Pierce Lyden

Pierce Lyden

Рождение : 1908-01-08,

Смерть : 1998-10-10


Pierce Lyden


Высокий незнакомец
Нед Бэннон едет к своему сводному брату Харди Бишопу, чтобы погасить старую вражду. Но по дороге натыкается на скотокрадов и получает из засады пулю в бок. Брошенного умирать, его находят переселенцы и выхаживают.
Decision at Sundown
Morley's Henchman
Bart Allison arrives in Sundown after a three year search for Tate Kimbrough. Although it is Kimbrough's wedding day, Allison makes it clear he blames him for the death of his wife and is out to kill him. A shoot-out in the church puts the wedding on hold and Allison and his trail-buddy hole up in the livery stable. But the reasons for his actions become increasingly unclear, while the town starts to wonder about the grip Kimbrough has over them.
The Women of Pitcairn Island
Dan Scruggs
The widows and children of survivors of the H.M.S. Bounty rule Pitcairn Island, fighting off sailors and intruders.
Blazing the Overland Trail
Roberts and Moore played an army scout and a pony express rider who come to the aid of settlers terrorized by a greedy rancher-turned-outlaw.
Great Day in the Morning
Cowboy (uncredited)
After a card game, Southerner Owen Pentecost finds himself the owner of a Denver hotel. Involved with two women, he then has to make even more fundamental choices when, with the start of the Civil War, he becomes one of a small minority in a strongly Unionist town.
Perils of the Wilderness
In the 56th (and next-to-last serial) made by Columbia Pictures, Montana Deputy Dan Lawson, posing as an outlaw called Laramie, goes to the Canadian northwest on the trail of Bart Randall who is wanted for murder and bank robbery in the states. In Canada, Randall is a little more upscale and uses a hydra-plane and a fake totem to over-awe the Indians. Laramie is aided in his search by RCMP Sergeant Gray and by Donna Blane, who is suspected at first of giving information to Randall, but who is actually a Canadian secret agent investigating Randall's gun-trading with the Indians.
The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues
Andy, the Janitor
A marine biologist and a government agent investigate mysterious deaths and rumors of a sea monster in a secluded ocean cove, and find themselves involved with a marine biology professor conducting secretive experiments, international spies trying to steal his secrets, a radioactive light on the sea bottom, and the malevolent thing which guards it.
Riding with Buffalo Bill
Henchman Darr
Columbia Pictures elevated a run-of-the-mill B-western supporting player, Marshall Reed, to the title role in this equally run-of-the-mill western serial released in 15 chapters. Like most serials in the '50s, Riding with Buffalo Bill consisted of quite a bit of budget-stretching stock footage telling a highly fictionalized account of Buffalo Bill Cody aiding a group of ranchers in their defeat of a local crime lord. The serial's assistant director, Leonard Katzman, later produced the long-running television series Gunsmoke and Dallas.
Gunfighters of the Northwest
Constable Ward is assigned to track down a mysterious villain known only as The Leader. Trying to locate a secret gold mine, The Leader pits the Indians against the Mounties, whom he blames for creating trouble.
Citizen (uncredited)
Городок Дейдвуд в штате Дакота славится своим мужским населением. Здесь проживают солдаты, бойскауты, разведчики новых земель, фермеры-ковбои, и все эти веселые парни любят выпить крепкий виски и пострелять из своих кольтов. Среди них обитала и бестия Джейн, считающая себя девушкой-скаутом, которая ничем не хуже мужчин. Она ловчее и смелее многих местных забияк, а её кнут и револьвер проучат любого нахала. Однажды Джейн на спор с мужчинами вызывается привести из далекого Чикаго настоящую Приму варьете, но, не разобрав, кто есть кто, привозит её костюмершу Кэти. Однако мужчины городка в восторге от нового личика и каждый готов отдать Кэти своё сердце! Джейн, чтобы избавить певицу от назойливых поклонников, берет шефство над Кэти и приглашает пожить у себя в хижине. Певица и «гроза ухажеров» становятся неразлучными подругами. Девушка-скаут даже не осознает, что ждет её впереди — ведь именно с этой минуты начнется её перевоспитание из грубой девицы в настоящую леди…
Canyon Ambush
Rancher John Brackett
A mysterious masked rider and his gang are murdering ranchers and robbing stages. Government Agent Johnny Mack Brown has been called in to help the Sheriff.
