Albert Serra

Albert Serra

Рождение : 1975-10-09, Banyoles, Catalonia, Spain


Albert Serra (born October 10, 1975; Banyoles, Catalonia) is a Catalan filmmaker, contemporary artist and manager of the production company Andergraun Films, set up by Montse Triola primarily to produce Serra’s films. Besides writing, directing and producing films, Albert Serra writes and produces plays. Graduated in Spanish literature and comparative literature at the University of Barcelona, where he also studied art history. Serra has been called “one of the most singular and radical filmmakers working today.” He is also a big fan of classical music and chess. “I’m not interested in forcing a meaning onto a filmic story. In fact I’d even rather the audience know more than I do about the meaning of my films.”


Albert Serra
Albert Serra
Albert Serra
Albert Serra
Albert Serra
Albert Serra
Albert Serra
Albert Serra


Мучения на островах
Писатель в творческом кризисе возвращается к себе на родину во Французскую Полинезию. Новых идей для книги у него нет, поэтому мужчина соглашается на работу синхронного переводчика в местное посольство. Там он столкнётся с цинизмом международной политики и узнает о скрытой угрозе новых ядерных испытаний, которые хочет провести французское правительство.
Мучения на островах
Писатель в творческом кризисе возвращается к себе на родину во Французскую Полинезию. Новых идей для книги у него нет, поэтому мужчина соглашается на работу синхронного переводчика в местное посольство. Там он столкнётся с цинизмом международной политики и узнает о скрытой угрозе новых ядерных испытаний, которые хочет провести французское правительство.
Мучения на островах
Писатель в творческом кризисе возвращается к себе на родину во Французскую Полинезию. Новых идей для книги у него нет, поэтому мужчина соглашается на работу синхронного переводчика в местное посольство. Там он столкнётся с цинизмом международной политики и узнает о скрытой угрозе новых ядерных испытаний, которые хочет провести французское правительство.
Мучения на островах
Писатель в творческом кризисе возвращается к себе на родину во Французскую Полинезию. Новых идей для книги у него нет, поэтому мужчина соглашается на работу синхронного переводчика в местное посольство. Там он столкнётся с цинизмом международной политики и узнает о скрытой угрозе новых ядерных испытаний, которые хочет провести французское правительство.
Мучения на островах
Писатель в творческом кризисе возвращается к себе на родину во Французскую Полинезию. Новых идей для книги у него нет, поэтому мужчина соглашается на работу синхронного переводчика в местное посольство. Там он столкнётся с цинизмом международной политики и узнает о скрытой угрозе новых ядерных испытаний, которые хочет провести французское правительство.
Vienna Waltz
Viennale 2022 Trailer
My Influences
In “Spaces #3”, 7 internationally acclaimed directors shot, after commissioning by the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, a short film at home, making their own timely comment on the new reality that we live in. The project is inspired by the book “Species of Spaces” by the French novelist, filmmaker, documentalist, and essayist, Georges Perec and the days of quarantine. The idea is to create a film at home, using the environment, the people or the animals in that space. The only outdoor areas that may be used are outdoor living spaces, such as the terrace, the garden, the balcony and the stairwell. “My influences” is Albert Serra’s submission.
My Influences
In “Spaces #3”, 7 internationally acclaimed directors shot, after commissioning by the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, a short film at home, making their own timely comment on the new reality that we live in. The project is inspired by the book “Species of Spaces” by the French novelist, filmmaker, documentalist, and essayist, Georges Perec and the days of quarantine. The idea is to create a film at home, using the environment, the people or the animals in that space. The only outdoor areas that may be used are outdoor living spaces, such as the terrace, the garden, the balcony and the stairwell. “My influences” is Albert Serra’s submission.
