Victor Potel

Victor Potel

Рождение : 1889-10-12, Lafayette, Indiana, USA

Смерть : 1947-03-08


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Victor Potel (October 12, 1889 – March 8, 1947) was an American film character actor who began in the silent era and appeared in over 430 films in his 38-year career. Victor Potel was born in Lafayette, Indiana in 1889, and his acting career goes back almost to the beginning of the commercial film industry in the United States. He made his first silent film in 1910, a comedy short filmed in Chicago by Essanay Film Manufacturing Company called A Dog on Business. Potel continued to make films for Essanay, appearing in dozens of films every year, including most of the Broncho Billy series, and played a character called "Slippery Slim" in 80 movies. He also appeared in Universal Pictures' "Snakeville" series. Potel's first talking picture was Melody of Love, starring Walter Pidgeon, made for Universal in 1928. and in the sound era he continued to work continuously and constantly, playing small parts and sometimes uncredited bit parts, all primarily comic roles due to his height (6 ft 1 in or 1.85 m) and gawkiness. In addition to acting, on several occasions Potel also wrote and directed. In the 1920s he directed two silent shorts, The Rubber-Neck in 1924 and Action Craver in 1927, and contributed the story for Saxophobia in 1927. In the following decade, in the sound era, he was the dialogue director for The Big Chance (1933), and wrote the story for Inside Information in 1934). In 1935 he provided continuity and dialogue for Million Dollar Haul and the screenplay for Hot Off the Press. In the 1940s, Potel was part of Preston Sturges' unofficial "stock company" of character actors, appearing in nine films written and directed by Sturges. Potel continued to work right up until his death on 8 March 1947. The final film he worked on, Relentless finished filming on 28 February of that year.


Victor Potel


Неудачник и я
Желая начать новую жизнь после возвращения с войны, городской пижон Боб покупает фермерское угодье с большими планами на развитие-взращивание кур и последующей продажей яиц. Правда, своими планами он не поделился со своей новоиспеченной супругой, городской штучкой Бэтти. У молодых разные взгляды на ферму, которая на самом деле требует больших усилий, чтобы превратиться в место, пригодное для жилья и ведения бизнеса. Боб и Бэтти знакомятся со своими соседями, среди которых Бэтти ждет настоящее испытание для терпения: гламурная соседка Харриет Путнэм определенно имеет виды на Боба.
The Sin of Harold Diddlebock
Prof. Potelle
Twenty-three years after scoring the winning touchdown for his college football team mild-mannered Harold Diddlebock, who has been stuck in a dull, dead-end book-keeping job for years, is let go by his pompous boss, advertising tycoon J.E. Wagglebury, with nothing but a tiny pension. Harold, who never touches the stuff, takes a stiff drink with his new pal... and another, and another. What happened Wednesday?
The Devil Thumbs a Ride
Steve Morgan kills a man in a holdup and hitches a ride to Los Angeles with Fergie. At a gas station, they pick up two women. Encountering a roadblock, Morgan takes over and persuades the party to spend the night at an unoccupied beach house. The police close in as one by one, the others learn that Morgan is a killer.
The Glass Alibi
Gas Attendant (as Vic Potel)
Eying a large inheritance, a reporter marries a rich woman with failing health. When she begins feeling healthy after the wedding, the reporter takes drastic measures to make sure his wife dies.
Rhythm Round-Up
Slim Jensen
Arriving in Arizona, the band members discover that the hotel is haunted and that it properly belongs to young Jimmy Benson (Curtis), the nephew of the previous owner. The "ghosts," however, turns out to be a trio of confidence men, Zeke Winslow (Guinn "Big Boy" Williams), Noah Jones (Raymond Hatton) and Slim Jensen Victor Potel, who are hoping to buy the place themselves.
Сердце побережья Бэрбери
Train Fireman
Ковбой из штата Монтана Дюк Фергус приезжает в Сан-Франциско, чтобы получить долг в пятьсот долларов за черную лошадь. Его должником оказывается владелец казино "Эльдорадо" - Тито Морелл. Получив свои деньги, парень не спешит домой, он решает первый раз в жизни сыграть на деньги в карты, кости и рулетку, тем более учительницей в этих новых играх для него стала обворожительная Энн - певица из местного варьете. На удивление всей публике новичку начинает бешено везти: он выигрывает на всех столах и получает десять тысяч. Парню невдомек, что все игры подстроены, а Энн - лучшая подруга хозяина заведения. Жажда наживы и алкоголь делают свое дело, он проигрывает все и остается должен. Вернувшись в Монтану, Дюк продает стадо и берет уроки карточной игры у профессионального игрока по прозвищу "Вольф". Его цель - разорить Морелла...
A Medal for Benny
Pepster (uncredited)
Benny's girl friend is being romanced by the town ne'er do well who keeps coming up with get-rich-quick schemes. Benny's father is a simple man who is bewildered by the world at large.
Чудо в Морганс-Крик
Newspaper Editor
После вечеринки по случаю проводов отряда военных, взбалмошная девица Труди Кокенлокер из провинциального городка наутро оказывается замужем и беременной и не помнит, кто является её мужем и отцом ребенка. Местный парень Норвелл Джонс, влюблённый в неё много лет, пытается помочь ей выпутаться из этого затруднительного положения. Они заключают фиктивный брак под чужой фамилией, который впоследствии был признан законным. Из-за этого фиктивного брака, Норвелл оказывается обвинен в мошенничестве и посажен в тюрьму. Пока Норвелл отсиживал свой срок, Труди рожает шестерых близнецов и весть об этом событии разлетается по всему миру. Норвелл же, выйдя из тюрьмы, ничего об этом не знает, приезжает увидеться с Труди, где ему сообщают эту радостную весть, от чего он чуть не сходит с ума. В 2000 году фильм вошел в список «100 лучших комедий» по оценкам Американского института кино (AFI).
The Great Moment
First Dental Patient
The biography of Dr. W.T. Morgan, a 19th century Boston dentist, during his quest to have anesthesia, in the form of ether, accepted by the public and the medical and dental establishment.
Wagon Wheels West
Posse Rider (uncredited)
In this short western, a U.S. marshal seeks vengeance against the man who killed his father.
The Man in the Trunk
Deaf Floor Man (uncredited)
The ghost of a murdered man returns to Earth to help a young couple find his killer.
Приключения в Палм-Бич
Mr. McKeewie
Том и Джерри Джефферс женаты уже несколько лет, но супружеская жизнь не складывается. Низкой зарплаты Тома не хватает на содержание их супружеского гнездышка, и молодым грозит выселение из квартиры. Джерри знакомится со странным богатым человечком по прозвищу «Король сосисок», который в будущем вроде бы должен занять их квартиру. Новый знакомый дает ей 700 долларов для начала «новой жизни». Том не верит в «просто благотворительность» миллионера, и, подозревая измену, устраивает скандал. Милые ссорятся «навсегда». Джерри, посчитав, что их супружеской жизни пришел конец, отправляется в Палм-Бич, где надеется оформить быстрый развод. Том, взвесив все за и против в сложившейся ситуации, намерен ей помешать…
Странствия Салливана
Джон Ллойд Салливан, самый преуспевающий комедиограф Голливуда, собирается впервые снять серьёзный фильм. Он верит, что в мире сегодня столько страданий и горя, что людям не до смеха. В поисках сюжета для свой новой картины «О, где же ты, брат!», Джон решает с одной монетой в кармане и в нищенском «рванье» проехать всю Америку, чтобы в полной мере осознать, что такое бедность и лишения. В первом же кафе он обнаруживает, что лишился даже той единственной монеты, которая была при нем. На помощь приходит невероятно красивая блондинка в вечернем платье, с которой ему предстоит разделить все радости и невзгоды своего удивительного похода за правдой…
Ride on Vaquero
The Cisco Kid is captured while keeping a rendezvous with cantina dancer Dolores but is released by his captor, the commander of a U.S. Army regiment, to help break up a kidnap ring. On his way to Las Tables with his pal, Gordito, he makes a stop at the Martinez Rancho, where they learn that his friend Carlos has been kidnapped, from his wife Marquerita. At the Crystal Palace Saloon, Cisco runs into an old girlfriend, Sally, who he once jilted for a tight-rope walker, but she doesn't betray him when the sheriff and an army officer enter searching for Cisco.
The Lady from Cheyenne
Fictionalized story of the 1869 adoption of women's suffrage in Wyoming Territory. In the new-founded railroad town of Laraville, Boss Jim Cork hopes to manipulate the sale of town lots to give him control, but Quaker schoolmarm Annie Morgan bags one of the key lots. Cork's lawyer Steve Lewis tries romancing Annie to get the lot back, finding her so overpoweringly liberated she leaves him dizzy. Still, Steve attains his nefarious object...almost...then has cause to deeply regret having aroused the sleeping giant of feminism!
Леди Ева
Second Steward (uncredited)
После года проведенного на Амазонке, хороший знаток змей, но плохой знаток женщин, на океанском лайнере возвращается домой Чарльз Пайк. Он сын пивного короля и каждая девушка мечтает о знакомстве с ним. Но только Джин удается с маху преодолеть его рассеянность и застенчивость. Бедняга как муха на мед летит в объятия напористой искусительницы, не подозревая, что у Джин совсем не романтические планы… Она и ее отец — знаменитые карточные шулера и для нее охмурить мужчину, что передернуть колоду…
Trail of the Vigilantes
A reporter goes undercover to break up an outlaw gang.
Li'l Abner
Fantastic Brown
Li'l Abner becomes convinced that he is going to die within twenty-four hours, so agrees to marry two different girls: Daisy Mae (who has chased him for years) and Wendy Wilecat (who rescued him from an angry mob). It is all settled at the Sadie Hawkins Day race.
Christmas in July
Davenola Salesman
An office clerk loves entering contests in the hopes of someday winning a fortune and marrying the girl he loves. His latest attempt is the Maxford House Coffee Slogan Contest. As a joke, some of his co-workers put together a fake telegram which says that he won the $25,000 grand prize.
The Villain Still Pursued Her
Policeman (uncredited)
Victorian melodrama gets a big send-up in this spoof production of the old play "The Drunkard; or, The Fallen Saved." The play within the movie is the old one where evil villain Cribbs schemes to get his lusty clutches on the heroine by driving her naive husband to alcoholic ruin. Luckily, a temperance lecturer is on hand to set things straight, as is the great Buster Keaton as the drunkard's friend.
