Piero Umiliani

Рождение : 1926-07-17, Florence, Tuscany, Italy

Смерть : 2001-02-04


Peep Show
"Peep Show" is a strange amalgam of dank noir drama and cheesy journalism, recounting Sam “Momo” Giancana's reign with the Outfit. Styled as a confessional by one of Momo's gunsels, the tabloid tell-all traces the Cosa Nostra's connections first to the fall of Cuba and Kennedy's mob-supported presidency, then to a spreading blight of drug trafficking that swept through Vegas on the way to the White House.
The Yellow Panther
Original Music Composer
Pasquale Bellachioma, the unfortunate Police Commissioner, creates a "master stroke" that can finally put it to light before their superiors, but the results is continuous failure.
Quando la coppia scoppia
Original Music Composer
A woman takes advantage of the fact that her husband allowed himself to be praised for divorce to demand immediate separation.
Bollenti spiriti
Original Music Composer
Giovanni is a rich Italian aristocrat. He inherit a castle occupied by the ghost of an ancestor. Part of the inheritance is of a young beautiful blonde tourist, far relative of Giovanni. The two have to pay a ticket to the ghost to be free to own the castle. Guess what?
Il marito in vacanza
C'è un fantasma nel mio letto
A couple (Carati and Cricotti) have to rent a hotel room which is really a haunted house. Well haunted is overstating it. Just old Renzo as a horny ghost who wants to get it on with Carati. Sexual frolics abound, Carati takes baths and has sex and hubby fulfills his role as cuckold.
Dolce gola
Teste di quoio
I Hate Blondes
There are two problems with Emilio and his career as a pulp writer. Emilio is a bumbling fellow who has absolutely nothing in common with the heroes he writes about. Second, Emilio can't seem to publish anything under his own name.
The Maid Seduces the Cowards
Marina and Orazio are a couple who own a motel. To pay their debts, Marina suggests a drug-related money scheme. However, both have their own agendas and try cheating on each other with another couple. One thief hopes to get the money, but accidentally gets trapped in the chambermaid's room, where the lusty chambermaid has her way with him.
Лангуст на завтрак
Марио женат на Карле, богатой деловой даме. Она уезжает на пару дней в Женеву, а у него свидание с Моник, шведской стюардессой. Рейс Карлы отменён, она направляется домой, и вот-вот застанет Марио на месте преступления. Спасает Марио его старый школьный товарищ Энрико, неудачливый продавец, пришедший убедить Марио купить у него унитаз, чтобы его не уволили. Марио подписывает заказ в обмен на то, что Энрико согласится выдать Моник за свою жену. Карла приглашает их остаться и принять участие в деловом обеде, который обслуживает жена Энрико, Матильда. Энрико весь вечер от неё прячется, Марио преследует Моник, а Карла хочет заключить сделку.
The Soldier with Great Maneuvers
Original Music Composer
Doctor Eva Marini takes up a position at an army base to investigate the sexual behavior of the Italian male soldier and soon finds out she's taken on more than she bargained for.
Io tigro, tu tigri, egli tigra
Original Music Composer
Three short stories full of absurd Italian humor. Episode 1: Oddjobs man Elia is hired to be a waiter and soon finds himself caught up in a plot to knock off his mistress (in more ways than one). Episode 2: Della is convinced that aliens are on their way to consume the world and before long ends up a guinea pig on a spaceship from the planet Phobos. Episode 3: Roberto becomes a Bersaglieri in the Italian army and nearly causes a war between Italy and Switzerland over a packet of cigarettes.
L'inquilina del piano di sopra
Blue Nude
Original Music Composer
Obscure, sleazy and laid back picture about a young man being dragged down into the seedy and ruthless underbelly of 70s New York pornographers.
Хлеб, масло и варенье
Original Music Composer
Три женщины познакомились в психиатрической лечебнице. Одна гонялась по всему Риму за своим мужем и стреляла в него. Другая поссорилась со своим благоверным, не найдя общей точки зрения на сексуальные качествах любимых актеров. Третья не дождалась жениха на собственной свадьбе. Выйдя из клиники, они поклялись жить втроем в одной квартире, порог которой не должен перешагнуть ни один мужчина.
