Warren Mitchell

Warren Mitchell

Рождение : 1926-01-14, Stoke Newington, London, England, UK

Смерть : 2015-11-14


Warren Mitchell (born Warren Misell; 14 January 1926 – 14 November 2015) was an English actor. He was a BAFTA TV Award winner and a two-time winner of the Laurence Olivier Award. His most fondly remembered role is that of the Johnny Speight comic creation of Alf Garnett which he played on and off from 1965 to 1992 with the sitcoms Til Death Us Do Part and In Sickness and in Health.


Warren Mitchell


British Sitcom: 60 Years of Laughing at Ourselves
Alf Garnett (archive footage) (uncredited)
Documentary celebrating the British sitcom and taking a look at the social and political context from which our favourite sitcoms grew. We enjoy a trip through the comedy archive in the company of the people who made some of the very best British sitcoms. From The Likely Lads to I'm Alan Partridge, we find out the inspiration behind some of the most-loved characters and how they reflect the times they were living in.
A Christmas Carol
Eddie's Dad
A modern version of the classic Dickens tale, in which Eddie Scrooge is a mean loan shark who sees the error of his ways.
Albert Hall
Larceny, adultery, sabotage and treachery. Yes, just your typical Christmas with the Dredge family! Twelve-year-old Joey Dredge is in trouble again. Expelled for jumping off the school roof, he's haunted by his father's death and hates his mother's new boyfriend and his bullying son. Compounding his misery is the knowledge he has to spend Christmas with them at the family beach house. Things look grim until the unexpected arrival of great-grandfather Albert, fresh from a stint in prison. Forced to share the back shed with this swearing, farting and devious octogenarian, Joey's life changes. Between barbecuing the family dog, performing a self-burial and causing his intended step-father to consume a startling amount of hash, Joey learns a few life lessons from Albert, who despite his many vices may give Joey the strength to accept the past and embrace the future.
An Audience with Alf Garnett
Alf Garnett
In front of a celebrity audience Johnny Speight's bigoted comic creation Alf Garnett (played by Warren Mitchell) vents his spleen on all manner of sensitive subjects. He makes political correctness take a back seat as he gives his opinions on race relations, football, life, the government, sex, drugs and much more.
Waterboard Chairman
As Christmas celebrations get under way, Britain is rocked by a deadly new food scare - "mad turkey disease".
Brahms and the Little Singing Girls
Johannes Brahms
This is Palmer's highly controversial portrait of Brahms - a film that exploded the familiar image of 'stodgy old bearded Brahms' - a man whose first musical experience had been playing an upright piano in the brothels of Hamburg where he had grown up, and who at the end of his life lived a bachelor in Vienna having his every need satisfied by the prostitutes of the city whom he always affectionately described as his ‘little singing girls'. It is a celebration - of Brahms' unabashed, life-enhancing, sexually explosive music. Warren Mitchell portrays the composer
Death of a Salesman
Willy Loman
Willy Loman clings to the belief that he is a success as a salesman, that he is a beloved family man, that he is well-liked; but, as he grows older, he is forced to contemplate the unpleasant reality of his existence.
An Audience with Ken Dodd
Marking 40 years in show business, legendary comedian and entertainer Ken Dodd presents this comedy extravaganza, entertaining a host of celebrities including Frank Carson, Samantha Fox and Warren Mitchell.
Wall of Silence
Samuel Singer
A corpse is fished out of a north London canal with stab wounds through the eyes. The victim was a prominent member of the Hasidic Jewish community, and the cause of death one reserved by the Hasidim to punish "moysers" or informers.
Kokoda Crescent
The grandson of a war veteran is found dead from an overdose of heroin. He and his old army buddies swing into action and stake out the drug dealer, only to discover a web of police corruption surrounding the drug dealing. Given police complicity in the matter, they take the law into their own hands.
Knights & Emeralds
Mr Kirkpatrick
A white boy lives in a racially divided town. The only thing he cares about is playing his drums. A popular black band from school needs a drummer and he joins them, but being colour blind in this town makes life very difficult.
Foreign Body
I.Q. Patel
Banerjee stars as Ram Das, a jobless Indian man who, tired of life in Calcutta, steals money from his father in order to afford a passage to Britain and while there, falls in love with a white woman.