Based on a successful comic book that began in 1941, the Blackhawks were seven flyers who banded together during WW II to fight the Nazis. After the war, they continued to fight evil where ever they find it. In this movie, they are battling a group of spies and saboteurs bent on destroying democracy. The Blackhawks foil a succession of plots, with a cliff hanger ending in each episode.
Kansas Territory
Dr. Stanley Johnson
Wild Bill Elliott goes after his brother's murderer!
After killing a man in self defense over a poker game, Wild Bill Elliott turns outlaw in order to escape a lynch mob.
Texas City
Marshal George Markham
Johnny Mack Brown substitutes brains for brawn during most of Texas City. Cast once more as a U.S. marshal, Johnny investigates when several government gold shipments are hijacked. Someone has been tipping of the outlaws as to when and where the supposedly secret shipments will take place. The principal suspect is dishonorably discharged cavalry officer Kirby (James Ellison), but Johnny has a gut feeling that Kirby is innocent on all counts.
Stage to Blue River
Sheriff Bill Preston
Whip Wilson has to stop bandits who are trying to take over a stage line.
Lawless Cowboys
Henchman Rusty
Monogram's Whip Wilson western series was in its final year of existence when Lawless Cowboys hit the screen. Set in the contemporary West, the film casts Wilson as a Texas Ranger on the trail of a crooked gambling ring.
Whistling Hills
Horse-Thief Cassidy
Johnny Mack Brown was recruited by Chet Norman, the owner of a stagecoach line, to end the heist perpetrated by a mysterious knight who plays strange notes with a hiss of money before robbing them.
Stagecoach Driver
Larry Edwards
Jim Bannon and his partner own a stagecoach line. With the coming of the telegraph and the end of the Pony Express, two men plot to take over and get the new mail contract. When Jim's partner is murdered and Jim's name is written in the sand beside the body, Jim is arrested. At his trial Whip brings surprising evidence that clears Jim and the two plotters are soon arrested.
Government Agents vs Phantom Legion
Two federal agents battle a gang that hijacks trucks carrying materials vital for the security of the country and sells them to foreign powers.
Roar of the Iron Horse
Erv Hopkins - Henchman
Columbia Pictures elevated stunt man Jock O'Mahoney to stardom in this 15 chapter western serial about the building of the transcontinental railroad. O'Mahoney played a railroad agent who uncovers the master criminal behind a series of sabotage attempts on the construction site.
Nevada Badmen
Sheriff Connelly
The "badmen" of the title in this average western from Monogram are Waller (I. Stanford Jolley), a greedy express agent and Banker Jensen (Bill Kennedy, who conspire to separate Bob Bannon (Kenne Duncan) from the gold found on his property. Bob's brother Jim (Jim Bannon) and his two pals Whip Wilson and Texas (Fuzzy Knight) arrive too late to save Bob from the bad guys. Hoping to flush out the killer, Whip arranges to auction off the property.
Fury of the Congo
Jungle Jim must protect rare pony-like animals whose glands produce a powerful narcotic. On the way, he fights a giant spider.
Pirates of the High Seas
Durk - Patrol 6 Henchman
For decades, pirates roamed the seas, searching for booty to plunder and coastal villages to terrorize. Who were these men and women? As you dig beneath the myth of Blackbeard, Captain Kidd and other legendary warriors of the waters in this docudrama, you'll discover who they were and what motivated them to wreak havoc wherever they sailed. Includes the movie Long John Silver's Return to Treasure Island.
