Harry Neumann

Рождение : 1891-02-11, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Смерть : 1971-01-14


The Wasp Woman
Director of Photography
The head of a major cosmetics company experiments on herself with a youth formula made from royal jelly extracted from wasps, but the formula's side effects have deadly consequences.
Cole Younger, Gunfighter
Director of Photography
An outlaw must decide whether to stick his neck out for an innocent man.
Человек из божьей страны
Director of Photography
Нечистоплотный делец Бо Санти крепко держит в руках Сандаун, небольшой городок на Диком Западе. Но планы жестокого бизнесмена нарушены приездом бывшего шерифа Дэна Битти. Сам того не желая, служитель закона оказывается в эпицентре смертельных страстей.
Up In Smoke
Director of Photography
The Bowery Boys: In order to be able to get the names of winning horses at the track, Sach agrees to sell his soul to the devil.
Gun Battle at Monterey
Director of Photography
An outlaw saved by a Mexican girl hunts the holdup partner who shot him in the back.
The Disembodied
Director of Photography
When men on a photo safari stumble into a misanthropic doctor’s remote camp with a wounded comrade, the doctor's restless wife supplements her usual pursuit (voodoo, especially as a way to off her husband) with a new one: seduction. As men lose their hearts (sometimes literally) to the alluring voodoo priestess, she embarks on a killing spree that turns the jungle blood red.
Мой пистолет быстр
Director of Photography
Частный сыщик Майк Хаммер расследует убийство симпатичной бродяжки Рыжей, у которой при знакомстве он заметил на пальце необычное кольцо, исчезнувшее после её смерти. Хаммер узнаёт, что кольцо является частью нацистской коллекции драгоценностей, которая была похищена в конце Второй мировой войны полковником американской разведки Холлоуэем. Поиски приводят Хаммера к Марии — подруге Рыжей и стриптизёрше в ночном клубе, французскому немому уборщику Жану, а затем и к соблазнительной вдове Нэнси Уильямс. Между тем полковник Холлоуэй нанимает Хаммера, чтобы тот нашёл и вернул ему пропавшую коллекцию.
Footsteps in the Night
Director of Photography
Two detectives investigate the strangulation murder of a man whom everyone seemed to like.
The Women of Pitcairn Island
Director of Photography
The widows and children of survivors of the H.M.S. Bounty rule Pitcairn Island, fighting off sailors and intruders.
Calling Homicide
Director of Photography
Cop Andy Doyle investigates a car-bombing murder and the killing of a sleazy modeling agency owner. Are they connected?
Fighting Trouble
Director of Photography
An overambitious shutterbug almost gets his lights put out permanently when he decides to snap a picture of a mob boss.
Screaming Eagles
Director of Photography
A group of young soldiers parachute into France in preparation for D-Day.
The Phenix City Story
Director of Photography
A crime-busting lawyer and his initially reluctant attorney father take on the forces that run gambling and prostitution in their small Southern town.
Lord of the Jungle
Director of Photography
The jungle boy tries to stop a herd of rogue elephants.
Пуля для Джои
Director of Photography
Raoul Leduc is a police inspector trailing a spy who plots to kidnap an important American atomic scientist. Joe Victor a gangster who is hired to carry out the abduction, balks when he learns what is at stake and helps Leduc out instead.
Jungle Gents
Director of Photography
When a cold medicine causes Sach to be able to smell diamonds, he and the rest of the Bowery Boys are induced by a diamond dealer to accompany him to Darkest Africa in search of a legendary cache of them.
Return from the Sea
Director of Photography
A hardened career navel officer must come to terms with adapting to civilian life with the help of a waitress that can see through his tough veneer.
The Bowery Boys Meet the Monsters
Director of Photography
Slip, Sach and the rest of the Bowery Boys enter a haunted house, where they engage in slapstick with a gorilla, a robot and a vampire
Paris Playboys
Director of Photography
Sach is the exact double of a famous French scientist who has invented a powerful rocket fuel. Enemy agents, mistaking Sach for the scientist, attempt to kidnap him and get the formula for the fuel.
The Golden Idol
Director of Photography
Prince Ali wants the Golden Idol of Watusi and hires a ruthless hunter to get it for him. Bomba has the idol and, with the help of Commissioner Barnes, Eli, and a beautiful archeologist, he foils Ali's plans.
Fighter Attack
Director of Photography
World War II film set in German occupied Italy. A US fighter pilot is shot down in enemy territory during a raid against a German supply depot. He receives from Italian partisans in laying the groundwork for a new attack by his squadron.
Director of Photography
Сразу после помолвки с красоткой Китти Джеральду приходит письмо с просьбой приехать в его родовой шотландский замок. Джеральд уезжает и пропадает на несколько недель. Спустя некоторое время он всё же даёт о себе знать — присылает Китти письмо, в котором сообщает о разрыве помолвки и просит её забыть о нём. Китти однако не сдаётся — в компании со своей тёткой она летит в Шотландию, находит тот самый замок и обнаруживает, что за это время Джеральд ужасно постарел и превратился в настоящего параноика. Возможно ли, что со всем этим как-то связан жутковатый каменный лабиринт, расположенный по соседству с замком?
