This engaging series of childhood recollections tells about an ideal school in Tokyo during World War II that combined learning with fun, freedom, and love. This unusual school had old railroad cars for classrooms, and it was run by an extraordinary man-its founder and headmaster, Sosaku Kobayashi--who was a firm believer in freedom of expression and activity.
Yuna and Akari are two high school girls with very different views on love: Yuna dreams about romance through rose-coloured glasses, while Akari is down-to-earth and practical. Meanwhile, high school boys Kazuomi and Rio also have different views on love: Kazuomi is an airhead who can't grasp the concept of love, while Rio grabs onto any confession as an opportunity—so long as the girl looks cute. Will these four classmates end up leading a youthful romance that meets their expectations?
Kujiratori tells the story of school children pretending they are building a boat. As imagination replaces reality, they find themselves on the ocean, hunting for a whale. A big, gentle whale appears, accompanies them back to land and plays with them. Then the fantasy ends and the children are back in their class room.
Animated with drawings that are a collage of pop and grotesque. The surrealistic design and the generous viewing experience give the impression that it is a "picture book for adults", but the thoughtful storyline, poetic narration and songs that suddenly appear are pleasantly unrestrained as if the film were aimed at children. However, this unrestrainedness is accompanied by a high degree of perfection, and although it is a flat animation that seems to be the opposite of the latest CG, it gives the impression of possibilities for expression that may even broaden the definition of cinema.
Animated with drawings that are a collage of pop and grotesque. The surrealistic design and the generous viewing experience give the impression that it is a "picture book for adults", but the thoughtful storyline, poetic narration and songs that suddenly appear are pleasantly unrestrained as if the film were aimed at children. However, this unrestrainedness is accompanied by a high degree of perfection, and although it is a flat animation that seems to be the opposite of the latest CG, it gives the impression of possibilities for expression that may even broaden the definition of cinema.
Shizuku lives a simple life, dominated by her love for stories and writing. One day she notices that all the library books she has have been previously checked out by the same person: 'Seiji Amasawa'.
On a future Earth, war between the Kingdom of Honneamise and its rival, The Republic, is inevitable. As evolving technology creates new ways to wage war, a small group seeks to propel mankind into space in their world’s first spaceflight program. For astronaut candidate Shirotsugh Lhadatt, it’s a personal odyssey as he grows from an aimless young man into a leader willing to put everything on the line in order to move the human race forward and away from the brink of Armageddon.