Charles de Lauzirika

Charles de Lauzirika

Рождение : 1967-08-17, Los Angeles, California, USA


Чарльз де Линт (полное имя — Чарльз Генри Дидрик Хоефсмит де Линт / Charles Henri Diederick Hoefsmit de Lint) родился в 1951 году в небольшом голландском городке Бюссюм. Через четыре месяца после рождения Чарльза семья де Линтов переехала в Канаду, но и там надолго не задержалась. Де Линты объездили Ливан, Турцию, Швейцарию, Голландию, почти всю Северную Америку. Наверное, именно во время этих путешествий будущий писатель научился терпимо относиться к чужой культуре, религии, другому образу жизни. Главным развлечением Чарльза в подростковые годы становится чтение. Среди любимых книг де Линта мифы, сказки народов мира, позже появляются имена Мэллори, Уайта, Толкина, Сванна, Нортон, Саймака, Желязны, Кинга. А вот любимой писательницей остается малоизвестная Барбара Кингсолвер. Молодой де Линт мечтал стать музыкантом, и одним из главных его увлечений на всю жизнь стала кельтская музыка. Тогда, в конце 60-х, этноискусство было малопопулярным и не давало надежд на большие заработки, но Чарльз устраивается на работу в звукозаписывающую компанию, со временем сколачивает небольшую группу, начинает выступать в ночных клубах. Писал же он только для себя — и прозу, и стихи, и музыку. Литературную карьеру решил случай. В 1975 году сочинения де Линта случайно попались на глаза одному из его друзей, и он посоветовал Чарльзу послать пару рассказов в небольшой журнальчик. Полученный гонорар составлял «баснословную» сумму аж в десять долларов! Но сам факт казался де Линту удивительным: «Неужели кто-то готов платить деньги за то, что для меня просто хобби?!». Увы, мгновенного чуда не произошло. После первой удачной публикации — восемь лет сплошных отказов, хотя вдохновленный де Линт пишет роман за романом. 1980 год становится переломным для творчества де Линта. Он переносит сюжет своих произведений в городскую атмосферу. И дело не только в смене антуража, проза де Линта перестала быть фэнтезийной, — скорее это «магический реализм». За следующий год де Линт публикует три романа, тиражи быстро переваливают за десять тысяч, а вместе с ними растут и гонорары. «Я не хочу писать из-за денег. Я хочу, чтобы мне платили за то, что я пишу», — таков принцип де Линта. Нарушая сложившиеся каноны жанров, Чарльз де Линт создает новый жанр. Его произведения — это городские сказки, где в подчеркнуто урбанистическом мире, в вечно спешащем, разноголосом и многонациональном мегаполисе конца ХХ века разворачиваются удивительные и загадочные события. «В этом как раз вся суть, — говорит автор, — поставить мифологический архетип в современные, нарочито реальные обстоятельства. И наоборот — обыкновенного человека, желательно реалиста и материалиста, забросить в подчеркнуто мифологическую ситуацию». Сам писатель определяет своё творчество как «мифологическую фантазию», синтез реализма, мифа и народной сказки.


Charles de Lauzirika


Love Bite
Taking refuge in an abandoned cargo truck, a bickering couple (and their dog) find their lives on the line when tensions between them rise to dangerous levels during the zombie apocalypse.
Love Bite
Taking refuge in an abandoned cargo truck, a bickering couple (and their dog) find their lives on the line when tensions between them rise to dangerous levels during the zombie apocalypse.
Tales of the Wild Hunt: Hellboy Reborn
Documentary on the making of the 2019 movie.
Tales of the Wild Hunt: Hellboy Reborn
Documentary on the making of the 2019 movie.
A Very Lovely Dream: One Week in Twin Peaks
One week in the making of David Lynch's 2017 continuation of his groundbreaking television series TWIN PEAKS, capturing the cast and crew as they revisited several locations from the '90s original.
A Very Lovely Dream: One Week in Twin Peaks
Camera Operator
One week in the making of David Lynch's 2017 continuation of his groundbreaking television series TWIN PEAKS, capturing the cast and crew as they revisited several locations from the '90s original.