Медсестра на военном обходе
Original Music Composer
Пытаясь доказать себе и окружающим, что девушка может стать отличным военным, медсестра Ева Марини пишет рапорт с просьбой о зачислении ее на курсы военных медиков. Но командование, недовольное женской эмансипацией, решает направить девушку в одно из самых «залетных» подразделений, где служат практически одни идиоты...
Beauty and the Beast
Decameron-style collection of entertaining short stories with such diverse themes as nymphomania, bestiality, and masochism.
Bruciati da cocente passione
Virginia and Casimiro are both married with children to passionate spouses, while they are shy and devoted to poetry, crying watching "Anna Karenina" on TV. They commute every day from a little town in Lombardy to Milan and during the journeys they meet and fall in love. They suffer from being unable to realize their love without hurting their marriages but they don't know their respective spouses share a hot relationship...
Черная Эммануэль в Японии
Original Music Composer
Молодая, очаровательная и невероятно сексуальная девушка Эммануэль работает фотографом в редакции одного журнала. По работе ей приходится много путешествовать, чтобы собирать материалы для своих «горячих» репортажей. Из-за склонности к авантюризму она постоянно попадает в различные пикантные ситуации.
The Lady Medic
Original Music Composer
A man is desperately trying to avoid mandated military service, but a sexy medic proves to be his undoing.
Original Music Composer
Легко ли быть молодым, если педагоги - придурки, а между ног сильно чешется? Франко и его друзья, сексуально озабоченные подростки, пытаются ликвидировать пробелы в своем сексуальном образовании. И однажды они задаются вопросом: зачембезуспешно ухаживать за ровесницами, когда можно поискать возлюбленную среди женщин постарше? Именно в этот момент родители Франко нанимают для своего сына учительницу - репетиторшу Джованну. Пикантная возникает ситуация.
Sicilian baron, Mimì Galluzzo, will be able to enjoy the legacy of his deceased father-in-law on two conditions: that his wife accepts the will and that there is a compromising document to be delivered to the mafia. While, however, the precious "dossier" is, in reality, in the hands of an avid widow, Donna Maria, willing to sell it only if Mimi marries her. Rosalba, obsessed with the absence of a child, suddenly goes mad or pretends 'go crazy. Recommended by Donna Maria, of whom he became the lover Don Mimì tries, with the help of his friend Langatta, undertaker, and a nurse in the clinic in which Rosalba was hospitalized, to get rid of his wife. Instead, he finds himself without having reached his goal, involved in an obscure series of crimes that will make him lose his mind.
Куколка гангстера
Original Music Composer
Бывшая проститутка Пупа, а ныне любовница гангстера Чарли-воротничка узнает, что ее дружок замешан в убийстве. Желая помочь следствию, а заодно и избавиться от Чарли, Пупа подбрасывает полиции журнал с губной помадой на воротничке, тем самым намекая, кто убийца, но об этом узнает помощник гангстера...
The Household
Original Music Composer
A butler for wealthy clients has a problem--he can't seem to stop getting sexually involved with the wives and daughters of his bosses.
Blood River
A bunch of unscrupulous men make havoc of a tribe of Indians to take their land. A survivor of the massacre decides to avenge his people by killing the whole bunch one by one.
Молодой повеса Алан спасает Антуана от расправы шайки портовых бандитов, после чего принимает предложение поработать у него механиком и влюбляется в юную подругу Антуана, роковую темнокожую красавицу Кристи по прозвищу Принцесса. Образовавшийся любовный треугольник неминуемо ведет к трагической развязке…
Баба Яга
Original Music Composer
Валентина, модный фотограф, при странных обстоятельствах знакомится с женщиной, представившейся… как Баба Яга. Эта дама не молода и дарит Валентине куклу, которая может оживать. Она прикасается к фотоаппарату — и сфотографированный им человек падает замертво. Валентина попадает в зависимость от бабы Яги. Вырвать ее из плена наваждения пытается любовник Арно. Режиссёр: Коррадо Фарина
La ragazza fuoristrada
An Italian photojournalist falls madly in love with a young black women he meets while on assignment in Egypt. She goes with him when he returns to Italy and the two soon get married. But the small town he is from is not quite so friendly nor open-minded to his new bride, and racism and petty jealousy threaten to break up their once idyllic happiness.