My Influences
In “Spaces #3”, 7 internationally acclaimed directors shot, after commissioning by the Thessaloniki International Film Festival, a short film at home, making their own timely comment on the new reality that we live in. The project is inspired by the book “Species of Spaces” by the French novelist, filmmaker, documentalist, and essayist, Georges Perec and the days of quarantine. The idea is to create a film at home, using the environment, the people or the animals in that space. The only outdoor areas that may be used are outdoor living spaces, such as the terrace, the garden, the balcony and the stairwell. “My influences” is Albert Serra’s submission.
Исследование темных сторон человеческого желания на примере европейских либертинов XVIII века. Чувственно-интеллектуальное кино Альберта Серры о теле, разуме, воображении, сексуальности, свободе и смерти.
Исследование темных сторон человеческого желания на примере европейских либертинов XVIII века. Чувственно-интеллектуальное кино Альберта Серры о теле, разуме, воображении, сексуальности, свободе и смерти.
Исследование темных сторон человеческого желания на примере европейских либертинов XVIII века. Чувственно-интеллектуальное кино Альберта Серры о теле, разуме, воображении, сексуальности, свободе и смерти.
Исследование темных сторон человеческого желания на примере европейских либертинов XVIII века. Чувственно-интеллектуальное кино Альберта Серры о теле, разуме, воображении, сексуальности, свободе и смерти.
In an ambiance loaded with tension, intellectual doubts and creative frustration, Rainer Werner Fassbinder writes and teaches the staging of a theater piece about the 18th century Libertiage at a great theater in Berlín.
In an ambiance loaded with tension, intellectual doubts and creative frustration, Rainer Werner Fassbinder writes and teaches the staging of a theater piece about the 18th century Libertiage at a great theater in Berlín.
In an ambiance loaded with tension, intellectual doubts and creative frustration, Rainer Werner Fassbinder writes and teaches the staging of a theater piece about the 18th century Libertiage at a great theater in Berlín.
Helmut Berger, My Mother and Me
My mother googles the film hero of her youth: Helmut Berger. She is shocked: only an addicted shadow of the former icon seems to be left. She decides to halt the obvious catastrophic decline of the once “most handsome man in the world”. As a consequence, this one-time god of the screen is suddenly sitting on my mother’s sofa in Nordsehl in Lower Saxony. And he stays put - for several months. While he trustingly rolls out his whole life before us, the dividing lines between film team, world star and family intermingle. This is a film about ageing, rising and falling - and about the fact that it is sometimes possible to regain an element of dignity in life.
Не люби меня
Могущественная международная военная компания получает заказ на охрану таинственного мужчины, который содержится в суперзащищенной тюрьме в самом центре пустыни. Солдат Саломея, дочь командира Антипаса, без ума влюбляется в него... Эрос и Танатос напоминают нам о том, что в основе истины лежат красота и любовь.
Roi Soleil
Catalan director Albert Serra’s follow-up to his magisterial The Death of Louis XIV is another forensic documentation of the Sun King’s final breaths. Here, however, Versailles is replaced with the glow of the gallery.
Roi Soleil
Catalan director Albert Serra’s follow-up to his magisterial The Death of Louis XIV is another forensic documentation of the Sun King’s final breaths. Here, however, Versailles is replaced with the glow of the gallery.
Roi Soleil
Catalan director Albert Serra’s follow-up to his magisterial The Death of Louis XIV is another forensic documentation of the Sun King’s final breaths. Here, however, Versailles is replaced with the glow of the gallery.
Смерть Людовика XIV
Король-Солнце Людовик XIV очень любил обильно поесть и всю жизнь страдал от различных болезней. Их история велась в течение 64 лет. Врачи скорее залечивали, чем лечили короля — они поддерживали его жизнь, чтобы получить за свою работу больше денег. Один историк медицины, оценивая лечебную практику королевских врачей Валло, д`Акена и Фагона, писал: «Несомненно, нужно было иметь железное здоровье, чтобы выдержать это лечение коновалов».