Safari Drums
Director of Photography
A group of movie makers arrive in Africa to make a film about jungle wildlife.
Loose in London
Director of Photography
The Bowery Boys take on British crooks when one of them thinks he's inherited a title.
Cow Country
Director of Photography
A hired hand gets caught between a noble rancher and ruthless land grabbers.
Форт Возмездие
Director of Photography
Фильм один из тех вестернов, в которых главными героями являются констебли Северо-западной конной полиции Канады. Им приходится противостоять сиу во главе с вождём Сидящим Быком. В центре истории два брата из Монтаны, противоречия между которыми не может снять даже совместная служба в красных мундирах.
Bomba and the Jungle Girl
Director of Photography
Bomba decides to find out who his parents were. He starts with Cody Casson's diary and follows the trail to a native village. An ancient blind woman tells him his parents and the village's true ruler were murdered by the current chieftain and his daughter.
The Rose Bowl Story
Director of Photography
The newly crowned Rose Bowl Princess and a tough but tender football player find the California Rose Bowl is an area for their budding romance.
African Treasure
Director of Photography
Against stock footage of lions, elephants and wildebeasts, Bomba the Jungle Boy captures a pair of nefarious diamond smugglers.
Outlaw Women
Director of Photography
A old west town run by women. All the town's business is controlled by a woman gambler who tries not to succumb to the allure of a handsome and persistent cowboy.
Wild Stallion
Director of Photography
A young orphan grows into adulthood, all the while searhing for his beloved white horse that disappeared years earlier.
Flight To Mars
Director of Photography
Four scientists and a newsman crash land on Mars and meet martians who act friendly.
According to Mrs. Hoyle
Director of Photography
A retired teacher sells her apartment to a group of gangsters.
Cavalry Scout
Director of Photography
Kirby Frye, a former Confederate officer but now a Union Cavalry scout, is sent into Montana territory to locate and retrieve three Gatling Guns stolen from the U.S. Arsenal by outlaws believed to have taken them west to sell to the Soiux and Cheyenne. The trail leads him to Red Bluff where, aided by Claire Corville, he and the audience discover together and real quick like that Martin Gavin, a supposedly-honest operator of a freight line, has the guns and intends to exchange them to the Indians for furs.
I Was an American Spy
Camera Operator
An American nightclub singer in 1940's Singapore becomes a spy for America in an effort to get back at the invading Japanese army. Based on a true story.
Two Lost Worlds
Director of Photography
Shipwreck survivors land on an uncharted island inhabited by prehistoric beasts.
Short Grass
Director of Photography
Steve Llewellyn hung up his guns after killing a man in self-defense, left Willow Creek and went on the drift for five years. Now he’s back. And the bad blood stirred up by his return and the violence caused by a cattleman’s grab for all the good grasslands mean Steve must strap on his sidearms again. Rod Cameron -- who became a marquee draw with a pair of espionage serials in the 1940s and went on to establish himself as a popular cowboy star -- makes Steve a hero to reckon with in Short Grass, one of the actor’s 10 films with busy shoot-‘em-up director Lesley Selander. Johnny Mack Brown, a sagebrush stalwart in his own right, plays the marshal who allies with Steve. Adding to the Western pedigree is costar Cathy Downs, who plays the title role in the iconic My Darling Clementine. Buffs will note other familiar faces, including Alan Hale, Jr., well remembered as the skipper who takes a “three-hour tour” to Gilligan’s Island.
Silver Raiders
Director of Photography
Arizona Ranger Larry Grant is posing as an outlaw while hunting for an outlaw gang, secretly led by Lance Corbin, that is stealing silver in Mexico and smelting it into bars for sale in the United States.
Arizona Territory
Director of Photography
Prospector Jeff Malloy rescues Doris Devlin, owner of a trading post, from an ambush planned by her uncle, Kilburn, who is trying to scare her out of the territory so that he can continue his counterfeiting operations.
Over the Border
Director of Photography
Bringing Bart Calhoun (Marshall Reed) to justice for his complicity in a robbery/murder, Johnny assumes that his job is over. Not by a long shot! Calhoun's arrest leads to the uncovering of a wide-ranging conspiracy to smuggle silver from Mexico to the United States.
Fence Riders
Director of Photography
Whip Wilson and Andy Clyde are back and Monogram's got 'em in Fence Riders. The Whipster comes to the aid of beautiful ranch owner Reno Browne, who is being victimized by rustlers Myron Healey and Riley Hill. To get Wilson out of the way, the villains frame him on a murder rap.
Riders of the Dusk
Director of Photography
Riders of the Dusk is another of Monogram's formula Whip Wilson westerns. Since the studio couldn't build an entire film around Wilson's bullwhip prowess, a plot was called for. This time around, it's the one about a U.S. marshal who searches high and low for a mysterious masked desperado. The mystery angle is minimal, since seasoned movie fans will be able to determine the mystery person's identity within 15 minutes. As always, Andy Clyde is a tower of comic strength as Whip Wilson's grizzled old sidekick.
