their separate ways. Mack Swain tries to pick Mabel up, too. All go to rent bathing suits, Fatty locks Mack in a dressing room with mother-in-law. Fatty and Mabel feed a large fish to a seal at the water's edge, and then engage in some graceful and comic diving. Swain, Avery, Durfee and Davenport see them diving and corner them...everyone's relationship to each other is revealed. —Ben Model, ben@silentclowns.com
Guest at party
Бравый городской парень как-то пошел искать сельские тропы, после того, как городские улицы стали слишком горячими для него. Случайно он знакомится с Тилли, дочкой фермера. Ну и что же, что она больше похожа на слониху, чем на девушку, зато у ее отца водятся денежки, и наш герой не прочь или завладеть. А Тилли, никогда прежде не видевшая такого бравого парня, влюбляется в него по уши и сбегает с ним из отчего дома.
The Art Student
Married ice man Charles Murray is "Cursed by His Beauty" (1914) when he becomes a model for a female artist.
Patron at Outdoor Bar
Мэйбл и ее кавалер идут на автогонки, где к ним присоединяются Чарли с другом. Друг Чарли пытается попасть на гоночную трассу через дыру и застревает. Полицейский замечает его. Пока друг Чарли пробирается через дыру, Чарли брызгает в полицейского содовой. На трибуне Мэйбл меняет своего кавалера на Чарли. И друга Чарли и кавалера Мэйбл арестовывают и увозят.
The Girl's Mother
The Love Thief
The Married Flirt's Wife
Hello, Mabel (also known as On a Busy Wire) is a 1914 American short silent comedy film directed by Mack Sennett.
The Wife
Mabel's Mother
Those Country Kids is a 1914 short comedy film starring Fatty Arbuckle and Mabel Normand, and directed by Fatty Arbuckle.[1]
Герой фильма — театральный реквизитор, уличает в обмане силача.
Boarding House Proprietor
A lost short film starring Mabel Normand.
Minta's Mother
Love and Bullets is a 1914 Comedy short
Neighbor (uncredited)
«Семейная жизнь Мэйбл» — целый букет хитросплетений, неожиданностей и весёлых случайностей, происходящих то с представительной дамой Мэйбл, то с её мужем — маленьким человечком в котелке и с тросточкой в руках.
Подвыпивший Чарли, гуляя по парку, начинает приставать к женщине на скамейке. Ее муж, который ходил за сигаретами, возвращается и уводит ее в отель, где они живут. Туда же направляется и Чарли — он живет в соседней комнате. С трудом забравшись по лестнице, он ошибается дверью и попадает в комнату той же семейной четы. Его вышвыривают, он идет к себе и ложится спать. Однако вскоре к нему приходит та женщина: оказывается, она лунатичка. Муж ее ищет, а это значит, что жизнь Чарли под угрозой.
Mabel's Mother (uncredited)
Чарли — обычный официант в кабаре. Однажды хозяин отправляет его выгулять собаку и вернуться вовремя, а то он будет наказан. Чарли защищает девушку Мейбл от хулигана, а та знакомит его со своими родителями. Он представляется Послом Греции, а они приглашают его на свою вечеринку. Естественно, он опаздывает вернуться в кабаре и получает взбучку. Затем он отправляется на вечеринку, где здорово напивается и злит ухажера Мейбл. Вернувшись в кабаре, он продолжает выполнять свои обязанности, в частности избавляет заведение от весьма неприятного посетителя. Как-то раз в кабаре заходит шумная компания, в том числе Мейбл и ее родители.
Spectator in Grandstand (uncredited)
Мэйбл поссорилась со своим бойфрендом. Герой Чаплина, проезжая мимо на мопеде, предлагает ей прокатиться. Она соглашается, однако на одном из виражей падает в лужу. Ее подбирает бойфренд на автомобиле, они мирятся. Между тем, герой Чаплина, заметив пропажу, возвращается, однако он уже не к месту. Начинается потасовка. Вскоре Мэйбл отправляется на трек, где ее друг должен участвовать в гонке. Чарли захватывает его и связывает. Тогда в машину садится сама Мэйбл, а злодей во время гонки строит ей разные козни. В итоге Мэйбл, счастливо преодолев все препоны, побеждает в соревновании.
Landlady's Friend
Главный герой — лучший жилец меблированных комнат, откровенно флиртующий с хозяйкой. Муж хозяйки хочет уличить их и постоянно следит за ними — на прогулке или теннисном матче. Наконец, маленькому сынишке хозяйки удается разоблачить их при помощи фотоаппарата. Начинается традиционная свалка.
Guest with Man in Overalls (uncredited)
О том, как герой фильма, пригласив на танец гардеробщицу, вынужден спасаться от ее поклонников.
A short comedy directed by Mabel Normand and Mack Sennett. believed to be a lost film.
The Wife
Роскошный отель, в одном из коридоров которого, находится юная леди, одетая в одну лишь пижаму, поскольку дверь ее номера захлопнулась. В отеле полно развратных мужчин, злобствующих женщин, скоро должен прийти ее ревнивый возлюбленный, а тут еще под ногами крутится этот маленький пьяненький человечек в котелке. Да уж, Мейбл не позавидуешь…
The Woman Fatty Kisses (uncredited)
The Water Dog is a 1914 American short comedy film directed by and starring Fatty Arbuckle.
Mother (uncredited)
Герой фильма, стремясь получить место репортера, обманным путем добывает сенсационный материал для газеты.
