
Year of the Devil (2002)

A sad comedy about angels

Género : Música, Comedia, Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 28M

Director : Petr Zelenka


Documentary maker Jan Holman follows the ultrafamous singer/songwriter Jaromír Novahica during his tour with the band Cechomor. The combination is very succesful, but it draws a heavy toll on the band members and Jan Holman.


Jaromír Nohavica
Jaromír Nohavica
Karel Plíhal
Karel Plíhal
Jan Prent
Jan Prent
Karel Holas
Karel Holas
František Černý
František Černý
Radek Pobořil
Radek Pobořil
Michal Pavlík
Michal Pavlík
Jaz Coleman
Jaz Coleman
Radek Klučka
Radek Klučka


Petr Zelenka
Petr Zelenka
Petr Zelenka
Petr Zelenka
Miro Gábor
Miro Gábor
Director of Photography
Čestmír Kopecký
Čestmír Kopecký
Milan Kuchyňka
Milan Kuchyňka
Executive Producer
Pavel Strnad
Pavel Strnad
Karel Holas
Karel Holas
Original Music Composer
Jaromír Nohavica
Jaromír Nohavica
Original Music Composer
David Charap
David Charap
Milan Býček
Milan Býček
Art Direction
Jaroslava Pecharová
Jaroslava Pecharová
Costume Design

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Accumulator 1
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Marecek, Pass Me the Pen!
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The Creation of the World
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Cerni baroni
Life of Czechoslovak soldiers in a military unit for the so called "politically unreliable" - the Technical auxiliary battalions, aka "the black barons". Although it might seem like a political satire and it's mostly funny, it shows the reality and the absurdity of military service under the communist regime. Based on a novel by Miloslav Svandrlik.