The Dunera Boys
Mr Baum
At the start of WWII the British Government decided to arrest all Germans in the UK no matter how long they had been there. Among those arrested were many Jewish refugees and many who were fully assimilated. This film records the story of a group who were sent to a POW camp in Australia aboard the Dunera.
Laughing Les
Australian dockyard workers go on strike. Immigrant Italian workers are brought in as scab labour. In the midst of all this, an Italian woman meets & falls in love with one of the Australians.
The Chain
Comedy featuring interweaving stories of seven households caught up in a property chain on moving day, each one dependent on the other.
Отчаянные псы
Tyson / Wag (voice)
Двум псам, пленникам научно-исследовательской лаборатории, удаётся вырваться на свободу. Убегая, они случайно разбивают стеклянную колбу с бактериями чумы. Оказавшись на воле, псы с удивлением обнаруживают, что мир за стенами лаборатории -совсем не тот рай, к которому они так стремились. Ровф, пожилой и довольно циничный лабрадор, поражён суровой дикой природой и враждебностью людей, с которыми они сталкиваются. Его друг Сниттер, добродушный маленький фокстерьер, напротив - оптимист по натуре. В прошлом у него был хороший хозяин, и он надеется встретить доброе сердце и найти свой дом. К счастью, на их пути оказывается дружелюбный лис Тод, который помогает им выбраться из дикой глуши. Но люди, напуганные тем, что собаки могут быть инфицированы чумой, устраивают на них облаву.
The Caretaker
The story of two brothers and a tramp. Harold Pinter's first major success as a dramatist.
The Merchant of Venice
A rich merchant, Antonio is depressed for no good reason, until his good friend Bassanio comes to tell him how he's in love with Portia. Portia's father has died and left a very strange will: only the man that picks the correct casket out of three (silver, gold, and lead) can marry her. Bassanio, unfortunately, is strapped for cash with which to go wooing, and Antonio wants to help, so Antonio borrows the money from Shylock, the money-lender. But Shylock has been nursing a grudge against Antonio's insults, and makes unusual terms to the loan. And when Antonio's business fails, those terms threaten his life, and it's up to Bassanio and Portia to save him.
Meetings with Remarkable Men
Gurdjieff's Father
The story of G.I. Gurdjieff an Asian mystic who after a lifetimes study developed a form of meditation incorporating modern dance.
Stand up, Virgin Soldiers
Morris Morris
Some British soldiers in Singapore are more concerned with finding sex than finding Communists.
Mr. Fishfinger
Ах, эти блестящие, мрачные Средние века… Прекрасные принцессы, сладкоголосые трубадуры, невменяемые рыцари и порожденные сном разума легендарные чудовища. Кстати, о чудовищах, в одном королевстве завелся монстр по имени Джабервоки. И вот, нанося огромный урон народному хозяйству, он безнаказанно терроризирует округу — никто не может его победить. К счастью, храбрость в те годы встречалась чаще, чем мозги. И вот, в поисках богатства и почета, на монстра выезжает отважный рыц… простите, бондарь Деннис! То и дело попадая в нелепые положения и анекдотические ситуации деревенский простак торит свой загогулистый путь к Славе. Охота на Джабервока началась!
What Changed Charley Farthing?
Charley Farthing is on the run, chased by an irate husband with murder on his mind.
TV play by Bernard Kops. Moss is a miser who only love is his grandson. Then tragedy strikes and Moss is "reborn".
Secrets Chocolates receive an unexpected sales boost when three maintenance workers fall into the chocolate vat and are fed through the production line.
Innocent Bystanders
Washed-up agent John Craig is given the task of proving his worth by tracking down a Russian scientist on the run. Cross and double-cross is the name of the game.
The Alf Garnett Saga
Alf Garnett
Alf and his family have been moved from their East End home into a high-rise council estate. Alf is not only having trouble coping with his new 'home', but also with the long commute to work, the long walk to the corner pub, his long-suffering wife, rebellious daughter and her philandering, constantly unemployed husband.