Смерть Людовика XIV
Король-Солнце Людовик XIV очень любил обильно поесть и всю жизнь страдал от различных болезней. Их история велась в течение 64 лет. Врачи скорее залечивали, чем лечили короля — они поддерживали его жизнь, чтобы получить за свою работу больше денег. Один историк медицины, оценивая лечебную практику королевских врачей Валло, д`Акена и Фагона, писал: «Несомненно, нужно было иметь железное здоровье, чтобы выдержать это лечение коновалов».
Смерть Людовика XIV
Король-Солнце Людовик XIV очень любил обильно поесть и всю жизнь страдал от различных болезней. Их история велась в течение 64 лет. Врачи скорее залечивали, чем лечили короля — они поддерживали его жизнь, чтобы получить за свою работу больше денег. Один историк медицины, оценивая лечебную практику королевских врачей Валло, д`Акена и Фагона, писал: «Несомненно, нужно было иметь железное здоровье, чтобы выдержать это лечение коновалов».
Смерть Людовика XIV
Король-Солнце Людовик XIV очень любил обильно поесть и всю жизнь страдал от различных болезней. Их история велась в течение 64 лет. Врачи скорее залечивали, чем лечили короля — они поддерживали его жизнь, чтобы получить за свою работу больше денег. Один историк медицины, оценивая лечебную практику королевских врачей Валло, д`Акена и Фагона, писал: «Несомненно, нужно было иметь железное здоровье, чтобы выдержать это лечение коновалов».
The film takes place in Ireland – an Ireland where people speak Catalan with a Fassbinder accent – from the 1930 to today, and follows in several parallel directions the sprawling saga of two rival gold mines, the exploitation of artists by Capital, and the simultaneous opening of a brothel where women do not like men. Because he does things his own way, Albert Serra’s most narrative and wordy film was not meant for cinema: produced by the Venice Biennale, it was part of an installation, its chapters shown simultaneously on several screens. Singularity could very well have been called “Velvet Goldmine”, as it sings the meeting of brothels and tunnels, of a golden stud and lustful bodies (both shown as abstractions).
The film takes place in Ireland – an Ireland where people speak Catalan with a Fassbinder accent – from the 1930 to today, and follows in several parallel directions the sprawling saga of two rival gold mines, the exploitation of artists by Capital, and the simultaneous opening of a brothel where women do not like men. Because he does things his own way, Albert Serra’s most narrative and wordy film was not meant for cinema: produced by the Venice Biennale, it was part of an installation, its chapters shown simultaneously on several screens. Singularity could very well have been called “Velvet Goldmine”, as it sings the meeting of brothels and tunnels, of a golden stud and lustful bodies (both shown as abstractions).
An homage from Serra to one of his idols, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, shot in a nightclub full of characters that resemble the ones of Fassbinder films. The title comes from the favourite drink of “Beware of the Holy Whore” characters.
An homage from Serra to one of his idols, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, shot in a nightclub full of characters that resemble the ones of Fassbinder films. The title comes from the favourite drink of “Beware of the Holy Whore” characters.
An Afternoon in Geneva
Production Coordinator
In 1973, towards the end of the Franco regime, the famous catalan writer Mercè Rodoreda bumped into the literary critic Josep Maria Castellet in Geneva where she lived exiled and she invited him to tea at her house. The writer was a most discrete person and maintained everything that concerned her wrapped in secrecy. Indeed she herself had become a secret or perhaps, even a maker of secrets. However that afternoon, strangely, she opened up and shared many intimacies.
Story of My Death
Casanova meets a new servant who will witness his last moments in life, from a castle with its libertine 18th century atmosphere to the poor, shadowy Northern lands. There, his rationalist way of thinking and mundane world will succumb to a violent and romantic force, represented by Count Dracula.
Story of My Death
Casanova meets a new servant who will witness his last moments in life, from a castle with its libertine 18th century atmosphere to the poor, shadowy Northern lands. There, his rationalist way of thinking and mundane world will succumb to a violent and romantic force, represented by Count Dracula.