Тропик Рака
Фред и Грейс - супружеская пара, брак которой давно трещит по швам - прилетают в отпуск на Гаити. Здесь они встречают старого университетского приятеля Фреда, доктора Уильямса, который изобрёл новый галлюциноген, вызывающий эротические видения. За его формулой разворачивают охоту преступные авторитеты всех мастей.
Девушка с лунной кожей
Молодая семейная пара, итальянский инженер Альберто и модный фотограф англичанка Хелен, переживает кризис в отношениях. В попытке укрепить свой союз, они отправляются на Сейшельские острова. Но на отдыхе Альберто влюбляется в очаровательную местную девушку. Обнаружив предательство, Хелен сгорает от ревности и ищет утешения в объятиях писателя…
I due assi del guantone
Original Music Composer
Two waiters who work in a restaurant, whose owner is a big boxing fan, pretend one of them is a boxer and the other his manager. The supposed boxer wins his first matches thanks to set ups organized by the other but when he beats a champion from another part of town, he is severely beaten up by his supporters.
Viva! Django
Django is on the trail of some renegade outlaws who raped and killed his wife. En route, he rescues a horse thief from an impromptu hanging. He discovers the man knows who committed the murder. The men team up and head west for revenge.
Vengeance Is a Dish Served Cold
Original Music Composer
After witnessing the brutal murder of his entire family by Native Americans as a child, Jeremiah Bridger becomes a merciless Indian-killer and scalp hunter. After saving the life of a beautiful Native American girl named Tune, however, the lone and silent gunman slowly reconsiders his hatred. He starts to doubt his former persuasion, that it was really Indians, who killed his family, and soon has to find out that a greedy and unscrupulous landowner usually blames Native Americans for his own crimes.
Mondo Cane 2000
Mondo documentary
The Fourth Victim
Original Music Composer
A man's wife is found suspiciously drowned in their swimming pool and because his two previous wives also died strange deaths he is charged with murder and only gets off because his motherly housekeeper lies to clear his name. When a pretty blonde woman shows up and starts flirting with him it's clear from the start that she may not be who she seems to be.
Reverend's Colt
Original Music Composer
Reverend Miller arrives in Tucson where he wants to build a church. But on the very day of his arrival a gang carries out a raid on the bank and the people of Tucson, who are suspicious of the new reverend because he carries a gun, immediately blame him for the robbery. The sheriff saves him from lynching by putting him in jail. Then he asks the priest to find the gang and the booty; thus Miller becomes the Reverend Colt. His exceptional skill means that he can shoot hats off people's heads and their pistols from their pockets, but he never kills.
Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Fifth Floor Neighbour
Pedro, a handsome gynecologist who lives in Toledo (Spain), does not have just a clientele due to the jealousy that his sex appeal causes in the husbands and boyfriends of his patients. To make matters worse, his mother still treats him like a child and the traditionalist members of his girlfriend's family don't look kindly upon Pedro. But on a trip to Madrid to attend a conference on medicine he meets Antón, his effeminate neighbor of the fifth floor, whose fashion boutique for women thrives thanks to the complicity he knows to establish with his customers.
Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Fifth Floor Neighbour
Pedro, a handsome gynecologist who lives in Toledo (Spain), does not have just a clientele due to the jealousy that his sex appeal causes in the husbands and boyfriends of his patients. To make matters worse, his mother still treats him like a child and the traditionalist members of his girlfriend's family don't look kindly upon Pedro. But on a trip to Madrid to attend a conference on medicine he meets Antón, his effeminate neighbor of the fifth floor, whose fashion boutique for women thrives thanks to the complicity he knows to establish with his customers.