Two-hander TV Play featuring Edward Woodward and Warren Mitchell
Wilton's: The Handsomest Hall in Town
Gus Elen
An evening at Wilton's Music-Hall, Grace's Alley, Wellclose Square, London, 1860 starring Peter Sellers, Spike Milligan, Keith Michell, Pat Kirkwood, Warren Mitchell, Ronnie Barker, Bill Fraser, Gina Astralita, Eric Robinson. Introduced by Billy Russell. Tonight, 90 years after it closed, this famous Music-Hall opens again to bring you a picture of the stars, the singers, the dancers, and the people who once went there.
All the Way Up
Fred Midway
Fred Midway may be a bit short on brains but he's got plenty of ambition. However, before he can gain promotion as a salesman he must make his family more socially acceptable.
Moon Zero Two
J.J. Hubbard
On the Moon in the year 2021, a former-astronaut-turned-salvager helps a millionaire space industrialist capture a 6000-ton sapphire asteroid, while also assisting a woman in finding her missing miner/prospector brother
Бюро убийств
Herr Weiss
Девушка, одержимая идеей равенства полов, Соня Винтер, ввязывается в весьма опасную авантюру. Став клиентом фирмы под устрашающим названием «Бюро убийств», она заказывает убийство самого главы этой организации Ивана Драгомилова. Иван, хорошо образованный молодой человек с высокими моральными устоями, унаследовавший дело своего отца, принимает заказ, бросив тем самым дерзкий вызов всем остальным членам организации…
The Best House in London
Count Pandolfo
In Victorian London, the British Government attempts a solution to the problem of prostitution by establishing the world's most fabulous brothel.
Till Death Us Do Part
Alf Garnett
The film version of 'Till Death Do Us Part' tells the story of Alf Garnett, his wife Else, and their newborn daughter Rita, living through the London Blitz and beyond.
Diamonds for Breakfast
Swinging playboy Grand Duke Nicholas Goduno, a direct descendent of the Romanov family who were overthrown in the Russian Revolution of 1917, learns that his family's crown jewels will be exhibited at a London museum and plots to steal them. To this end, he gathers a crew of beautiful but dangerous women, led by Bridget Rafferty, to assist in his plot against Popov, the Soviet functionary in charge of the exhibit.
The Jokers
Brothers Michael and David Tremayne decide to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London, not for criminal purposes, but to make themselves famous.
Чтоб ты сдохла, дорогая!
Conte de Rienz / Maximillian
Обаятельный мошенник Ники женился несколько раз, а через некоторое время его богатые жёны "случайно" погибали. На этот раз выбрал себе в жертвы молодую итальянскую вдову Франческу , но от неё оказалось не так-то просто избавиться. Особенно, когда она узнала о планах своего муженька и решила взять реванш...
The Sandwich Man
Gipsy Sid
A man with a sandwich-board (advert) wanders around London meeting many strange characters.
Promise Her Anything
Frank Focus / Panel Moderator
A widowed mother decides to go after the child psychologist she works for because she thinks he'll be able to provide for her toddler, the catch is her employer doesn't know about her son and he doesn't particularly care for children despite his profession.
The Night Caller
Reg Lilburn
The inhabitants of Ganymede need to find mates from another world or they will become extinct. They soon discover a suitable breeding stock amongst the females of planet Earth.
Шпион, пришедший с холода
Mr. Zanfrello
Начало 1960-х годов, разгар холодной войны. Алек Лимас, резидент английской разведки в Германии, теряет всех своих агентов, работающих в ГДР. За убийствами агентов стоит глава оперативного отдела восточногерманской разведки Ганс Дитер Мундт. Лимаса отзывают в Лондон. Глава разведки Контролёр предлагает Лимасу шанс реабилитироваться и отомстить Мундту.
Битлз. На помощь!
Фильм режиссера Ричарда Лестера "На помощь!" вышел на экраны вслед за нашумевшим фильмом "Вечер после трудного дня". Но он не снискал такую бешеную популярность как первый фильм, хотя в нем опять же присутствовало много песен и шуток. Тем не менее, он пользовался неплохой популярностью, а сейчас даже входит в разряд классики. В фильме рассказывается об одной религиозной секте, которая поклонялась богине Кали. Для того, чтобы совершить жертвоприношение, на пальце человека, приносимого в жертву, должно быть священное кольцо. Именно оно и оказалось на пальце у ничего не подозревающего Ринго...В фильм включены следующие песни "Help!", "Another Girl", "Ticket To Ride", "The Night Before", "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away", "I Need You" и "You're Gonna Lose That Girl".