Story of My Death
Casanova meets a new servant who will witness his last moments in life, from a castle with its libertine 18th century atmosphere to the poor, shadowy Northern lands. There, his rationalist way of thinking and mundane world will succumb to a violent and romantic force, represented by Count Dracula.
Story of My Death
Casanova meets a new servant who will witness his last moments in life, from a castle with its libertine 18th century atmosphere to the poor, shadowy Northern lands. There, his rationalist way of thinking and mundane world will succumb to a violent and romantic force, represented by Count Dracula.
The Three Little Pigs
A 101-hour long reflection on the construction of Europe, its cultural identity and its foundations through the complete adaptation of the texts ‘Conversations with Goethe’ by J. P. Eckermann, ‘Hitler’s Table Talks’ and ‘Fassbinder über Fassbinder: Die ungekürzten Interviews’ (a compilation of interviews with the German filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder, which is used as a counterpoint to the first two books). The texts are read, page by page, by non-professional actors.
The Three Little Pigs
Stage Director
A 101-hour long reflection on the construction of Europe, its cultural identity and its foundations through the complete adaptation of the texts ‘Conversations with Goethe’ by J. P. Eckermann, ‘Hitler’s Table Talks’ and ‘Fassbinder über Fassbinder: Die ungekürzten Interviews’ (a compilation of interviews with the German filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder, which is used as a counterpoint to the first two books). The texts are read, page by page, by non-professional actors.
The Three Little Pigs
A 101-hour long reflection on the construction of Europe, its cultural identity and its foundations through the complete adaptation of the texts ‘Conversations with Goethe’ by J. P. Eckermann, ‘Hitler’s Table Talks’ and ‘Fassbinder über Fassbinder: Die ungekürzten Interviews’ (a compilation of interviews with the German filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder, which is used as a counterpoint to the first two books). The texts are read, page by page, by non-professional actors.
The Three Little Pigs
A 101-hour long reflection on the construction of Europe, its cultural identity and its foundations through the complete adaptation of the texts ‘Conversations with Goethe’ by J. P. Eckermann, ‘Hitler’s Table Talks’ and ‘Fassbinder über Fassbinder: Die ungekürzten Interviews’ (a compilation of interviews with the German filmmaker Rainer Werner Fassbinder, which is used as a counterpoint to the first two books). The texts are read, page by page, by non-professional actors.
60 секунд одиночества в нулевом году
Альманах, состоящий из шестидесяти кино-открыток длиной в одну минуту, которые сняли 60 режиссеров из разных стран мира. Проект разработан как ода 35-миллиметровой пленке и посвящен сохранению свободы мысли в кино.
The Lord Worked Wonders in Me
Part of the crew of Honor of the Knights travels to La Mancha to see the real settings of Quixote’s life in order to shoot a film.
The Lord Worked Wonders in Me
Part of the crew of Honor of the Knights travels to La Mancha to see the real settings of Quixote’s life in order to shoot a film.
The Lord Worked Wonders in Me
Part of the crew of Honor of the Knights travels to La Mancha to see the real settings of Quixote’s life in order to shoot a film.
The Lord Worked Wonders in Me
Part of the crew of Honor of the Knights travels to La Mancha to see the real settings of Quixote’s life in order to shoot a film.
The Names of Christ
Episodic film, divided into 14 chapters, based on the play De los nombres de Cristo (1586), by Fray Luis de Leon and intended for exhibition "Are You Ready for TV?". Filmed partly in the rooms of MACBA (Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona), is about the difficulty of naming or visually represent abstract concepts.
The Names of Christ
Episodic film, divided into 14 chapters, based on the play De los nombres de Cristo (1586), by Fray Luis de Leon and intended for exhibition "Are You Ready for TV?". Filmed partly in the rooms of MACBA (Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona), is about the difficulty of naming or visually represent abstract concepts.
