George Melford

George Melford

Рождение : 1877-02-17, Rochester, New York, USA

Смерть : 1961-04-25


George H. Melford was an American stage and film actor, director, producer, and screenwriter.


George Melford


Copyright Comedies and More. From the Library of Congress
Десять заповедей
Hebrew at Golden Calf / Nobleman
Фильм повествует о знаменитом библейском персонаже Моисее, о его рождении, возмужании, культовом исходе евреев из Египта…
Египет, XIV век до нашей эры. Страной правит фараон Аменхотеп IV, решивший изменить религию многобожия на поклонение единому божеству Атону. Культ Атона не был принят ни священнослужителями, ни жителями Египта и вызвал огромное негодование. В это же время молодой египтянин Синух выбирает профессию врача, и волею судьбы назначается лекарем самого Фараона. Он становится невольным участником дворцовых интриг, заговоров и предательств.
Проект убийства
Bailiff (Uncredited)
Две сироты, Полли и Дуг, живут со своей мачехой Линн. Однажды Полли без видимых причин теряет сознание и умирает, похоже, от тех же симптомов, что и отец детей. Вскоре в дом приезжает дядя детей Уитни Саржент, которому сообщают, что причиной смерти девочки могло быть отравление стрихнином. Он узнает, что обнаружить следы яда практически невозможно, из-за чего отравитель всегда остается безнаказанным. Так что может сделать дядя Уитни, чтобы предотвратить появление следующей жертвы?…
It Happens Every Spring
Conductor (uncredited)
A scientist discovers a formula that makes a baseball which is repelled by wood. He promptly sets out to exploit his discovery.
Звонить Нортсайд 777
Parole Board Member (uncredited)
Сюжет фильма основан на реальных событиях, имевших место в Чикаго в 1932 году. Джозеф Мазек был обвинен в убийстве полицейского и получил пожизненный срок.
Circumstantial Evidence
Prison Board Member
A man waits on death row while his son and friend try to prove that he did not kill a grocer with an ax.
Дерево растет в Бруклине
Mr. Spencer (uncredited)
Фильм повествует о взрослении девочки, которая старается сохранить идеализм, несмотря на окружающие ее жестокие реалии, в том числе нищету и алкоголизм отца.
Чудо в Морганс-Крик
U.S. Marshal (uncredited)
После вечеринки по случаю проводов отряда военных, взбалмошная девица Труди Кокенлокер из провинциального городка наутро оказывается замужем и беременной и не помнит, кто является её мужем и отцом ребенка. Местный парень Норвелл Джонс, влюблённый в неё много лет, пытается помочь ей выпутаться из этого затруднительного положения. Они заключают фиктивный брак под чужой фамилией, который впоследствии был признан законным. Из-за этого фиктивного брака, Норвелл оказывается обвинен в мошенничестве и посажен в тюрьму. Пока Норвелл отсиживал свой срок, Труди рожает шестерых близнецов и весть об этом событии разлетается по всему миру. Норвелл же, выйдя из тюрьмы, ничего об этом не знает, приезжает увидеться с Труди, где ему сообщают эту радостную весть, от чего он чуть не сходит с ума. В 2000 году фильм вошел в список «100 лучших комедий» по оценкам Американского института кино (AFI).
Quiet Please, Murder
Guard in Library
A forger steals and kills for a rare book from a library in order to make forgeries to sell to rich suckers.
Dixie Dugan
Mr. Sloan
Roger Hudson, a wealthy businessman who has moved to Washington to work for the government as a "dollar a year man," is late for a radio broadcast about his new department, the Mobilization of Woman Power for War. He takes a cab driven by Dixie Dugan, who hopes that being a cabbie while the country's men are away fighting will help the war effort. Her incompetent driving, however, results in an accident for which Roger must take responsibility in order to reach the radio station in time. Dixie then returns home, where she lives with her father Timothy, who is constantly practicing his air raid warden duties, her mother Gladys, an aspiring Red Cross worker, and cousin Imogene, who studies incessantly to become a "quiz kid." The Dugans rent out their spare rooms to Dixie's fiancé, Matt Hogan, and to blustering Judge J. J. Lawson. Matt, who works in a munitions factory, wants Dixie to settle down and marry him, but Dixie is determined to help her country.
