Åke Sandgren


События фильма разворачиваются в Копенгагене в течение пяти дней. Население возмущено тем, что новое правительство нарушило обещания, которые они давали перед выборами. И теперь датские компании совместно с Соединенными Штатами начинают разработку нефтяных скважин в Гренландии. В центре событий оказывается олимпийский стрелок, ныне работающий геофизиком, который рассказывает общественным массам о небезопасности данного решения правительства.
Несмотря на то, что Антону всего лишь десять лет, во многом он уже должен быть старшим. Ведь его старший брат Буллер страдает аутизмом и Антону приходится часто помогать ему. А Антону так бы хотелось иметь озорного и сильного брата, который поможет и ему в отношениях с постоянно задирающими его сверстниками. И однажды желание Антона сбылось. Благодаря вмешательству инопланетных сил Буллер становится супербратом, о котором и мечтал мальчик.
Охотник за башкой
35-летний Мартин Винге, бывший бизнес-журналист, а теперь успешный рекрутёр, подбирающий топ-персонал для крупных корпораций, человек со сложной судьбой. Однажды Мартину поступает заказ от г-на Зигера — пожилого владельца судоходного и нефтяного скандинавского концерна. Мартин должен подобрать преемника корпорации, способного руководить концерном в новое время и альтернативного собственному сыну и наследнику г-на Зигера — Даниэлю Зигеру. Взявшись за подбор кандидатов, Мартин вскоре обнаруживает, что у руководства концерна есть и другие планы относительно будущего корпорации. Становясь пешкой в жестокой и алчной игре за власть, Мартин и близкие ему люди становятся заложниками бескомпромиссной схватки.
To Love Someone
Lena lives a safe and happy life with her husband Alf and together they run a fish shop. No one who sees her can imagine what kind of hell she has gone through with her former husband Hannes. One day, her life turns upside down as a random meeting with Hannes leads to an emotional chaos for her. She thinks he has changed, but no one else wants to believe that Hannes is a new and better person. At the same time, Alf can only look at how his beloved Lena is drawn to Hannes who's been hurting her so much before.
Flies on the Wall
My Larsen is a documentarian in her early thirties. Self-centered and assertive, she likes to challenge and provoke her surroundings. She takes on an unusual assignment to make a film about the conservative township of Ravnsborg, but she learns there is a dark side to life in this small town. Someone is trying to cover up a terrible secret and they will stop at nothing, even murder, to keep My from discovering the truth.
Flies on the Wall
My Larsen is a documentarian in her early thirties. Self-centered and assertive, she likes to challenge and provoke her surroundings. She takes on an unusual assignment to make a film about the conservative township of Ravnsborg, but she learns there is a dark side to life in this small town. Someone is trying to cover up a terrible secret and they will stop at nothing, even murder, to keep My from discovering the truth.
On the surface Henrik and Nina Christofferson are an ordinary family living happily. But they have a problem. Their daughter, Stine, a difficult 14 year old, has a habit of telling lies in class. When Stine accuses her father of sexual abuse, and is believed by seemingly eager social workers, their family is thrust into crisis. Could Henrik have done it? And when Stine prepares to return home, the ugly side of family life is exposed.
Двое - мужчина и женщина - встречаются в Копенгагене, проводят вместе восхитительную ночь и затем отчаянно пытаются освободиться от рутины будней и рискуют всем ради возможности быть вместе…
Настоящий человек
Семилетняя Лиза, единственная дочь Шарлотты и Вальтера, чувствуя себя одинокой и непонятой, придумывает взрослого друга по прозвищу П, живущего… в стене её комнаты. После трагической смерти девочки в автокатастрофе П материализуется и выходит из своего укромного уголка, желая стать настоящим человеком.
During the final days of WWII, chaos ruled. The German submarine U-461 went down along with its entire crew just off the coast of Denmark. U-461 however, was no ordinary submarine. 50 years after the war ended, two brothers go scuba diving for fun and discover that their every move is being watched and that some things should just be left alone.
Big Men, Little Men
Three young men have an interest they all burn for - jazz. But in the 1930's northern Sweden not many people like the new form of music. So when the three guys get a chance to make a journey to New York they take it.
Big Men, Little Men
Three young men have an interest they all burn for - jazz. But in the 1930's northern Sweden not many people like the new form of music. So when the three guys get a chance to make a journey to New York they take it.