Великий МакГинти
Cook (uncredited)
Дэн МакГинти ведет успешную, но весьма лживую политическую деятельность. Но всего лишь один момент необдуманной честности ставит все под угрозу…
Girl from God's Country
Jim Holden, a young doctor practicing in Alaska, eagerly awaits the arrival of his new nurse, Anne Webster. All of his previous left within a few weeks by the rigors of the Alaskan winter....
Обращение на запад
Джон Филлипс начинает убеждать жителей небольшого городка Северной Дакоты в необходимости переезда в Орегон, где находятся лучшие пастбища для скота. Тем временем в городке появляются бежавшие от нацистского режима австрийский врач Браун и его дочь Лени, в которую сразу же влюбляется Филлипс.
Young Tom Edison
Mr. Tompkins
Inventor Thomas Edison's boyhood is chronicled and shows him as a lad whose early inventions and scientific experiments usually end up causing disastrous results. As a result, the towns folk all think Tom is crazy, and creating a strained relationship between Tom and his father. Tom's only solace is his understanding mother who believes he's headed to do great things.
Slightly Honorable
Gasoline Station Proprietor (Uncredited)
A lawyer is framed for the murder of a young party girl and tries to clear his name.
Chip of the Flying U
Station Agent
Chip of the Flying U was Johnny Mack Brown's first western entry for 1940. Brown essays the title role of Chip Bennett, foreman of the Flying U ranch. Before the second reel has tumbled over the spools, Chip finds himself falsely accused of robbery and murder. The actual miscreants are in the employ of a band of foreign gunrunners, who speak in heavily Teutonic accents. Rest assured that Chip makes short work of these bush-league Storm Troopers before the sun sets in the West. Musical interludes are provided by a group calling themselves the Texas Rangers, even though they actually hailed from Kansas City.
Rovin' Tumbleweeds
Man in Store
Rancher Autry takes a job singing on the radio to aid farmers and ranchers whose lands were destroyed by raging floods. Blaming crooked politicians, he goes to Washington and tries to put through a food control bill and finds he has a lot to learn. In this classic release, Gene introduces his immortal theme song, "Back in the Saddle Again," which has gone on to become a piece of American History.
Blondie Brings Up Baby
Lars (uncredited)
Baby Dumpling, the six-year-old son of Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead disappears from sight during his first day at school. While Dagwood frantically combs the city in search of the boy, Baby Dumpling spents a nice, safe afternoon with poor little rich girl Melinda Mason, who with her new playmate's help arises from her sickbed to walk across the room for the first time in months.
Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence
Ranch Hand
New York store clerk joins a hobo and an illegal immigrant heading for his newly bought land in Arizona.
The Housekeeper's Daughter
A mobster's moll leads a newsman, cub reporter and photographer to a scoop.
Голливудская кавалькада
В 1913 году работник киностудии Майкл Коннорс увидел в постановке на Бродвее Молли Адэр. Очарованный ее красотой и талантом, он уговаривает ее оставить театр и уехать с ним в Калифорнию, где в то время начинает развиваться киноиндустрия. Став сценаристом и режиссером фильмов с Молли в главной роли, он делает из нее звезду... Сюжет замешан на биографии Макка Сеннетта и Мэйбл Норманд. В фильме снимались в роли самих себя многие звёзды немого кино. В имени главного героя заменили всего две буквы. Изменены названия студий. Скандал с загадочным убийством Уильяма Тейлора заменен на автомобильную катастрофу и по-мелочи. Но много и придуманного. Мэйбл Норманд не была звездой Бродвея и попала в кинематограф без помощи Макка Сеннетта. Макк Сеннетт в фильме встречается со своим «двойником» в молодости. Фантастическая концовка ‒ никакого триумфального прорыва в звуковое кино в реальности не было.
Вторая скрипка
Steve - Crane Operator
Репортер Джимми Саттон работает в агенстве ,которое освещает жизнь Голливуда. Ему поручают привезти из далекого северного городка девушку, которая выбрана на главную роль в фильме "Девушка с севера"Обычная школьная учительница приезжает в Голливуд и покоряет его....
Down the Wyoming Trail
Tex arrives on the Parker ranch on Christman eve and is given the job of being Santa Claus. Also dressed as Santa Claus, Blackie robs Parker and kills a man. When Tex is arrested for the murder, he escapes and joins up with outlaw Becker and his gang. He finds Blackie's Santa Claus suit but is soon made a prisoner.
Друзья и враги Америки
Ole Swensen (uncredited)
Гражданская война в США позади. Пронырливый бизнесмен Джим Нокс использует любую возможность, чтобы как можно дешевле заполучить землю под свой проект новой железной дороги. Жители города надеются на то, что идеалист и воспитанник Гарварда Стив Логан покончит с проделками Нокса, но неожиданно для всех тот наоборот становится союзником предпринимателя. Никто не знает, что на самом деле Логан — тайный агент правительства. Когда об этом случайно узнает Нокс, он задумывает расправиться со шпионом. Но неожиданно, в дело оказывается впутана девушка...
Stand Up and Fight
Coach Driver
A southern aristocrat clashes with a driver transporting stolen slaves to freedom.
The Strange Case of Dr. Meade
In this drama, a New York physician takes a much-needed vacation down South. Unfortunately, he encounters a nurse working in the backwoods and ends up helping her to combat an epidemic that rages through the mountain communities. The doctor she works for prefers traditional herbs to modern medicine.
On the Great White Trail
Death stalked Garou's Landing, in the Canadian frozen north, but who was the killer who murdered two men and left them huddled in the snow. Sergeant Renfrew (James Newill, of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, accompanied by his dog, Silver King (Silver King the Dog), and Kay Larkin (Terry Walker) the daughter of the man, Andrew Larkin (Robert Frazer) accused of the crime, sets out to solve the crime and bring the real killer to justice.
The Girl of the Golden West
Lem - Stagecoach Driver
Mary Robbins is a moderately educated, beautiful, young woman who owns the saloon called "The Poker". She is the only woman in the town of Couldee - making her the fancy of all the men there, especially to Sheriff Jack Rance. On the way to Monterey to sing at a mass officiated by Father Sienna, her stagecoach is held up by the infamous masked bandit, Ramerez. He too takes a fancy to Mary, and decides to secretly follow her, taking on the identity of an officer named, Lieutenant Johnson. While in Monterey, he dances, sings and courts Mary, who has now fallen in love with him. He then has to make a quick getaway. In the mean-time, Sheriff Jack has set up a trap to catch Ramerez at "The Poker". When Ramerez does arrive he soon discovers that Mary is the owner, and quickly changes to the identity of Lieutenant Johnson. How long can this charade last?
Adventure's End
Tall Sailor (uncredited)
Pacific pearl diver Duke Slade escapes angry natives by joining a whaler whose dying captain persuades him to marry his daughter who is already being wooed by the first mate.
Small Town Boy
Abner Towner
Henry Armstrong was past being a spring chicken, still believes in Santa Claus and the maxim that "honesty is the best policy", but lack of money keeps him from marrying Molly and buying a little home, and his is threatened with the loss of the petty job he has had for four years with old Curtis French, Molly's uncle, because he can not sell enough insurance policies. And, then, he finds a thousand dollar bill. His honesty makes him advertise the find, but no one claims the money. When he is convinced that the owner will not turn up and that the money is his to keep, he becomes a changed, more aggressive and self-confident person. He begins to make sales as fast as he can make the pitch and he insists that he and Molly be married at once. While getting dressed for the ceremony, he places the $1000 bill in one of his father's old suits, and Pa Armstrong, trying to raise money to buy his son a wedding present, sells the suit to a passing junk man.
Western Gold
President Lincoln personally sends Bill Gibson west to see if he can stop the holdups of the needed shipments of gold. There he meets his boyhood friend Foster. When all others refuse to take out the next gold shipment due to the killings, Bill volunteers. Jeannie, afraid for his safety, tells Foster of Bill's secret route not knowing Foster is the leader of the outlaw gang.
White Bondage
Luke Stacey
A reporter risks lynching to prove that share croppers are being cheated.
Two Gun Law
Hero Bob Larson takes on an impressive triumvirate of villains.
God's Country and the Woman
Hard-nosed Jefferson Russett runs a logging company; his brother, Steve, is the prodigal son. Steve becomes stranded on the competition's property and slowly learns the business and of his brother's dirty tricks.
The Captain's Kid
Deputy Jake Hutchinson
In this children's adventure, the children of a small town are enthralled by the tales of the town drunk.
Jorgeson (uncredited)
По рассказу "Правило толпы" Нормана Красны. Фильм основан на реальных событиях, происшедших в окрестностях Сан-Франциско в 1930-е годы. Спровоцированная толпа обывателей провинциального городка осаждает и поджигает тюрьму, где заключен подозреваемый в похищении детей совершенно невиновный человек.
Down to the Sea
Greek sponge divers in Tarpon Springs, Florida duel over diving methods and fight over the same girl, and only one will survive.
O'Malley of the Mounted
Gabby - the Cook
O'Malley pretends to be an outlaw in order to join a gang terrorizing towns along the American border.
Yellow Dust
Jugger - the Bartender
After he's accused of a series of stagecoach robberies, an innocent man has to find the real crooks.
Three Godfathers
'Buck Tooth'
In a town called New Jerusalem, three bandits hold up a bank. After a gun battle with the townspeople, the three robbers retreat into the scorching Arizona desert. There, they happen upon an ill woman stranded with her child. As the mother dies, she begs the men to take care of her infant. The fugitives want to save the baby -- but to do so, they'll have to travel back to New Jerusalem, where they are wanted men.
Song of the Saddle
Little Casino
Frank Sr. sells his supplies to Hook, but then Hook has the Bannion Boys bushwhack his wagon to get the money back. Frank is murdered, but Junior gets away. He comes back 10 years later to settle the score as the Singing Cowboy. He finds that Hook is still doing his dirty deeds on the unsuspecting people. Along the way, Frank meets the lovely Jen, who came out in the same wagon train 10 years before.
Man Hunt
Townsman Pointing Out Shefiff's Office (uncredited)
A bored small-town teacher gets mixed up with an escaped bank robber.
The Broken Coin
A police chief and two security agencies work to find out who is behind a recent rash of hijackings.
The Broken Coin
A police chief and two security agencies work to find out who is behind a recent rash of hijackings.