Fighters from Ave Maria
Original Music Composer
This peculiar spaghetti western from director Adalberto Albertini (Return of Shanghai Joe) stars Tony Kendall (Luciano Stella) as the leader of a group of traveling circus acrobats. The performers enlist the aid of revolutionary exile Serrano and his men in order to rid a frontier town of its cruel boss.
Roy Colt and Winchester Jack
Original Music Composer
Two outlaws compete with each other over a treasure map that will lead them to buried gold while one of them is in league with a sadistic priest-turned-crime lord, while a young Native American girl helps both outlaws and plays both sides against each other.
Don Franco and Don Ciccio in a Year of Protest
Original Music Composer
Italy's best loved comedy duo play rival priests in the neighboring towns of Roccapizzone and San Antonio. Did Franco crash his bike through Ciccio's new stained glass window on purpose or was he just in town for their mutual confession? Their main beef with each other concerns their opposing football teams and this feud takes up a great deal of the picture.
Пять кукол для августовской луны
Original Music Composer
Попавшую на загадочный остров молодую красавицу спасает группа людей, проживающих в ультрасовременном особняке. Центр притяжения всей группы — выдающийся ученый, доктор Фаррелл, изобретатель нового химического вещества, которое он планирует представить на конгрессе химиков в Женеве. Остальные обитатели особняка желают купить формулу вещества, но ученый не хочет раскрывать секрет, несмотря на то, что ему предлагают несколько миллионов долларов. И тогда на острове начинает орудовать убийца…
Главная героиня фильма — Хелен, зарабатывает на жизнь автогонками. Однажды она попадает в крупную аварию, после которой врачи настоятельно советуют ей отказаться от всех вредных привычек, бросить гонки и вести спокойный образ жизни, без потрясений и стрессов. В день выхода из больницы она получает письмо от своего бывшего мужа, Мориса, который приглашает ее приехать к нему на виллу в Испанию. Недолго поколебавшись, она срывается из родного города и едет в Испанию, на виллу к Морису. Приехав, она обнаруживает, что Морис снова женат на богатой и уже не молодой женщине, Констанс, и с удивлением узнает, что это приглашение написал вовсе не Морис, а его новая жена…
Dove non è peccato
Original Music Composer
An Italian mondo documentary about Finland. Among other things, it showcases intricacies of local mating culture, sports, Midsummer festivities and sauna.
Le isole dell'amore
A softcore island fantasy
Death Knocks Twice
Original Music Composer
When private detective Bob Martin looking for a stolen diamond necklace, he also has a clever serial killer on the trail ...
Gangster's Law
A con man pulls a double-cross on a gang of vicious bank robbers.
The Archangel
Comedy about a lawyer who is suspected of murder
Original Music Composer
Following the death of her wealthy husband, American widow Kathryn West migrates to Italy and takes up a reclusive existence in a luxurious villa. After quickly succumbing to the charms of a local man, she lets him move into the villa and the two are later joined by his sister, which soon leads to complications.
I 2 deputati
Original Music Composer
Francesco and Franco are brothers in law but, since their respective wives can't stand each other, are always arguing. When Francesco decides to run for Parliament, Franco is kidnapped by his opposing party and forced to run as well. The clashes between the two in-laws will continue in Parliament.
Eros e Thanatos
Franco Adami injures a condescending prostitute to photograph her, but escaped from guilt, causing her death by bleeding.
The Nephews of Zorro
Original Music Composer
Two fellows from Sicily go to America thinking that they will find gold . For their bad luck in California they meet the brave Zorro who is protecting the helpless people. They have to help him which is followed by a lot of adventures and funny moments.
Sweden: Heaven and Hell
Nine scenes about sexuality and morals in Sweden in the late sixties.
Two Eyes to Kill
A ruthless racketeer uses his nightclub as a front for all kinds of crime, suffers a drastic reversal of fortune after sending an innocent man to the guillotine for a crime he himself committed. The executed man donated his eyes after he died and now the club is being watched…
I barbieri di Sicilia
Original Music Composer
In a little Sicilian village two hairdressers who are in love with the same girl manage to sabotage the bacteriological weapons the Nazis are preparing to use against the allied armies invasion.