Covered Wagon Raid
Henchman Brag
Under the leadership of a cutthroat named Grif, a band of outlaws has systematically been robbing and murdering settlers bound for the large Chandler ranch which has been cut up into small parcels of land for purchase.
Barfly (uncredited)
Джимми Ринго - человек легенда, самый быстрый стрелок на Диком Западе. Он не стар, но уже утомлен жизнью. Дело в том, что он не может спокойно остановиться ни в одном городе. Везде его преследует, слава самого крутого стрелка. И в каждом салуне находится, какой-нибудь ковбой, который хочет проверить: так ли уж он хорош, как об этом разносит молва. Вот и приходится Джимми убивать, увивать и убивать. В итоге находится один «отморозок», который подло убивает Ринго выстрелом в спину. Его за это не вешают. Но! На него переходит проклятие «самого-кругого-стрелка-убившего-Джимми-Ринго». С этого момента его тоже будут хотеть убить каждом салуне Дикого Запада...
Cody of the Pony Express
Slim Randall
Buffalo Bill Cody battles a gang of outlaws secretly headed by an unscrupulous lawyer.
Twilight in the Sierras
Roy is a United States Marshal tracking down a counterfeiting ring and hunting down a mountain lion. Songs: "It's One Wonderful Day," "Rootin' Tootin' Cowboy," "Pancho's Rancho" and the title song.
Mark of the Gorilla
Nazis dressed to look like Great Apes are looking for gold, and Jungle Jim must stop them.
Shadows of the West
Henchman Jordan
U.S. Marshal Whip Wilson (Whip Wilson) decides to take a vacation and visit his old friend Winks Grayson (Andy Clyde), the ex-sheriff. Upon his arrival Whip learns of Winks' suspicions regarding newly-elected Sheriff Tanner (William Ruhl as William H. Ruhl), and the story of a frame-up of Paul Davis (Ted Adams) and his son Bud (Riley Hill), now being released from prison. Following a holdup and a killing, a band of outlaws hide at the Davis ranch, implicating them again. Paul is hot and Bud goes to jail. Whip and Winks work to clear Bud and expose the real leader of the outlaw gang.
Dead Man's Gold
Красная река
Colonel's Trail Boss (uncredited)
На Запад идет большой караван. Тяжелые, медленные повозки тащат измотанные лошади и скорость этого усталого, еле-еле передвигающегося «организма» настолько мала, что это уже даже представляет опасность, так как на такой караван легче всего напасть и разграбить. И тогда самый отчаянный и пассионарный малый по имени Том Дансон решает наплевать на все, в том числе и на свою возлюбленную Фен, и податься на Юг. Туда, где настоящего ковбоя манит сказочно богатая и многообещающая Красная Река. Как только они перевалили через небольшой холм, то услышали сзади звуки выстрелов и увидели мощные клубы черного дыма.
Silver Trails
Henchman Ramsay
Jimmy and Cannonball find the body of Don Muquel after he has been shot and robbed by henchmen Ramsay and Sturgis. Jimmy is accused of the crime by Jose Esteban but the latter's rich uncle, Don Esteban, clears his friend Jimmy. Jose accuses the the settlers, led by John Chambers, of confiscating the land of the native Californians, through murder and theft. Actually, surveyor Willard Jackson is making forged copies of stolen land-grant papers after his men have killed the rightful owners. Playing both ends against the middle, Ramsay urges Chambers and his daughter, Diane, to drive off the Californians.
Back Trail
Frank Gilmore
Back Trail is one of the livelier entries in Monogram's Johnny Mack Brown western series. Brown rides into a small town where he becomes embroiled in a blackmail scheme. The town's banker (Ted Adams), a pillar of respectability, once served a jail term. Outlaw leader Pierce Lyden threatens to reveal Adams' secret if the banker doesn't let him know in advance when the gold shipments are going through. Adams tearfully tells Brown the whole story, whereupon Johnny rides shotgun on the next shipment himself. Back Trail was one of the last films directed by workhorse Christy Cabanne, whose career stretched all the way back to the D.W. Griffith days.