Gun Play
Brawler (uncredited)
A cowboy comes to the aid of a lady rancher threatened by Mexican bandits who believe there is a treasure buried on her land.
The Fighting Marines
Fake Native Chief [Ch. 12]
Corporal Larry Grant and Sergeant "Mac" McGowan, of the United States Marine Corps, are rival for the love of Frances Schiller, but team up to hunt down "The Tiger Shark," a mad, scientific wizard who is holding Sergeant William Schiller, Frances' brother, a prisoner on a wild, jungle island in the Pacific.
The Last of the Clintons
Jed Clinton
Cowboy infiltrates an outlaw gang to expose their rackets, but after he's ordered to kidnap a young girl, the gang finds out who he really is.
Moonlight on the Prairie
Tall Saloon Cowboy
A singing medicine-show cowboy and his magician partner catch a killer.
Shipmates Forever
Loafer (uncredited)
An admiral's son with no interest in carrying on the family tradition is a successful crooner. He finally joins the Navy to prove he can, but with no real love in it.
She Couldn't Take It
The wealthy Van Dyke family are constantly in the media for outrageous behavior, much to the frustration of the patriarch, Dan Van Dyke. His self-centered wife has a fondness for foreign imports, including "pet projects" like dancers and such and his spoiled children Tony and Carol have constant run-ins with the law. When Dan himself ends up in the clink for five years for tax evasion, he becomes bunk-mates with ex-bootlegger Joe "Spots" Ricardi. Ricardi lectures him on being such a push-over for an out-of-control family, so a dying Dan makes Ricardi his estate trustee once he is released from prison. Ricardi is then thrust into high society and must do everything he once nagged Dan to do.
Waterfront Lady
When a young man is befriended by a gambling ship operator and made a partner in the business, he becomes involved in a police manhunt after he covers up a murder committed by his new partner.
The Adventures of Rex and Rinty
A 12 episode serial starring Rex, the King of the Wild Horses and Rin-Tin-Tin, Jr. Rex is brought from the island of Sujan, where he is worshiped as a God-Horse, to the U.S. to be trained as a polo pony. He escapes, meets Rinty and with the help of Frank Bradley is returned to Sujan. The natives have been persuaded to turn against their God-Horse, however he is rescued just in time before he is burned as a sacrifice.
Western Frontier
Ken and his sister are separated while young when the Indians attack their wagon train. Ken, now grown, is sent after the outlaw known as the Golden hair Girl only to find that she's his long lost sister.
Whispering Smith Speaks
Bill Prouty
O'Brien is "Whispering" Smith, so named because he speaks softly but knows how to fend for himself. The son of a railroad president, Smith is determined to learn the business from the ground up, so he gets a job as a track walker for his dad's rail line. While going about his duties, he meets Nan Roberts (Irene Ware), who is about to sell her Colorado ranch. Smith finds out that there are valuable tungsten deposits on her land and makes certain she won't be cheated by the villains
The Drunkard
Farmer Gates
An unscrupulous lawyer uses alcohol to swindle an innocent family.
Million Dollar Haul
Special Insurance-Investigator Dan Kennedy and his wonder dog, Tarzan the Police Dog, are called in to investigate the persistent robbing of a shipping-and-storage warehouse in Los Angeles.
The Cowboy and the Bandit
Bill travels to a new state after the outlaw Scarface saves him from a lynch mob. There he takes a job on the Barton ranch and joins in the fight against gang leader Larkin. Finding a wounded Scarface he helps him recover. Arrested by Larkin's stooge Sheriff, and with another lynch mob after him, he once again needs Scarface's help.
Рагглз из Ред-Геп
Curly - Cowboy
По одноименному роману и пьесе Гарри Леона Уилсона. В этой картине вышколенный камердинер из аристократического лондонского дома не только носит лакейскую ливрею, но имеет и лакейскую душу. Однако стоило этому лакею попасть в США и познать прелести подлинной демократии, как с ним происходит разительная перемена: в нем пробуждается человеческое достоинство и он, обладая природным умом, занимает видное положение в обществе.
Big Boy Rides Again
Ranch Foreman Scarface
A man comes to town to claim the estate of his father, who was shot by a masked killer. He sets out to find who did it.
Frontier Days
Deputy Tex Hatch
Henry Jethrow is after the Wilson ranch. He has George Wilson unknowningly sign a note for the ranch, has him killed, and then presents the note. The Pinto Kid, investigating cattle rustlers, accidentally drops his glove at the murder scene and now has a price on his head. He has Beth Wilson turn him and use the reward money to reclaim the note. Now he has to escape jail and find the real killers.
Thunder Over Texas
A cowboy tries to protect a young woman whose father was murdered because he had railroad maps that showed the location of a proposed new line. Now the killers are after her because they think she has the maps.
Inside Information
Lloyd Wilson, trusted employee of an investment firm, is suspected of theft when $20,000 in security bonds is stolen from his office. Tarzan, the Famous Police Dog, has an intuitive dislike of an apparently respectable citizen, and this leads Wilson and the police to the gang headquarters. Tarzan wins a public citation for his leading part in breaking the case against a desperate gang of criminals.
Inside Information
Rice - Thin Detective
Lloyd Wilson, trusted employee of an investment firm, is suspected of theft when $20,000 in security bonds is stolen from his office. Tarzan, the Famous Police Dog, has an intuitive dislike of an apparently respectable citizen, and this leads Wilson and the police to the gang headquarters. Tarzan wins a public citation for his leading part in breaking the case against a desperate gang of criminals.
Twisted Rails
Tom Watson
A railroad employee finds out the identity of "The Wrecker", a criminal who is deliberately causing trains to crash. However, before he can disclose the crook's name, he is shot and killed. A passenger aboard the train volunteers to go after the killer and bring "The Wrecker" to justice.
Damaged Lives
Undetermined Role
An extramarital affair leads to a young couple contracting venereal disease.
Hallelujah, I'm a Bum
The General
A New York tramp falls in love with the mayor's amnesiac girlfriend after rescuing her from a suicide attempt.
Face in the Sky
Ed Burns, Carnival Patron (uncredited)
Joe and Lucky travel around New England painting barns in exchange for an advertisement on one side. The meet Madge, who is cruelly treated by a her father who plans to marry her off to someone she despises.
Deputy Lem
A rancher is arrested for murdering his young partner's grandfather, but he escapes to try to prove his innocence.
Selling Shorts
Slim Bassil
Third in the series of six Traveling Man two-reel comedy shorts. While traveling they are in need of some moonshine....
The Squaw Man
Jim Wyngate, an English aristocrat, comes to the American West under a cloud of suspicion for embezzlement actually committed by his cousin Lord Henry. In Wyoming, Wyngate runs afoul of cattle rustler Cash Hawkins by rescuing the Indian girl Naturich from Hawkins. Wyngate marries Naturich, but then learns that his cousin Lord Henry has been killed and has cleared his name before dying. As Wyngate has long loved Lady Diana, Lord Henry's wife, he is perplexed at his situation. But fate takes a hand and resolves matters as Wyngate could not have predicted.
Танец за десять центов
Smith, a Sailor
Красивая танцовщица Барбара О`Нил работает в одном из танцевальных залов Нью-Йорка. У неё появляется богатый покровитель Брэдли Карлтон, который ничего не жалеет для Барбары и готов оказать ей любую помощь. Но Барбара давно влюблена в своего соседа Эдди и, не раздумывая, соглашается выйти за него замуж. Вскоре оказывается, что Эдди — мошенник. И когда он в очередной раз попадает в беду, Барбара вынуждена обратиться за помощью к Брэдли.
King of the Wild
Richard Grant, imprisoned in India for a crime he did not commit, escapes and makes his way to Africa.
Scandal Sheet
Confirming his principle that no one escapes the news, a tabloid editor prints a scathing story about his wife.
Forward, March!
Spanish-language version of Doughboys.
The Virtuous Sin
Marya gets friendly with General Platoff in order to save her husband Victor from being executed.
Elmer, rich society loafer, falls for Mary, but she'll have nothing to do with him until (mistakenly thinking that he's hiring a new chauffeur) he accidentally volunteers for the army. Luckily, Mary's signed up to entertain the troops. Unluckily, Elmer's sergeant likes Mary, too. And worst of all, they're all about to ship out for France.
Paradise Island
The south sea island Tonga is full of plantations and scoundrels. Ellen Bradford arrives expecting marriage to respectable and successful plantation owner only to find he is a drunk and gambler. Being the only white woman she is the desire of scoundrels and cut-throats.
Call of the West
Trig Peters
Nightclub entertainer Violet La Tour collapses during a performance in Sagebrush, Texas, and is taken to the ranch of Lon Dixon. They fall in love and are married. Feeling deserted when Lon joins a posse in search of rustlers, she returns to New York. There, she is wooed by her agent, Maurice Kane, but confirms her love for Lon when he comes to claim her.
The Bad One
In this melodrama, a dancer works in a sleazy Marseilles portside dive that is really the front for a bordello. While dancing one night she meets a sailor and agrees to be his bride. Unfortunately, one of her former suitors suddenly shows up and a terrible fight ensues.
В дебрях Вайоминга появляется новый ковбой и предводитель команды гонщиков скота, которого все зовут Вирджинец, помогающий богатому фермеру присматривать за стадом рогатого скота. В городке он встречается со своим старым приятелем Стивом. В салуне, куда они зашли пропустить стаканчик за встречу, происходит стычка с главарём игроков в покер Трампасом. Поставив на место Трампаса, Вирджинец нажил себе смертельного врага, но его это мало беспокоит. Он увлёкся девушкой, только что приехавшей из Новой Англии молоденькой учительницей, и наперегонки с другом ухаживает за ней. Тем временем Трампас склоняет Стива к нечестному делу, а попросту воровству бычков из стада, которым Стив за хорошую мзду ставит тайно чужое клеймо.
Border Romance
In a cantina across the border, Bob Hamlin shoots a man that threatens his friend. He and his pals escape but return that night for the dance as Bob is attracted to Conchita. Running once more from the Rurales, Bob takes Conchita. They escape again only to find themselves pinned down when Buck and his gang of horse thieves attack.
Captain Swagger
Hugh Drummond goes broke living too high and turns to crime in order to pay his bills.
Melody of Love
The Gawk
Historically significant as Universal's first 100% all-talkie, the production suffered from having a tight shooting schedule. Carl Laemmle was only able to rent the Fox Movietone sound-on-film recording system for one week, having to be filmed at night while the Fox Studio was closed down for the evenings.