West of El Dorado
Director of Photography
Johnny and Alibi try to straighten out a hostile young boy whose older brother was a notorious stagecoach bandit. When a gang of thieves try to strong-arm the kid into revealing the whereabouts of the stolen loot, Johnny and Alibi come to the rescue. There's a cursory romantic subplot involving heroine Mary and Barstow.
Director of Photography
Brothers Mike and Tim McCall own a large ranch in Arizona, using the surrounding lands for grazing cattle. Stanley Cox and LeRoy Stanton sell this land to settlers who arrive to find it bone dry, as a dam on the McCall ranch controls the water. Among the settlers are John Dawson and his daughter Connie. The latter goes to the nearest town to take action, but Sheriff Ball tells him there is nothing he can do. Tim falls for Connie but Mike is unimpressed with her charms. While returning from a town dance, Tim discovers Stanton trying to dynamite the dam, and is killed in the ensuing gunfight. Stanton later sends his men to stampede the cattle while he and Cox blow up the dam. Despite the efforts of Mike and Sheriff Ball, the cattle are wiped out and Mike races to the dam and kills Stanton in a gunfight.
Gun Runner
Director of Photography
Kate Diamond owns the Roaring Falls Trading Post from where she directs her gang's gun-smuggling to the Indians. After she short-changes smuggler Stacey, his men attempt to steal the hidden guns, and attack her foreman Nebraska, but he is saved by Jimmy and "Cannonball" on their way to file a homestead claim at Canyon City. Jimmy renews a long acquaintance with Sheriff Harris and his daughter Jessica. The sheriff is wounded by half-breed Danny when he finds a rifle hidden in the latter's wagon, but Jimmy captures the outlaw, a go-between for Kate and the Indians.Wounded and in bed, Sheriff Harris ask Jimmy not to tell Jessica that she is only adopted and that Nebraska is really her father, although he believes her to be dead.
Crashing Thru
Director of Photography
When Ranger Raymond is killed during a stage holdup, Wells Fargo Agent Whip Wilson assumes his identity.
Courtin' Trouble
Director of Photography
Jimmy Wakely a lawman goes undrrcover with a singing job at Dawson's saloon....
Cowboy Cavalier
Director of Photography
Jimmy Wakely and "Cannonball" Taylor protect shipments along a stage and freight line from villainous bandits.
Stage Struck
Director of Photography
The murder of nightclub hostess leads an investigator (Kane Richmond) to seedy nightspots.
Crossed Trails
Director of Photography
A cowboy frees a rancher framed for murder by outlaws after his ranch.
The Hunted
Director of Photography
A cop investigating a jewel robbery finds that all trails lead to his girlfriend - but she claims she's being framed.
Director of Photography
An ex-gunfighter woos two women while avenging his brother, victim of a crooked gambler.
Black Gold
Director of Photography
A Native American man trains a horse for the Kentucky Derby.
Raiders of the South
Director of Photography
Johnny Brownell, former Confederate officer turned Federal agent, is sent to Texas during the reconstruction years to obtain evidence against a gang of raiders who have been making life difficult for the local carpet-baggers. He saves the life of Shorty Kendall, an unreconstructed rebel about to be hanged, and this wins him the gratitude of Belle Chambers, a widow whose husband was killed in the Civil War who hates all Yankees with a fever.
Riding the California Trail
Director of Photography
Chasing women and staying one step ahead of the law, the Cisco Kid meets Raquel and then Dolores. He sees that Raole is the boy friend of Raquel but engaged to Dolores. Learning that all her money will got to her uncle Don Jose when she marries Raole, Cisco suspects a plot and sets out to unravel it.
Silver Range
Director of Photography
Veteran cowboy star Johnny Mack Brown plays a cattle buyer turned prairie sleuth in this low-budget oater from Monogram, which co-stars perennial old-timer Raymond Hatton as a retired U.S. Marshal assigned to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a rancher. As the two old friends soon learn, a gang of smugglers headed by the town's banker (Frank LaRue) needs the use of the Flying Arrow Ranch for their nefarious purposes.
Beauty and the Bandit
Director of Photography
In Old California, a young Frenchman transporting a chest full of silver travels by stagecoach to San Marino, to complete a complex business deal. The stagecoach is ambushed by a band of men whose leader, a mysterious bandido known as Cisco (Gilbert Roland), claims the silver is money that was extorted over a period of years from the poor people of California. The bandits take the money and escape, but Cisco stays behind with the Frenchman -- who, it turns out, is actually a lovely mademoiselle, Jeanne DuBois (Ramsay Ames). She follows him to the bandit's lair, where Cisco tells her he intends to return the stolen money to the poor people. The two rivals are irresistibly drawn to each other, however, and as a token of love Cisco offers to return the money to Jeanne instead. Now she must decide whether to complete her business deal, or to comply with Cisco's wishes and redistribute the wealth.
Trigger Fingers
Director of Photography
Blacksmith Pinto Peters (Raymond Hatton) calls on his old friend, Sam "Hurricane" Benton (Johnny Mack Brown), to help him clear his son, Jimmy (Riley Hill), of a murder charge. Hot-headed Jimmy, believes that the best way to cure a man of cheating at cards is to shoot him. He didn't shoot him enough, as the gambler only feigns death as part of a plot to gain possession of land owned by Pinto, as they know there is gold on the land buried there by an outlaw gang years ago.