A Very Lovely Dream: One Week in Twin Peaks
One week in the making of David Lynch's 2017 continuation of his groundbreaking television series TWIN PEAKS, capturing the cast and crew as they revisited several locations from the '90s original.
The Long Way Home: Making 'The Martian'
A long form documentary on the making of Ridley Scott's film, "The Martian," featuring interviews with its cast and crew.
Epk Producer
Марсианская миссия «Арес-3» в процессе работы была вынуждена экстренно покинуть планету из-за надвигающейся песчаной бури. Инженер и биолог Марк Уотни получил повреждение скафандра во время песчаной бури. Сотрудники миссии, посчитав его погибшим, эвакуировались с планеты, оставив Марка одного. Очнувшись, Уотни обнаруживает, что связь с Землёй отсутствует, но при этом полностью функционирует автономный Дом. Главный герой начинает искать способ продержаться на имеющихся запасах еды, витаминов, воды и воздуха ещё 4 года до прилёта следующей миссии «Арес-4». В это время на Земле NASA ищет способ как можно скорее отправить спасательную миссию на красную планету.
Keepers of the Covenant: Making 'Exodus: Gods and Kings'
Camera Operator
An in-depth documentary on the making of Ridley Scott's "Exodus: Gods and Kings," featuring interviews with the cast and crew. Featured in the Deluxe Edition Blu-ray set.
Keepers of the Covenant: Making 'Exodus: Gods and Kings'
An in-depth documentary on the making of Ridley Scott's "Exodus: Gods and Kings," featuring interviews with the cast and crew. Featured in the Deluxe Edition Blu-ray set.
Keepers of the Covenant: Making 'Exodus: Gods and Kings'
An in-depth documentary on the making of Ridley Scott's "Exodus: Gods and Kings," featuring interviews with the cast and crew. Featured in the Deluxe Edition Blu-ray set.
Evolution Within Extinction
The definitive feature-length documentary on the creation of "Transformers: Age of Extinction".
Evolution Within Extinction
The definitive feature-length documentary on the creation of "Transformers: Age of Extinction".
Evolution Within Extinction
The definitive feature-length documentary on the creation of "Transformers: Age of Extinction".
The Wages of Heroism: Making The Amazing Spider-Man 2
A series of featurettes detailing the heroic efforts to bring "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" to life.
Between Two Worlds
"Between Two Worlds" is a featurette included in the Twin Peaks: The Entire Mystery and Twin Peaks: From Z to A Blu-ray releases. It features David Lynch interviewing Grace Zabriskie, Ray Wise and Sheryl Lee, first as their characters (Sarah Palmer, Leland Palmer, and Laura Palmer, respectively), then as themselves. The second portion of the featurette was later released in the Criterion Collection release of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. The Palmer family interview was written by Lynch.
Truth of the Situation: Making 'The Counselor'
A 13-segment documentary examining production aspects of "The Counselor" (2013): Tragic Consequences A Different Southwest The Counselor Pool Party Reiner Laura Malkina Polo Club Lensing the Dark World Westray Downward Spiral The Cheetahs The Bolito
Truth of the Situation: Making 'The Counselor'
A 13-segment documentary examining production aspects of "The Counselor" (2013): Tragic Consequences A Different Southwest The Counselor Pool Party Reiner Laura Malkina Polo Club Lensing the Dark World Westray Downward Spiral The Cheetahs The Bolito
Aiden craves a better life. A life away from his gruesome job as a crime scene photographer, working alongside his detective friend Pete. A meaningful life where he can escape the hard streets of Detroit, fall in love with the perfect woman and save the world from evil. As Aiden's dark imagination starts to leak into reality, he meets Virginia, a younger woman with her own dilemmas and desires.
Aiden craves a better life. A life away from his gruesome job as a crime scene photographer, working alongside his detective friend Pete. A meaningful life where he can escape the hard streets of Detroit, fall in love with the perfect woman and save the world from evil. As Aiden's dark imagination starts to leak into reality, he meets Virginia, a younger woman with her own dilemmas and desires.