Uneasy Payments
Press Agent
Racing Romance
The fathers of Isabel Channing and Howard Billings were good friends until they had a falling-out over a horse and swore to be enemies forever. Years later, Howard is seen returning from college and Isabel, who has lost her,is working hard to keep the old homestead (and stables) together. Thornhill is trying his best to cheat her out of everything. Howard takes a hand.
The Lodge in the Wilderness
Jim Wallace, a young engineer, is engaged by Hammond, manager of an estate in the Northwest, to build flumes for a logging camp, but Donovan, the superintendent, dislikes him and places numerous obstacles in his way. Virginia Coulson, owner of the estate, and her maid Dot arrive, and when Hammond proposes to Virginia, she refuses his declaration in favor of Jim. Later, when Donovan is found murdered, suspicion points to Jim, who is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. Hammond gets evidence on the murderer, Goofus, a half wit, and plans to use it to force Virginia to marry him; Goofus wounds Hammond and, seeing he has not killed him, starts a forest fire. Jim, who has escaped from prison with the aid of his friend, Buddy, rescues Virginia from the burning lodge; Goofus confesses to the murder, and Jim is freed.
Morganson's Finish
Ole Jensen
Morganson's Finish was inspired by the Jack London story of the same name. The hero, Dick Gilbert is in love with wealthy Barbara Wesley but he is disgraced in her eyes through the underhanded machinations of his rival Dan Morganson.
Below the Line
'Cuckoo' Niles
Slasher falls off the train that is carrying him. He is found, broken in spirit, by Donald Cass. The dog is regenerated by Donald's love.
Ten Days
Dick Van Buren, a wealthy young man with a penchant for breaking traffic laws, is arrested for speeding and sentenced to 10 days in jail. He is given the option to work out his sentence and becomes a lifeguard at a public beach, where he rescues a mysterious woman from several perils. The woman, with whom he begins a romance, turns out to be a famous film actress caught up in the frenetic antics of a publicity campaign.
Quincy Adams Sawyer
Hiram Maxwell
Quincy Adams Sawyer is a young attorney who one day meets a girl in the park and is immediately smitten with her.
The Loaded Door
Bert Lyons returns to the Grainger spread from the "outside world" to find his former employer dead and the ranch in the possession of Calvert, a narcotics smuggler, and Blackie Lopez, a rustler who has his eyes on Molly Grainger, Lyons' sweetheart.
A Tailor-Made Man
A tailor tries to pass himself off in high society by wearing some of his rich customer's clothes.
Step on It!
Noisy Johnson
Brother of Lorraine Leighton is falsely accused of rustling and murder and shipped off to jail. Desperate, Lorraine enlists the help of rancher Vic Collins and the two track down the real culprit, evil Pidge Walters.
At the Sign of the Jack'O Lantern
The Poet
When Harlan Carr inherited his Uncle Ebenezer's "Jack-O Lantern" house and too his bride there to live, he found himself the unwilling host of a score of hungry relatives within a week. Soon, strange things began to happen. A black cat made the house his headquarters, unexplained sounds could be heard and a shadowy figure floated through the halls at night.
One a Minute
Jingo Pitts
An excellent silent comedy starring unjustly forgotten star Douglas MacLean. Its indictment of pharmaceutical entrepreneurs is far sharper than Side Effects'.
Lavender and Old Lace
Joe Pendleton
Mary Ainslie has been waiting 30 years for her fiancé, a sea captain, to return. She has kept a light burning in her window to guide him home. His son Carl, by another woman, arrives on vacation in the New England village where Mary lives. Mary is overcome by the resemblance between the young man and his father. The young man falls in love with Ruth, Mary's young comrade. On her deathbed, Mary wishes Carl and Ruth the romantic life that she did not live.
Bob Hampton of Placer
Willie McNeil
Former U.S. Army Capt. Bob Hampton joins a party of settlers and saves the life of a girl known as "The Kid" from a siege.
Princess Triloff, an emigrée from Czarist Russia, escapes to America where she becomes a patron of the arts. She falls in love with the verses of impoverished poet Owen Carey and becomes his anonymous benefactor. When Owen inherits a fortune from his rich Uncle Krakerfeller, he assumes his uncle's identity and confers his own upon an impoverished friend, Frank Manners. At a resort, Owen meets the princess and falls in love with her, but is chagrined to discover that she is enamored with Manners. The princess finally discovers Owen's real identity and the two fall in love.
The Heart of a Child
Charley Peastone
A poverty-stricken Cockney girl rises through incredible adventures to become the wife of a nobleman.
Water, Water, Everywhere
Steve Brainard
Cowboy Billy Fortune is in love with Hope Beecher, who prefers Billy's friend Ben Morgan, but resists his advances because of his fondness for drink. Hope's discontent is echoed by the town wives' public outcry against drink. To divert their interest, Billy is nominated to make love to their leader, widow Fay Bittinger, who has already disposed of four husbands....
A Petal on the Current
The Outcasts of Poker Flat
The owner of a gambling hall is entrusted with the care of a pretty young girl. He falls in love with her, but he must decide whether to let her go to his best friend, with whom he believes her to be in love, or to try to win her for himself.
Full of Pep
Returning from a selling trip, Jimmy Baxter, the fastest salesman at his father's munitions company, notices a pretty girl smiling at him in the station. Since her train soon leaves, all Jimmy learns about her is information on her luggage: her initials and destination, the Central American republic Santo Dinero.
Captain Kidd, Jr.
Constable Sam
An old man wills a map to his grandson, with instructions showing a buried treasure, but it is accidentally sold to a book store. The owner and her granddaughter Mary discover it. Mary and her boyfriend an aspiring author, meet the desperate grandson and agree to share the treasure.
Who's Your Father?
Comedy Role
This comedy starts with the rescue by a cowboy's dog of a baby that is floating down a gorge toward a cataract in a tiny crib. The cowboy takes the foundling to his cabin. Then the cowboy finds himself not only beset with the troubles of feeding an infant, but also is the object of a spinster who, by claiming the baby, hopes to compromise the cowboy
Baseball Madness
Baseball Madness is a 1917 American silent comedy film directed by Billy Mason and starring Gloria Swanson.
Hearts and Saddles
We start off seeing Mix giving his sweetheart (Victoria Ford) a gift and having the other cowboys laugh at him. Another man then tries going after the girl and soon he and Mix are trying to prove which one deserves her. Only 8 minutes are known to exist.
Just a Few Little Things
Archie, a man well past the age of forty-five proposes to Mildred, a young and pretty girl and is rejected. Fred, her youthful lover then enters and does the same thing and is accepted. As Fred leaves the house, it is very windy and a young lady passing by gets some dust in her eyes. He tries to assist and from Mildred's window it appears that he is embracing he young lady.
Broncho Billy and the Card Sharp
Broncho Billy, in a quarrel with Faro Dan, a card sharp, shoots him and flees. Pursued, he hides in the wagon of a man whom he meets on the prairie. The posse is misled by Broncho Billy's friend and the fugitive escapes. Several years later Broncho is made sheriff of an adjoining county.
Против кувалды...
The Count
Против лома нет приёма. Американцы предпочитают кувалду... Именно этот инструмент выбрал местный кузнец, чтобы отбить свою зазнобу у заезжего графа...
Broncho Billy Steps In
Because he believes in education, a ranch owner hires a school teacher from the east and opens a school for his cowboys. The teacher is admired by all of the cowboys, and by one in particular, an outlaw, who frightens all the pupils one morning by writing "school" with bullet holes on the blackboard. Broncho Billy steps in and sends him over the county line.
Broncho Billy and the Land Grabber
Broncho works for a despicable land grabber who treats his help like a brute. The men finally plot to lynch the land grabber. Broncho races on his horse ahead of them and tells him of the plot.
The Bachelor's Burglar
The girl gets a job on the local newspaper and is sent out to get the story of one of the escapades of a rich bachelor. While she is on her way she determines to break into the house, because she is sure the bachelor will refuse her an interview. She breaks into the house and is blithely gathering the details of her story when the bachelor surprises her and calls the police. Just as the police arrive, the bachelor puts on a housecoat and an old cap. He looks very much like a burglar.
The Revenue Agent
The Minister
The girl, on guard at the mountain defile, sees a strange man with all the accouterments of a painter. She hails him and he explains he is a landscape artist. Tom, coming along a moment later, also challenges him and is reassured of the stranger's calling when the stranger paints his picture. As the days go by, the painter and the girl meet frequently and Tom's attentions to the girl begin to be unwelcome, Tom is consumed with jealousy, but he likes the painter and he is a good loser. Then comes the denouement. The moonshiners learn that the painter is a revenue agent. Tom is about to kill him, but the girl buys his life at the price of her happiness. She tells Tom she will marry him if the spy goes free.
Его возрождение
Pawn Shop Clerk
Фильм рассказывает историю двух соперников, одновременно влюбленных в балерину. Одним из них является закоренелый преступник. Первая часть фильма разворачивается в баре и заканчивается борьбой между двумя противниками. Во второй части происходит драматическая сцена убийства и кражи.
Ingomar of the Hills
The bandit leader is lying wounded in his cabin on the mountain when his confederates bring in a girl whom they have kidnapped while she was on her way to join her father after a trip east.
Broncho Billy and the Vigilante
A Cattle Owner
The cattle owners have formed a lynching party and are in pursuit of a rustler who has been ravaging the country. Broncho Billy, the sheriff, goes after him and captures him single handed. He takes the prisoner to a hotel for the night, and while in the barroom the lynching party comes along. They leave their shotguns outside and step in for a drink.
Slim the Brave and Sophie the Fair
Slippery Slim
Slim calls on Sophie, but has no more than gotten comfortably settled when Mustang arrives and is given all the attention. Very shortly Hiram, Sophie's father, comes downstairs and kicks Mustang out. Mustang returns with a note telling Sophie to meet him next day when the stage coach arrives and they will run away.
Sophie's Home-Coming
Slippery Slim
Slim receives a note from Sophie telling him that she will arrive on the five o'clock stagecoach the next morning, and for him to set his alarm clock so he will be sure to meet her. Mustang reads the note, and after Slim has gone to bed, substitutes another clock in Slim's room.
When Slippery Slim Bought the Cheese
Slippery Slim
Slippery Slim purchases a large piece of Limburger cheese. On the way home he stops to chat with Sophie, but Hiram, her father, chases him off the premises.