San Ferry Ann
Maitre d'Hotel
A motley crew of British characters ride The San Ferry Ann to the shores of France where they embark on a weekend of calamity. The campervan family led by Dad and Mum (David Lodge and Joan Sims) create chaos from the moment they set their tires on the shore resulting in frequent run-ins with the Gendarme, while Lewd Grandad (Wilfred Brambell) finds his own misadventures with a newly acquainted friend, a mad German ex-soldier (Ron Moody). Also aboard for the ride is a saucy hitchhiker (Barbara Windsor) who causes a few heads to turn including that of a fellow traveller (Ronnie Stevens) who pursues her affection with comic results. By the end of this weekend the French may well be wishing to say 'au revoir' to these trouble-making tourists. San Ferry Ann is a humorous take on the tradition of the British get-away. A classic sound effect comedy that sits with the likes of similarly praised titles such as 'The Plank', 'Futtock's End' and 'Rhubarb Rhubarb'.
The Intelligence Men
A chance meeting with a Schlecht agent forces a humble coffee shop manager into the secret world of spies in Swinging London. With the help of his MI5 friend, he poses as the recently dead Major Cavendish who had managed to infiltrate the dreaded organization; he knows that they are intending to assassinate someone - could it be the famous Russian ballerina who has recently arrived for an appearance at Covent Garden?
Where Has Poor Mickey Gone?
Emilio Dinelli
Things go terribly wrong for four youths, ejected from a London nightclub for rowdiness, after they decide to break into a Magic shop, where they tie up and terrorize the owner. They find to their cost that he deals in more than illusions...
Unearthly Stranger
Prof. Munro
A series of scientists working on a new techology to facilitate man's conquest of space are killed in mysterious circumstances. Suspicion falls on the wife of another scientist on the project, who may not be what she seems.
Calculated Risk
After spending a long time in prison, Kip is still willing to pull off one more big job
We Joined the Navy
'Honest' Marcel
Lt Commander Badger, RN: an exceptionally likeable fellow, the Artful Bodger has one besetting sin a shining honesty which compels him to say the right thing at entirely the wrong time! When untimely remarks to some new recruits are splashed across the tabloids, the rush is on to find him a new posting somewhere far away.
The Small World of Sammy Lee
Lou Leeman
The compère of a seedy strip club struggles to keep one step ahead of the bookies to whom he owes money.
Seventy Deadly Pills
A small boy, Dickie Goodwin, finds some strychnine pills mixed with sweets in a stolen car left in a deserted garage. With them he buys his way into the Rocket Gang. Brian, the leader, shares out the pills for swaps next day. One of the gang eats hers and collapses. The police frantically search for the pills and a broadcast appeal is made. Brian hears this and reaches the gang at Battersea funfair just in time to save them.
The King's Breakfast
The Gym Instructor
A king misses the butter on his slice of bread.
The Sicilians
An aide at the American Embassy in London finds himself involved with both Scotland Yard and the French police over the kidnapping of the son of a Mafia boss who has spilled the beans back in the States.
Incident at Midnight
In a late night chemist a shot bank robber has been taken for treatment, and to rendezvous with the gang leader.
Village of Daughters
Puccelli (A Father)
A salesman from England is picked to select one girl in an Italian town who will become a bride for a native son.
Стук почтальона
Гарольд Мопс, лучший почтальон района Верхний Фрингли, приглашен на работу в крупнейший лондонский почтамт. Здесь, стремясь помочь каждому работнику, Гарольд часто попадает в различные нелепые ситуации. Его чрезмерная работоспособность вызывает недовольство начальства, и от Гарольда решают избавиться. И когда Гарольд помог полиции задержать бандитов, проникших в здание почтамта, его в порядке поощрения назначают начальником почты в Верхний Фрингли.