Aiden craves a better life. A life away from his gruesome job as a crime scene photographer, working alongside his detective friend Pete. A meaningful life where he can escape the hard streets of Detroit, fall in love with the perfect woman and save the world from evil. As Aiden's dark imagination starts to leak into reality, he meets Virginia, a younger woman with her own dilemmas and desires.
Rite of Passage: The Amazing Spider-Man Reborn
A documentary on the making of The Amazing Spider-Man (2012), featuring interviews with the cast and crew, as well as behind-the-scenes footage.
The Furious Gods: Making Prometheus
An in-depth documentary on the making of Ridley Scott's "Prometheus," featuring cast and crew interviews, outtakes and behind-the-scenes footage. Released on the 4-disc Collector's Edition Blu-ray set.
The Furious Gods: Making Prometheus
An in-depth documentary on the making of Ridley Scott's "Prometheus," featuring cast and crew interviews, outtakes and behind-the-scenes footage. Released on the 4-disc Collector's Edition Blu-ray set.
The Furious Gods: Making Prometheus
An in-depth documentary on the making of Ridley Scott's "Prometheus," featuring cast and crew interviews, outtakes and behind-the-scenes footage. Released on the 4-disc Collector's Edition Blu-ray set.
Uncharted Territory: NASA's Future Then and Now
A brief discussion on the history of the space program, its evolution and the possibilities in store for future astronauts.
Uncharted Territory: NASA's Future Then and Now
A brief discussion on the history of the space program, its evolution and the possibilities in store for future astronauts.
Above and Beyond: Exploring Dark of the Moon
The all-access feature-length documentary on the making of Michael Bay's blockbuster "Transformers: Dark of the Moon," including interviews with the cast and crew.
The Human Factor: Exacting Revenge of the Fallen
The definitive feature-length documentary on the creation of "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen".
The Human Factor: Exacting Revenge of the Fallen
The definitive feature-length documentary on the creation of "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen".
The Human Factor: Exacting Revenge of the Fallen
The definitive feature-length documentary on the creation of "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen".
Опасные дни: Как создавался
Документальный фильм подробно и хронологически освещает разные аспекты создания культового фильма «Бегущий по лезвию».
The Electric Dreamer: Remembering Philip K. Dick
Friends, family and colleagues of Philip K. Dick remember the life and work of the author of "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
The Electric Dreamer: Remembering Philip K. Dick
Friends, family and colleagues of Philip K. Dick remember the life and work of the author of "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
Опасные дни: Как создавался
Документальный фильм подробно и хронологически освещает разные аспекты создания культового фильма «Бегущий по лезвию».
Опасные дни: Как создавался
Документальный фильм подробно и хронологически освещает разные аспекты создания культового фильма «Бегущий по лезвию».
Опасные дни: Как создавался
Документальный фильм подробно и хронологически освещает разные аспекты создания культового фильма «Бегущий по лезвию».
The Light That Burns: Remembering Jordan Cronenweth
Cinematographer Jordan Cronenweth's work on Blade Runner is remembered by friends, colleagues and relatives.
The Light That Burns: Remembering Jordan Cronenweth
Cinematographer Jordan Cronenweth's work on Blade Runner is remembered by friends, colleagues and relatives.
Screen Tests: Rachael and Pris
A look at two screen-tests for Blade Runner: Nina Axelrod up for the part of Rachael and Stacey Nelkin as Pris.
Screen Tests: Rachael and Pris
A look at two screen-tests for Blade Runner: Nina Axelrod up for the part of Rachael and Stacey Nelkin as Pris.
Fashion Forward: Wardrobe and Styling
A look back to the 2019 fashions, costumes and make-up as seen in Ridley Scott's Blade Runner.
Fashion Forward: Wardrobe and Styling
A look back to the 2019 fashions, costumes and make-up as seen in Ridley Scott's Blade Runner.
Signs of the Times: Graphic Design
Production illustrator Tom Southwell takes us through some of the logos, neon signs, badges and magazines he created to be used in the background of Blade Runner.