Sentimental Sophie
Slippery Slim
Slim and Mustang are rivals for the affections of Sophie, the cook at the O.K. Hotel.
Broncho Billy and the Sisters
The Minister
Broncho Billy becomes engaged to Mae, whose sister, Marguerite, is a cripple. Her parents are unable to stand the expense of an operation which will cure her, so she starts in to save the necessary $100. Slowly the money accumulates. Meanwhile Broncho Billy is caught making moonshine whiskey in Gulch Canyon.
When Slippery Slim Went for the Eggs
Slippery Slim
When eggs went up to $6 a dozen, Slim and Sophie try in every way to make their hen lay, but with no success. Mustang sees their efforts and decides to play a joke. One morning Slim receives a letter telling him that giving hens hot water to drink and putting salt on their tails will make them lay.
Snakeville's Rising Sons
Slippery Slim
Mustang and Slim are on very friendly terms. The same may be said of their wives, and when Slim's wife warns him that it is Friday the 13th and beware of friendship, he scorns her.
Broncho Billy and the Sheriff's Office
Broncho Billy is requested to resign his office as sheriff. John Jenkin's son is appointed his successor. The new sheriff is given a severe fright a few days later when the bad man of the town enters his office and threatens to shoot him. After this episode he sends in his resignation not having the nerve to serve as sheriff.
Slippery Slim Gets Square
Slippery Slim
Pete decides to steal Slim's clothes, when he chooses to bathe in the creek before going to a dance with Sophie.
Snakeville's Blind Pig
Slippery Slim
Snakeville's men are forced to stay home and do the housework when the women decide to take over the town.
Sophie's Sweetheart
Slippery Slim
Slippery Slim and Mustang Pete are suitors for the hand of Sophie Clutts, but she cares nothing for either of them.
Sophie's Fatal Wedding
Slippery Slim
Slippery Slim receives an invitation to attend the wedding of Sophie and Mustang Pete. He is brokenhearted, and when he goes to Sophie's home to plead with her he is locked out. He leaves a note telling her that he is going to shoot himself, but he loses his nerve.
Snakeville's Reform Wave
Slippery Slim
Slippery Slim and his wife, Sophie, drive to town. While Sophie does her shopping Slim sneaks over to the saloon to get a few drinks. Here he meets Mustang, so the two drink together. Slim has promised his wife that he will not take a drink as long as he wears a certain ring on his finger, so takes off the ring before each drink.
Sophie and the Man of Her Choice
Slippery Slim
Slippery Slim and Sophie are deeply in love. Slim incurs the enmity of Hiram Clutts, Sophie's father, and Mustang Pete. They swear vengeance. Mustang writes a note to Slim, signing Sophie's name, asking him to meet her in a cemetery. Slim finds a band of men waiting clad in sheets. He flees and asks Sophie to save him.
Slippery Slim and the Impersonator
Slippery Slim
Slippery Slim, crossed in love, plots revenge with help from an unexpected quarter.
Snakeville and the Corset Demonstrator
Slippery Slim
Sophie, who boasts the most perfect figure in the world, attracts the attention of every man in town when she arrives in Snakeville to demonstrate corsets.
Slippery Slim, The Mortgage and Sophie
Slippery Slim
Slippery Slim, the Justice of the Peace, serves a notice on Hiram Clutts, threatening to foreclose his mortgage unless Sophie marries him the next day. Hiram agrees that Sophie shall marry him as he demands. Sophie tells Mustang of this and they plan to elope that night. Mustang calls for her in his buggy, but they fail to make their escape unnoticed by Hiram. He chases them with a shotgun, but is unable to catch them before they reach Slim's office. They disguise themselves and Slim, not knowing who they are, performs the marriage ceremony.
Broncho Billy Rewarded
The Hotel Proprietor
Broncho Billy, the town good-for-nothing, makes his headquarters at the saloon, where he makes a few cents each day by sweeping out the place. One morning the hotel proprietor, the general store keeper and the chairman of the town board, upon going to their places of business, find that they have been robbed.
Snakeville's Peace-Maker
Slippery Slim
Mustang Pete receives a letter from his daughter, Sophie, who is away at boarding school, asking permission to bring some girls home with her to spend their vacation. Mustang flatly refuses. That afternoon he and Slippery Slim have a fight over a checker game, and to get "square" Slim advertises the fact that he will pay his ranch hands double the salary that Mustang will pay. As a result Slim gets all of Mustang's helpers. Mustang then writes to Sophie and tells her to bring home the girls if she cares to. The girls arrive the following day and Mustang has an abundance of help, all of Slim's helpers deserting him.
When Slippery Slim Met the Champion
Slippery Slim
Slim is elected to try to last three rounds against the world's champion boxer in order to win $100.
Slippery Slim Gets Cured
Slippery Slim
Sophie tries curing Slim's drinking problem by forcing him to drink ammonia, but it doesn't work.
Broncho Billy, a Friend in Need
The doctor, who owns the only store in town, is called away, and leaves his daughter in charge. A bandit has been menacing the vicinity and a reward is offered for his capture. There is quite a sum of money in the store, and when Broncho Billy, a stranger, knocks at the door, the girl thinks he must be the outlaw and forces him into a room at the point of a gun
Broncho Billy, the Vagabond
Broncho, the vagabond, is thrown out of the gambler's place because he has no money. He is light-hearted, nevertheless, and while strolling through the woods, runs upon a little girl trying to chop some wood. His heart is touched and he helps her. She leads him to the shack she calls home and Broncho is filled with pity when he sees her father sick
Broncho Billy's Wild Ride
Broncho Billy, an outlaw, is captured but eludes his captors, and while making his getaway, runs upon the county judge's daughter, who is helplessly trying to stop her runaway horse. He makes a thrilling rescue while going at top speed on horseback, but is captured by the posse and taken back to town.
Broncho Billy Wins Out
The School Trustee
Broncho Billy and the coward are both in love with the school teacher at Snakeville. Broncho is accepted, and the coward, mad with jealousy, induces the unsuspecting rival to carry through a mock hold-up. When Broncho Billy appears as a highwayman, the school teacher shoots at him. The coward has left the crowd and fires at Broncho.
Snakeville's New Waitress
Slippery Slim
Attendance rises at the Snakeville Hotel Restaurant when Sophie is hired as a waitress.
Sophie Gets Stung
Slippery Slim
Five of Snakeville's leading citizens are all determined to marry Sophie.
Sophie Finds a Hero
Slippery Slim
Slippery Slim and Mustang Pete get into a duel over Sophie.
The Wooing of Sophie
Slippery Slim
Slippery Slim secures a marriage license in the hope of marrying Sophie.
Broncho Billy and the Mine Shark
The Hotel Clerk
William Young and his daughter, Mildred, settle in the west, with the intention of investing their money in a mine. True Boardman, a mine shark, knowing that Young will be easy money, salts the mine and sells it to them.
The Snakeville Volunteer
Slippery Slim
Slippery Slim and Mustang Pete decide to join the Army.
The Good-for-Nothing
Old Clerk
The firm of John Sterling and Sons bad been organized by his father, and when son Gilbert was old enough, he took active part in the management. Gilbert's love for the high life led him away from his duties, and it was nothing unusual for him to spend six nights out of the week with questionable company. Early one morning, intoxicated, Gilbert finds his way to his home. His father reprimands him and finally puts him out of the house, telling him "never to return."
Sophie Pulls a Good One
Slippery Slim
Sophie, a dentist, recognizes a patient as the bandit who previously robbed her during a stagecoach holdup.
Sophie Starts Something
Slippery Slim
Sophie leads members of the local Women's Temperance League to the local saloon with a plan for destruction.
Broncho Billy's Leap
John Wilson had driven the stagecoach for years. When his daughter, Marguerite, became old enough, he allowed her to make an occasional trip with him. It was when she was about 19 that she had the terrible experience. Her father and the express messenger bad gone into the general store. Marguerite remained on the coach to watch the horses, four of them. A shooting contest a few feet away frightened the horses and they bolted. On a gallop they dashed down the road. Marguerite screamed for her life.
Broncho Billy's Sermon
The Sheriff
Broncho Billy is a typical bad man. The story opens with him shooting up a small town in the west, and scaring the inhabitants nearly to death. The sheriff with his deputies order him out of the country. Sunday morning, the congregation is in church singing. Boardman, another bad man, and his protégés, break up the meeting. The preacher is ousted.
Pie for Sophie
Two German musicians discover the citizens of Snakeville do not appreciate their music.
A Gamblers' Way
The Bartender
Jim Kane, a gambler, prevails upon Grace Carew to marry him. Grace is undecided whom she loves the best, John Hunter, a ranchman, or Kane, but finally decides to marry Kane. Some time later, we see Kane abusing his wife, neglecting her and always in a state of intoxication. Hunter has always been a friend of the family and it was nothing unusual to see him in their home, but Kane, entering the house one evening under the influence of liquor, misinterprets the meaning of Hunter's presence there, and upbraids his wife, slapping her in the face. Hunter is furious, but controls himself.
Broncho Billy and the Red Man
Broncho Billy saves an Indian from starvation. The Indian's intelligence is soon discovered by Broncho, who determines to make the red man a partner in his prospecting camp. An accident renders the prospector unconscious and the Indian hastens to the village for a doctor. The physician discovers that Broncho Billy's marred face is filled with dirt and gold. He tries to bribe the Indian. "Where did the explosion occur? See, Buck, I'm going to give you this money, tell me?" But the Indian is loyal.
What Came to Bar Q
Charles Clemens, a ranch owner, sends a letter to Fred Church, his foreman, informing him that his son and daughter are coming to spend their vacation on the ranch. Church and the boys meet the stage, and to their amazement and secret joy, find that the boy is very effeminate. What the boys do to Clarence is a scream, hut his sister, who is more of a boy than he is, gets even with them for hazing her brother, and the boys are forced to take off their hats to her.
Broncho Billy and the Bad Man
The Storekeeper
To err is human, but in the end, goodness of heart will prevail and the one who has committed an offense against man-made laws may come out of the mire and develop into a law abiding and god-fearing citizen. Broncho Billy, from being one of the most desperate characters in the west, is reformed through the kind treatment accorded him at the hands of the sheriff and his wife, and is made deputy.