That Other Woman
A secretary by the name of Emily Borden comes up with a convoluted plan to get her boss to marry her which backfires after some bad advice.
Lone Star Ranger
Texas Ranger Buck Dunne is assigned to round up a gang of bank robbers. The leader of the gang turns out to be the "respectable" Judge Longstreth, making life difficult for Dunne inasmuch as he's in love with Longstreth's niece Barbara.
Valley of the Sun
Dr. Thomas
An Arizona frontiersman steals an Indian agent's girlfriend, followed by trouble.
Blue, White, and Perfect
Ship's Doctor
In order to win back his girlfriend, Mike Shayne promises to give up his detective practice and get a job as riveter in an aircraft plant. He quickly finds himself investigating the theft of industrial diamonds from the plant's safe and, utilizing a variety of false identities, traces them first to a dress factory and later to a Hawaii-bound ocean liner. Escaping several attempts on his life, he is able to uncover a Nazi smuggling ring, but the location of the missing diamonds continues to elude him.
Pacific Blackout
Banker in Park
Falsely convicted of murder, young Robert Draper (Robert Preston) escapes custody during a practice blackout drill. Under cover of darkness, Draper hopes to find the real killer, who turns out to be a member of a Nazi sabotage ring. Completed shortly before America entered WW2.
Flying Cadets
Train Conductor
Story of test pilots at a school that trains new flyers.
Belle Starr
Preacher (uncredited)
After her family's mansion is burned down by Yankee soldiers for hiding the rebel leader Captain Sam Starr (Scott) Belle Shirley (Tierney) vows to take revenge. Breaking Starr out of prison, she joins his small guerrilla group for a series of raids on banks and railroads, carpetbaggers and enemy troops. Belle's bravado during the attacks earns her a reputation amongst the locals as well as the love of Starr himself. The pair get married, but their relationship starts to break down when Sam Starr lets a couple of psychotic rebels into the gang, leaving Belle to wonder if he really cares about the Southern cause.
Robbers of the Range
Colonel Lodge
Railroad agents frame a landowner who wont sell out to them.
Леди Ева
Party Guest (uncredited)
После года проведенного на Амазонке, хороший знаток змей, но плохой знаток женщин, на океанском лайнере возвращается домой Чарльз Пайк. Он сын пивного короля и каждая девушка мечтает о знакомстве с ним. Но только Джин удается с маху преодолеть его рассеянность и застенчивость. Бедняга как муха на мед летит в объятия напористой искусительницы, не подозревая, что у Джин совсем не романтические планы… Она и ее отец — знаменитые карточные шулера и для нее охмурить мужчину, что передернуть колоду…
Golden Hoofs
A teenage horse trainer fears she'll lose her beloved horses when the stables where she works is sold.
Бригхэм Янг
John Taylor
Фильм рассказывает историю нескольких лет жизни Бригхэма Янга — американского религиозного деятеля, второго президента Церкви Иисуса Христа Святых последних дней (широкой публике известной как секта мормонов) и основателя города Солт-Лейк-Сити. Повествование начинается с 1844 года. После убийства Джозефа Смита — основателя религии мормонов и движения Святых последних дней, Бригхэм решает взять на себя руководство церковью и не дать только организовавшейся пастве разойтись в разные стороны. Именно он, после начатой травли мормонов властями США, стал инициатором «великого переселения» мормонов на запад 1846-47 гг. Под его руководством Мормоны дошли до Мексики, где и основали город Солт-Лейк-Сити, ставшей их столицей. В 1851 году президентом США Миллардом Филлмором, Бригхэм был назначен губернатором Юты.
Великий МакГинти
Senior Senator (uncredited)
Дэн МакГинти ведет успешную, но весьма лживую политическую деятельность. Но всего лишь один момент необдуманной честности ставит все под угрозу…
Millionaire Baron de Courland and his fiancée Linda Stewart employ Jim Logan as a guide for their hunting trip in the jungle. Linda finds unplanned adventure in her sudden love for Jim, ultimately forsaking her future with the Baron for the joys of true love.
Buck Benny Rides Again
Radio star Jack Benny, intending to stay in New York for the summer, is forced by the needling of rival Fred Allen to prove his boasts about roughing it on his (fictitious) Nevada ranch. Meanwhile, singer Joan Cameron, whom Jack's fallen for and offended, is maneuvered by her sisters to the same Nevada town. Jack's losing battle to prove his manhood to Joan means broad slapstick burlesque of Western cliches.