Signs of the Times: Graphic Design
Production illustrator Tom Southwell takes us through some of the logos, neon signs, badges and magazines he created to be used in the background of Blade Runner.
Sacrificial Sheep: The Novel vs. the Film
A summary of the differences and similarities between Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep and Blade Runner.
Sacrificial Sheep: The Novel vs. the Film
A summary of the differences and similarities between Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep and Blade Runner.
All Our Variant Futures
A look at the restoration of Ridley Scott's Blade Runner (1982) and the creation of its final cut, including the tweaking and/or erasing of some of the original's beloved goofs.
A Slice of Lynch
David Lynch, Mädchen Amick, Kyle MacLachlan and John Wentworth reminisce about "Twin Peaks" while seated at a diner counter.
A Slice of Lynch
David Lynch, Mädchen Amick, Kyle MacLachlan and John Wentworth reminisce about "Twin Peaks" while seated at a diner counter.
Secrets from Another Place: Creating Twin Peaks
A select group of key creative forces involved in the making of Twin Peaks reveals their take on the fascinating creation and journey of the wildly popular show.
Return to 'Twin Peaks'
Camera Operator
Documentary about 'Twin Peaks Festival'.
Return to 'Twin Peaks'
Documentary about 'Twin Peaks Festival'.
Return to 'Twin Peaks'
Documentary about 'Twin Peaks Festival'.
Secrets from Another Place: Creating Twin Peaks
A select group of key creative forces involved in the making of Twin Peaks reveals their take on the fascinating creation and journey of the wildly popular show.
A Slice of Lynch
David Lynch, Mädchen Amick, Kyle MacLachlan and John Wentworth reminisce about "Twin Peaks" while seated at a diner counter.
Postcards From Provence
Postcards From Provence
Ride with the Angels: Making 'Blue Thunder'
Making of 'Blue Thunder'
The Path to Redemption
From pre-production to release, we are given an exclusive look into the making of Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven (2005). Interviews with the cast and crew members take up the bulk of this film, but are accompanied by plenty of on-set footage. We are also given a glimpse at a lot of the deleted material, much of which will be in the director's cut.
The Path to Redemption
From pre-production to release, we are given an exclusive look into the making of Ridley Scott's Kingdom of Heaven (2005). Interviews with the cast and crew members take up the bulk of this film, but are accompanied by plenty of on-set footage. We are also given a glimpse at a lot of the deleted material, much of which will be in the director's cut.
Strength and Honor: Creating the World of 'Gladiator'
An in-depth look at the entire making of Ridley Scott's Gladiator. Consisting of: Tale Of The Scribes: Story Development, The Heat Of Battle: Production Journals, Attire Of The Realm: Costume Design, Shadow And Dust: Resurrecting Proximo, The Glory Of Rome: Visual Effects, Tools Of War: Weapons, Echoes In Eternity: Release And Impact,and final Production Credits.
Strength and Honor: Creating the World of 'Gladiator'
An in-depth look at the entire making of Ridley Scott's Gladiator. Consisting of: Tale Of The Scribes: Story Development, The Heat Of Battle: Production Journals, Attire Of The Realm: Costume Design, Shadow And Dust: Resurrecting Proximo, The Glory Of Rome: Visual Effects, Tools Of War: Weapons, Echoes In Eternity: Release And Impact,and final Production Credits.
Strength and Honor: Creating the World of 'Gladiator'
An in-depth look at the entire making of Ridley Scott's Gladiator. Consisting of: Tale Of The Scribes: Story Development, The Heat Of Battle: Production Journals, Attire Of The Realm: Costume Design, Shadow And Dust: Resurrecting Proximo, The Glory Of Rome: Visual Effects, Tools Of War: Weapons, Echoes In Eternity: Release And Impact,and final Production Credits.
Vengeance Is Mine: Reinventing 'Man on Fire'
A documentary on the making of the 2004 film "Man on Fire," mixing movie clips, behind-the-scenes shots and interviews of cast and crew. The program covers the flick’s genesis and very long path to the screen, adaptation concerns and changes from the original story, the choice of Mexico as a location, research into real-life kidnapping and various case studies, training and realism, casting and characters, shooting in Mexico City and location issues, cinematography and the movie’s distinctive look, Scott’s style on the set, and general thoughts.