A Night on the Road
Sheriff's Assistant
A knight of the grip has many inconveniences to contend with, and not only that, but often his very life is in danger. Such is the case with John Duncan, a traveling man, who was obliged to remain overnight at a small inn located in the far west. The hotel-keeper, an unscrupulous Italian, with the help of two ruffians, schemes to steal Duncan's money and do away with him.
Broncho Billy-Guardian
Broncho Billy hears a child scream and rushes on the scene in time to prevent Jim Haley, a big brute of a man, from beating his little daughter, Josie, with a horse whip. Later, Haley and Pedro, a half-breed, are caught rustling cattle and are given the customary treatment, but not before Haley writes a note to Josie, stating that the boys will take care of her. The boys send Josie east to school and ten years later, when she returns a young lady, they all fall in love with her.
Snakeville's New Doctor
Slippery Slim
In these days of women's equal rights, it is not strange to find the fair sex taking the places of men in every occupation. Women physicians are not unusual, but a really beautiful one is, and would have her hands full taking care of every lovesick swain, who would develop every known disease to have the pleasure of letting her feel his pulse or hold his head.
A Snakeville Courtship
Slippery Slim
Jeremiah Green receives a letter from his niece, stating that she is coming west, and is in the market for a husband. The news scatters fast throughout the western town, and when the fair Sophie arrives, her callers are numerous. One look at the three-hundred-pound debutante is enough to convince the men that they are not eligible for the marriage certificate, especially if Sophie is to be the bride.
That Pair from Thespia
Second Actor
Shakespeare the Second and Dan Rice the Third, would-be ham actors, blow into the town of Barnstorm. That afternoon they give a "free" performance, which is indeed terrible. Dan Rice passes the hat, only to receive cat-calls for his trouble. The hotel proprietor orders them to pay their bill and leave town.
Sophie's New Foreman
Slippery Slim
Alkali Ike, a cowpuncher, is given his walking papers for neglect of duty. He has little trouble, however, in securing a position on Sophie Clutts' ranch. His trial is a hard and tedious one, the gladiatoress standing over him with a powerful six-shooter, and every time he drops his work, a bullet from the aforementioned piece of artillery hastily reminds him of his necessary toil.
The Three Gamblers
Herbert Corrington, a would-be gambler and agent for an express company, not satisfied with the necessities of life, tries his luck at roulette, appropriating the express company's money. Robert, the son, is fast traveling in the footsteps of his father. The Sheriff in the next county is sent for a large package of money in Corrington's possession to be delivered to the Blue Ledge Mine for the payroll. Corrington gambles a thousand dollars of this money and loses. Broncho Billy, a professional gambler, loans Corrington the money necessary to replace the funds he had maliciously taken. Corrington gives the gambler a note payable in thirty days or his home as collateral in case of default.
Broncho Billy's Squareness
Earl Briggs, a ranchman, and Carl Underwood, a sheriff, are in love with Grace Woodward. Earl is the favored suitor and in time Grace becomes engaged to hire. Sometime later the stage is held up by Broncho Billy, a notorious outlaw. A fierce battle ensues in the woods between the posse and the bandit, in which Broncho Billy is wounded
A Romance of the Hills
Caleb Breen and Lucy Oliver are sweethearts and intend to marry just as soon as Breen strikes gold. Will Drummond arrives at Hillsdale, where he visits Henry McLean, a wealthy ranchman. Ruth, the ranchman's daughter, is engaged to Drummond. The stranger from the east meets Lucy one fine October morning, and the two become quite chummy.
Sophie's Hero
Slippery Slim
Alkali Ike dons a bearskin to chase away his rivals.
Broncho Billy's First Arrest
Broncho Billy is made sheriff.
The Last Laugh
Marguerite discovers a personal in the paper asking for information concerning Wallace Jones, and stating that he is heir to an immense fortune, which she shows to her mother. That morning, when a man applies to Mrs. Joslin for a room in her house and the landlady discovers his valise is marked "W. Jones," both she and her daughter insist on his taking one of their rooms, and make a great fuss over him. Mr. Jones is at a loss to understand their overwhelming attentions, but as Marguerite is extremely pretty, he accepts the fussing good-naturedly, as far as she is concerned.
Alkali Ike and the Wildman
Slippery Slim
Alkali Ike and the Wildman
Broncho Billy's Oath
In order to save his friend's life, Broncho Billy holds up the stage and takes money enough to pay the doctor. Jim Hart recovers and accidentally learns what Broncho has done for him, as he is about to pay back the amount stolen.
Why Broncho Billy Left Bear County
The Druggist
Through a kindly act Broncho Billy earns the deep gratitute of Marion Rivers, who presents him with a Bible. Not long afterwards, she comes upon him as he is about to hold up the stage, but at sight of the girl he is overwhelmed with shame and taking out the little Bible promises her that he will live honorably. In the meantime, Marion's father holds up the stage at another point, and one of the stagecoach drivers, mounting a bareback pony, rides off for the sheriff. Broncho Billy sees Rivers get away with the money, and when he hears the sheriff and his men coming, for Marion's sake he goes to warn her father. To shield him, he takes the bags of money and rides away with the men after him. He leaves the money at the mile post with a note saying: "SAheriff, I'm through with Bear County, this stick-up was my last", and rides across the border. (Moving Picture World Synopsis)
Broncho Billy Reforms
A Thief
Broncho Billy and his pals plot to rob the general store. Broncho Billy is elected to go into the store and engage the proprietor in conversation while the others enter the rear door and rob the till.
Broncho Billy and the Western Girls
Evelyn and Irene Courteny, through the helplessness of their father, who is a cripple, are given charge of the general store and post office. A large bag of gold with registered letters, etc., are delivered by the mail carrier on day. Dick Lee, a notorious outlaw, sees the delivery of the valuable bag. That night, with a gang, Lee breaks into the post office and would have carried off the treasure, had not Evelyn escaped through a back window, mounted her horse, and rode away. One of the men sees her, however, and the three go in pursuit. Irene is quick to inform Broncho Billy, and the latter arrives just in time to save Evelyn from the hands of the bandits. The three are captured. Broncho Billy falls in love with Irene and the two are left to plan their future happiness. (Moving Picture World synopsis)
Alkali Ike and the Hypnotist
Slippery Slim
Alkali Ike eludes his wife and attends a performance at the Snakeville Opera House, where Prof. Hippy is demonstrating his wonderful hypnotic art. Alkali Ike is finally persuaded to go up on the stage. The professor hypnotizes him. The clever and eccentric situation that derive from Alkali being hypnotized, are excruciatingly funny.
Alkali Ike's Misfortunes
Slippery Slim
Sofie Clutts, the belle of Lizardville, returns from her visit to the East, and the men clamor to see her. Alkali Ike is robbed of his suspenders, his hat and coat, so that three of the men could look presentable. Sofie tries to entertain her three suitors, one in the parlor, another in the dining room, and the last in the kitchen. Alkali Ike calls to see the fair Sofie, and is shoved by suitor number one from the parlor into the dining room, his next trip from the dining room into the kitchen, and the last trip, the one that hurt the most, was from the kitchen through the window into some shrubbery.
Alkali Ike's Homecoming
Slippery Slim
During Alkali Ike's visit to the East, Slippery Slim made rapid progress for the hand of Soffie Clutts. On this particular day in February, Slippery Slim is very much dejected when he calls on Soffie and discovers that she is admiring several photographs of her old friend Alkali. To give him a better sailing. Slim shows Soffie a fictitious note
The Accusation of Broncho Billy
Broncho Billy, owner of a saloon in Big Horn City, is trusted implicitly by the miners in the surrounding territory. Several of them have gathered at the bar, when Broncho Billy receives a note, stating that the stage-coach will not stop at Big Horn until the following day. The men request Broncho Billy to keep their gold until the coach arrives.
Broncho Billy's Gratefulness
Dr. Huff
Broncho Billy, suffering from a fever, collapses on the doorstep of a ranchman's home. John Harding, returning from his work, carries Broncho Billy into the house and places him on the bed. A doctor is summoned. A few weeks later, Broncho Billy now fully recovered thanks Harding and his wife for their kind treatment and returns to town where he is greeted with a welcome hand by everyone. Two or three days later Fred Church, hiding behind a tree opposite to Harding's home, sees the latter leave. Church forces his attentions on Mrs. Harding. Returning to his home Harding is informed by his wife of what had happened during his absence.
Broncho Billy and the Squatter's Daughter
Broncho Billy, half crazed with liquor, enters a saloon and demands a bottle of whiskey. This he absorbs about half, which places his physical and mental condition in a state of sub-consciousness. Completely intoxicated, Broncho Billy is placed on his horse and led away. Having ridden a few miles in this condition, he falls off his mount unconscious. Mabel Clark, a squatter's daughter, discovers him by the roadside, washes off his aching brow, and brings him to.
Broncho Billy and the Sheriff's Kid
Broncho Billy, haying disturbed the laws of the state, is thrown into jail. The warden hands the outlaw a cup of water and a piece of stale bread. The latter grabs the warden's hand, pulls it through the bars and threatens the former with a broken arm unless he unlocks the door. Broncho Billy, having gained his freedom, takes to the woods.
The Making of Broncho Billy
Broncho Billy runs into trouble in a bar when he gets into a confrontation with a bully. Since the bully has a gun and Billy doesn't, he's forced to endure the bully's humiliating tactics until he manages to get away. He determines to find himself a gun, learn how to use it and then go back and find the bully for a little payback.
Broncho Billy's Gun Play
The sheriff of Sioux County, Arizona, is notified to locate the bandits' rendezvous. Carl Waters, the sheriff, scouts the country and finally locates them. Returning to the town saloon and dance hall Waters, who is smitten with the fair Caroline Heston, proposes to her. She promises to give her answer the following day.
Broncho Billy's Promise
A pretty western girl rejected a cowpuncher admirer for Bronche Billy. Snake, the rejected suitor, swears revenge and immediately proceeds to the village barroom to load up with ammunition, both for the gun and the stomach.
Broncho Billy's Mexican Wife
Broncho marries a Mexican girl at the earnest entreaty of her dying father. Later a Mexican singer wins her love and, to get Broncho out of the way, she has him arrested and jailed on the charge of having assaulted her. In a frenzy of rage, Broncho secures the sheriff's revolver, escapes from jail and tracks the pair at his shack.