The Rangers Ride
Sergeant Hamon
After the Texas Rangers are disbanded, the the reconstruction years following the Civil War, a private state-police force extorts money from the citizens in a "protection" scheme. Ex-Rangers Jimmy Wakely and "Cannonball" Taylor foil an arrest by state-police officers Hamon and Kelly. Commissioner Jed Brant tells his nephew that his old friend Jimmy is plotting against the law-and-order forces. Vic's fiancée and ranch-owner, Sheila Carol, refuses to sign up with the crooked police outfit, and believes Jimmy is an outlaw. On Chief Barton's order, Hamon shoots ex-Rangers Murphy and Payson, so they can be blamed for a raid on Sheila's ranch.
Crossed Trails
Prosecuting Attorney (uncredited)
A cowboy frees a rancher framed for murder by outlaws after his ranch.
Valley of Fear
Sheriff Wheeler
Johnny Williams (Johnny Mack Brown) returns to his home town of Beaufort, and finds himself when being chased by banker Henry Stevens (Tristram Coffin), Grangers Association head Les Travers (Ed Cassidy as Edward Cassidy) and real estate agent Frank Wilkins (Ted Adams.)
Rustlers of Devil's Canyon
Henchman Matt
Red Ryder returns to Sioux City, Wyoming, at the close of the Spanish-American War, settling down at the ranch of his aunt, The Duchess, with his pals Little Beaver and "Blizzard". But Red soon discovers that the country is over-run by rustlers.
Song of the Wasteland
Forrester - Rancher
In Song of the Wasteland, Jimmy tries to uphold law and order in a tough frontier town.
The Adventures of Don Coyote
Near Border Flats, Don Coyote and his friend Sancho are interrupted on their way to the fiesta by a fight. A quick intervention on their part prompts ranch owner Maggie Riley to hire them. Coyote and Sancho meet her surly, younger brother Ted who is wanting Maggie to sell their cattle herd to pay off a bank loan before they lose the ranch. But when they try to drive a herd to market, a gang led by Big Foot Ferguson drives off their cowhands.
Six-Gun Serenade
In this western, two cowboys are framed as cattle rustlers and tossed in the pokey. Later, honest ranchers spring them and together they ride out against the rustlers.
Raiders of the South
Marshal Michael
Johnny Brownell, former Confederate officer turned Federal agent, is sent to Texas during the reconstruction years to obtain evidence against a gang of raiders who have been making life difficult for the local carpet-baggers. He saves the life of Shorty Kendall, an unreconstructed rebel about to be hanged, and this wins him the gratitude of Belle Chambers, a widow whose husband was killed in the Civil War who hates all Yankees with a fever.
Magnificent Doll
While packing her belongings in preparation of evacuating the White House because of the impending British invasion of Washington D.C., Dolly Payne Madison thinks back on her childhood, her first marriage, and later romances with two very different politicians, Aaron Burr and his good friend James Madison. She plays each against the other, not only for romantic reasons, but also to influence the shaping of the young country. By manipulating Burr's affections, she helps Thomas Jefferson win the presidency, and eventually she becomes First Lady of the land herself.
Roll on Texas Moon
Henchman Stuhler
To get the Delaney ranch Cole's henchman Anders has started a phony range war between the cattlemen and sheepmen. After killing Delaney, he tries to kill his daughter Jill and then Roy who was sent to investigate the war. But the failed attempts gives Roy the information he needs.
Rainbow Over Texas
Henchman Johnson
Roy visits his home town while on a personal appearance tour. While there he enters a pony express race. To keep him from winning, bad guys try to sabatoge Roy's entry. They fail, or course. Songs include the title song and "Smile for me, Senorita."
