Michael Segerström

Michael Segerström

Рождение : 1944-05-20, Lund, Skåne län, Sweden


Michael Segerström


Thank You, I'm Sorry
Elderly man
Suddenly alone during the late stages of her pregnancy, Sara receives an unexpected lifeline when Linda, her estranged older sister, arrives.
Beck 46 - The Crying Police
The police receive massive criticism after a 14-year-old boy was shot to death.
Miraklet i Viskan
Bjarne runs a moving company with his wife Malin, but it is shaky and they need to borrow money. Across the river lives Bjarnes father Halvar. The two have never pulled evenly, which stems from a 20-year conflict filled with idle words, grumpy pride and stubborn prestige. In order to rescue the firm Malin sees no alternative but to go across the river to ask Halvar to cater for the loan. A decision that will have unexpected consequences.
JerryMaja's Detective Agency - Shadows of Valleby
Krister Lönn
It's late summer in the small town of Valleby, but the calm is disrupted by bad news. The police station is under threat to be closed, which neither Lasse, Maja nor the chief of police wants. They must find a way to solve the situation.
Репутация мёртвого человека
Birger Bäckström
Торгни Сегерстедт, главный редактор одной из ведущих газет Швеции отправился в свой одиночный Крестовый поход против нацизма и "политики умиротворения" Гитлера, которую вела его страна. В Швеции, зажатой между нацистской Германией и сталинистской Совдепией, элита страны выбрала политику нейтралитета и соглашательства, и лишь немногие осмеливались говорить об окружающем Зле. Среди тех, кто не молчал, никто не был таким громогласным и бескомпромиссным, как Сегерстедт, один из самых известных шведских журналистов 20-го века. В глазах многих его соотечественников, его перо было разящим, чем нацистский меч...
Королевские драгоценности
Фраганция арестованa за покушение на убийство Ричарда Перссонa, сынa влиятельного владельца обувного завода. Во время ее допроса открывается удивительная и замечательная история ее жизни. Мы следуем за ней через ее бедное детство, ее юность, где она встречает большую любовь своей жизни, звезду хоккея Петтерсона-Йонссона, прямо к той роковой ночи, откуда и начинается история.
Asa-Nisse - Welcome to Knohult
In Knohult things havn't changed much. Eulalia is tired of Nisse who's engaged in all sorts of inventions in his workshop or poaching in the forest rather than to repair the water pump. When Eulalia in protest begins swimming in soft drinks and water the plants with spirit Åsa-Nisse sees nothing else to do but to repair the pump. As with all his inventions he adds a few extra features ... When he starts the machine the ground rumbles and up comes oil instead of water! Now, not only Åsa-Nisse, but the whole Knohult sees their chance to become wealthy! But "Dunderpumpen", as he calles the invention, turns out to be stronger than anyone had imagined, and when shady Scanian oil magnates with support of the Swedish government wants their share of the pie Knohult declares themselves a republic...
Trust Me
A comical fresco on human misdemeanors and betrayals... A film about our right to not be perfect.
A story from the time when television first came to Sweden. Edvin, a bachelor, lives with his mother in a small village. The municipality has decided to build a new road where Edvin's house is located. One day Edvin get a large package in the mail arrives. It is a television set.
Wallander 20 - The Leak
Sven Adelgren
The seemingly random murder of a jogger in woodland and the detonation of car bombs in central Ystad are but diversions to busy the police whilst a security van are robbed of 15 million kroner. Isabelle and Portus witness this and give chase but are attacked by the criminals and hospitalized. Given the security firm's meticulous contingency plan Wallander suspects a leak from the inside and aims for Micke Sterner, a compulsive gambler and the only staff member to know the encoded transit schedules. But some private sleuthing by over-worked Svartman, who has found the robbers' den, and Wallander's suspicions of an ex-cop turned security officer with connections to the firm provide the real break-through.
The Sleepy Revolution
Narrator (voice)
In the eighteenth century the mystical midnight hour disappeared and the modern night was born. We now aim to keep sleep at an efficient minimum, but experiments show that we quickly return to the old sleep pattern if given the opportunity. So what is the 'natural' way to sleep?