Spook Busters
Director of Photography
The Bowery Boys--Slip, Sach, Bobby, Whitey & Chuck--start their own exterminating service, and get a job which takes them to a spooky old abandoned mansion in the middle of the night. Meeting up with pal Gabe and his new French bride, the boys are tormented by mad scientists who try to convince them the place is haunted and then kidnap Sach in order to place his brain inside a gorilla.
Below the Deadline
Director of Photography
A veteran, Joe Hilton, returns from the war to find that his brother Jeffrey Hilton, a gangster, has been killed. His quest for revenge leads him to take over his brother's illegal operations but his sweetheart, Lynn Turner, persuades him to change his ways and return to the straight and narrow.
South of Monterey
Director of Photography
The Cisco Kid (Gilbert Roland) hears of a land-swindling scheme devised by the police Commandante (Martin Garralaga) and the tax collector (Harry Woods) in a small western town. Cisco's efforts against the plot cause the thieves to fall out, and Cisco is able to return the land to the rightful owners.
The Gentleman from Texas
Director of Photography
In one of his better Monogram Westerns, Johnny Mack Brown goes up against a crooked saloon owner with more than one murder on his conscience. Steve Corbin (Tristram Coffin) and his gang of cutthroats are terrorizing the townspeople of Rimrock, who in self-defense hire Johnny Macklin (Mack Brown) as new town marshal.
Under Arizona Skies
Director of Photography
Dusty Smith arrives and takes a job on a ranch that is losing cattle to rustlers. When the rustlers strike again the cattle cannot be found but Dusty shoots one of the rustlers. Arrested for murder, Dusty is broken out of jail and the real outlaws put in the cell. Dusty then has them released figuring they will lead him to the hideout and the missing cattle.
The Gay Cavalier
Director of Photography
The Cisco Kid (Gilbert Roland) sets out on a double mission of rescuing a girl from forsaking her true love by marrying a supposedly wealthy suitor to save the old family hacienda, and he is also after the outlaws that robbed a stage carrying gold for the Mission. His task is made easier once he learns that the "wealthy" suitor (Tristram Coffin) is also the man behind the gold robbers.
The Haunted Mine
Director of Photography
U.S. Marshals "Nevada Jack" McKenzie and "Sandy" Hopkins, working undercover, investigate a plot to rob a widow and her daughter of a mine which they know to be filled with gold-laden ore, but the widow believes it has played out. A hermit, hanging around the mine and killing, impartially, anyone who enters the mine, impedes the investigation somewhat.
Moon Over Montana
Director of Photography
Jimmy Wakely and his sidekick "Lasses" White run into trouble as they attempt to hire some cattle cars on the Cattleman's Railroad to take their herd to market. Rancher Joseph Colton has bought up all the cattle cars and intends to purchase the penniless line from principal stockholder Gywnn Randall. She is eager to sell to Colton but doesn't realize that he intends to force all the ranchers out of business once he has control of the line.
Drifting Along
Director of Photography
Monogram added several songs and a barn dance to this otherwise standard Johnny Mack Brown hay burner, in which the veteran cowboy star comes to the aid of a beleaguered female rancher. Just "drifting along," Steve Garner (Mack Brown) obtains the job of foreman on a spread belonging to pretty Pat McBride (Lynne Carver). Unbeknownst to Pat, local banker Jack Dailey (Douglas Fowley) not only holds the mortgage on the ranch but is also the man responsible for the death of Pat's father. Read more at http://www.allmovie.com/movie/drifting-along-v90041#OtPRR6jLd1ubhlQv.99
The Face of Marble
Director of Photography
John Carradine stars as Dr. Charles Randolph, a scientist dedicated to deciphering the secrets of life and death. Aided by assistant David Cochran (Robert Shayne), Charles conducts experiments that have horrifying side effects. Charles's lonely wife, Elaine (Claudia Drake), is frightened by his work, and in order to protect her, housekeeper Maria (Rosa Rey) unleashes a torrent of voodoo that wrecks havoc.
Black Market Babies
Director of Photography
Two bit hood Eddie Condon (Kane Richmond) sells babies under the counter. A highly lucrative racket he soon finds out. But when will the police get wise to this highly immoral scheme of his? And will they be able to pin a rap on him before he goes a little too far? ALL IS TOLD in this EXCITING tale of CRIME and CORRUPTION!
Frontier Feud
Director of Photography
Johnny Mack Brown is back as Nevada Jack McKenzie in Frontier Feud. Once again, Nevada and his grizzled sidekick Sandy (Raymond Hatton) are US marshals posing as drifters. Rancher Joe (Dennis Moore) is accused of a series of murders, but Nevada and Sandy manage to prove that another man is the guilty party.
Allotment Wives
Director of Photography
Unscrupulous women marry servicemen for their pay.