Alkali Ike's Close Shave
Slippery Slim
"Alkali" Ike, with a luxuriant growth of beard that he has carefully fostered, determines to see the city for the first time. He arrives, and not being a good dodger, is knocked insensible by the first automobile he encounters. His disfigured face is shaven by a doctor, who adorns it with several large strips of plaster, gives him some new clothes and turns him loose. Arriving back in his home town he meets his wife's sister, attempts to embrace her and she, not recognizing his shaven face, summons the aid of a group of punchers who immediately put Alkali through a course of rough treatment, including a ducking in the watering trough, and finally land him in the town jail.
An Indian's Friendship
Broncho is instrumental in saving Yellow Wolf, an Indian, from the wrath of Dan Runnion, a surly cowpuncher, and Runnion swears revenge. His chance comes when he sees a notice from the county sheriff advising that cattle rustlers are at work and for ranchmen to watch their stock.
The Tomboy on Bar Z
A romantic Western in which John saves his beloved Mary when she is about to marry a criminal.
An Indian Sunbeam
A Cowboy
The accidental overturning of their "prairie schooner" kills a settler and his wife and leaves their little baby girl, Sunbeam, alone in the world. Discovered by Big Wolf, an Indian brave from a nearby tribe, Sunbeam is adopted and brought up as one of their number.
Alkali Ike's Pants
Coyote Simpson and "Alkali" Ike both love the buxom Sophie, pride of Buckskin, Ariz. Coyote has a long curling mustache that is his one pride and joy, but Sophie objects to it when he kisses her and orders him to trim it down.
The Tenderfoot Foreman
Edna Graham is advised in a letter from her father, given her after the old ranchman's death, not to attempt to run the big "Double K," hut to secure a competent manager. Later, Edna is caused to regret not having followed her father's advice, as the men in her employ are surly and rude, and endeavor in every manner to make life miserable for her.
Broncho Billy for Sheriff
Jim Dunn, county sheriff, is asked to withdraw his name as a candidate for re-election because the boys think he has proved himself incapable in office. Dunn is a tighter, rushes to town, declares he will be in the campaign in spite of all opposition, and has the town placarded with notices urging the boys to vote for him. .Meanwhile, the judges have a hard time to find a man with the nerve to run against Dunn. Broncho Billy, a ranchman, is urged to become a candidate and agrees. Cleaning his gun thoroughly, Broncho sits down to eat dinner. Word of Broncho's becoming his rival reaches Dunn's ears and he immediately rides to the ranch house.
Alkali Ike Plays the Devil
Alkali Ike receives some good news one morning in the form of an invitation from the boys of a nearby town to attend a masquerade ball with his best girl. Much elated. Alkali calls on Sophie and she gladly agrees to go. Alkali now goes to the town postmistress, secures the address of a costume firm and writes for a costume. It arrives in the nature of a Mephisto garb, horns, tail and all.
Broncho Billy's Pal
Tom Shelby and Broncho Billy, partners on a small cattle ranch, and life-long pals, are stalwart young fellows and true sons of the west. Tom falls in love with Vedah Craig, daughter of the county sheriff, proudly tells Broncho of her, shows him the ring, goes to the Craig house, and puts the ring on Vedah's finger with the consent of her father. Rushing back to the ranch house Tom tells Broncho the good news and Broncho congratulates him warmly. That night a dance is held in the town hall. At the height of the merriment Quick-Draw Kelly, a notorious gun-man, and all-around ruffian, enters the hall with leveled gun and boisterously orders them all out. Fearing his deadly gun the hall is quickly cleared, then the enraged punchers summon Sheriff Craig, who is severely wounded in the arm by Kelly. The ruffian escapes and Craig now endeavors to send deputies after him, but all are afraid of Kelly's quick shooting and refuse to go in pursuit.
A Story of Montana
Old Clayton, a ranchman, has a pretty daughter, Sue, who is loved by Dan Morris, a worthless cattleman. Clayton tries to force Sue to marry Morris, but the girl indignantly refuses, tells Morris she doesn't love him and goes to meet her real sweetheart.
Broncho Billy's Narrow Escape
While looking for work, Broncho Billy meets a girl and falls in love with her. Broncho is then accused of horse theft by a jealous lover of the girl. At the moment that he is to be hanged, Broncho’s beloved girl comes to his rescue.
On the Cactus Trail
Dan Clayton, a young easterner, is engaged to pretty Vedah Powers. Desirous of making his fortune Clayton goes west and becomes a prospector. After six months he has almost forgotten Vedah, and his letters are far and few between. Patiently Vedah waits each day for the postman, and her heart is almost breaking when no word comes from Dan. Meanwhile, Dan gets into bad company, takes to drinking, meets a Mexican girl, and marries her. His money gives out and he writes Vedah that he has met with an accident while prospecting and asks her to send him some money. Unable to stand the torturing suspense longer, Vedah boards the next train, and starts west to find Dan.
Alkali Ike Bests Broncho Billy
When rancher Arthur Mackley welcomes his daughter (Florence Perkes) to his ranch for a visit, all of the cowboys compete for her affections.
The Prospector's Legacy
A western prospector, who has been unusually lucky, prepares to return east to his wife. The suspicious actions of a gypsy horse-trader, whom he has seen loitering near his cabin, prompts him to take his gold to the bank, but on the way he is thrown from his horse and suffers fatal injuries. A young man and woman come on the scene and are given the gold, after they promise the dying man to send a portion of it to his wife. Later, the gypsy, learning who got the gold, attacks the mother of the young people and escapes with the treasure.
Broncho Billy and the Schoolmistress
"Broncho Billy and the Schoolmistress" (1912, 14 minutes) is a comedy-drama about yet another girl from the East who doesn't need to be protected from the local dangers. Broncho Billy plays a passive role, and even takes a bullet when a jealous villain tries to eliminate him from the new teacher's dance card. Filmed in the wilds of Fairfax, California and at Essanay Studios in San Rafael.
The Oath of His Office
Bob Graham gains the consent of Grace Allen to marry before he leaves for the fall round-up. Bob takes with him a locket given him by Grace as a token of remembrance. Jed Brown, who has also loved Grace, goes with the punchers across the range and when opportunity offers steals the locket and forges a note which he returns and gives to Grace, making her believe that Bob has jilted her. Womanlike, she turns her affections to Jed and they are married. Bob learns of the trick and makes a solemn vow someday to get even.
Widow Jenkins' Admirers
When Widow Jenkins publishes the news that she has been left a valuable estate and other properties, including a grocery store, all the eligible men of the neighborhood seek to win her hand. The most persistent of her admirers is Alkali Ike, who absolutely refuses to remove himself from her immediate vicinity and guards her so well that none of the other suitors are given a fair opportunity to propose.
The Loafer
The forceful reformation of a lazy scrounger.
A Child of the West
Jim Riley is to be arrested for horse stealing and when the sheriff knocks at the door of Jim's shack, he asks his little girl Nellie to go and tell the man he is not at home. Nellie tries to persuade the big sheriff that her father is out, but to no avail, for Jim is arrested and taken away, while he promises his little girl he will soon return.
Broncho Billy's Adventure
Fairfax, California, is the location used for this film, one of the earliest Broncho Billy films. Anderson includes his usual mix of comedy and drama as Broncho Billy gets caught in the middle of a family dispute between a jealous hotel owner and his daughter when she flirts with her boyfriend, a cowboy her father dislikes.
Broncho Billy's Christmas Dinner
It's Christmas, and a young woman is on her way to celebrate the holidays with her parents. A group of drunk cowboys startle her horses making her wagon, with the woman on it, speed off. By chance Broncho Billy saves her life and the grateful girl invites him over for Christmas dinner. Little does he know that the young lady is the Sheriff's daughter…
The Forester's Plea
Henry Carter, a forester, has but one falling, that of drink. Despite his efforts to cure himself of his terrible habit, temptation is always stronger than his will, and Agnes, his daughter, is in despair. Finally persuaded to take treatment at a sanitarium by Rev. Small, Carter decides to give it a trial.
Town Hall, Tonight
The Tall Schultz Brother
Two wandering thespians, whose one lone trunk bears the legend "Schulz Brothers, in Vaudeville," are hitting the grit back to New York. They are sore and tired when they reach "Snakeville." They decide to stop overnight, and if fortune favors them to give a performance and gets enough money to ride back to Broadway. Thereat they bill the town and make ready for the performance at the Town Hall that evening. Their efforts to please the critical Snakeville audience are futile and before they have rendered their first selection the audience bowls them off the stage and all leave. Furthermore the management in the box office has decamped to the "Red Eye" saloon with all the proceeds of the performance and they are in as bad a fix as before.
The Strike at the Little Jonny Mine
Young Jim Logan, a miner at the "Little Jonny" mine, is in financial straits owing to the long illness of his wife. Other misfortunes follow when Jim learns of the discontent of other miners and their grumbling at the present wage scale they are receiving. It is finally decided to make demands to the mine owners
Broncho Bill's Last Spree
Slippery Slim
Broncho Bill of Snakeville, is on one of his sprees. Loaded down with all kinds of artillery, he comes up Main Street, firing both pistols. He first visits the town bar and chases everybody out; he breaks into the hotel and causes a panic there; breaks up a prayer meeting; puts an English tourist to flight; grabs the boot off of "Alkali" Ike's foot and shoots at it in the air. Finally, tired of his sport, he borrows a horse and starts for home, shortly after to be pursued by the sheriff and his posse.
The Two Fugitives
After successfully eluding the London police, David Goodwin, an embezzler, sails for America and locates in the west. At the opening of our story, he is married and has several little children, and has become a thoroughly respectable and honorable citizen. One day he is reminded of the past by a newspaper item which states that the London embezzler has been located
The Corporation and the Ranch Girl
Upon the death of her father, Ann Newton is made the heiress of an extensive and valuable ranch in Arizona, when she is visited by the officials of the S.W. Railroad Company, who, seeking to extend the tracks of their company, find it necessary to buy a portion of the ranch. Ann refuses to part with the ranch at any price
A Hungry Pair
Two hobos, Shorty and Skinny, are very hungry, and finally Skinny gets an idea how to get a good meal without paying for it. Stealing a policeman's suit which is hanging on a line in a nearby yard, Skinny is dressed in it and they go to a restaurant, which Shorty enters, and seating himself, orders a large meal.
The Infant at Snakeville
Mrs. Graham and her baby boy are on their way from the east to an uncle's ranch in Wyoming, and they have completed the long journey in safety up to the time they are to take the stagecoach to Snakeville, near which the ranch is located. Through an accident Baby "Bumps," as he is fondly called by his mother, is carried off by the coach and Mrs. Graham left behind.
