Paolo De Vita

Paolo De Vita


Paolo De Vita


La Grande Guerra del Salento
Free - Liberi
Passeggeri notturni
Прости нам долги наши
Жизнь Гвидо зашла в тупик. Он одинок, безработен и погрязает в долгах. Понимая, что необходимо выбраться из сложного положения, в котором он оказался, Гвидо решает поступить на службу к коллекторам и самому выбивать долги из людей. Однако его новой работе мешает совесть и жалость к людям…
Anche senza di te
padre di Sara
Sara, a young and diligent elementary school teacher, is about to marry Andrea, but two more men are competing for her. She needs a friendly hand to help her manage work, friends and love.
Renata Fonte - Una Donna Contro Tutti
Dirigente PRI
Natale da chef
A bizarre group consisting of a refined chef with unusual recipes, an assistant cook with taste disturbances and an improvised pastry chef takes part in a competition between chefs to win the contract for the G7.
I delitti del BarLume - Il telefono senza fili
Gianfranco Benedetti
Chinese Whispers - a dead psychic is found in the trunk of a car and the uncles find briefcase full of dough ($).
The Medicine Seller
A farmaceutical salesman is involved in the spiral of corruption in the medical assistance of the welfare state system.
Si può fare l'amore vestiti?
Римские приключения
Leopoldo's Co-worker
Комедия, действие которой происходит в одном из самых прекрасных городов мира. Мы встретим известного американского архитектора, переживающего вторую юность, простого обывателя, неожиданно проснувшегося знаменитым, молодоженов из провинции, каждого из которых ждут романтические открытия, и американского оперного постановщика, задумавшего вывести на сцену поющего работника похоронного бюро…
Фильм даст совершенно неожиданный ответ на извечный вопрос: а кем же «был или не был» Шекспир, и кто на самом деле скрывается за этим всемирно известным именем великого человека?
Scattered Cloud
Young laborer Diego lives in the Roman suburbs and is about to marry Cinzia, his lifelong fiancée. His uncertain feelings are put to the test on the eve of the wedding, when, engaged in the renovation of a house in Trastevere, he comes across Viola, his boss's granddaughter, and becomes fascinated by her lifestyle, light-years away from his.
What a Beautiful Day
Maresciallo Capobianco
Checco, an uneducated but self-satisfied fellow from Milan, who has always dreamed of becoming a police officer, fails his entrance exam for the third time. It must be said that at the oral examination Checco said that the reason why he wanted to join the police was benefits in kind and cronyism! But the young man has connections and he soon finds himself a security agent at the Milan Cathedral. Of course the bumbling idiot proves a living catastrophe! Spotted by Sufien, an Arab terrorist who is preparing an attack against the cathedral, Checco appears as the perfect sucker. To manipulate him, he sends his charming sister Farah to him, with the mission to seduce him...
Raise Your Head
Mero, a skilled shipyard worker, is a single father. His son Lorenzo, born from a relationship with an Albanian girl, is his only reason for living. The father dreams that the boy will become a champion boxer, to make up for his own anonymous career as an amateur in the ring. This is why he puts him through a tough training program, teaching him day after day to throw punches and protect himself from life's low blows. The balance of this relationship is disturbed by the return of Lorenzo's mother Denisa and by the son's meeting with young Ana. Mero's trials are not over and he must face up to pain, his prejudices and the remoteness of Italy's north east.
Wedding Fever in Campobello
Raffaele Marcipane
When Jan decides to marry his girl-friend Sara, he is not aware of his opponent: her father, who is an Italian.
La canarina assassinata
An italian transposition of the S. S.. Van Dine novel.
Salty Air
Umberto Sparti
Fabio's work consists in helping ex prisoners to find their way in the outside world, but his quite life changes after he meets Mr Sparti, now he has to fight his own ghosts.
Golden Door
Italian Emigrant (voice)
The story is set at the beginning of the 20th century in Sicily. Salvatore, a very poor farmer, and a widower, decides to emigrate to the US with all his family, including his old mother. Before they embark, they meet Lucy. She is supposed to be a British lady and wants to come back to the States. Lucy, or Luce as Salvatore calls her, for unknown reasons wants to marry someone before to arrive to Ellis Island in New York. Salvatore accepts the proposal. Once they arrive in Ellis Island they spend the quarantine period trying to pass the examinations to be admitted to the States. Tests are not so simple for poor farmers coming from Sicily. Their destiny is in the hands of the custom officers.
Antonio, guerriero di Dio
Комиссар Мегрэ: Игры с тенью
В Париже, в старинном здании на знаменитой площади Вогезов, произошло убийство. Успешный известный бизнесмен найден мертвым в офисе своей компании. Полиция в растерянности - ни улик, ни свидетелей, а многочисленные допросы не дают результатов. Комиссар Мегрэ снова берется за дело, чтобы распутать сложный клубок загадок и интриг.
Комиссар Мегрэ: Ловушка
