Julia Beerhold

Julia Beerhold

Birth : 1970-09-21, Düsseldorf, Germany


Julia Beerhold


The Last Suit
Cranky, crafty and always immaculately dressed, aged master tailor Abraham Bursztein finds himself facing his winter years in a retirement home after discovering his children have sold his home out from under him. Not one to go quietly, Abraham unexpectedly travels to Poland in order to deliver a suit to a childhood friend who saved his life during the Nazi occupation.
Alles für meine Tochter
Frau Jülich
Teacher Ines and journalist Boris have been happily married for 14 years. But Ines suffers from her childlessness. Then she is confronted with a chapter of her life that has displaced her for many years: In a new student she recognizes her daughter, who she had released after adoption for adoption. Since Boris knows nothing about it, Ines can only trust her best friend Simone. Against her advice, she also seeks in private the proximity to the unsuspecting student. In doing so, she finds herself in a conflict between her responsibility as a teacher and her growing motherly feelings.
Partly Sunny
Two young guys in a bar hit on the woman they fancy by sending one of them over who tells her that the other one is terminally ill...
Unter den Händen
Free-running Men
Some call it a men's holiday, the other flee from themselves: Thomas, Jens and Malte have rented a holiday home on a secluded Swedish lake - the complete contrast to life at home. They are only partially satisfied with that for different reasons. One is around 40, the first interim balance revealed weak points. But even in the Swedish forest, where there are at least one moose in addition to the free-running men, the guys catch up on the reality quickly. Because the wasteland is not as gullible as hoped ...
Eines Tages...
Ein Fall für Fingerhut
Angelika Höllerich
Richterin ohne Robe
Ramona Kohnert
Bettina Hinrichs, who owns a flower shop, has been nominated to act as Schöffin (a german version of jury member) at court. Robert Wrengler is accused to have murdered his wife with a letter bomb. Bettina Hinrichs has mixed feelings about her duty: How can she decide who is telling the truth? Should she believe the tears of the bereft widower or the accusations of his brother-in-law? Her life is turned upside down even more when she finds out that a detective is following her and her daughter, uttering threats in case she makes the wrong decision. And what about Peter, the nice guy she met by accident right after the trial started - is he really on her side? Weighed down by doubt, she finds Wrengler guilty - but that's not the end of it all.
Kleine Lüge für die Liebe
Die Treue-Testerin – Spezialauftrag Liebe
Birgit Kowalski
Die Treue-Testerin
Birgit Kowalski
Ausgerechnet am Tag ihrer Hochzeit fand Franziska raus, dass ihr Verlobter ein Verhältnis hatte. Seither weiß sie, dass alle Männer Schweine sind, und sie beweist es immer wieder aufs Neue: Im Auftrag von Kundinnen, die die Treue ihrer Partner testen wollen, verführt sie die Typen reihenweise. An Markus aber beißt sie sich die Zähne aus - und verliebt sich prompt in ihn, nicht ahnend, dass sie bloß eine Figur in einem perfiden Spiel seiner Frau ist.
Meine böse Freundin
Nora Hähnrich
Emma's Bliss
Upon being informed that he is fatally ill with cancer, Max, who works at a used car store, steals money which his boss has gained through illegal means. When fleeing from the scene of the crime Max crashes his car. He is pulled unconscious from the destroyed vehicle by a homely young woman, Emma, who lives alone on a farm where Max decides to stay in order to hide from the police and his boss.
Horcón, al sur de ninguna parte
Ana / Ana's Mother
Liebe in der Warteschleife
Ein Zwilling ist nicht genug
Marias Sekretärin
Für immer für dich
Der Schnapper: Ein Toter kehrt zurück