Sandra Cabriada


La Cocina
Production Design
Following “the life in the kitchen of a vast New York City restaurant where all the cultures of the world mix during the lunchtime rush.”
Мексиканские зомби
Production Design
Группа подростков должна противостоять зомби-апокалипсису и помочь восстановить порядок.
Я ношу тебя с собой
Production Design
Случайная встреча двух мужчин в провинциальной Мексике стала началом большого, но запретного чувства. Один из них, начинающий шеф-повар, под давлением общества и близких уезжает в Нью-Йорк.
I'm an Electric Lampshade
Production Design
After retiring at age 60, Doug McCorkle, a buttoned-up, mild-mannered corporate accountant, puts his marriage, life savings, and reputation on the line to chase his wildest dream.
Perfectos desconocidos
Production Design
A group of longtime friends get together for dinner. When they decide to share the content of every text message, email, and phone call they receive, secrets are unveiled and the balance is upset.
Production Design
1985 год. Группа преступников решает похитить 140 экспонатов из Национального музея антропологии в Мехико.
Everybody Loves Somebody
Production Design
On the surface, Clara Barron seems to have it all: a job as an OB-GYN; a great house in LA; and a loving family. But, the one thing Clara doesn't have figured out is her love life. Pressured by a family wedding in Mexico, Clara asks a co-worker to pose as her boyfriend for the weekend festivities,- only to be caught by surprise when her ex- boyfriend (and family favorite) suddenly shows up after disappearing from her life completely. Torn, Clara must decide between going back to the past or open her heart to new and unexpected possibilities.
Какая ошибка у ребенка?
Production Design
Мару, после того как она забеременела от пьяной ночной стойки с незрелым молодым безработным холостяком, полна решимости следовать традиции и вступать в брак с ним в любом случае.
Walking Distance
Production Design
Fede is an overweight man, who finds it difficult to move around his own house. One day he finds in photography a way to change his life forever.
Production Design
Мать-одиночка, борющаяся с наркотической зависимостью, взята в заложники в собственной квартире, мужчиной, который сбежал из тюрьмы и убил судью, назначенного на его дело.
Production Design
Set amidst the 1999 student strikes in Mexico City, this coming-of-age tale finds two brothers venturing through the city in a sentimental search for an aging legendary musician. Shot in black-and-white, Güeros brims with youthful exuberance.
Инструкции не прилагаются
Production Design
Валентин вёл жизнь плейбоя в Акапулько, пока бывшая любовница не преступила порог его дома с ребёнком и не вынудила его с девочкой поехать прочь из Мексики.
Production Design
It's 1994 in Mexico, the nation was witnessing a turbulent year since its beginnings. An indigenous rebellion shakes the country. Three months later, the ruling party's presidential candidate is brutally murdered during a rally in Tijuana. The country is concerned. Nobody knows who's behind this event, it all points to a conspiracy. Andrés Vázquez, an intelligence expert, is commissioned to lead a secret investigation parallel to the official government issued one. But another expert agent, el Seco, has received orders to wipe out all witnesses and get rid of the evidence surrounding the candidate's murder. As Andrés begins putting the pieces of this intricate puzzle together and comes closer to the truth, he realizes he's also putting his life and that of his loved ones in peril.
The Reasons of the Heart
Art Direction
In a reinterpretation of Madame Bovary set on contemporary Mexico City, Emilia, a middle class housewife, tries to deal with the monotony of her life. One day, she loses the two things which makes everything beareable: her lover and her credit card.
File of Attempted Murder
Production Design
Tells the story behind an assassination attempt perpetrated in 1897, by a dipsomaniac man, against the President of the Mexican Republic, General Porfirio Diaz.
Two Embraces
Art Direction
Mexican director Enrique Begne's drama Two Embraces (AKA Dos Abrazos, 2007) follows four lonely and disenfranchised urbanites in contemporary Mexico City: a preteen boy under tremendous emotional strain, the pretty cashier with whom he is infatuated, an enraged and embittered cabbie, and the estranged daughter of one of his fares. Per the film's title, these characters pair off, finding unexpected hope and salvation in one another.
Así del precipicio
Production Design
Three flatmates in Mexico City face uncertainties: Lucía who has a great job as an art director for TV commercials is abusing alcohol and cocaine. She risks losing her job, going to prison for assault, and she's woefully in love with a bullfighter who may be two-timing her. Carmen, an artist without income, can be manic - snorting lots of cocaine and hanging out with a gay man and a transvestite. What's her future? Hanna contemplates divorce from Abraham, a wealthy momma's boy, and she's disoriented by feelings of attraction to Sandra, a customer at her jewelry store. Can any of these poor little rich girls sort things out in a world of excess?
Невинные голоса
Set Decoration
Одиннадцатилетний Чава живет с мамой, сестрой и братом. А вокруг — война. Самая страшная, гражданская. По ночам гремят взрывы, трещат автоматные очереди, погибают друзья, с которыми ты еще днем играл на улице. А других, когда им исполняется двенадцать лет, забирают в армию. И через пару месяцев лучший друг готов уже разрядить в тебя всю обойму за неверно сказанное слово. Но жизнь продолжается. Дети остаются детьми. Ходят в школу, запускают в небо фонарики, играют, влюбляются…
At That Point… Rebeca
Art Direction
One morning, Rebeca wakes up to discover that her weight has drastically increased without her experiencing any change in her appearance. As the story evolves, Rebeca, overwhelmed by her weight, that keeps increasing even more at each moment; tries to develop her daily life as usual, until it becomes completely impossible. From that moment on, Rebeca suffers a progressive deterioration that starts affecting the people around her.
Полковнику никто не пишет
Set Decoration
Когда-то полковник сражался за свободу и братство. Но те дни прошли, и он тщетно ждёт пенсии в небольшом латиноамериканском городке вместе с больной женой. Ждёт уже 27 лет… Каждое утро он просыпается с мыслью о пенсии, ждёт, что с минуты на минуту ему её переведут. А мимо проносится жизнь с её маленькими радостями и горестями. Над полковником смеются, его жалеют, и единственная его надежда на лучшую жизнь — бойцовый петух, когда-то принадлежащий его погибшему сыну.