Sunbonnet Sue
Director of Photography
Set in New York's Lower East Side during the Gay '90s, this lively low-budget musical follows the exploits of a feisty and talented saloon owner's daughter who loves nothing more than to perform in her father's tavern. Her late-night shenanigans appall her wealthy and socially conscious aunt who launches a secret campaign to shut down the bar and force her niece to reside in her palatial home.
Director of Photography
A woman who has been married and divorced five times comes back to her small hometown, where she proceeds to complicate, and potentially destroy, the marriage of her childhood boyfriend.
Flame of the West
Director of Photography
Flame of the West has always attracted more attention than most of Johnny Mack Brown's Monogram westerns, if for no other reason than the offbeat casting of Douglass Dumbrille. Usually seen in villainous roles, Dumbrille herein offers a sincere, effective performance as a scrupulously honest US marshal named Nightlander. When he takes on a gang of crooked gamblers, Nightlander is shot down in cold blood, compelling frontier doctor John Poole (Johnny Mack Brown) to put his Hippocratic oath on the back burner and strap on the shootin' irons.
China's Little Devils
Director of Photography
In this propaganda film, a courageous group of Chinese children risk their lives to assist downed American pilots escape the ruthless Japanese oppressors.
Stranger from Santa Fe
Director of Photography
Burly Johnny Mack Brown once again plays undercover U.S. Marshal Nevada McKenzie in this overly complicated series oater from low-budget Monogram. This time, McKenzie, who goes under the alias of Roy Ferris, is waylaid by would-be stage robber Cy Manning (John Merton) en route to the Bar X Ranch.
Fashion Model
Director of Photography
When two employees of a clothing factory are murdered, the shadow of suspicion falls upon a lowly stock boy.
The Cisco Kid Returns
Director of Photography
After several years' dormancy, the "Cisco Kid" western-film series returned to the screen with Monogram's The Cisco Kid Returns. Duncan Renaldo, actually Rumanian, starred as the Mexican "Robin Hood of the Old West", with Martin Garralaga as his corpulent sidekick Pancho. In the tradition of 20th Century-Fox's earlier "Cisco" efforts, our hero comes to the aid of an orphaned child, clears himself of a kidnapping charge, and proves that a "solid citizen" is in fact a criminal mastermind.
Нефритовая маска
Director of Photography
У некоторых семей происходит воссоединение, у этой же есть алиби! В этой щекочущей нервы картине, Чарли Чан вступает в конфликт с целой семьей, каждый из членов которой может оказаться убийцей. «С помощью» псевдо - интеллектуала «сына № 4» и его истеричного ассистента Бирмингема Брауна. Чарли расследует недавнее убийство блестящего, но всеми ненавидимого учёного, который изобрел газ, делающий дерево таким же прочным как железо. Работу Чарли очень облегчает общение со знойными сёстрами, молчащей кузиной и дворецким, который слишком высокого о себе мнения.
Marked Trails
Director of Photography
This one finds Jack Slade and Mary Conway,alias Blanche, being recognized as known and wanted crooks by deputy marshal Harry Stevens and, when he orders them out of town, Slade kills him. His son, Bob Stevens and friend Parkford become U.S. Marshals and proceed to rid the town of the cut-throat gang that has been terrorizing the citizens. Bob goes undercover as an outlaw and works his way into the gang, while Hoot poses as a Dude who goes about making fiery speeches on behalf of law and order.
Partners of the Trail
Director of Photography
A United States marshal uncovers a plot to steal the valuable gold-laden property of ranchers.
Law Men
Director of Photography
U.S. Marshals "Nevada" Jack McKenzie and "Sandy" Hopkins go undercover to bust a gang of stagecoach robbers in this vintage Western serial. Nevada infiltrates the gang, while Sandy works as a cobbler in town, keeping an ear open for local gossip as they try to flush out the inside man tipping off the crooks.
The Great Alaskan Mystery
Director of Photography
The obsessive scientist Dr. Miller is working on a matter-transmitter invention called the Paratron; a conspiratorial team of spies and no-goods pursue him to Alaska, trying to steal the device.
Marshal of Gunsmoke
Director of Photography
U.S. marshal Ritter arrives in town to round up bandits who are attempting to fix the local elections.
Shoe Shine Boy
Director of Photography
A teenaged shoeshine boy urgently tries to raise the remaining amount of money he needs to purchase a secondhand bugle before 6p.m.
West of the Law
Director of Photography
The Rough Riders arrive to fight Rand, Ludlow and their gang. Buck poses as a preacher, Tim as a preacher, and Sandy as an undertaker. Buck not only wants the outlaws, but also their unknown boss.
Riders of the West
Director of Photography
Ma Turner of Red Bluff sends for U.S.Marshal Buck Roberts to investigate a series of wide-spread rustling in the area. Town banker Miller, saloon-owner Duke Mason and the crooked sheriff are in cahoots with rancher John Holt, but they double-cross and kill him. His son Steve witnesses the murder and kills the sheriff. Buck arrives and arrests Steve. Marshal Tim McCall, posing as an outlaw, gains the confidence of the gang and engineers the escape, with Buck's knowledge, of Steve from the jail. Sandy Hopkins, the third Marshal of the trio, poses as a peddler and learns that the gang intends to do away with Buck and rides to the Turner ranch to warn him. Red, a Turner ranch hand but also a member of the gang, overhears Buck telling Ma that Tim is really a U.S. Marshal, and he has Miller and Mason informed. Written by Les Adams
Spy Ship
Director of Photography
A radio reporter begins to suspect that a commentator at his station may be using her position to broadcast shipping information to enemy spies. With the help of the girl's sister, he sets out to expose the spy and her Nazi gang.