The Names of Christ
Episodic film, divided into 14 chapters, based on the play De los nombres de Cristo (1586), by Fray Luis de Leon and intended for exhibition "Are You Ready for TV?". Filmed partly in the rooms of MACBA (Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona), is about the difficulty of naming or visually represent abstract concepts.
The Names of Christ
Episodic film, divided into 14 chapters, based on the play De los nombres de Cristo (1586), by Fray Luis de Leon and intended for exhibition "Are You Ready for TV?". Filmed partly in the rooms of MACBA (Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona), is about the difficulty of naming or visually represent abstract concepts.
Reading a Poem
A 2010 Catalan language documentary directed by Albert Serra.
El asesino a sueldo
Changing colors according to the music.
Cinematic Correspondences: Albert Serra – Lisandro Alonso
The exhibition 'The Complete Letters' features epistolary works defined by cinematographic creation. This is an experimental communication format used between pairs of film directors. Although each director is situated in a location geographically distant from that of their partner, they are united by their willingness to share ideas and reflections on all that motivates their work. Within this space of freedom, the directors featured in the exhibition examine their affinities and differences, within an environment of mutual respect and simultaneity of interests and with notable formal variants established in each of the correspondences.
Cinematic Correspondences: Albert Serra – Lisandro Alonso
The exhibition 'The Complete Letters' features epistolary works defined by cinematographic creation. This is an experimental communication format used between pairs of film directors. Although each director is situated in a location geographically distant from that of their partner, they are united by their willingness to share ideas and reflections on all that motivates their work. Within this space of freedom, the directors featured in the exhibition examine their affinities and differences, within an environment of mutual respect and simultaneity of interests and with notable formal variants established in each of the correspondences.
The Three Wise Kings travel in search of the Messiah, with unexpected obstacles on the way.
The Three Wise Kings travel in search of the Messiah, with unexpected obstacles on the way.
The Three Wise Kings travel in search of the Messiah, with unexpected obstacles on the way.
Waiting for Sancho
Waiting for Sancho is an ontological investigation into a place where cinema becomes something more than cinema. Filmed in high-definition colour over five days in the Canary Islands of Fuerteventura and Tenerife, Waiting for Sancho is a kind of experimental “making of” the critically acclaimed El cant dels ocells (Birdsong_/_Le chant des oiseaux). A particular take on the Biblical story of The Three Kings en route to the baby Jesus, El cant dels ocells premiered at the Quinzaine des Realisateurs at Cannes 2008.
SYNOPSIS Albert Serra’s piece for and audiovisual tribute to Chaplin the filmmaker… What is Chaplin’s legacy in contemporary cinema? It is not about producing films like Chaplin did, nor remembering the icon in a naïve fashion, but about finding traces of his cinema in their own individual looks.
SYNOPSIS Albert Serra’s piece for and audiovisual tribute to Chaplin the filmmaker… What is Chaplin’s legacy in contemporary cinema? It is not about producing films like Chaplin did, nor remembering the icon in a naïve fashion, but about finding traces of his cinema in their own individual looks.
L’alto arrigo
A short film by Albert Serra, made in conjunction with his third feature film, Birdsong, from a small reference by Dante to the King Arrigo VII (Henry VII) in “Paradise” from “The Divine Comedy.”
Atlètic Club Banyoles
The filmmaker Albert Serra and producer Àngel Martin present their last work on the web dedicated to the club Atlètic Club Banyoles and the authentic football.
A poetic portrait of Lluís Serrat Massanellas, an unprofessional actor and friend of Albert Serra since working with him on Honour of the Knights, and his father, Lluís Serrat Batlle.
A poetic portrait of Lluís Serrat Massanellas, an unprofessional actor and friend of Albert Serra since working with him on Honour of the Knights, and his father, Lluís Serrat Batlle.