The Slingshot
Stockholm in the 1920s. Young Roland lives with his socialist father, Jewish mother and a boxing brother. His mother sells condoms illegally, and from them, Roland makes slingshots which he sells. His rebellious ways has gotten him the special attention of his school teacher, who always makes sure that Roland is punished. Roland also tries to make extra money by repairing bicycles, a successful business that in the end lands him in hot water.
The Slingshot
Stockholm in the 1920s. Young Roland lives with his socialist father, Jewish mother and a boxing brother. His mother sells condoms illegally, and from them, Roland makes slingshots which he sells. His rebellious ways has gotten him the special attention of his school teacher, who always makes sure that Roland is punished. Roland also tries to make extra money by repairing bicycles, a successful business that in the end lands him in hot water.
The Miracle in Valby
14 year old Sven is a technical genius, who has rebuilt an old caravan into a radio communication center. Via radio he is in contact with his father, who works at a big ship at the other side of the globe. One day the radio communication is suddenly interrupted by something which sounds like a Latin mass. In school Sven attends a lesson about radio-astronomy. The teacher explains that astronomers can receive radio waves that are thousand years old. Sven understands that the Latin mass he heard was transmitted to him from another age. He gets curious and starts making experiments by connecting his radio kit to bigger aerials. When he sits in the caravan together with his friends Bo and Petra, they not only hear the Latin mass on his radio, but the whole caravan is turned into a time-machine that brings them to the Middle Ages. They get in trouble with some warriors, who capture Petra, while Sven and Bo escape with the help of their time-machine...
The Miracle in Valby
14 year old Sven is a technical genius, who has rebuilt an old caravan into a radio communication center. Via radio he is in contact with his father, who works at a big ship at the other side of the globe. One day the radio communication is suddenly interrupted by something which sounds like a Latin mass. In school Sven attends a lesson about radio-astronomy. The teacher explains that astronomers can receive radio waves that are thousand years old. Sven understands that the Latin mass he heard was transmitted to him from another age. He gets curious and starts making experiments by connecting his radio kit to bigger aerials. When he sits in the caravan together with his friends Bo and Petra, they not only hear the Latin mass on his radio, but the whole caravan is turned into a time-machine that brings them to the Middle Ages. They get in trouble with some warriors, who capture Petra, while Sven and Bo escape with the help of their time-machine...
Тень Эммы
Emma (Line Kruse) is an eleven year-old only child from a wealthy Danish family. Emma's parents seem more interested in their own interests than in her. One evening when Emma overhears her mother talking about how tragic it must be to have your child kidnapped, Emma decides to stage her own kidnapping. She soon meets Malthe, a kind-hearted, child-like, naïve sewer cleaner who literally stumbles on to her. She convinces Malthe that she is a Russian princess whose family is being chased by Bolsheviks, so Malthe lets Emma stay with him in his very modest abode. After being "kidnapped" for a few days, Emma decides to return home. But, just as she is about to return, she overhears a couple of servants talking about how her parents don't seem to be very upset over her dilemma....
Johannes' hemmelighed
Johannes is upset because his parents have divorced and because his father never phones him. Before going to bed he wants his mother to read something from the Bible for him, instead of one of the usual stories from Superman. She reads some lines from the Revelation of St. John. Johannes asks her what "the end is near" means. She explains that it is when Jesus comes back, and sends the good people to Paradise and the evil ones to Hell. In the middle of the night Johannes sees a dazzling light and lots of water pouring out from the toilet. Suddenly an androgynous being is standing in the bathroom. Johannes thinks it's Jesus, and the being doesn't deny it. Johannes asks Jesus if his parents are going to Hell, as he thinks they are evil.
Johannes' hemmelighed
Johannes is upset because his parents have divorced and because his father never phones him. Before going to bed he wants his mother to read something from the Bible for him, instead of one of the usual stories from Superman. She reads some lines from the Revelation of St. John. Johannes asks her what "the end is near" means. She explains that it is when Jesus comes back, and sends the good people to Paradise and the evil ones to Hell. In the middle of the night Johannes sees a dazzling light and lots of water pouring out from the toilet. Suddenly an androgynous being is standing in the bathroom. Johannes thinks it's Jesus, and the being doesn't deny it. Johannes asks Jesus if his parents are going to Hell, as he thinks they are evil.
Assistant Director
Элемент преступления
Assistant Director
Живущий в Каире следователь из Европы возвращается на родину, чтобы расследовать цепь преступлений, совершенных маньяком по имени Гарри Грей. Используя метод идентификации с преступником, сыщик поневоле превращается в него сам.