My Little Chickadee
Greasewood Sheriff-Elect on Train (uncredited)
While on her way by stagecoach to visit relatives out west, Flower Belle Lee is held up by a masked bandit who also takes the coach's shipment of gold. When he abducts Flower Belle and they arrive in town, Flower Belle is suspected of being in collusion with the bandit.
Запомни ночь
Brian the Bailiff (uncredited)
Накануне Рождества Ли Лиандер поймали за кражей в магазине. Это её третье преступление. Её дело ведет Джон Сарджент. Он просит суд отложить разбирательство дела, так как трудно добиться обвинительного приговора накануне Рождества. Но Джон сочувствует Ли, освобождает её под залог, а в итоге забирает домой к матери на Рождество. В окружении любящей семьи (особенно по сравнению с семьей Ли) Ли и Джон влюбляются в друг друга. Это создает новую проблему: как им вести себя на предстоящем суде?
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk
A man involved in a crime (Nolan) kills his key witness by mistake and resigns himself to death. He changes his name so as not to harm his family. The law is not content with his explanation, however.
Свет погас
Second Man (Voice)
Экранизация одноименного романа Редьярда Киплинга.
Too Busy to Work
The Jones family females decide to teach Father a lesson. He's neglecting the family business to run for mayor, so they decide to neglect their household chores.
Rulers of the Sea
Landlord (Uncredited)
The struggle of a man to build a steam ship to take him across the Atlantic in spite of all setbacks, and his win against a crack sailing boat in the early 19th century.
Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence
New York store clerk joins a hobo and an illegal immigrant heading for his newly bought land in Arizona.
Frontier Marshal
Wyatt Earp agrees to become marshal and establish order in Tombstone in this very romanticized version of the gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
The Family Next Door
Bank Manager
Rose Pierce is discontent with her life as the wife of a small town plumber and has visions of becoming a wealthy socialite. Consequently, when her smart aleck son Sammy hears that an electric railroad line is to be built through town, she decides that the family can become rich by purchasing the lots along the right of way. Patriarch George Pierce laughs at the idea, but when Rose and Sammy learn that Cora Stewart, the wealthy town widow, has withdrawn her savings from the bank, they jump to the conclusion that she is interested in buying the lots, and mother and son secretly invest the family bank roll in the land.
Bank President Wales
Four bandits swoop down on a California bank and flee with $98,000, leaving a truck as the only clue to their identity. Jane Hartman, bank secretary, recognizes the truck as one on which her brother Charles worked. Fleeing to her brother, she is trapped by the gang, composed of its master-mind, Gibbs, Sidney, a gunman, and Randall, a blackballed airplane pilot. Under threat of bodily harm to her brother, she lures truck-driver Tony Andrews to the hideout, and he is forced to help them in their escape attempt.
Jungle Menace
Mystery and adventure, surrounding a stolen rubber harvest.
Jungle Menace
Mystery and adventure, surrounding a stolen rubber harvest.
East of Java
Survivors of a shipwreck find refuge on a tropical island--but so do the ship's cargo of lions and tigers.
Playthings of Desire
Jim Malvern is one of the richest men in the world. Unscrupulous and greedy, he uses beautiful young women as his playthings. But after meeting gorgeous actress Gloria Dawn, Malvern decides to put aside his philandering ways. With a marriage date set, the millionaire invites a flock of his famous friends -- including some of his former lovers -- to a remote island. Moments before the ceremony, Malvern is shot and killed by an unseen assailant. A grieving Gloria, realizing the murderer must be one of the guests, goes on a hunt for her fiance's killer.
The Dude Bandit
After Burton kills Dad Mason and makes it look like a suicide, Ace Cooper arrives to investigate. He poses as a coward during the day but at night he becomes the daring Dude Bandit.
The Eleventh Commandment
A wealthy recluse dies in her New York mansion, leaving an estate worth $50 million. Shortly after, various people turn up claiming to be the rightful heir to her fortune.
Man Of Action
The Sheriff shoots the robber of the Bank and recovers the money bag only to find it empty. Ranger Tim Barlow arrives and takes over the investigation.
The Penal Code
A man is released from prison and tries to get back into life on the outside without his family and friends knowing he's been in jail.