28 минут за 3 миллиона долларов
В Риме готовится крупнейшая в мире выставка бриллиантов. И шайка аферистов решается совершить дерзкое ограбление этой выставки, в надежде заработать три миллиона долларов. План разработан до мелочей: вся операция должна занять не более двадцати восьми минут...
Night Is Made for Stealing
Target Frankie
Frankie Bargher is hired by the government to pose as his own brother who became a target for two groups of evil agents.
The Man with the Balloons
Additional Music
Mario is a Milan industrialist who is constantly testing balloons to see how much air one can take before busting.
Последний из негодяев
Original Music Composer
Молодой Китош был одним из ковбоев на службе у богатого владельца ранчо, Дона Мендозы, но подвела молодца любовь к женщинам. Ему долго сходило все с рук, пока нелегкая не столкнула его с женой хозяина. В результате он был не только бит и заклеймен, как скот, но и едва не повешен. Спас от смерти его проезжий бандит по кличке Черный Трейси. он же становится в дальнейшем наставником Китоша в новой жизни, жизни вне закона.
Return of Django
Original Music Composer
The son of Django searches for the murderer of his father and is thereby involved in a war between two factions headed by former acquaintances of his famous parent.
Top Secret
A man escapes from a Russian prison and then from a United States embassy, taking with him some very important top secret information from both sides.
Argoman the Fantastic Superman
Original Music Composer
Argoman is practically invincible with powers beyond the scope of mortal man. Who is Sir Reginald Hoover, he seems to know what mission Argoman is involved with? Will Jenabell become the Queen of the World and achieve her wishes to outsmart Argoman?
Tecnica per un massacro
Original Music Composer
Two Sons of Ringo
Original Music Composer
Another spoof from the Franco and Ciccio team in which the boys, who are running a scam pretending to be bounty hunters, are 'persuaded' to help a real bounty hunter discover a treasure by claiming to be the heirs of a deceased lawman.
Diamonds Are a Man's Best Friend
Amazing Italian movie written and directed by Vittorio Sala and starring Félix Marten, Liana Orfei and Gastone Moschin. An adventurer steals a valuable diamond known as "Mountain of Light" from the museum. A band of gangsters gets on his trail to take his loot. It's going to be a long battle.
Ring Around the World
Original Music Composer
Investigator Fred Lester uncovers a killer using an air pistol firing chemical bullets in the swinging '60s spy thriller RING AROUND THE WORLD, a globe-hopping escapade featuring a plane-and-parachute stunt later repeated in the James Bond film Moonraker.
Target Goldseven
American secret agent Alan Milner is charged to get back a lot of uranium being transported to an enemy power by a criminal gang led by Otis. The agent must follow a number of leads until getting aboard a merchant ship off the Moroccan coast, where he will have the last of a number of fights.
Che notte, ragazzi!
Lawyer Tony Green has to pay a two-million-dollar check as compensation to the widow of a wealthy businessman who died as a result of an explosion on the plane immediately after take-off. Tony has to reach the widow who is currently abroad.
Countdown to Doomsday
NY private eye Jeff Milton is investigating a case of kidnapping in Caracas.
Rififi ad Amsterdam
Original Music Composer
I due sanculotti
Original Music Composer
The brothers Franco and Ciccio La Capra moves to France in the days of the French Revolution, putting themselves in a lot of trouble.
Agent 3S3, Massacre in the Sun
Original Music Composer
The island paradise of San Felipe has undergone a revolution! The charismatic General Siqueiros has assumed control! Those assisting him though have an agenda far beyond a simple dictatorship of a inconsequential banana republic! They’re scheming to put the entire world at their mercy through the mad scientist Karlesten’s efforts to develop a deadly missile-carried gas! And only one man can stop him! Walter Ross, Agent 3S3! And he not only has a license to kill, but also a license to spank!