Dr. Moeurs
За короткий промежуток времени в Париже убито пять женщин, и блестящему детективу комиссару Мегрэ предстоит совершить невозможное - вычислить и поймать убийцу, с которым не смогли справиться лучшие полицейские города.
A Donatello award winning short film about the Archangel Tarturro who declares that he will learn to play the cymbals - a skill he acquires, even if he is not quite as good as the other members of his band.
Elena, a young trainee psychiatrist, dreams of bringing "mad" people back to a normal life; she makes them talk, she provokes and incites them in the hope of finding the distinguishing signs of normality. Fausto is a boy judged "mad", who has been hospitalized against his will several times, an extrovert musician, he shows clear signs of normality.
Лучшие из молодых
Don Vito
История братьев Николы и Маттео Карати, развернувшаяся с 1966-го по 2000-е годы.
Maria Goretti
The life of the virgin and martyr Santa Maria Goretti
A cavallo della tigre
Security guard Guido attempts a robbery to solve his financial problems, but he's double-crossed by Antonella, the younger showgirl he left his wife for, who runs off with the money while he gets arrested. In prison, Guido is forcefully involved in the escape plans of two lifers, an old Moroccan and a Turkish gangster. Once out, he plans to find Antonella, who has since become a TV reporter, but things get complicated...
La guerra è finita
La vita degli altri
Luisa, a young volcanologist, is sent to a villa to install the technical instruments to survey Mount Vesuvius. Here she meets Mariano, a member of the camorra, that has just discovered that he has been betrayed he decided to break off completely from those he considered his friends. Luisa and Mariano have nothing in common except for a deep sense of the failure they are experiencing and which attracts them to each other. Between the young woman, exploited and disillusioned by an ambitious colleague, and the mature ex-criminal, the spark of friendship is kindled.
L'ultima lezione
Комната сына
Luciano's Father
История психоаналитика и его семейства, которые переживают глубокую эмоциональную травму после гибели сына во время подводного плавания.
Vola sciusciù
by joseph sargent
La Stanza dello Scirocco
Notaio Spatafora
Notes of Love
A woman suffering from compulsive-type psychological problems falls for an older divorced neighbour. Will her love be returned? A slow story of confusion and loneliness.
Open Sea
For personal and humanitarian reasons, Edoardo, a Ligurian sea captain, agrees to run a shipment of arms to Bosnian rebels for a shady Russian in Toulon who calls himself Riffaud. Edoardo's lover Clara wants him to quit the sea and Riffaud's wife warns Edoardo not to trust her husband, but Edoardo takes the job anyway. Sailing up the Adriatic, the crew threatens mutiny when they learn they must dock in a war zone. Once in port, little goes as Riffaud promised, and Edoardo must travel with a translator to the rebels' mountain stronghold to get payment for the crew. The war is all around them as Clara waits at home and the translator begs passage to Italy.
Сюжет основан на истории жизни итальянской художницы Артемизии Джентилески (1593-1653). События фильма разворачиваются в Италии в начале XVII века. Юная художница Артемизия, дочь именитого живописца, страстно увлечена искусством. Не сумев попасть в Академию художеств во Флоренции, куда в те времена не принимали женщин, Артемизия становится ученицей художника Агостино Тасси, который учит ее не только приемам живописи, но и искусству любви.
La classe non è acqua
Prof. Eugenio Bazza
Soldier (segment "Prima linea") / Man ("Sul mare luccica")
A collective cinematic project to promote tolerance and the value of diversity.
A collective cinematic project to promote tolerance and the value of diversity.
La mia generazione
St. Alba Carabinieri Marshal
Italy, early 80's. A political terrorist is being transferred northward from Sicily for a conjugal visit; during the journey, a police captain tries to make him cooperate.
The Second Time
Judge Di Biagio
Professor Alberto Sajevo sees a woman walking in downtown Turin and starts following her for days; he finally meets her and they start talking, but they both give fake names.
Anche i commercialisti hanno un'anima
Amico di Roberto
Law of Courage
The true story of Rosario Livatino, a young judge in Sicily in the early 1980s, who have been nicknamed 'The Boy Judge' from the President of the Republic. He's strictly incorruptible, working hard and refusing even to shake hands with suspects. He then starts a number of investigations that lead him to touch the mafia power in the area, and then to personal war with the hidden organization.
Франческа, молодая итальянская мещанка, которая только что потеряла мужа, обязана продавать все имущество, в том числе одежду и драгоценности, чтобы оплатить долги мужа и заботиться о дочке...
The Knot in the Necktie
Il sorvegliante notturno
The Witches' Sabbath
The freshly graduated psychiatrist David shall deliver an opinion about young Maddalena, who's on trial for murdering a hunter. She claims she's a witch and acted on behalf of the devil.
Generazione Neet (La banda della Marana)