Римская весна Миссис Стоун
Вивьен Ли играет стареющую звезду сцены Карен Стоун, которая только что провалилась в роли, более подходящей для молодой женщины. Она решает отдохнуть в Европе, но неудачи продолжают преследовать ее. Ее богатый супруг заболевает и умирает на пути в Италию, но она все-таки приезжает в Рим. Когда вдова признается подруге Мэг, что не отказалась бы от мужского общества, та знакомит ее с великосветской сводницей, которая находит вдове красивого юношу - итальянца. Карен влюбляется в молодого человека с самыми печальными для себя последствиями.
Don't Bother to Knock
An Edinburgh travel agent loses his keys and his fiancé in one night. A friend finds the keys and makes loads of copies with his address attached as a joke. She gives them to him as he leaves for a holiday. He gives the keys to several women he romances across the continent. He gets engaged again by phone and arranges to meet his fiancé at his flat, but the flat isn't empty
Проклятие оборотня
Pepe Valiente
Воспитанный приемными родителями сын немой дочери тюремщика и безумного бродяги оказывается оборотнем. Опекуны сумели окружить ребенка заботой и подавить в нем звериные инстинкты. Но когда парень возмужал, кошмар вернулся.
The Pure Hell of St. Trinian's
The fourth form monsters' latest trick is their best ever – they have burned down St Trinian’s school! As the girls stand trial, the police breathe a sigh of relief, but miraculously the judge's infatuation with a student means the school is freed. For the authorities, it means a new reign of terror as the girls of St Trinian’s regroup with gleeful anticipation.
Two Way Stretch
Three criminals plan to break out of prison the day before their release in order to carry out a daring jewel robbery, intending to establish the perfect alibi by returning to jail afterwards. First however they must get out, a task made more difficult by a new, stricter prison officer.
Surprise Package
Comic crime caper, set on a Greek island, starring Yul Brynner and Mitzi Gaynor.
The Boy Who Stole a Million
A boy gets involved in a bank robbery
Doctor in Love
Haystack Club Manager (uncredited)
Doctors Burke and Hare leave the confines of St Swithins for the world of general practice, stopping off on the way as patients at the Foulness Anti-cold Unit. Hare then takes up a position as junior in a well-healed G.P.'s surgery while Burke continues to sow his doctorial wild oats.
Hell Is a City
Commercial Traveller
Set in Manchester, heartland of England's industrial north, Don Starling escapes from jail becoming England's most wanted man. Ruthless villain Starling together with his cronies engineered a robbery that resulted in the violent death of a young girl. Detective Inspector Martineau has been assigned to hunt him down and bring him in. From seedy barrooms, through gambling dens the trail leads to an explosive climax high on the rooftops of the city.
Three Crooked Men
Walter Prinn
Three men arrive in a small town to pull the local bank heist.
Girls at Sea
When HMS Scotia pays a visit to the French Riviera, the officers throw a lavish party to celebrate the engagement of Captain Robert Randall to Jill Eaton, a charming American girl; among the guests are Mary Carlton, Jill's American friend, and Antoinette, a vivacious redhead. However, when the last shore-boat is deemed unseaworthy, the girls are obliged to spend the night on ship. A series of hilarious complications ensue, as the officers attempt to keep the girls away from the beady eyes of Admiral Hewitt – who chooses this very night to board the Scotia.
The Crawling Eye
Prof. Crevett
An American investigator for the U.N., a German scientist and a British reporter join forces to investigate a series of disappearances and mutilation-deaths confined to a Swiss Alp and involving a thick, mobile cloud, a telepathic girl, an animate dead man, and tentacled, cyclopean beings from another planet.
James Prothero, forty-three years old and up to his ears in alcohol, is the skipper of a tramp ship due to leave South America for Britain – and he’s sick to death of carting goods back and forth across the world. Then he meets Manuela, a beautiful native girl smuggled on board by one of his crew, and comes to realise that she, too, is a lost soul. Gradually a love affair develops between them, and Prothero becomes dangerously blind to the responsibilities of his position.
Blood Money
"Mountain" McClintock is over the hill as a boxer, but his corrupt manager keeps putting him back in the ring.
Five Days
Laughing Man in Bar
A man pays a hitman to kill him. Circumstances change and he tries to call off the hit but he has trouble getting the deal killed.