Рыцарская честь
Вольная режиссерская адаптация «Дон-Кихота» с ярко выраженным минимализмом и погружением в метафизику происходящего.
Рыцарская честь
Вольная режиссерская адаптация «Дон-Кихота» с ярко выраженным минимализмом и погружением в метафизику происходящего.
Рыцарская честь
Вольная режиссерская адаптация «Дон-Кихота» с ярко выраженным минимализмом и погружением в метафизику происходящего.
Sant Pere de Rodes
Lluís Carbó and Lluís Serrat, i nubliables Quixote and Sancho d'Honor de Cavalleria, philosophize, improvise and rehearse, as if at the top of the world, under the eye of Albert Serra.
Super 8
Short film.
Crespià, the Film not the Village
Loving cult film and idiosyncratic musical portrait of summer festivities in the Catalan village of Crespià, with early performances by the well-known faces from the work of Serra.
Crespià, the Film not the Village
Loving cult film and idiosyncratic musical portrait of summer festivities in the Catalan village of Crespià, with early performances by the well-known faces from the work of Serra.
Crespià, the Film not the Village
Loving cult film and idiosyncratic musical portrait of summer festivities in the Catalan village of Crespià, with early performances by the well-known faces from the work of Serra.
The Valkyrie
New film by Albert Serra. Plot TBA.
The Valkyrie
New film by Albert Serra. Plot TBA.
Black Out
A successful black theatre and opera stage director, a very demanding and determined person, is going through a prolonged and devastating spiritual ordeal, of unknown origin, to which she seems to have become accustomed. She lives in a permanent drunkenness, shocking and implausible but paradoxically controlled and with hardly any excesses. She has a growing fascination for the talent and magnetism of one of the actresses, whose career she wants to dominate, as she considers herself responsible and owner of her triumph.
Black Out
A successful black theatre and opera stage director, a very demanding and determined person, is going through a prolonged and devastating spiritual ordeal, of unknown origin, to which she seems to have become accustomed. She lives in a permanent drunkenness, shocking and implausible but paradoxically controlled and with hardly any excesses. She has a growing fascination for the talent and magnetism of one of the actresses, whose career she wants to dominate, as she considers herself responsible and owner of her triumph.
Afternoons of Solitude
The first documentary to tackle the aesthetic side of bullfighting in all its complexity and to do so with the expressiveness and plastic and conceptual refinement of director Albert Serra.
Afternoons of Solitude
The first documentary to tackle the aesthetic side of bullfighting in all its complexity and to do so with the expressiveness and plastic and conceptual refinement of director Albert Serra.
I Am an Artist
A portrait of the world of contemporary art. A world full of extravagances and colorful characters, but suggestive of the contrast it represents with the normal life of most people. An artificial, theatrical and equivocal world but inhabited by innocence and blind faith in the transforming power of art. The film is a tribute to this world and to these people, with ironic and often provocative borders, but sincere in their admiration for the subversive power of the artists who always question, and in the most unexpected (sometimes involuntary) way, our system of values.
I Am an Artist
A portrait of the world of contemporary art. A world full of extravagances and colorful characters, but suggestive of the contrast it represents with the normal life of most people. An artificial, theatrical and equivocal world but inhabited by innocence and blind faith in the transforming power of art. The film is a tribute to this world and to these people, with ironic and often provocative borders, but sincere in their admiration for the subversive power of the artists who always question, and in the most unexpected (sometimes involuntary) way, our system of values.
I Am an Artist
A portrait of the world of contemporary art. A world full of extravagances and colorful characters, but suggestive of the contrast it represents with the normal life of most people. An artificial, theatrical and equivocal world but inhabited by innocence and blind faith in the transforming power of art. The film is a tribute to this world and to these people, with ironic and often provocative borders, but sincere in their admiration for the subversive power of the artists who always question, and in the most unexpected (sometimes involuntary) way, our system of values.