Password: Kill Agent Gordon
A tough CIA agent is called in to put a stop to a shipment of weapons to the Viet Cong from an arms smuggling ring in this intercontinental spy thriller.
2 Mobsters Against Al Capone
Original Music Composer
For a misunderstanding Franco and Ciccio, two Sicilian immigrants of very limited intellectual faculties, are enrolled in the police force in New York.
7 Golden Monks
Original Music Composer
Count Raimondo and his girlfriend Veronique return to Italy from Switzerland carrying with them a load of contraband cigarettes but, using the pretense of a kidnapping to cheat their supplier, they hide out in the convent run by his uncle Friar Hugh. In the same convent without anyone's knowledge, the bandit Lucky Marciano is also hiding out with a significant quantity of gold ingots stolen from the Swiss Federal Bank.
Il nero
The events in Naples of a few ‘figli della Madonna’ (Madonna’s sons), young people born between 1945 and 1946 from the relationship between the local women and Afro-American soldiers.
Operation Poker
The invention everyone is after is definitely of the science fiction type. It's a special tie-clip that when used with a pair of infra-red contact lenses enables the user to see through walls! The guy that stole them from the professor is putting it to good use by wearing it while playing poker and cleaning up! He should think bigger. The first thing Roger does when he discovers this little novelty is use it to spy on his girlfriend getting dressed! That's more like it. This film really gets around. We travel from the Riviera to Geneva to Paris to Casablanca (the Casbah no less), and to Copenhagen. We even get a tour of the Tuborg brewery. There's a prolonged gun battle amongst the giant beer tanks. Talk about product placement!
The Two Parachutists
Two penniless Italian buskers want to go to the USA but get on the wrong ship and end up in South America in a concentration camp where they are rescued by American parachutists from. Afterwards they become big shots in the States but their dream comes to an end : they are sent to fight in Vietnam
The Two Parachutists
Original Music Composer
Two penniless Italian buskers want to go to the USA but get on the wrong ship and end up in South America in a concentration camp where they are rescued by American parachutists from. Afterwards they become big shots in the States but their dream comes to an end : they are sent to fight in Vietnam
Lady Morgan's Vengeance
A young woman is killed by her treacherous husband and returns as a vengeful ghost.
Agente X1-7 operazione Oceano
Eurospy movie.
War Italian Style
Original Music Composer
It's May 1943, and two Italian American soldiers, Joe and Frank, are searching the North African desert for a Nazi general called Von Kassler. Von Kassler's aide captures them, and arranges for them to escape with fake war plans. But, things don't go exactly as planned for either side.
The Amazing Doctor G
Original Music Composer
Nefarious villain Goldginger (Fernando Rey) is thwarted by bumbling secret agents Franco (Franco Franchi) and Ciccio (Ciccio Ingrassia) in his scheme to spark an international war by zombifying all government employees in this Italian spoof of the James Bond movies.
The Reckless
Renato Salvatori and Norma Benguell star in this crime drama. Ettore is a husband whose wife has left him for her lover. The wife returns to tell him their marriage is over, but the scheming husband talks her into loaning him her car. He meets her lover and murders the man, disposing of his possessions in a symbolic gesture to obliterate his memory.
The Sons of the Leopard
Penniless Baron Tulicò, nicknamed Leopard, abandons his mistress, with whom he's had two sons, and marries a rich woman. The mistress tries to have her rights established with the help of her sons.
The Sons of the Leopard
Original Music Composer
Penniless Baron Tulicò, nicknamed Leopard, abandons his mistress, with whom he's had two sons, and marries a rich woman. The mistress tries to have her rights established with the help of her sons.
La Celestina P… R…
Two Public Enemies
Original Music Composer
Two two-bit crooks get in the way of a criminal ring and cause a hold up to fail. The two flee to Paradise avoiding a reprisal and try and steal Saint Peter's halo.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
A vivid assortment consisted of three acts taken from the lives of modern 1960s Italians, always in orbit around the restless theme of sexual inhibition and the pursuit of pleasure in sex.