A Scarlet Week-End
A woman's cheating husband is murdered at their country estate, and suspicion immediately falls on her.
Officer Thirteen
A motorcycle policeman's partner is deliberately run off the road and killed by a member of a syndicate that controls the gambling--and much of the justice system--in his town. When the killer is freed because of perjured testimony and the corrupt legal system, the dead officer's partner quits the force and vows to bring the killer to justice.
The Cowboy Counsellor
A con man posing as a lawyer tries to sell copies of a phony law book. Things get serious when he has to defend a young man falsely accused of robbery.
The Boiling Point
Jimmy's uncle gives him 30 days probation on Kirk's ranch to control his temper or lose his inheritance. There he gets tangled up with a gang of robbers whose boss is his rival for Kirk's daughter. With one day left in his probation, they goad him into a fight.
East of Borneo
Mrs. Linda Randolph treks through darkened jungles to the land of Maradu to find her missing husband Allan, who'd left her years before when he believed she was in love with another. She finds Allan the drunken court physician to a devious prince-- Whose designs on the pair don't include a happy ending.
East of Borneo
Mrs. Linda Randolph treks through darkened jungles to the land of Maradu to find her missing husband Allan, who'd left her years before when he believed she was in love with another. She finds Allan the drunken court physician to a devious prince-- Whose designs on the pair don't include a happy ending.
Homicide Squad
The police use a gangster's son to get to him.
Эта экранизация романа Стокера снималась одновременно со знаменитым фильмом Броунинга в той же студии, но по ночам.
The Viking
Originally called White Thunder, American producer Varick Frissell's 1931 film was inspired by his love for the Canadian Arctic Circle. Set in a beautifully black-and-white filmed Newfoundland, it is the story of a rivalry between two seal hunters that plays out on the ice floes during a hunt. Unsatisfied with the first cut, Frissell arranged for the crew to accompany an actual Newfoundland seal hunt on The SS Viking, on which an explosion of dynamite (carried regularly at the time on Arctic ships to combat ice jams) killed many members of the crew, including Frissell. The film was renamed in honor of the dead.
East is West
The Will of the Dead Man
This is the Spanish-language version of The Cat Creeps, shot at the same time and on the same sets.
The Charlatan
A woman goes to a sideshow fortune-teller to have her fortune told, and is astonished when the man looks into his crystal ball and goes into great detail about events in her past that few people ever knew about. Shaken, she leaves and later tells her girlfriend about the incident. The girlfriend insists that she invite the fortune-teller to a party they're having at her house. What the woman doesn't realize is that the "fortune-teller" is actually the ex-husband she abandoned years ago, when she took their daughter and ran off with her lover. When the "charlatan" is invited to the party, he sees an opportunity to take his revenge on his faithless ex-wife.
Love In The Desert
Zarah, a beautiful Arabian played by Olive Borden, saves irrigation engineer Bob Winslow (Hugh Trevor) from being abducted by bandit leader Abdullah (Noah Beery).
Love In The Desert
Zarah, a beautiful Arabian played by Olive Borden, saves irrigation engineer Bob Winslow (Hugh Trevor) from being abducted by bandit leader Abdullah (Noah Beery).
Freedom of the Press
When a newspaper owner is murdered, his son takes over his crusade against a corrupt politician with criminal associations.
A Man's Past
A Man's Past (1927)
Going Crooked
A young women is part a jewel theft ring, but opts out of a robbery because guns will be used. A man gets killed in that operation and the district attorney convicts an innocent man.
The Flame of the Yukon
George Fowler, a young man from the states, arrives at the Mias saloon, and the proprietor, "Blak Jack" Hovey, orders a saloon girl, known only as "The Flame," to fleece him. When she learns he doesn't have any money she gets him a job at a café. News of a gold strike in the Ophir area comes, and George sets out, with a dog team supplied by Flame. Meanwhile a woman comes to town, says she is Mrs. Fowler and is looking for her husband.
Whispering Smith
Railroad foreman Murray Sinclair is dismissed by George McCloud, division superintendent, for ransacking wrecks. Sinclair along with his henchmen, retire to his ranch and forays against the railroad. "Whispering Smith," engaged by the railroad to restore order, is hesitant in dealing with Sinclair when he falls in love with Marion, Sinclair's wife, who is separated from her husband and operates a small shop in Medicine Bend. Dicksie, McCloud's sweetheart, overhears Sinclair threaten McCloud, and she rides through a storm to warn him; Smith, with the aid of Bill Dancing, tracks down Sinclair and his men, and Bill kills the villain. Dicksie and McCloud marry and take Marion under their protection.