His Mother
Moving Picture World categorized the film as “a nonsense number”, but Normand's Won in a Closet, her second as director, displays her burgeoning talent. Mabel’s father, the country constable, is smitten with the mother of the boy Mabel imagines “her ideal”. The young couple’s romance is disrupted first by two rival “cut-ups” and then by misapprehension that a tramp is hiding in a closet at the mother’s home. In reality, the mother herself takes refuge in the closet to escape the constable’s attentions.
The Sheriff's Wife's Mother
The Under-Sheriff is a 1914 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and George Nichols.
Mother's Boy is a 1913 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Alice Davenport.
A husband who has spent a convivial night is sleeping off the effects in bed while his devoted wife ministers for him.
Mack's Mother
Мак сделал предложение кухарке Мэйбл, но вскоре увлёкся другой девушкой, а Мэйбл уволили. Она отправилась в город искать работу, и стала киноактрисой. Через несколько лет Мак увидел свою бывшую возлюбленную на киноэкране, и горько пожалел о своём поступке.
Irish Neighborhood Leader's Wife
When a girl delivering expensive garments loses them to some Irish shanty town kids, her boss, a Jewish clothier, is livid and a fight breaks out. Soon the melee spreads to the whole neighborhood with brick throwing merging into bomb throwing, with the sides on clearly ethnic lines.
Mabel and Roscoe love each other, but her father likes another boy. A rather sissified young man. Roscoe and Mabel stages an accident.
Woman with Straw-Hatted Man
Love and Rubbish is a 1913 movie starring Ford Sterling and Charles Avery.
Questioning Woman
The Telltale Light is a 1913 movie starring Mabel Normand and Roscoe Arbuckle.
Mabel's Mother
Mabel's husband is a hansom cab driver. After a quarrel Mabel imagines herself neglected, and listens to the honeyed words of a tempter, and finally agrees to elope 'with him. A boy is sent for a cab, and the innocent youth calls the husband. The vehicle drives up and the couple run into it, their identity unnoticed by the driver, and they absorbed in each other, not noting the man on the seat. Hubby glances into the mirror reflecting the interior of the cab, and the fun starts. A comical fight takes place between the two men, and the would-be home breaker is soundly thrashed, and penitent Mabel is taken back to her husband's arms.
Jenny's Mother
Henry is a big, fat country boy with three passions. He likes eggs, milk and girls. He steals the eggs from the nests, sucks their contents, and refills the shells with water. When the family sit down to breakfast and the shells are broken the crime is discovered and Farmer Jones places a big bear trap, covered with straw, in front of the nests.
Mrs. Toplitsky
Toplitsky runs a second-hand clothing shop, but his partner "admires" his wife. Two conniving businessmen, intent on gaining a place in the store, inform Toplitsky of an upcoming tryst. A runaway bear adds to the complications.
Mabel's mother
Professor Smelts the band leader gets into a romantic rivalry with one of his musicians over the affections of a pretty girl.
Brown's Mother-in-Law
Brown is troubled with an over-abundance of affection, and his wife and mother-in-law convince him of their displeasure in many ways. Brown has a friend who has never met Brown's folks, and becomes acquainted with Mrs. Brown while she is with her mother. He invites them for an automobile ride and manages to start up the automobile as soon as Mrs. Brown has seated herself, leaving her mother behind. That worthy lady, however, runs after the machine and refuses to get lost. The friend has sent word to Brown to meet him at a restaurant, and Brown has a lot of nice champagne iced and awaits his guests. He is thunderstruck when his wife walks in, soon followed by his mother-in-law, who sit down to enjoy his hospitality.
Mabel's Mother
Georgie Burns is a conceited, athletic individual, who has turned his home into a gymnasium. His pretty wife is exceedingly vexed but cannot cure him of his love for strenuous sports. A forlorn tramp comes to the floor begging for a meal, and George promptly knocks him down.
Mrs. Jones
Fred Mace plays a businessman with two secretaries. He gets playful with the second secretary, Mabel Normand. His wife, Alice Davenport walks in on him. He does some nice embarrassed husband pantomime. Davenport fires the two secretaries and tell Fred that he will only have male secretaries from now on. The next day, Mabel arrives in drag as a boy to apply for the job. The wife takes him into the next office and starts to make a pass at him.
A traveling man is vacationing at a summer resort kept by a farmer and his wife, and falls in love with a rich widow. The spooning of the two gets on the farmer's nerves, and he tries in various ways to discourage them. Twice, peeking through the window, he finds the flirtatious drummer making a fuss over his own wife, and when he rushes in he finds that the widow has returned and is occupying the drummer's attention. He gets his shotgun and tries to scare the drummer with it, but his wife takes it away from him and stands guard over him while she makes him do the kitchen work.
Mrs. Smith hired detectives to trail her husband, whom she believes is being unfaithful; police chief Larkin gets mistaken for Mr. Smith by the detectives, who raise hell when they catch him "cheating". Based on an extant still, this is the first verifiable Keystone Comedy to feature a group of comic cops.
her mother
At a summer resort, Mabel puts ugly bumps under her bathing suit to discourage fair-weather suitors; however, Black sees her doing it, and earns the inside track to her affections.
A cocky butler poses as a Count to win an heiress during his master's absence, but his scheme is foiled by the chef whom he snubbed.
Widow Simpson
Veteran Warner and old gardener Burns vie for the hand of Widow Simpson, and the gardener steals the former's uniform and joins in the ranks of a parade, pursued by his rival. Utilizes footage shot during a Thomas Ince battle production at Inceville, the Grand Army of the Republic parade in downtown Los Angeles which commenced at 9:30am PST on September 11, 1912 (including starting area at 5th and Los Angeles and viewing stands near finish by Courthouse at Broadway and Temple), and other G.A.R. festivities at the National Soldiers' Home at Sawtelle in Los Angeles.