Aurélien Vernhes-Lermusiaux

Aurélien Vernhes-Lermusiaux

Рождение : 1980-02-06, Figeac, Lot, France


Aurélien Vernhes-Lermusiaux was born in Figeac. Having grown up near Les Causses – a desertic environment South of France - he developed very early an interest for abandoned spaces and ghosts inhabiting such places. He produces films, documentaries and interactive installations that question the links between the concept of "trace" and the questions of "memory". After a diploma in audiovisual (BTS) and majoring in cinema and philosophy at university, he finished his studies at the Fresnoy, national studio of contemporary arts. He has worked with directors such as André Téchiné, Sharunas Bartas and worked on the films of Jacques Audiard, Youssef Chahine, Elia Suleiman ... His films have been selected for national and international festivals and have been rewarded many times. His work has also been screened and exhibited in various museums and arts centers. 


Aurélien Vernhes-Lermusiaux


A group of soldiers is mobilized following the discovery of a bombshell on the beach where they now wait for the deminers. Among them, Lino, a young soldier back from a difficult mission abroad, seems to be miled away. A sudden intrusion will change the course of the night and his life.
Towards the Battle
The story unfolds around the year 1860. Louis, a photographer, convinces the general of the French Army to send him to Mexico to photograph the colonial war that is ravaging the country. Once he is there, nothing goes as planned. Never in the right place at the right time to see the battles, Louis can't snap a single picture of the war. But his encounter with Pinto, a Mexican peasant, changes his destiny. It leads him to discover neither glory nor wealth, but a way to confront the ghosts of his past.
Towards the Battle
The story unfolds around the year 1860. Louis, a photographer, convinces the general of the French Army to send him to Mexico to photograph the colonial war that is ravaging the country. Once he is there, nothing goes as planned. Never in the right place at the right time to see the battles, Louis can't snap a single picture of the war. But his encounter with Pinto, a Mexican peasant, changes his destiny. It leads him to discover neither glory nor wealth, but a way to confront the ghosts of his past.
The Lives of Lenny Wilson
When leaving an audition, Boris encounters Julia, who he hasn't seen for several years. Upset by seeing each other again, both confront a past that they'd fled.
The Lives of Lenny Wilson
When leaving an audition, Boris encounters Julia, who he hasn't seen for several years. Upset by seeing each other again, both confront a past that they'd fled.
Les Photographes
The Hoffmann's are a famous couple of photographers. They are called to Berlin to shoot a significant commissioned series, but this work will not proceed as planned.
Les Photographes
The Hoffmann's are a famous couple of photographers. They are called to Berlin to shoot a significant commissioned series, but this work will not proceed as planned.
Adelaide and her two children Jean and Sacha spend a few days together in the mountains. As she takes her family on lengthy hikes, she is hoping for them to discover the trace of a hidden memory.
Adelaide and her two children Jean and Sacha spend a few days together in the mountains. As she takes her family on lengthy hikes, she is hoping for them to discover the trace of a hidden memory.
Hashima My Love
Director of Photography
Off Nagasaki, my boat docks on the shores of Hashima, an abandoned island which once harboured an important mining community until one day, in 1974, its population was summarily evicted. I collect archives on the life that was once lived here, I wander through the ruins as I wander through my memory, looking for a missing image.
Hashima My Love
Off Nagasaki, my boat docks on the shores of Hashima, an abandoned island which once harboured an important mining community until one day, in 1974, its population was summarily evicted. I collect archives on the life that was once lived here, I wander through the ruins as I wander through my memory, looking for a missing image.
Hashima My Love
Off Nagasaki, my boat docks on the shores of Hashima, an abandoned island which once harboured an important mining community until one day, in 1974, its population was summarily evicted. I collect archives on the life that was once lived here, I wander through the ruins as I wander through my memory, looking for a missing image.
The Crash of the Legs of the Spider
Director of Photography
Emmanuel Croset is working by Bruno Dumont side mixing "Outside Satan". Throughout this crucial step of finalizing the movie, ideas and points of views are exchanged, confronted and mixed together. As a witness to this act of artistic creation beside this couple at work, "The Crash of the Legs of the Spider" seeks to uncover the stakes of Bruno Dumont's cinema.
The Crash of the Legs of the Spider
Emmanuel Croset is working by Bruno Dumont side mixing "Outside Satan". Throughout this crucial step of finalizing the movie, ideas and points of views are exchanged, confronted and mixed together. As a witness to this act of artistic creation beside this couple at work, "The Crash of the Legs of the Spider" seeks to uncover the stakes of Bruno Dumont's cinema.
The Day When Raïner's Son Drowned
Night falls slowly… The inhabitants of the village have found the body of Rainer's youngest son, drowned in a river. In front of the family home, through a window, the villagers observe Rainer and the rest of the family seated peacefully in the parlor. Who will give them the terrible news?
The Day When Raïner's Son Drowned