Rocking Moon
Sasha Larianoff lives on Rocking Moon Island where she runs a blue fox farm with the help of Gary Tynan. Nash, a trader, has a mortgage on the farm, and Sasha is hoping to pay it off with the season's receipts. But then Sasha's fox pelts disappear, as does Gary. Nash, who is in love with Sasha himself, suggests that Gary is not the fine, upstanding man he appeared to be. This, of course, is untrue -- Gary has been trapped and tied up.
Without Mercy
Silent melodrama.
Friendly Enemies
As youths, Carl Pfeiffer and Henry Block came to America from Germany. Pfeiffer became a wholesale shoe dealer, while Block became a banker. In spite of their lines of work, they apparently save most of their energy for their unending arguments with each other. The latest dispute involves the Great War (the film takes place in the days just before America became involved).
Tiger Love
Tiger Love silent film
The Light That Failed
About Dick Heldar, an aspiring artist. Although he is devoted to his childhood sweetheart, Maisie Wells, his ambition drives him to faraway places. He meets Torpenhow, a war correspondent, at Port Said, and accompanies him into battle.
You Can't Fool Your Wife
Edith sets out to prove that a wife can never be fooled by her husband - but will she succeed?
Java Head
Gerrit Ammidon, despairing of any chance to marry his love, Nettie Vollar, because of a bitter feud between his father and her grandfather, sails to China to "get away from it all". While in Shanghai he rescues a beautiful young woman being attacked by a gang of street toughs. She turns out to be Taou Yuen, a Manchu princess. Gerrit discovers that, unless she finds a husband, she will be put to death, and he agrees to marry her. They return to Java Head, the Ammidon family home in Salem, Massachusetts, but Gerrit's "homecoming" has some unexpected consequences.
Ebb Tide
An old skipper, Captain Davis, has as his companions two derelicts -- one, Huish, is a Cockney, and the other, Robert Herrick was once a gentleman. In Tahiti they board a schooner and a storm takes them to an uncharted island. Living there is pearl broker Richard Attwater, and his daughter Ruth. Attwater is bitter because a supposed friend stole his wife and he has sworn to wreak vengeance on any white man he happens to encounter. Davis and Huish want to get their hands on his pearls, while, Herrick falls in love with the man's daughter.
Screen Snapshots, Series 3, No. 12
Another entry in the popular one-reel series.
A Trip to Paramountown
Documentary short film depicting the filmmaking activity at the Paramount Studios in Hollywood, featuring dozens of stars captured candidly and at work.
Moran of the Lady Letty
Wealthy young man Ramon Laredo is abducted and put into service aboard a ship commanded by a none-too-scrupulous smuggler. When the ship encounters the foundering "Lady Letty," some of the Letty's crew is brought aboard, including Letty 'Moran' Sternerson, feisty daughter of the Letty's captain. Moran and Ramon have little use for each other, but when trouble erupts and the smuggler Captain Kitchell turns his evil eye on Moran, it is Ramon who comes to her rescue.
Moran of the Lady Letty
Wealthy young man Ramon Laredo is abducted and put into service aboard a ship commanded by a none-too-scrupulous smuggler. When the ship encounters the foundering "Lady Letty," some of the Letty's crew is brought aboard, including Letty 'Moran' Sternerson, feisty daughter of the Letty's captain. Moran and Ramon have little use for each other, but when trouble erupts and the smuggler Captain Kitchell turns his evil eye on Moran, it is Ramon who comes to her rescue.
The Sheik
Sheik Ahmed desperately desires feisty British socialite Diana, so he abducts her and carries her off to his luxurious tent-palace in the desert. The free-spirited Diana recoils from his passionate embraces and yearns to be released. Later, allowed to go into the desert, she escapes and makes her way across the sands...
The Great Impersonation
When the man calling himself Everard Dominey returns home, his loved ones recognize that something about him is different. But with Europe racing toward war and England infiltrated by saboteurs, will the truth emerge before it is too late?