Vengeance Is Mine: Reinventing 'Man on Fire'
A documentary on the making of the 2004 film "Man on Fire," mixing movie clips, behind-the-scenes shots and interviews of cast and crew. The program covers the flick’s genesis and very long path to the screen, adaptation concerns and changes from the original story, the choice of Mexico as a location, research into real-life kidnapping and various case studies, training and realism, casting and characters, shooting in Mexico City and location issues, cinematography and the movie’s distinctive look, Scott’s style on the set, and general thoughts.
Vengeance Is Mine: Reinventing 'Man on Fire'
A documentary on the making of the 2004 film "Man on Fire," mixing movie clips, behind-the-scenes shots and interviews of cast and crew. The program covers the flick’s genesis and very long path to the screen, adaptation concerns and changes from the original story, the choice of Mexico as a location, research into real-life kidnapping and various case studies, training and realism, casting and characters, shooting in Mexico City and location issues, cinematography and the movie’s distinctive look, Scott’s style on the set, and general thoughts.
Spider-Man 2: Making the Amazing
A comprehensive 12-part documentary on the making of "Spider-Man 2," covering everything from pre-production to premiere.
The Anti-Hero's Journey
Robert Rodriguez and the cast of Once Upon a Time In Mexico explain the history and mythology of the El Mariachi character.
The Good, the Bad & the Bloody: Inside KNB EFX
A behind the scenes look at the special effects of Once Upon a Time In Mexico.
One Step Beyond: Making 'Alien: Resurrection'
The making of Alien Resurrection (1997) is covered in this feature-length documentary, created for the film's 2003 DVD release. The cast and crew tell us how this movie came to be, from it's script which never changed through production, to its initial theatrical release.
One Step Beyond: Making 'Alien: Resurrection'
The making of Alien Resurrection (1997) is covered in this feature-length documentary, created for the film's 2003 DVD release. The cast and crew tell us how this movie came to be, from it's script which never changed through production, to its initial theatrical release.
One Step Beyond: Making 'Alien: Resurrection'
The making of Alien Resurrection (1997) is covered in this feature-length documentary, created for the film's 2003 DVD release. The cast and crew tell us how this movie came to be, from it's script which never changed through production, to its initial theatrical release.
Исключительная огневая мощь: Создание фильма «Чужие»
This feature-length documentary, made especially for the 2003 Aliens (1986) DVD release, is incredibly informative with all its interviews with both the cast and crew, as well as behind the scenes footage filmed during the making of the film. Every possible element towards what went into making the movie is included here and gives fans an overload of information to fill their brains with.
Wreckage and Rage: Making 'Alien³'
The creation of the film Alien³ (1992) is covered here in this feature-length documentary in exhaustive detail. Many interviews with the cast and crew give us an idea of how hard of a time David Fincher had creating his first feature film, as well as present us with much information about every element that went into making this film, including how the plot and script changed drastically through filming.
Wreckage and Rage: Making 'Alien³'
The creation of the film Alien³ (1992) is covered here in this feature-length documentary in exhaustive detail. Many interviews with the cast and crew give us an idea of how hard of a time David Fincher had creating his first feature film, as well as present us with much information about every element that went into making this film, including how the plot and script changed drastically through filming.
The Beast Within: Making 'Alien'
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of “Alien,” the terrifying classic about a spaceship crew trapped with a hideous monster that's hunting them one by one.
The Beast Within: Making 'Alien'
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of “Alien,” the terrifying classic about a spaceship crew trapped with a hideous monster that's hunting them one by one.
The Beast Within: Making 'Alien'
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of “Alien,” the terrifying classic about a spaceship crew trapped with a hideous monster that's hunting them one by one.
Wreckage and Rage: Making 'Alien³'
The creation of the film Alien³ (1992) is covered here in this feature-length documentary in exhaustive detail. Many interviews with the cast and crew give us an idea of how hard of a time David Fincher had creating his first feature film, as well as present us with much information about every element that went into making this film, including how the plot and script changed drastically through filming.