Alias Billy the Kid
Henchman Sam
Texas Ranger Sunset Carson is given the mission of tracking down the notorious Marshall gang. Uncovering their hideout, he discovers the gang is led by Ann Marshall and is comprised of three of her ranch-hands, Dakota, PeeWee and Buckskin. He soon learns that they are the innocent victims of a ring of swindlers and cattle rustlers led by the ruthless Matt Conroy.
Murdered Man (uncredited)
Коннектикут, 1844 год. Дочь простого фермера Миранда Уэллс получает приглашение от дальнего родственника Николаса Ван Райна поселиться в его особняке Драговик и быть гувернанткой для его дочери Катрин. Ожидая многого от Драговика, Миранда вскоре замечает за его хозяином некоторые странности. Николас Ван Райн практически не видится со своей дочерью; фермеры на его земле бунтуют против него; слуги перешептываются о проклятиях и привидениях в Драговике. И что же его хозяин на самом деле делает в башенной комнате?
The Cherokee Flash
Clint Hawkins
Lawyer Butler, wanting Jeff Carson's ranch, has the Sheriff and his gang frame the bank holdup on him. Then they kill a witness that could free Carson and blame the murder on his son Sunset. But Sunset escapes, frees his father, and then sets a trap to catch the real killers.
Trigger Law
Hoot Gibson and Bob Stanley ride into Arizona seeking the killer of Bob's father, who managed the stagecoach line in Eggleston for Kelso McGuire.
Mystery Man
Hoppy's ranch is threatened by rustlers. Hoppy and the gang oblige as usual.
Texas Masquerade
Henchman Al
A young Eastern lawyer, seriously injured in a stage holdup, secures the help of Hoppy, California and Jimmy in completing his mission to his woman cousin's ranch in Texas. The ranch, as are others in the same area, is being plagued by a gang called the Night Riders, while the friendly local town lawyer is trying to cajole the cousin into selling out to him. Hoppy begins by arriving in the town, separate from his pals, all spiffed up and dandified, posing as the Eastern lawyer...
California Joe
Henchman Harper
During the Civil War, three American soldiers are sent, disguised as civilians, to California to gather evidence that Southern agents there are agitating for that state to join the Confederacy with the aid of California's governor.
Riders of the Deadline
When Ranger Hoppy's falsely accused young ranger friend is killed while supposedly trying to escape from jail, Hoppy is blamed and drummed out of the Texas Rangers.
Death Valley Manhunt
Unknown to oil company president Ross, his man Quinn is pulling a swindle on the independent drillers. Quinn controls both the Judge and the Marshal. But when the Marshal is accidentally killed, Wild Bill Elliott is brought in as the new Marshal and things begin to change.
Canyon City
Henchman Mac
A mystery man, identifying himself as the outlaw Nevada Kid, and his comical sidekick, help the townspeople of Canyon City solve a series of murders, robberies, and threats to destroy their new power dam in the first days of electrification of the wild west.
False Colors
Before he was killed by Mark Foster's men, Bud Lawton willed part ownership in his ranch to Hoppy and his two pals. When the three arrive they find a fake posing as Lawton. When they expose the imposter, Foster gets the Sheriff to jail them for Lawton's murder.
The Kansan
Hatton Henchman
Wounded while stopping the James gang from robbing the local bank, a cowboy wakes up in the hospital to find that he's been elected town marshal. He soon comes into conflict with the town banker, who controls everything in town and is squeezing the townspeople for every penny he can get out of them.
Black Hills Express
Henchman In Town - on sidewalk, at bar
A man framed for a series of Wells' Fargo stage robberies and a comical sheriff's deputy join forces to uncover the real robbers, unaware that a U.S. Marshal assigned to the case and the Mayor of the town which is at the center of the robberies, are the leaders of the gang.
