Law Men (1944)
BAD MEN REACH FOR THE SKY! Watch Out For These Two When Six-Guns Start Blazing!
Жанр : вестерн
Время выполнения : 58М
Директор : Lambert Hillyer
Писатель : Glenn Tryon
Краткое содержание
U.S. Marshals "Nevada" Jack McKenzie and "Sandy" Hopkins go undercover to bust a gang of stagecoach robbers in this vintage Western serial. Nevada infiltrates the gang, while Sandy works as a cobbler in town, keeping an ear open for local gossip as they try to flush out the inside man tipping off the crooks.
Заработать несколько лишних долларов честным путем на диком Западе не проблема, если у тебя есть проверенный кольт и разрешение властей на отстрел бандитов. Этим путем и идут бок о бок профессиональные охотники за головами негодяев «Человек без имени» и полковник Мортимер, общая цель которых — преступная банда мексиканца Индио.
Шериф маленького городка Рио Браво Джон Ченс арестовывает убийцу. Брат арестованного, известный бандит, собирает самых отчаянных головорезов со всей округи для его освобождения. Город наводнен преступниками, но Ченс принимает вызов. На помощь к шерифу приходят лишь пьяница, певица и молодой, но быстрый стрелок. Горстка смельчаков стоит за правое дело…
Уайтт Эрп со своими братьями перегоняет скот для продажи. Во время стоянки бандиты нападают на братьев и убивают младшего из них. Для того, чтобы отомстить, Уайтт устраивается шерифом в местный городок. На его сторону становится известный стрелок Джон «Док» Холлидэй.
Bat Masterson cleans up Liberal, Kansas.
Trouble has been reported in Placerville where Tom Barton's brother is the Marshal. Arriving Tom finds a phoney Marshal in his brother's place. Learning that Clark is behind the all the trouble and that he is after the Madison stage line, Tom joins up with Mary Madison to fight Clark while he also looks for his missing brother.
Аризону ложно обвинили в налёте на дилижанс и он “возвращается” в город, где не был уже очень долгое время. Но в городе все уверены, что он там недавно был, ограбил дилижанс и убил людей. За его голову обещана награда 1000 долларов… Естественно, Аризона решает разобраться.
A singing territorial ranger (Gene Autry) spots his younger brother in an outlaw gang.
Джон Рейд, Техасский рейнджер, единственный среди друзей чудом выживший в жестокой засаде, брошен умирать в пустыне. Но случайно оказавшийся неподалеку индеец своими заговорами и травами выхаживает раненого, после чего тот становится ярым мстителем для убийц своих товарищей.
Sent to investigate a payroll robbery, Marshall Rocky meets his old friends Ken, Eddie, and Max. He has the serial numbers and when Pop puts on his medicine show they get one of the bills. This enables Ken to see through Sorrell's scheme that threw the blame on an innocent rancher and he sets out to prove it. Written by Maurice Van Auken
In Old Wyoming, a gang is plundering stagecoaches of shipped currency and a crusading newspaper editor is trying to get the local marshal replaced, because of his apparent failure to catch the gang, which seems to disappear into thin air after every robbery. The situation escalates when one of the stage drivers is mortally wounded; so the marshal sends for his friends, the Range Busters, to help him catch the criminals. Meanwhile, even the marshal's fiancee, the editor's daughter, turns against him in favor of an aggressive agitator for law and order - who secretly is leading the robber gang.
Town marshal Alan Burnett life is saved by a stranger he meets on the trail. His rescuer turns out to be Jagade, a gunslinger just returned after years away, who finds when he gets into town that he can't abide the peace that has been settled between "his" people (i.e. the saloon-keepers, gamblers, etc.) and the righteous, "respectable" folk.
The 1880s. Abandoned by his middle class parents in Stockholm, Johannes grows up in the countryside with a cobbler who regularly beats him up. Also at school he has to face regular beatings because of his Stockholm background, the only one who cares for him is a girl, Lotta, who promises to marry him one day. When he's 20 he moves to Stockholm and joins the Royal guards at the Royal palace. Quite by accident he meets Lotta again and start an affair with her. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
An upstart outlaw baits a legendary gunslinger, now a marshal in love with a saloon keeper.
20 years ago, 3 men robbed a stage and hid $30,000. They were caught and sent to prison by Marshal Steve Autry. 20 years later, the men bust out of prison and return to the ghost town where they stashed their treasure searching. Steve's grandson picks up where Steve left off to foil the plans of the outlaws.
Wyoming Dan (Trevor Bardette) returns home after 20 years evading the law for a crime he didn't commit, only to find his son on his deathbed. Seeking revenge for his son's murder, Dan enlists the help of Rocky Lane (Allan Lane), who poses as an outlaw to try to uncover the truth. When the duo manage to track down the killer, they find him armed to the teeth.
A New Mexico Town Marshal, Clay Morgan, known as 'Black Patch' since he had lost an eye in the Civil War, takes his job seriously, especially after an old friend, Hank Danner, arrives in ...
A deputy sheriff defies local ranchers to investigate a Mexican's murder.
U.S. marshal sets out to end an insurance scam: salesmen provide cow town folk with insurance against outlaw activity, outlaws who work for the insurance salesmen.
The Durango Kid is a sort of Robin Hood of the West who helps the lovely Walters (who replaced Starrett's usual love-interest, Iris Meredith), the daughter of a homesteader, defeat the evil MacDonald who has been terrorizing the decent citizens with his gang of rustlers.
A cowhand and his sidekick come to the Texas border country looking for the man who had lured the cowhand's sister in bondage in Mexico. But the man doesn't want to be found and has hired some gunmen to see that he isn't.