Исключительная огневая мощь: Создание фильма «Чужие»
This feature-length documentary, made especially for the 2003 Aliens (1986) DVD release, is incredibly informative with all its interviews with both the cast and crew, as well as behind the scenes footage filmed during the making of the film. Every possible element towards what went into making the movie is included here and gives fans an overload of information to fill their brains with.
Исключительная огневая мощь: Создание фильма «Чужие»
This feature-length documentary, made especially for the 2003 Aliens (1986) DVD release, is incredibly informative with all its interviews with both the cast and crew, as well as behind the scenes footage filmed during the making of the film. Every possible element towards what went into making the movie is included here and gives fans an overload of information to fill their brains with.
Shooting 'Miller's Crossing': A Conversation with Barry Sonnenfeld
A sit down interview with Miller's Crossing cinematographer Barry Sonnenfield about the making of the Coen brothers' classic.
Shooting 'Miller's Crossing': A Conversation with Barry Sonnenfeld
A sit down interview with Miller's Crossing cinematographer Barry Sonnenfield about the making of the Coen brothers' classic.
Thelma & Louise: The Last Journey
Nearly every major element of making the 1991 film Thelma & Louise is examined here from how the script was written to how Ridley Scott got involved, to how the big tanker explosion was pulled off. Some funny stories are shared and some great trivia as to what was improvised on set and actually left in the film.
Thelma & Louise: The Last Journey
Nearly every major element of making the 1991 film Thelma & Louise is examined here from how the script was written to how Ridley Scott got involved, to how the big tanker explosion was pulled off. Some funny stories are shared and some great trivia as to what was improvised on set and actually left in the film.
Thelma & Louise: The Last Journey
Nearly every major element of making the 1991 film Thelma & Louise is examined here from how the script was written to how Ridley Scott got involved, to how the big tanker explosion was pulled off. Some funny stories are shared and some great trivia as to what was improvised on set and actually left in the film.
Duelling Directors: Ridley Scott & Kevin Reynolds
Camera Operator
Directors Ridley Scott and Kevin Reynolds talk about the film The Duellists. Reynolds interviews Scott while watching the movie, and they examine some of the key visual shots that Scott created and that eventually got him recognized as one of the best visual directors of our time.
Duelling Directors: Ridley Scott & Kevin Reynolds
Directors Ridley Scott and Kevin Reynolds talk about the film The Duellists. Reynolds interviews Scott while watching the movie, and they examine some of the key visual shots that Scott created and that eventually got him recognized as one of the best visual directors of our time.
Duelling Directors: Ridley Scott & Kevin Reynolds
Directors Ridley Scott and Kevin Reynolds talk about the film The Duellists. Reynolds interviews Scott while watching the movie, and they examine some of the key visual shots that Scott created and that eventually got him recognized as one of the best visual directors of our time.
Creating a Myth... the Memories of 'Legend'
Post-Production Manager
This 51 minute documentary of the movie "Legend" can be found as an extra on the 2002 2-disc boxed-set 'Ultimate Edition' DVD release of "Legend". The first part of the documentary deals with the fruition of the idea and the making of the movie. It includes interviews with almost all the main participants of the feature, with the exception of actor Tom Cruise, who was a no show. The second half is much more fascinating and deals with what went wrong with the movie, and it's marketing failures.
The Making of 'Cape Fear'
Breaking the Silence: The Making of Hannibal
Several aspects of Ridley Scott's masterpiece Hannibal (2001) are examined through interviews with the cast and crew, and behind the scenes footage. We are even taken to two premieres and get to see some of the audience's reactions while they're watching the film. This very important documentary is perfectly crafted and is very informative towards all of its viewers.
Breaking the Silence: The Making of Hannibal
Several aspects of Ridley Scott's masterpiece Hannibal (2001) are examined through interviews with the cast and crew, and behind the scenes footage. We are even taken to two premieres and get to see some of the audience's reactions while they're watching the film. This very important documentary is perfectly crafted and is very informative towards all of its viewers.
Small Town
A female deputy encounters an alien that crash lands after a meteor shower.