Bertil, Evas pappa
Детективное агентство Лассе и Майя. Возвращение Хамелеона
Krister Lönn
Когда в городе начинают происходить мистические события, юные детективы Лассе и Майя без раздумий берутся за дело! Жители городка Валлиби находятся в приподнятом настроении - в разгаре традиционный осенний праздник, и скоро будет объявлен победитель конкурса "Самый известный житель города". Все прочат победу начальнику полиции, но когда публике представляют изготовленный заранее бюст победителя, восторг толпы сменяется шоком. Кто-то подменил бюст на зловещий череп. Это происшествие стало первым в цепочке странных событий, случившихся в городе. Юные детективы Лассе и Майя немедленно принимаются за дело.
Незабываемые моменты
Швеция, 1907 год. Мария влюбляется в Зигфрида и становится его женой. Свое раздражение и недовольство жизнью грубый и агрессивный Зигфрид предпочитает вымещать на жене и детях. Тяжелая и монотонная жизнь Марии изменяется, когда у женщины появляется маленькая тайна: в благотворительной лотерее она выигрывает диковину — аппарат для фотографических снимков. Увлекшись фотографией и научившись снимать, Мария понимает, что помимо бесконечных домашних проблем существует и другой мир. Ее снимки — особенные. Горожане все чаще обращаются к ней с просьбой сделать семейные фотографии. Постепенно выясняется, что у Марии Ларссон настоящий талант фотографа! Но это совсем не нравится вернувшемуся с войны мужу…
Eva is beautiful, irresponsible, self-absorbed and emotionally disconnected. Her life is all about the right clothes, the right people and the right places. Her life is turned upside down when she loses her job and alienates her friends by cheating on her boyfriend. She soon finds herself among "common" people where she makes a surprising new acquaintance.
The Thermos
The painter
Ebba and her father have moved to an apartment in a village in the countryside. Craftsmen are renovating the apartment and by accident Ebba destroys a painter's thermos. Will she be able to get a new one before the painter discovers that the thermos is gone?
Jag tänker på mig själv - och vänstern
Artist Marianne Lindberg De Geer thinks about her old friends from the 70s, where did they all go?
Albert Speer
The story of German architect Albert Speer, who became one of Hitler's closest allies.
The Health Journey
Claes Palmstierna
The film is about the health resort Granhedsgården in Dalarna, Sweden, and they have a problem. They don't have many guests at all and something must be done. At the same time, Stig-Helmer is a little depressed after his girlfriend has left him, and so he lives on junk food. His best friend Ole invites him to come along to the health resort Granhedsgården. Now, the craziness begins.
Adam & Eva
Adam and Eva have been married for four years. But the romance has disappeared from their relationship and has been replaced by boredom and old routine. When Adam meets his brother's baby-sitter, Jackie, he is immediately attracted to her. They have an affair, but Adam tell himself that they are only friends. However, when Eva finds out that he has a mistress, she leaves him. Adam tries to convince himself that he is free again, but soon realizes that he is still in love with Eva, and must win her back...
The Jönsson Gang's Greatest Robbery
Security Manager
When Vanheden and Dynamit-Harry tries to break doctor Busé out of jail, they get Herman Melvin instead. He has been working at the Swedish Mint and the doctor, who has started to think like Sickan, has written a plan for making a burglary there, on Melvin's back. However, something goes wrong. They don't get a lot of Deutsch-marks as they planned but instead, they end up on a ship going to Poland, together with bunches and bunches of Polish Zlotys (the Polish currency). In Poland, they discover that the mafia are very interested in that money and Wall-Enberg is working with the mafia.
Amelin, the priest
Sweden in the 1780s. At the court the nobility lords and ladies dance, love, intrigue and compete for the King's favor. To this Stockholm arrives Rutger Macklean, nobleman and an officer. With a notion of an extensive re-organisation of the agricultural lands and the farm properties.