A Wise Fool
Jean, a wealthy young Canadian back from a trip to Europe, meets and falls for Carmen, a pretty young Spanish girl. They marry and have a daughter, but soon afterward Jean discovers his wife is having an affair. She takes her daughter and leaves him, and Jean's luck gets even worse--he loses his business in a fire and his thieving father-in-law steals what little money he has left.
The Faith Healer
A traveling preacher has, through his faith, the power to heal, but loses it when he falls in love. Considered lost.
The Round-Up
The adventures of a lovesick sheriff.
The Sea Wolf
Humphrey Van Weyden and Maud Brewster are rescued by a nearby ship when the ferry they're on is rammed and sinks. However, instead of dropping them off ashore, the ship's fearsome captain, the brutal Wolf Larsen, forces Humphrey to work as a cabin boy--and has other ideas for the pretty young Maud. (Written by
Everywoman is a lost 1919 American silent film allegory film directed by George Melford based on a 1911 play Everywoman by Walter Browne.
A Sporting Chance
A young lady takes on a convict as her chauffeur, believing him to be a burglar. In reality, however, he is an innocent broker.
Good Gracious, Annabelle
When the father of sixteen-year-old Annabelle Leigh (Billie Burke) is killed in a fight, miner John Rawson (Herbert Rawlinson) snatches her away from the scene and takes her to his cabin for the night. In the morning, she insists she was "compromised" by the situation, so he marries her. But after a spat, he tells her to leave and she goes to another city. Annabelle doesn't even know the name of the man she married; however, he strikes it rich and sends her money, which she spends on frivolous entertainment.
The Source
A young man of social standing chooses instead to live as a hobo. He gets work in a lumber camp, and there uncovers intrigue by German agents.
The City of Dim Faces
Chinese merchant Wing Lung and Elizabeth Mendall, an American, marry and have a son named Jang Lung. Because Elizabeth wants Jang Lung to be raised as a Christian, Wing Lung locks her in the cellar and she becomes insane. Jang meets Marcell Matthews at an Eastern university, and she returns with him to San Francisco to be married.
The Bravest Way
Japanese actor Sessue Hayakawa was one of the most popular leading men in American silent films-this despite the fact that orientals were traditionally (and stereotypically) cast as villains at the time. In The Bravest Way, Hayakawa carries self-sacrifice to the nth degree. He is so devoted-in a perfectly platonic manner-to the widow of his best friend (Tsuri Aoki) that he loses the love of his American fiancee (Florence Vidor). Lost film.
Hidden Pearls
Hawaiian prince Tom Garvin (Sessue Hayakawa) receives an American college education and falls in love with Enid Benton (Florence Vidor).
Nan of Music Mountain
Henry de Spain is determined to find the man who murdered his father. He becomes sort of an outsider with Duke Morgan's gang, cattlemen, and outlaws. Nan, daughter of the head of the clan, secretly loves Henry and when he is wounded in a fight with the Morgan clan, she helps him escape. This angers her father and he declares that she shall marry her cousin. Nan dispatches a message to Henry for assistance and he brings her safely to his clan. Nan then learns that her father was the murder of Henry's father. She returns to her father to learn the truth and together they go to Henry and reveal the murder's name. After a thorough understanding and forgiving, Henry and Nan are married.
The Call of the East
While visiting Alan, who works in Tokyo, she attends a festival with her Japanese maid while wearing a Japanese kimono. There she meets the wealthy Arai Takada, who is taken by the mysterious woman. Alan has dishonored and betrayed O'Mitsu, and her brother Arai plans a terrible revenge.
The Cost of Hatred
Justus Graves (Theodore Roberts) is a mean-spirited human being, so it's no surprise that when he returns home from a business trip, he finds his wife Elsie (Kathlyn Williams) in the arms of another man (J.W. Johnston). Graves shoots and wounds the man, then hides with his little daughter in Mexico.
The Evil Eye
Leonard Sheldon is the manager of a Mexican vineyard which is suffering from a diphtheria epidemic. Sheldon calls for a doctor and gets Katherine, much to the chagrin of the Mexicans. They've never seen a woman doctor, and their peasant superstitions lead them to believe that her forehead-mirror is "the evil eye," and that it's making their children die even faster.