Night falls slowly… The inhabitants of the village have found the body of Rainer's youngest son, drowned in a river. In front of the family home, through a window, the villagers observe Rainer and the rest of the family seated peacefully in the parlor. Who will give them the terrible news?
Assistant Director
Гена не питает никаких иллюзий относительно своего будущего — «жизнь коротка, все лучшее в ней уже случилось». Он вырос без родителей, в начале девяностых занимался рэкетом, потом торговал наркотиками, кочуя из Литвы через Польшу во Францию и обратно. У Гены нет друзей, зато много врагов, но даже им он, похоже, перестал быть интересен. Когда у Гены появляется небольшой шанс начать нормальную жизнь, он решает за него ухватиться — для этого надо вернуть деньги, которые задолжал один московский «бизнесмен»…
Гена не питает никаких иллюзий относительно своего будущего — «жизнь коротка, все лучшее в ней уже случилось». Он вырос без родителей, в начале девяностых занимался рэкетом, потом торговал наркотиками, кочуя из Литвы через Польшу во Францию и обратно. У Гены нет друзей, зато много врагов, но даже им он, похоже, перестал быть интересен. Когда у Гены появляется небольшой шанс начать нормальную жизнь, он решает за него ухватиться — для этого надо вернуть деньги, которые задолжал один московский «бизнесмен»…
The Survivor
Marc, twelve-year-old young man, resumes consciousness in a field. He has his body bruised by multiple wounds. Back at home, plunged into a profound silence and into a state of stupefaction, he provokes strange reactions from his family. What happened to him?
The Survivor
Marc, twelve-year-old young man, resumes consciousness in a field. He has his body bruised by multiple wounds. Back at home, plunged into a profound silence and into a state of stupefaction, he provokes strange reactions from his family. What happened to him?
The Passenger
Fascination can drive us to take surprising action. In this same, perhaps illogical manner, I wanted, for my part, to return to the origins of "Zabriskie Point", the film by the Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni. Can we rediscover in reality the meanings lost in fictions ? How does one belong, body and soul, to a work of this nature? To these questions, I set out to find an answer. Accompanied by my camera, I put into images this long voyage that would offer me the best, as well as the worst.
The Passenger
Fascination can drive us to take surprising action. In this same, perhaps illogical manner, I wanted, for my part, to return to the origins of "Zabriskie Point", the film by the Italian director Michelangelo Antonioni. Can we rediscover in reality the meanings lost in fictions ? How does one belong, body and soul, to a work of this nature? To these questions, I set out to find an answer. Accompanied by my camera, I put into images this long voyage that would offer me the best, as well as the worst.
The Stranger
Yvan, forty, finds his life thrown into turmoil on the day a young stranger falls down dead in the yard of his house. Yvan lives isolated in the countryside and so he finds himself at home with the body of a man whom he doesn’t even know. Confused by this event, he carries out a series of incoherent or unreasoned actions, and little by little the situation becomes irreversible.
The Stranger
Yvan, forty, finds his life thrown into turmoil on the day a young stranger falls down dead in the yard of his house. Yvan lives isolated in the countryside and so he finds himself at home with the body of a man whom he doesn’t even know. Confused by this event, he carries out a series of incoherent or unreasoned actions, and little by little the situation becomes irreversible.
Assistant Director
Июнь 1940 года. Гитлеровцы вошли в Париж, и школьная учительница Одиль /Эммануэль Беар/, поддавшись общей панике, бежит из города вместе с двумя детьми. Когда колонну беженцев атакуют истребители, машина Одиль ломается, и троица вынуждена укрыться в лесу. В этот момент они сталкиваются с Иваном /Гаспар Ульель/, семнадцатилетним неграмотным беглецом, чьи навыки выживания оказываются весьма необходимыми. Проведя ночь под открытым небом, герои обнаруживают пустой дом, который становится временным пристанищем для их импровизированной семьи. Одиль, в чьих чувствах к незнакомцу смешались подозрительность и влечение, оказывается в гуще неожиданных личных и сексуальных переживаний...
Божественное вмешательство
Visual Effects
Любовная история палестинца из Иерусалима и палестинки из Рамаллы. Герой фильма мечется между больным отцом и любимой женщиной, пытаясь сохранить их жизнь. Из-за политической ситуации два города разделены контрольно-пропускным пунктом израильской армии. Простые и естественные чувства приходится таить. Влюбленные обязаны подчиняться правилам военного времени. Они обречены скрываться, сидя в автомобиле у пограничного пункта...
Читай по губам
Visual Effects
35-летняя Карла Бем — обычная секретарша в конторе по торговле недвижимостью. Вся ее жизнь — повседневная рутинная работа и одиночество дома. К тому же, Карла очень плохо слышит — она носит слуховой аппарат и умеет читать по губам. Поэтому она с радостью принимает предложение получить себе в помощь стажера — 25-летнего Поля, недавно вышедшего из тюрьмы. Она научит его хорошим манерам, а он ее — плохим…
Silence... We're Rolling
Visual Effects
Malak is a star singer who lives with her mother and her daughter, Loula, in her villa after her divorce. She falls in love with an opportunist called Lam'ey, so her daughter sets out to expose him with the help of her lover, a driver called Nasser, and the director, Ezz-ElDin who deeply loves Malak.
Visual Effects
Benoit Jacquot's acclaimed 2002 film of Puccini's opera stars Angela Gheorghiu in the title role, with Roberto Alagna, Ruggero Raimondi and the Chorus and Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, under Antonio Pappano.
La Couleuvre Noire
La Couleuvre Noire