Dreaming of Rita
Motorcycle Patrol
When Bob's wife dies, he's determined to find Sabine, a woman he loved 30 years before. Even though he's had little to do with his daughter Rita, he begs her to take him to Denmark to find this lost love. She agrees and unceremoniously drops her baby off at her husband Steff's office where he's been working overtime to avoid bankruptcy. Rita and Bob pick up a hitchhiker, Erik, who plays to Rita's longing for freedom. Steff, with baby and teenage daughter, sets out in pursuit of his wife, jealous and also feeling pangs of love. On the road, Bob and Rita bond as do Steff and his children. On the Danish coast, Bob and Sabine, Rita, Steff, and Erik must sort out their dreams.
Благие намерения
Gustav Åkerblom
История родителей Ингмара Бергмана. В 1909 бедный студент Хенрик Бергман влюбляется в Анну — девушку из состоятельного семейства. После свадьбы Хенрик становится священником на севере Швеции, но спустя несколько лет жизни в сельской местности Анна срывается и решает вернуться в родной город…
Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt 70 år
Interviews with and about Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt interspersed with clips from his old performances. Recorded to celebrate his 70th birthday, which would be his last.
Seventeen year old Rita grows up in an upper-class Swedish seaside society in 1965, and is very close to her father, Gerhard. Rita rejects the boys from the tennis club, and prefers to go out with Jimmi in his laundry delivery van.
Hassel 03 - Slavhandlarna
One Way Ticket
The cook
Johannes, an ex-con now working as a antiques dealer, is faced with a huge debt. He is put under pressure to pay and agrees to steal the Russian crown jewels on exhibition onboard a cruise ship.
Jim and the Pirates
Jim Olsson, eight years old, lives in a small, boring town. His father has passed away recently, but comes back in Jim's fantasies to tell stories. In his daydreams, Jim has all kinds of adventures.
Big Business
Gösta Eriksson, a hairdresser, buys a car from used-car dealer Bertil Planåker. But Gösta soon discovers that the car is a wreck. Planåker won't give him his money back, in fact he denies ever having seen Gösta. Gösta's brother Rolle is released from prison and promises to help him. They form an investment company, Parabola, and convinces Planåker to invest a lot of money in it. Planåker has a lot of shady business colleagues who also invest their money. Gösta's and Rolle's scam becomes much bigger than they had bargained for.
Two municipal workers will drill a hole in the street.
Sköna juveler
In a dystopian future two private detectives try to find a stolen bracelet.
One-Week Bachelors
Gary's wife goes away for a week and Gary expects a week of hard work at the office. After having left her at the airport, he misses the bus. But the car mechanic Lasse gives him a ride. Although they are unlike each other, they get to know each other. Gary makes a mess of everything and can't avoid Lasse.
Who Pulled the Plug?
Lock operator
To secure an order for 1 000 cruise ships from an Arab prince, two companies have to compete by racing each other by canal from Stockholm to Gothenburg. A small family owned company on the brink of bankruptcy is pitted against their major competitor and they both have to resort to dirty tricks in order to reach the goal line first. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
På kurs med Kurt
Kurt's dream in life is to own the round boat with the striped chapel, but he can't afford it and the seller is a bluffer.
På kurs med Kurt
Kurt's dream in life is to own the round boat with the striped chapel, but he can't afford it and the seller is a bluffer.
In a Foreign Country
An newly arrived immigrant to Sweden is dazzled by the culture, conveniences and excesses of western lifestyle.
The Elephant Walk
The gentleman
A young girl dreams of a birthday party, where family and friends from her day-care center are invited. But in fact, her parents are always quarreling.
Sven Klang's Combo
Music Trader
Sweden 1958. In a small provincial town there is a band who plays dance music twice every week. All decisions are made by Sven Klang, the undisputed leader of the band. A new member joins them, saxophone player Lasse. He starts to criticize Sven's decisions, questions the way they divide the money and he also wants them to be more of a jazz band.
Kan tigrar få ägg?
A film about how it is to be a father in the early eighties