The Yellow Pawn
An artist is in the countryside, painting, when he meets a girl in a roadster. They fall in love, but the girl marries a lawyer for his money. She should have waited -- the artist becomes a huge success, commanding a thousand dollars for a portrait sitting. The girl convinces her husband to let the artist paint her, but one night while she is visiting his studio, a thieving relative of his enters and is killed by a servant. To protect the girl, the artist allows himself to be accused of the murder. Her husband happens to be the prosecuting attorney, and when she reveals she was at the artist's home the night of the murder, he prepares to shoot the artist himself. But before he can raise his gun, the servant stabs him to death.
The Years of the Locust
Despite her love for penniless Dirck Mead, Lorraine marries wealthy Aaron Roth to save her family from financial ruin.
The House with the Golden Windows
Tom Wells is dissatisfied with his lot in life. Wondering aloud whether he'd be happier if things were different, he soon gets his chance to find out. The rest of the story is an extension on the old proverb which begins "Be careful what you wish for."
To Have and to Hold
Lady Jocelyn, a favorite in the court of England's King James, escapes a forced marriage to the hated Lord Carnal by fleeing to American colonies. There she meets and marries Captain Ralph Percy. Pursued by Lord Carnal, Lady Jocelyn and her new husband eventually find themselves shipwrecked on a desert island with Lord Carnal.
Tennessee's Pardner
The Immigrant
Masha, a young Russian emigrant traveling to the U.S., is saved from an officer's advances by civil engineer David Harding. Upon landing in America, J. J. Walton, a self-made political boss and contractor, pursues Masha and hires her as his maid. She leaves after the first night, but becomes his mistress after Walton promises her an education and marriage.
The Unknown
Richard Farquhar, the ne'er-do-well nephew of a titled Englishman, after a protracted "good time" finds himself penniless in an Algerian hotel. He expects money from England, but instead receives a cablegram stating his allowance has been stopped and that his uncle will have nothing further to do with him.
Out of the Darkness
Drama in which Hélène, the owner of a large company goes to work in her own factory, to find out that its staff working in poor working conditions.
The Woman
William C. DeMille adapted his screenplay for The Woman on the stage play by DeMille's father Henry and David Belasco. The story is set in Washington D.C., courtesy of the Lasky Studio's scenic department. Lois Meredith plays the title character, a woman of questionable morals currently involved with young politician James Neill. Political boss Theodore Roberts hopes to ruin Neill by making public the young man's romantic entanglements.
The Marriage of Kitty
Young Romance
Two young clerks in a department store meet and fall in love during a seaside vacation in Maine, but part as strangers because, unknown to each other, both had been masquerading as upper-class 'swells', just to see how the better half lives.
Young Romance
Two young clerks in a department store meet and fall in love during a seaside vacation in Maine, but part as strangers because, unknown to each other, both had been masquerading as upper-class 'swells', just to see how the better half lives.
The Chief of Police
How a man, imprisoned for another's crime, finds justice at last.
The Quicksands
Captain Lanning and Lieutenant Osborne are stationed at an army post in the Philippines. Lanning conceives a deadly hatred toward Osborne when the latter wins Gladys, General Fields' daughter.
A Celebrated Case
Foster sister of the Duchess d'Aubeterre, Madeline, marries Jean Renaud, a French soldier, and has a daughter named Adrienne. Five years later, on a battlefield, Renaud is entrusted by the Count de Moray with jewels and papers proving that Adrienne is his heir. After Moray's death, Renaud gives everything to Madeline and then returns to the battle.
The Invisible Foe
Mary and Billy are sweethearts. Mr. Stanley, the girl's father, suspects the boy of being a victim of the drug habit. Billy, in an attempt to master his craving, abstains from the drug. He is invited to dinner at his sweetheart's home. Stanley notices the boy's nervousness. He resolves to call upon him at his office and learn the truth. The next day, Billy's desire for the drug becomes so intense that the moment his employees leave the office, he brings out his hypodermic.
The Invaders
Not being successful in his suit for the hand of Helen Sawyer, and to show the father of the young lady that he is made of the same material as he is, John Thorpe, a wealthy New Yorker, leaves for the west, but without any predetermined destination. While traveling, however, he meets an old man called Uncle Billy, and upon this man's advice, Thorpe purchases a ranch in Buffalo, Wyo. Not long afterwards, the homesteaders are accused by the large cattle owners of stealing their cattle, and they give Tom Horn, commonly known as "The Killer," a list of those they desire to get rid of. ....
