Denise Clair

Denise Clair


Denise Clair


Touchez Pas au Grisbi
Madame Bouche
Gentleman gangster Max and his partner, Riton, pull off their last, most successful heist and find themselves comfortable enough to retire in the style they enjoy. However, Max confides the details of the theft to his younger mistress, Josey -- who has secretly taken up with ambitious young rival gangster Angelo. Angelo then has Riton kidnapped and demands the stash of gold as ransom, which threatens Max's dreams of the perfect retirement.
The Moment of Truth
Madame Nicolas - la concierge
After attending to a suicidal young man, Dr Richard learns that his wife has been unfaithful for years. This comes as a shock after 10 years of supposedly happy marriage. Back home, he demands answers from Madeleine. A long night of explanations ensues.
Nocturnal Uproar
Sylvie Sauvin, born Varescot
Armand Varescot, a rich and tyrannical old man, is killed by his young and pretty secretary, Caroline, while he was trying to abuse her. To avoid scandal, his granddaughter Marie Varescot convinces Frank, his cousin, to take responsibility for this "accidental" death, he who is in love with Caroline. But Commissioner Legrand, who has designs on Marie, only agrees to close the affair if Marie marries her, and if Frank leaves with Caroline, abandoning his share of the inheritance. The arrangement is accepted and life goes on.
la patronne d'un bistrot
Dedee is a prostitute, working in Monsieur Rene's night club on Antwerp's harbour. The porter is Marco, her pimp. Dedee is not happy, until she meets Francesco, an italian sailorman. They fall in love and Dedee begins to dream about an escape of her daily dullness.