Fugitive from Sonora
Bill Slade
In this western, a paroled desperado and his twin, a preacher, wander about the Old West to bring "salvation." The parson begins trying to help a gang leader's niece whose uncle has been forcing parolees to join him or return to prison. Naturally he tries to rope the paroled twin into his gang.
Border Patrol
When three Texas Rangers try to investigate kidnapped Mexicans being used as forced labor in the mines of Silver Bullet, they are framed for murder by the town's corrupt sheriff.
The Blocked Trail
Henchman Rankin
A horse called Brilliant is the only one who knows the location of a gold mine. When Brilliant's owner is killed, the trio known as the Three Mesquiteers (Bob Steele, Tom Tyler and Jimmie Dodd) are mistakenly arrested for the murder.
Dead Man's Gulch
When the Pony Express disbands, riders Tennessee and Johnny head for Adobe Wells. Tennessee becomes the Deputy Marshal while Johnny joins an outlaw gang. It's not long before Tennessee catches Johny attempting murder. As Johhnny is his best friend, he gives him another chance. But to no avail as Johnny murders a man and this time Tennessee must do his duty.
Undercover Man
Bert, lead raider
A bandit who robs both Americans and Mexicans is causing each side of the border to blame the other. Hoppy has to settle matters.
Baby Face Morgan
When crime boss Big Mike Morgan is killed, his lieutenant, "Doc" Rogers, learns that Morgan has a son named Edward living in the country with his mother. Rogers has naïve Edward brought to the city and installs him as the head of Acme Protective Agency. Good-hearted Eddy assumes his company provides insurance, rather than extortion-- But don't be too hard on the guy, he still doesn't know he's Baby Face Morgan, the most feared gangster in the city!
They Raid by Night
Braun - Ritter's Aide
The British Commandos send Bob Owen (Lyle Talbot) to Norway to prepare for a raid. His mission also includes freeing General Heden (Paul Baratoff) who is being held by the Nazis. His aides include Eric Falken (George Nesie) and Harry (Charles Rogers). Inga (June Duprez), a Norwegian girl to whom Falken was once engaged but who has become the sweetheart of Oberst Von Ritter (Victor Varconi), betrays their hiding place. The three overpower the Gestapo men sent after them, take their uniforms and enter the prison camp and free Heden. The four men then start for the coast to meet the Commando expedition. Inga, who the men still trust, again informs von Ritter and Falken is captured but Bob and Harry escape with the aid of Dalberg, who they thought was a Quisling stooge.
King of Dodge City
Henchman Reynolds
Columbia's King of Dodge City was the first of several westerns costarring "Wild Bill" Elliot and singing cowboy Tex Ritter. Though Elliot is billed first, the plot and action are evenly divided between the two B-picture favorites. The story takes place in Kansas, just after the Civil War. Wild Bill Hickok (Elliot) is summoned from Dodge City to Abilene, there to neutralize a crooked political machine. Hickok is aided every step of the way by Tex Rawlings (Ritter), a seemingly harmless drifter who is appointed sheriff after proving his prowess with his six-guns.
The Green Hornet Strikes Again!
Tonjes - Gang Pilot
Second serial featuring The Green Hornet and Kato.
Junior G-Men
A gang of urban street kids and a club of suburban would-be federal agents, at first rivals, join forces to rescue the father of one of the kids, the inventor of a super-explosive and its remote detonator, from the clutches of a band of foreign subversives call the "Flaming Torch Gang". A 12-episode movie serial with the chapters: •1. Enemies Within •2. The Blast of Doom •3. Human Dynamite •4. Blazing Danger •5. Trapped By Traitors •6. Traitors' Treachery •7. Flaming Death •8. Hurled Through Space •9. The Plunge of Peril •10.The Toll of Treason •11.Descending Doom •12.The Power of Patriotism
Grand Ole Opry
Hillbilly (uncredited)
Aided by musicians at the Grand Ole Opry, a small-town mayor in the Ozarks takes on a group of crooked politicians.