Автомобиль Алкали Айка
Алкали Айк это герой целой серии фильмов. Ковбой совсем небольшого ростика, но шустрый и очень духовитый. Вечно он попадает в разные забавные ситуации. В этом фильме Айк соперничает в ухаживаниях за раскошной дамой с другим ковбоем. Что частенько предлагают мальчики понравившимся девочкам? Покататься! Конечно упряжка коней и колясочка это здорово, но, согласитесь, в ковбойских краях лошадьми вряд ли кого удивишь. А вот автомобиль...
The Puncher's New Love
Harvey Barton, a young cowboy, is happily in love with Kate Bowers, a pretty western girl. One day he calls at her home, shows her a handbill advertising a barn dance to be held at one of the nearby ranches, and asks her to go with him. On his way back to the ranch he comes upon a beautiful young woman, whose horse has met with an accident and Harvey dismounts and bashfully asks her if he can be of any assistance. She accepts his help and invites him to accompany her home. She is inclined to flirt and easily turns the foolish young cowpuncher's head, and the meeting ends with him inviting her to accompany him to the dance.
The Bunco Game at Lizardhead
Jake Walters and his wife, Millie, arrive at Lizardhead, Arizona. They have learned that Mrs. Riley, proprietress of the hotel, has advertised for a waitress and Millie is sent to take the position. Millie is pretty and soon has all the village swains breaking their necks to gain her favor. From "Stump" Willetts to "Lank" Henderson, every cowboy within a radius of ten miles of Lizardhead is led to believe that he is the pretty lady's choice.
The Indian Maiden's Lesson
Rev. Warren Addington, the pastor of an eastern evangelical church, is left a will wherein is given the location of a valuable mine in Montana, unknown to any other living person. He takes only one man into his confidence, Jack Beardsley, a westerner and a seemingly trustworthy man, who is familiar with the country.
Across the Plains
Jennie Lee and her father are on their way to Golden California, from a little Kansas farm, traveling in a prairie schooner. At the last settlement visited by the two, the old man, who has a weakness for drink, purchases several bottles of whiskey, which he begins drinking when they have made camp for the night. A lone cowboy calls upon them and finds the old man in a jovial mood and cautions him to beware of the hostile tribe of Indians, through whose country they are now traveling.
The Sheriff's Chum
Two young men of a western town, Will Phelps and George Arden, are in love with the same girl, the belle of the village. Having been pals from boyhood they decide to let the girl choose between them and to abide by her decision without argument or malice. Jessie chooses Phelps, and Arden, although deeply hurt by her decision, presses the hands of both and wishes them happiness. Several years elapse during which time Jessie and Will are married and the latter has become sheriff of the county. It is then that Arden returns and the two men are apparently happy in being together again.
The Bad Man's Downfall
When pretty Molly Martin comes out to the west to teach school, she is beset by many admirers. But the most persistent, and as fate often wills it, the least acceptable, is one "Bad" McGrew, town bully and a generally worthless scamp.
Hank and Lank: They Make a Mash
Lank sees a young lady drop her purse and upon recovering it is invited by the damsel to see her home. It is with envious eyes that Hank watches his pal and then resolves to try to make a hit himself.
The Two Reformations
Young Frank McLain loses his position in the east, and resolves to go west to prospect for gold. Arrangements are made that he leave his wife at home, and send for her later, as soon as he has found a position. Frank's prospecting proves a failure, and he is without funds, when his plight is made more severe by receiving a letter from Alice, his wife.
The Border Ranger
Dan Coughlin, a ranger, comes upon a band of smugglers and succeeds in capturing one of them, a half-breed Mexican, "Easy" Joe by name. Joe is taken to headquarters and locked up, while all efforts to wring a confession from him as to the whereabouts of the band's rendezvous have failed. It is not long, however, before the others of the gang make an effort to liberate their pal and send an Indian to spy upon Dan and other members of the troupe.
The Count and the Cowboys
The Count
The scene is laid in the West and presents a French count, in immaculate attire, suddenly dropped among the cowboys. Following an altercation he offers to fight a duel, but when the results of a scheme arranged by the cowboys to show his opponent killing duelists by wholesale are seen, he breaks away and barely succeeds in catching the stage on his way back to the effete East, while the cowboys make merry over their successful joke.
The Bad Man's Christmas Gift
Andy Carson, puncher on the Lazy X ranch, is in love with Gladys, daughter of Col. Pierce, the ranch owner. Gladys likes the young puncher, but when Jack Brinsley, a young Eastern friend of her father, comes to spend Christmas at the ranch, she speedily transfers her affection to the Easterner.
Hank and Lank: Blind Men
Always on the lookout for easy money. "Hank and Lank." our favorite comedians, see an opportunity to get a square meal when they are inspired by the methods of a blind man, preying upon public charity.
The Tenderfoot Messenger
A Western story turning upon the cleverness of Shorty Blair, an express messenger, who assumes to be a tenderfoot and outwits a gang of desperadoes that follow him for the package of money he carries.
A Cowboy's Vindication
A shot during a struggle, and Frank Morrison is branded with the mark of Cain, but by his own efforts the real murderer is discovered.
Circle C Ranch's Wedding Present
Circle C Ranch's Wedding Present is a silent Western
Hank and Lank: As Sandwich Men
Hank and Lank have inside information that it's meal time, but it looks as if they would have to skip a meal or two until Hank's fertile brain maps out a royal road to a big feed.
Hank and Lank: Lifesavers
Hank and Lank: Lifesavers is a Silent Comedy short.
The Silent Message
Jeff Bandera, outlaw, has been capture by the sheriff, who is taking him by rail to the nearest lockup. Jeff is desperate and when the train slows down to a curve he makes a leap through the window and, despite his handcuffs, escapes serious injury. Before the sheriff can leave the train and pursue him Jeff has taken refuge in the gulches of the rough country
Hank and Lank: Uninvited Guests
Hank and Lank have not experienced a good feed for several days, and, on the lookout for a meal or a handout, pass by the Summerford residence, just as Mr. and Mrs. Summerford, carrying suitcases and handbags, hurriedly lock the front door and leave. A sign, informing callers of their absence during the summer, is conspicuously placed in the window.
A Cowboy's Mother-in-Law
Nellie Blair, the niece of a wealthy ranchman, and an orphan, comes in make her home with her uncle, and shortly after her arrival finds that the whole "Circle A" outfit, every manjack on the place, is in love with her.
Hank and Lank: They Get Wise to a New Scheme
In this instance Hank and Lank step into good fortune quite by accident. Pausing in front of a bargain dry-goods store, a young lady rushes up and asks Hank to hold her baby while she goes inside to make a few purchases. Shortly after she returns and liberally tips the little man for his services as nurse.
The Bearded Bandit
A stirring Western drama presenting as its principal character a man who is at once ranchman and bandit
Patricia of the Plains
Patricia Watkins and her father are proprietors of the Lariat Saloon and dance hall but because of his small size and his tendency to keep in a state of perpetual drunkenness the old man has little to do with the business. Patricia as a barmaid meets all the riffraff of humanity drifting across the plains to the west and the Lariat Saloon is noted far and wide, not so much for the quality of its poisons as for the pretty maid who always offers a smile with the drink.
Hank and Lank: They Dude Up Some
Hank and Lank have experienced a little rough weather since we last saw them and the fact that they are disreputably clothed has not been overlooked by them. They need something new. But how? After some thought Hank's cheerful countenance lightens. He goes on to explain his little scheme in detail.
The Tout's Remembrance
"Bullets" Brown, the hero of our story, is a rare track tout, and a true type or this particular parasite.
Hank and Lank: Joyriding
In this instance our friend Hank, the little fellow with the big ideas, longs for an auto ride and communicates to Lank a plan by which they may obtain one. The suggestion he offers is this: They will spot a good car and when the chauffeur is near Hank will throw a fit and the sympathetic Lank will induce the chauffeur to take his stricken friend to the hospital. The scheme works perfectly. Hank approaches the car, is suddenly stricken, and doubles up spasmodically in an awful epileptic fit. Lank is the first on the scene and waves violently to the driver of the car. This latter proves sympathetic and offers to get Hank to the hospital with all possible speed.
A Dog on Business
"Weary" William, who is hungry and obsessed with a desire to make some easy money, hits upon a really excellent idea. The inspiration comes when he finds a stray pup, which appears to be in about the same fix as he, hungry and homeless. "Weary" appropriates the dog and plans his campaign.
Detective McRae
After obtaining a divorce from his second wife Emily, Roy Tappan marries Dora Carson, who has just divorced her husband. Left poor with two children, Emily marries Walter Heath, a former suitor, then discovers that she cannot live with her new husband because the divorce is not legal in her home state. Tappan and his new wife soon run out of money, each having thought the other was wealthy. His aunt promises to support him in exchange for his two children. He kidnaps the children and hides them from Emily in his aunt's home. After Emily and Walter find them, they go to Yellowstone Park, where they are considered legally married. Tappan follows and is killed after a fight with Walter when a boiling geyser throws him into the air and throws him onto the rocks below.
A Horse on Sophie
Slippery Slim
Sophie writes a note to her aunt telling her that she is undecided whether she will marry Slippery Slim or Mustang Pete, but says she will accept the one who buys the best-looking horse.
Slippery Slim -- Diplomat
Slippery Slim
Slippery Slim uses his position as postmaster in order to hold back all the invitations to Sophie's birthday party, except, of course, his own and that of the parson.
Alkali Ike Stung!
This time Alkali Ike is dissatisfied with his boarding house and, when the buxom Sophie, a two-hundred-pound widow arrives in town, buys out Tony's place and nails up cards announcing that it will be opened on the following Tuesday as a first-class boarding house, Alkali is the first to see it, rushes back and begins to lay plans for switching at once.
The Biter Bitten
A grouchy old western landlord takes the Widow Jones' motorcycle belonging to her deceased husband, because she cannot pay rent. He puts a 'For Sale' sign on the machine and waits to drive a good bargain. A brisk young man agrees to buy it, but wants to try it out first. He gets on with the old man on the back and they finally strand for lack of gasoline near the railroad.
A Westerner's Way
Jason Watkins, a real estate and loan agent, enters his office in the little Arizona town of Navajo, to find that during the night robbers have visited the place and broken into his safe, taking with them a large sum of money and other valuables. Watkins immediately notifies the sheriff, a posse is hurriedly organized and a search made for the culprits.