Kim Tae-yong

Kim Tae-yong

Рождение : 1969-12-09, Seoul, South Korea


Kim Tae-yong
Kim Tae-yong


Kokdu: A Story of Guardian Angels
In this adaptation of theatrical drama Kkokdu by Kim and music director Bang Junseok, two children who sold their grandmother’s shoes to buy a puppy end up going to the underworld.
Kokdu: A Story of Guardian Angels
In this adaptation of theatrical drama Kkokdu by Kim and music director Bang Junseok, two children who sold their grandmother’s shoes to buy a puppy end up going to the underworld.
Where Mermaids Go
Eugene , daughter of a female diver mother, looking for her missing mother in Jeju sea, Mother turns into a bear and returns. The story is about a mother who turns into a bear and returns her to the mountains for good living.
Where Mermaids Go
Eugene , daughter of a female diver mother, looking for her missing mother in Jeju sea, Mother turns into a bear and returns. The story is about a mother who turns into a bear and returns her to the mountains for good living.
Mad Sad Bad
Ryoo Seungwan, Han Jiseung, Kim Taeyong got together to make a 3D omnibus film. It's a 3D vision of terrible realities never far from popular culture today. The stages of its episodes are different with one another. Tragedies and fantasies unfold in the city, the woods, and the future. The 3D technique is used in scenes where the characters have fancies to get over suffering in reality. It's interesting to watch 3D scenes directed by representative directors of Korea, and it's noteworthy in terms of industry that this try displays the possibilities and realities of 3D film in Korea, as well. It's the new vision of KAFA's project, KAFA+
Mad Sad Bad
Ryoo Seungwan, Han Jiseung, Kim Taeyong got together to make a 3D omnibus film. It's a 3D vision of terrible realities never far from popular culture today. The stages of its episodes are different with one another. Tragedies and fantasies unfold in the city, the woods, and the future. The 3D technique is used in scenes where the characters have fancies to get over suffering in reality. It's interesting to watch 3D scenes directed by representative directors of Korea, and it's noteworthy in terms of industry that this try displays the possibilities and realities of 3D film in Korea, as well. It's the new vision of KAFA's project, KAFA+
You Are More Than Beautiful
What is beauty? Truth created from whith lie.
You Are More Than Beautiful
What is beauty? Truth created from whith lie.
Beautiful 2012
A collection of shorts by four East Asian directors: Ann Hui on a male-to-female sex change, Kim Tae-yong on an emotional imposture, Gu Changwei on pregnancy in China and Tsai Ming-Liang on time and the city of Hong Kong.
Поздняя осень
Муж Анны Чэнь очень ревнив. Однажды он узнаёт, что жена поддерживает отношения со своей первой любовью, начинается скандал, после чего Анна приходит в себя и обнаруживает рядом мёртвого супруга. Женщине дают 9 лет тюрьмы, но через 7 лет выпускают на трое суток на похороны матери. По дороге в Сиэтл Анна знакомится с корейским эмигрантом, и за эти 72 часа их пути пересекутся не раз.
Поздняя осень
Муж Анны Чэнь очень ревнив. Однажды он узнаёт, что жена поддерживает отношения со своей первой любовью, начинается скандал, после чего Анна приходит в себя и обнаруживает рядом мёртвого супруга. Женщине дают 9 лет тюрьмы, но через 7 лет выпускают на трое суток на похороны матери. По дороге в Сиэтл Анна знакомится с корейским эмигрантом, и за эти 72 часа их пути пересекутся не раз.
If You Were Me 4
Includes shorts: Girl on the Run, The Theory & Practice of Teenage Dream, Relay, U and Me and Blue Birds on the Desk.
Two Or Three Things I Know About Kim Ki-young
A documentary consisting of twenty-two Korean directors' interviews about Kim Ki-young and respect for his work and the influence
Family Ties
A story of three families living different but similar lives. They always fight and quarrel, but love is the common denominator for their relationship, making people think about what families are for.
Family Ties
A story of three families living different but similar lives. They always fight and quarrel, but love is the common denominator for their relationship, making people think about what families are for.
On the Road, Two
A documentary following the Korean rock band YB as they go on a tour of Europe.
Всё для любви
Movie Director
История о людях, чьи судьбы переплелись в течение одной недели. Всего одна неделя переменила всю их жизнь. Председатель Квак, бизнесмен преклонного возраста, привык командовать подчинёнными. Ким Джан-хо скрывает от своей супруги, что они по уши в долгах. Неожиданно она узнаёт, что муж продаёт разные дешёвые товары в метро, чтобы хоть как-то свести концы с концами. Бывший скандально известный баскетболист Пак Сон-вон теперь выбивает деньги из должников. Чо Джэ-гён – директор музыкального агентства по поиску талантов. Ю-джон – начитанный врач-психиатр. Она презирает тупых полицейских с примитивным складом ума, однако именно такой мужчина и появляется на её горизонте. Джон-хун – поп-звезда, с которой неожиданно расторгают контракт. Парень не может пережить, что он больше не на пике популярности.
Digital Short Film Omnibus Project Twentidentity, Vol. 1
In order to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Korean Film Academy, 20 of the academy's former students (who are respected director's today) were invited to shoot an omnibus movie consisting of 20 short films. Overall this work was very well received by the critiques at the 17th Tokyo International Film Festival. Films include Under a Big Tree, Sutda, Twenty Millimeter Thick, Innocence, *?!#@$ Up Shoes, Twenty Questions, The Twenty's Law, To the 21st, Pass Me and Alone Together.
Memento Mori
The ghost of a lesbian high-school girl takes revenge on the people who used to bully her. And another young girl finds her old diary detailing her love and rejection when she was alive.
Memento Mori
The ghost of a lesbian high-school girl takes revenge on the people who used to bully her. And another young girl finds her old diary detailing her love and rejection when she was alive.
In a virtual world called "Wonderland", a place where people can reunite with a person they may not meet again by simulating them through artificial intelligence, a woman in her 20s requests to meet her lover who is in a coma, and a man in his 40s requests to meet his wife who passed away.