Man With Two Lives
Director of Photography
A man is brought back from death at the same time a vicious criminal dies in the electric chair. However, the man's soul is now taken over by the electrocuted gangster, who embarks on a vengeful crime wave.
South of Santa Fe
Director of Photography
To get the three needed business men to visit the Stevens mine, Roy stages a ride with the Vacaros and has them as honored guests. Seeing a chance to make a lot of money, gangster Harmon joins the ride and then has his men kidnap the three. Having filmed a fake holdup earlier, he uses the film to convince the Sheriff that Roy and the boys were the Kidnapers.
Below the Border
Director of Photography
Scully has forced Joe Collins who works on the Garcia ranch to give him information so his men can steal the family jewels. But the Rough Riders are on the job. Buck poses as a wanted outlaw to get into the gang, Tim as a cattle buyer, and Sandy is collecting information as the saloon janitor. As usual they pretend not to know each other. Written by Maurice Van Auken
Ever Since Eden
Director of Photography
A history of the tomato. Begins with the discovery of the plant by Cortes when he conquered Montezuma.
Forbidden Trails
Director of Photography
Two ex-cons plan to kill the range rider marshal who sent them to prison and, when their plan fails, join forces with their former boss, a crooked saloon owner who has the same idea.
Road to Happiness
Director of Photography
A struggling singer, devoted to his young son, fears the child's super-spoiled, unloving but wealthy mother will gain custody of the boy.
Uncle Joe
Director of Photography
A pretty Chicago teenager (Gale Storm), who's being courted by an older man, is sent by her worried parents to live with her uncle on his Iowa farm.
No Greater Sin
Director of Photography
The dangers of the dread venereal disease syphilis are depicted in this earnest drama from the 1940s. The story centers upon an intrepid health commissioner who is out to get rid of the tawdry hookers responsible for spreading the disease.
Arizona Bound
Director of Photography
The Rough Riders are called in to help save Master's stage line. Taggart has his gang robbing the stages and shooting the drivers. When Buck drives the next stage, Taggart's men rob it and then make it look like Roberts is part of the gang. Written by Maurice Van Auken
The Old Swimmin' Hole
Director of Photography
Teenager Betty Elliott has decided to take over the business and social affairs of her father Doc Elliott. She thinks her father should marry the widowed mother, Julie Harper, of her boyfriend Chris Harper. Doc has been a real friend and father to Chris, who, under his guidance, has learned to take care of all the sick animals in town, but lack of money keeps the widow from sending Chris on to finish high school and medical training is out of the question. Wealthy Grandpa Harper sends his attorney Baker to tell Mrs. Harper that all of Jimmy's dreams could be realized if the widow, whom the grandfather dislikes, would give up custody of her son. The lawyer also begins to court Julie and this throws a kink in Betty's plans to see her father and the widow get married. Written by Les Adams
The Ape
Director of Photography
Dr. Bernard Adrian is a kindly scientist who seeks to cure a young woman's polio. He needs human spinal fluid to complete the formula for his experimental serum. Meanwhile, a vicious circus ape has broken out of its cage, and is terrorizing the townspeople. Can there be a connection?
Doomed to Die
Director of Photography
Shipping magnate Cyrus Wentworth, downcast over a disaster to his ocean liner 'Wentworth Castle' (carrying, oddly enough, an illicit shipment of Chinese bonds) is shot in his office at the very moment of kicking out his daughter's fiance Dick Fleming. Of course, Captain Street arrests Dick, but reporter Bobbie Logan, the attractive thorn in Street's side, is so convinced he's wrong that she enlists the help of detective James Lee Wong to find the real killer.
Haunted House
Director of Photography
Teenagers try to clear a friend accused of murder.
On the Spot
Director of Photography
Frankie Kelly is the soda jerk and embryo scientist in Midvales only drugstore. Two murders and an attempted killing suddenly swing Midvale into national prominence. Frankie and his pal, Jefferson, become involved when a wounded gangster starts to tell them where $300,000 in stolen loot is hidden, but he is murdered before he can give them all of the information. The search is on.
Midnight Limited
Director of Photography
The Phantom Robber gets a fortune in jewels and some valuable papers from a robbery on the crack train "The Midnight Limited" and Val Lennon and his pretty assistant, Joan Marshall, are on his trail. But the Phantom strikes three more times and adds murder to his list. Val decides to use himself as bait, although Chief Harrigan and Joan beg him not to risk his life. But Val, disguised as a wealthy Canadian, boards the train for a rendezvous with a killer.
Hidden Enemy
Director of Photography
Reporter vs. German spies and their new metal.