The Boomerang
Simon Watson, devoid of conscience, has become wealthy through the manufacture of "Watson's Remedy." One day he is stricken with terror when he finds a bottle of the medicine in the hands of his little child, Helen, and he warns her never to touch it. But the little one's curiosity is aroused and when her father has left for his office, she tastes the medicine and becomes violently ill. John Smith, a young workman, has a little daughter, Margaret, who is taken sick and the mother secures a bottle of the "remedy" at a drug store. Instead of relieving the child's pain, the medicine causes her to lose consciousness and when the horrified father learns the cause, he determines to seek Watson's life.
The Driver Of The Deadwood Coach
A young boy foils outlaw "Bad Bill" from stealing a gold shipment in this classic Western short.
The Organ Grinder
A short romantic crime drama in which a wealthy American tourist is robbed and taken hostage in the mountains of Italy, but is then rescued thanks to an organ grinder.
The Colonel's Escape
A short Western in which a colonel and a resistance fighter help each other out in times of war.
The Indian Maid's Sacrifice
During an attack on the Matelija Indian village, Wana, a beautiful Indian girl, is captured. Don Pablo, a Mexican gentleman, rescues Wana and places her in the care of the old Padre at San Louis Rey Mission. Two months later Wana again meets her rescuer. Romero, a half-breed, is rejected by Rubia, Don Pablo's sweetheart.
The Loyalty of Don Luis Verdugo
Don Louis Verdugo
Lieutenant Malcolm, of the United States Army, arrives at the Casa Verdugo and reads the proclamation authorizing the occupation of Southern California by the United States government. The lieutenant orders all Mexican flags lowered and the United States emblems hoisted instead. Don Luis Verdugo, a feeble old Spanish grandee, unreconciled to the American occupation, refuses to allow the lowering of the Mexican flag. His daughter, Dona Maria, intercedes with the American officer, who temporarily allows the flag to wave. Struck with the brilliant beauty of the little senorita, the Union officer falls a slave to her charms and the attachment seems mutual. Don Luis, however, refuses to allow his daughter to receive the attentions of the American officer.
Slim Jim's Last Chance
Tom Benton
The prison doors open and Tom Benton, a first timer, and Slim Jim, alias Red Davis, of the underworld, are liberated. Tom learns that the prison odor clings by being ceremoniously turned away wherever he applies for work. Slim Jim immediately on his release beats his way west. Eventually Tom goes west and finds his work. Several months later Slim Jim gets a job at the same place Tom is employed. Slim Jim, being caught at his old tricks and exposed by Tom, reveals Tom's past. The several thrilling scenes that follow show Tom's genuine manhood and gives Slim Jim an opportunity to prove that even the underdog has at least a spark of good lying dormant under the rough exterior.
The Hero Track Walker
Bill is discharged from Bar K Ranch and in his desperation decide to turn train robber. On his way to town he rescues Myrtle Mulligan, who has been driven from protection to the high branches of a tree by a vicious bull. Arriving in town Bill applies to the superintendent of the railroad and secures a job as track walker. Pinto Joe, a friendly Indian, learns of Bill's train wrecking plans, and tells Myrtle about it. Hearing Bill intends to dynamite the bridge the plucky girl decides to take a hand in the game. Arriving on the scene just after Bill has lighted the fuse she fearlessly picks up the cartridge and throws it where it can do little damage. Rushing up the bank to the track she flags the oncoming train. When the passengers and trainmen cluster about her to learn the cause of the explosion she tells them that Bill saved their lives by finding the burning fuse just in time to prevent the blowing up of the bridge.
The Mexican Joan of Arc
Senor Talamantes and his sons, suspected of being insurgents, are arrested and, without trial, are sentenced to death by Colonel Cephis. The widow Talamantes vows to avenge the unjust death of her husband and her children by organizing a company of Indians and Mexicans with whom she joins the insurgents.
Her Indian Mother
The scenes are laid in the Hudson Bay country in comparatively recent years and cover the life of a Hudson Bay factor, showing him as a young man assuming his business in the wilderness and, as was common in those days, taking an Indian wife that he had purchased of her father in Indian fashion.
The Evil Artist or a Girl Wronged
Anastasia is being picked up by an artist who wants to paint her picture.The artist have other intentions as well. He tried to seduce Anastasia. When he is tired of her, Anastasia returns home to her mother.