Los dinamiteros
Doña Pura, don Benito and don Augusto are three venerable old people who usually coincide each month in the queues of the mutuality windows to collect their pension, an opportunity they take advantage of to talk about life. When they learn that the old don Felipe, an acquaintance, is very sick and is alone and without money for a decent funeral, they decide to ask for a loan to help him, but, as they do not grant it, they decide to rob the savings bank. To do this, they will plan everything thoroughly and manufacture a homemade explosive.
The Road to Fort Alamo
Original Music Composer
A lone rider comes across a dying soldier, the victim of an Indian attack, who gives him a paper authorizing the payment of $150,000 to the U.S. Army. The rider gathers some colleagues who disguise themselves as soldiers and who take the paper to a bank. They get the money but a shoot-out occurs, an old woman is killed, and the gang acrimoniously splits up. Later some members of the gang meet up with some real U.S. Cavalry soldiers and together they must fight off new Indian attacks.
Oh! Those Most Secret Agents
Original Music Composer
Franco and Ciccio are two simple-minded Italian guys whom are mistaken by KGB spies by government agents from their government and other foreign governments.
Intrigue in Los Angeles
F.B.I. agents David Blair and Thelma Avery are assigned to search for Professor Weiss, who had mysteriously disappeared after discovering an antidote for atomic radiation. Following a feeble lead offered by the mysterious death of two dancers, David and Thelma begin to investigate their supervisor, George. They discover that Professor Weiss is being held prisoner by George and his sister—the professor’s former assistant—who want to sell the precious formula to a foreign country.
Самые прекрасные мошенничества в мире
Фильм состоит из нескольких сегментов, каждый из которых снимала определённая съёмочная группа. В центре каждой истории случай некой аферы/махинации. Действие всех историй развивается в разных городах — в Париже, Амстердаме, Токио, Неаполе.
Il Tramontana
Bianco, rosso, giallo, rosa
A whimsical commedia all'italiana divided into four episodes.
The Commandant
The retired general Antonio Cavalli is a nuisance to his family: to his wife Francesca who still works, to his son and to his daughter-in-law. Then he finds a job in a building firm. Only by chance Cavalli finds out that his salary is paid by his wife to keep him busy. But the general is well known as a very reliable man, and Sandrelli, the firm's owner, uses him and his name to win a valuable contract. When Sandrelli is arrested, the general finds the money to honour his debt but he is robbed while he is going to the bank...
The Commandant
Original Music Composer
The retired general Antonio Cavalli is a nuisance to his family: to his wife Francesca who still works, to his son and to his daughter-in-law. Then he finds a job in a building firm. Only by chance Cavalli finds out that his salary is paid by his wife to keep him busy. But the general is well known as a very reliable man, and Sandrelli, the firm's owner, uses him and his name to win a valuable contract. When Sandrelli is arrested, the general finds the money to honour his debt but he is robbed while he is going to the bank...
I misteri di Roma
An alien takes over the body of a factory worker in order to learn about Earth so his race can take it over.
La bella di Lodi
Original Music Composer
Story of Roberta, a beautiful young woman from a wealthy industrialist family and her relationship with Franco, a rough car mechanic and stranger whom she meets on the beach of Forte dei Marmi.
Il paradiso dell'uomo
The story of the Japanese woman who with a sense of pagan fatalism has been able to sacrifice herself to mechanize her spirit in a sort of absurd voluntary human planning: of the woman who knows how to pose the folds of her kimono in the precious depictions of traditional dances and who knows turn on the eyes of the spectators with morbid attention in the studied movements of a strip-tease: of the woman who burns all her perceptive powers in the factories of the microscopic transistors in two years, of the "loves" who, with a centuries-old technique, dive for fishing corals and pearls; of the Japanese woman, essential actress of a drama of transformation taking place in a country of very ancient civilization that only for a century has opened the doors of her fantastic world in the eyes of the foreigner.
I piaceri proibiti
Mondo documentary.
Original Music Composer
An ambitious Italian attorney has his flight delayed in Los Angeles. The vapid lawyer goes to some parties with some Italians living there and has a brief affair with a beautiful Italian expatriate.