The Fatal Hour
Director of Photography
When a police officer is murdered, Captain Street looks to Mr. Wong to catch the killer. Prime Suspect: Frank Belden Jr., whose father is a businessman well known for both his success and dishonesty. Mr. Wong faces increasing danger and is nearly executed himself as the investigation develops in treachery and complexity. As Mr. Wong follows the trail of dead bodies, he uncovers a jewel smuggling ring on the San Francisco waterfront and a case much larger than the death of a police officer.
Heroes in Blue
Director of Photography
Family heartbreak: A dedicated New York City policeman raises two sons, one following in his dad's footsteps as a cop while the other turns to crime and is arrested for murder.
Boys' Reformatory
Director of Photography
A tough street kid takes the rap for a burglary committed by the son of his foster family and is sent to a boys reformatory, where the inmates are under the thumb of corrupt guards and a brutal prison doctor.
Ghost Town Riders
Director of Photography
Molly Taylor owns the town of Stillwell but is unaware the taxes are due as Gomer has stolen her notice. Bob Martin arrives at the same time as Molly and eventually realizes Gomer is up to something. When Gomer's henchman slips and reveals there is a letter, Bob finds it and heads for the tax collector with Gomer's men in pursuit.
Gangster's Boy
Director of Photography
A popular high school valedictorian and star athlete becomes a pariah when it's discovered that his father is a former bootlegger.
Outlaw Express
Director of Photography
Bradley and sidekick Sharpe are sent west to investigate the murders of pony express riders who are being killed to prevent the Spanish Land Grant papers going to Washington for registration.
State Police
Director of Photography
The state police try to break up racketeering in a coal mining town.
Border Wolves
Director of Photography
Just after Carson's gang murder members of a wagon train, Rusty and Clem come along and are arrested. Knowing they are innocent Judge Coleman breaks them out and sends them after Carson. They join Carson's gang to learn of their next raid but the Marshal arrests them for the wagon train murders.
The Spy Ring
Director of Photography
Two American-army officers are working on a new type of machine-gun for anti-aircraft warfare, when one of them is murdered. The other vows to get the spies that are after the invention and avenge his friend's death.
It Happened Out West
Director of Photography
Bank employee assigned to tell Arizona rancher her property is no good gets suspicious when her foreman agrees. Turns out his banker boss and the foreman know there's silver on that property.
California Straight Ahead
Director of Photography
A truck driver races a train to the West Coast in an attempt to determine which method of transportation is faster.
Frisco Waterfront
Director of Photography
As California gubernatorial candidate Burton is about to cast his vote a truck crashes into the polling booth, critically injuring him and his opponent. A flashback traces his career from unemployed veteran to dockworker to lawyer. A side thread traces his tortured relationship with his wife.
The Old Homestead
Director of Photography
A New York radio talent scout turns up at a barn dance.
The Keeper of the Bees
Director of Photography
A severely traumatized World War I veteran, believing that he's living on borrowed time, comes upon a peaceful little village and meets an old man called Bee Master and his protégé, Little Scout, who try to convince him that he has more to live for than he thinks he does.
The Healer
Director of Photography
A young doctor running a health farm for polio victims is dazzled by a pretty and wealthy society girl, to the detriment of his patients and the woman who really loves him.
Dizzy Dames
Director of Photography
A musical comedy in a theatrical boarding house.
The Mystery Man
Director of Photography
Hard-boiled newspaper reporter Larry Doyle (Robert Armstrong) goes a bit too far in celebrating a work bonus and wakes up on a train bound for St. Louis with only a buck on his person. To remedy the problem, Doyle pawns the revolver he's carrying. When the gun is subsequently used in a murder, Doyle's problems only multiply. In the meantime, he's also fallen in love with a comely stranger (Maxine Doyle) he convinced to impersonate his wife.
Sweepstake Annie
Director of Photography
A young woman who works in the movie business buys a sweepstakes ticket that turns out to be a winner. Her stroke of luck changes her life around--and not necessarily for the better.
The Mysterious Mr. Wong
Director of Photography
Mr. Wong is a "harmless" Chinatown shopkeeper by day and relentless blood-thirsty pursuer of the Twelve Coins of Confucius by night. With possession of the coins, Mr. Wong will be supreme ruler of the Chinese province of Keelat, and his evil destiny will be fulfilled. A killing spree follows in dark and dangerous Chinatown as Wong gets control of 11 of the 12 coins. Reporter Jason Barton and his girl Peg are hot on his trail, but soon find themselves in serious trouble when they stumble onto Wong's headquarters.
No Ransom
Director of Photography
In this family comedy, the wealthy executive of a steel company must endure life with a strict, teetotaling wife, a wild daughter, and a deadbeat son. To gain some much needed attention, the lonesome fellow hires a hitman to kill him. Instead, the gunman kidnaps him to frighten the family into appreciating their devoted father.
Two Heads on a Pillow
Director of Photography
A lawyer handing a divorce case discovers the attorney for the opposition is his ex-wife.
Take the Stand
Director of Photography
A radio columnist is threatened by gangsters and later murdered during a broadcast. A detective sets out to find the killers.