Ограбление по-итальянски
Original Music Composer
Ночной сторож банка по имени Орацио, опоздав на работу, выясняет, что банк ограблен. Дабы не остаться без работы, он решает найти и возвратить украденное.
Боккаччо 70
Original Music Composer
Четыре новеллы об Эросе, достойные Декамерона 70-x - сатира морализма и пуританизма.
Верхом на тигре
Original Music Composer
Простоватый отец двоих детей, «запиленный» своей женой из за своей никчемности, решает провернуть аферу... Но тут же попадает в тюрьму. А там, из за той же простоватости и никчемности, становится соучастником побега...
I soliti rapinatori a Milano
Original Music Composer
A porte chiuse
The movie is about the celebrated trial of Olga Duvovich, very beautiful woman accused of killing her husband, a wealthy financier.
A porte chiuse
Original Music Composer
The movie is about the celebrated trial of Olga Duvovich, very beautiful woman accused of killing her husband, a wealthy financier.
Le ambiziose
Original Music Composer
Thirty girls arrive in a seaside town to participate in a beauty contest. Marina has no ambitions of victory: she only wants to have the sewing machine promised to each participant.
The Traffic Policeman
Original Music Composer
An unemployed man gets a job as traffic policeman but the traffic in the big city creates innumerous problems for the poor guy.
Сан-Ремо, большой вызов
Два музыкальных издателя едут в Сан-Ремо по случаю ежегодного Фестиваля Песни, и у каждого из них есть твердое намерение приложить все усилия, чтобы гарантировать победу своей музыке и их певцам. В Сан-Ремо, среди прочего, дочь журналиста полюбила одного из двух издателей, не без тайной надежды получить ценную информацию от девушки. Борьба между двумя конкурентами издателями становится все более острой; тем не менее, получается, что с намерением нанести вред противнику, каждый из двух в конечном итоге наносит ущерб самому себе, поскольку он отказывается от трехсот подлинных входных билетов, которые, по его мнению, являются фальшивыми. Так получилось, что в итоге оба противника вышли побежденными в бою, а песня и певец третьего издателя окажется с победным триумфом...
Розовые губы
Original Music Composer
Рим. Адвокат Мартини обнаруживает, что его шестнадцатилетняя дочь Бэби не поехала поездом в Рапалло, как она сказала своей семье. Поэтому он начинает расследование, но не уведомляя жену, чтобы не беспокоить ее. Мартини подходит к Ирэн, подруге и однокласснице Бэби, которая не очень ему помогает; однако мужчина подозревает, что Ирэн знает больше, чем говорит, и начинает часто посещать ее тур, чтобы узнать больше. В то время как отношения между зрелым юристом и молодым студентом постепенно становятся все более напряженными, Мартини обнаруживает, что его дочь Бэби только что разорвала отношения с неким Джорджио Карреем, сорокалетним архитектором, который уже был женат.
Крикуны перед судом
Original Music Composer
Группа молодых рокеров решает, что единственный способ раскрутить группу — это появиться на телеэкране. В этом им мог бы помочь отец девушки одного из членов группы, являющийся генеральным директором телекомпании, но, к сожалению, ему эта идея совсем не нравится.
Genitori in blue-jeans
Original Music Composer
Some middle-aged Italian men try to have affairs with much-younger girls.
Злоумышленники снова остались неизвестны
Original Music Composer
Четыре мелких воришки — в поисках большого дела. У Козимо есть идея, но он в тюрьме. Его сообщники находят простака Пепе, который соглашается взять вину Козимо на себя и занять место за решёткой вместо него. Но Пепе ворует их идею и создаёт собственную банду…
Злоумышленники, как всегда, остались неизвестны
Original Music Composer
Автомобильного вора Козимо ловят на месте преступления. Он попадает в тюрьму, но у него есть наводка на крупную кражу, и Козимо просит найти человека, который бы за него отсидел. Человека находят. Но Козимо остается за решеткой.