Picture Brides
Director of Photography
Four "Picture Brides", from New Orleans, arrive in the Brazilian jungle on a riverboat, brought there to marry workers at Lottagrasso, a remote mining site of the Standard Diamond Mines. Also on the boat with the four "mail-order" brides (Americans Mame Smith, Flo Lane, and Gwen from England and Lena from Europe) is Mary Lee, a frightened and innocent girl, who has come to see the mine's brutal supervisor, Von Luden, about a job.
School for Girls
Director of Photography
After being convicted of stealing some jewels, Annette Eldrige is sent to a reformatory administered by a sadistic and corrupt female warder. However, one of the board of trustees takes an interest in the new arrival and begins to investigate the management of the institution.
The Wolf Dog
Director of Photography
The story of a boy, a dog, and a man. The boy discovers he is heir to a shipping line, and travels to Los Angeles, accompanied by inventor/radio operator Bob Whitlock and Irene Blaine. Their journey is aided by Pal, a wolf dog.
Tarzan the Fearless
Director of Photography
Mary Brooks' father, who has been studying ancient tribes, falls into the hands of "the people of Zar, god of the Emerald Fingers." Tarzan helps Mary locate her father, rescues everyone from the High Priest of Zar, and takes Mary to his cave.
The Fighting Parson
Director of Photography
A cowboy on the run from a posse finds the clothes and ID of a preacher on the trail. He assumes the man's identity, but when he arrives at the nearest town, he rides into the middle of a hanging--and the man who is being hanged knows his real identity.
A Shriek in the Night
Director of Photography
Rival newspaper reporters Pat Morgan and Ted Rand find themselves unraveling the mystery behind the death of a millionaire philanthropist who fell from his penthouse balcony. When it is discovered that the plunge was not an accident, the building's residents come under suspicion. Soon, the body count begins to mount as three more murders occur by strangulation.
The Dude Bandit
Director of Photography
After Burton kills Dad Mason and makes it look like a suicide, Ace Cooper arrives to investigate. He poses as a coward during the day but at night he becomes the daring Dude Bandit.
The Eleventh Commandment
Director of Photography
A wealthy recluse dies in her New York mansion, leaving an estate worth $50 million. Shortly after, various people turn up claiming to be the rightful heir to her fortune.
The Intruder
Director of Photography
A murder is committed aboard a cruise ship just before it sinks in a storm. The survivors, including the killer, land on a mysterious jungle island.
The Iron Master
Director of Photography
The wealthy owner of an iron foundry dies, and his greedy heirs are outraged when they find out that he left his entire estate not to them but to the foreman of his foundry.
West of Singapore
Director of Photography
Tropical "heat" drives a man into the arms of a disreputable tramp, making things tough for the woman who really loves him.
Guilty or Not Guilty
Director of Photography
Ruth Payne, innocent to begin with, is trying to extradite herself from the clutches of a gang-mob who obtained her release from prison on a falsified confession because they thought she knew something they didn't want known.
The Girl from Calgary
Director of Photography
A French-Canadian girl is a champion bronc rider and is also a nightclub singer. An ambitious young man sees her act one night and is struck by her talent, realizing that she is good enough to become a Broadway star. He convinces her to accompany him to New York, where she indeed does become a Broadway star. However, the young man finds himself being squeezed out by greedy Broadway producers who see the talented young girl as their own personal gold mine.
The Thirteenth Guest
Director of Photography
Thirteen years after a dinner party in which the thirteenth guest failed to arrive, the remaining guests are being murdered one by one, and their bodies being placed at the same dinner table in the appropriate seats they occupied thirteen years prior.
The Stoker
Director of Photography
A man whose wife has deserted him winds up saving a beautiful girl from the clutches of a murderous bandit on a Nicaraguan coffee plantation.
Unholy Love
Director of Photography
An adaptation of Madame Bovary transported to Rye, New York in the 1930's. All characters have been renamed.
Ярмарка тщеславия
Director of Photography
An ambitious and ruthless young woman advances from the position of governess to the heights of British society.
The Hard Hombre
Director of Photography
When Peaceful Patton goes to work at the Martini ranch he is mistaken for the notorious outlaw the Hard Hombre. This enables him to force the ranchers to divide up the water rights. But he is in trouble when his mother arrives and exposes the hoax.
The Land of Missing Men
Director of Photography
Steve O'Neil robs the stage and kidnaps Nita to keep Lopez from doing the same. Then he and Buckshot head for Lopez's hideout for a showdown. The townspeople head after them not knowing what they will find.
The Buckaroo Kid
Director of Photography
Mulford sends Ed Harley to manage Radigan's rundown ranch. He makes a success of it but when called to return, he asks Radigan for a loan. Radigan says he can have the loan but not his daughter, but Ed wants both.
The Calgary Stampede
Director of Photography
Real life rodeo champion Hoot Gibson plays Dan Molloy, an expert rider who wins the big one, the Calgary Stampede. When the father of his new French-Canadian girlfriend turns up dead, Molloy is the only suspect!
Spook Ranch
Director of Photography
Bill Bangs and his Negro valet, George Washington Black, stray into a mining town and are arrested when they attempt to steal something to eat. The sheriff promises them their freedom if they solve the mystery of a haunted house near the town. Bill agrees.....