
Year of the Devil (2002)

A sad comedy about angels

Gênero : Música, Comédia, Documentário

Runtime : 1H 28M

Director : Petr Zelenka


Documentary maker Jan Holman follows the ultrafamous singer/songwriter Jaromír Novahica during his tour with the band Cechomor. The combination is very succesful, but it draws a heavy toll on the band members and Jan Holman.


Jaromír Nohavica
Jaromír Nohavica
Karel Plíhal
Karel Plíhal
Jan Prent
Jan Prent
Karel Holas
Karel Holas
František Černý
František Černý
Radek Pobořil
Radek Pobořil
Michal Pavlík
Michal Pavlík
Jaz Coleman
Jaz Coleman
Radek Klučka
Radek Klučka


Petr Zelenka
Petr Zelenka
Petr Zelenka
Petr Zelenka
Miro Gábor
Miro Gábor
Director of Photography
Čestmír Kopecký
Čestmír Kopecký
Milan Kuchyňka
Milan Kuchyňka
Executive Producer
Pavel Strnad
Pavel Strnad
Karel Holas
Karel Holas
Original Music Composer
Jaromír Nohavica
Jaromír Nohavica
Original Music Composer
David Charap
David Charap
Milan Býček
Milan Býček
Art Direction
Jaroslava Pecharová
Jaroslava Pecharová
Costume Design


FaZe Rug moves into a new home, unaware of the creepy clowns who live next door.
Enquanto filmava um documentário sobre os desaparecimentos suspeitos dentro da comunidade de sem-teto, um cineasta e sua equipe desaparecem enquanto descobrem um segredo terrível e cruel sob a superfície da cidade.
The Buried Secret of M. Night Shyamalan
Everyone has a skeleton or two in his or her closet, but what about the director behind some of the most successful thrillers ever to hit the silver screen? Could M. Night Shyamalan be hiding a deep, dark secret that drives his macabre cinematic vision? Now viewers will be able to find out firsthand what fuels The Sixth Sense director's seemingly supernatural creativity as filmmakers interview Shyamalan as well as the cast and crew members who have worked most closely with him over the years. Discover the early events that shaped the mind of a future master of suspense in a documentary that is as fascinating as it is revealing.
Por Trás da Máscara: O Surgimento de Leslie Vernon
Você já conhece os lendários maníacos Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers e Freddy Krueger. Agora, vai conhecer Leslie Vernon, o próximo grande assassino psicótico. Nathan Baesel, da série "Invasion", incorpora Vernon, um assassino compulsivo, mas muito simpático. Ele convida a equipe de produção de um documentário para acompanhá-lo enquanto relata suas memórias com seu mestre na arte do assassinato, foge do seu psiquiatra e inimigo, desconstrói o simbolismo de Freud e planeja com detalhes a sua próxima matança. Mas, depois que começa o massacre, como reconhecer as diferenças entre o prazer mórbido de olhar, a maldade clássica e a confusão generalizada de um bom filme de maníaco assassino à moda antiga?
A Bruxa de Blair
Três estudantes de cinema embrenham-se nas matas do estado de Maryland para fazer um documentário sobre a lenda da bruxa de Blair e desaparecem misteriosamente. Um ano depois, uma sacola cheia de rolos de filmes e fitas de vídeo é encontrada na mata. As imagens registradas pelo trio dão algumas pistas sobre seu macabro destino.
Willow Creek
Jim e sua namorada Kelly estão em Willow Creek, Califórnia, para retraçar os passos dos pesquisadores do Pé-Grande, Patterson e Gimlin, que em 1967, gravaram o mais famoso filme do lendário monstro. Kelly é cética, está apenas interessada em passar tempo com seu namorado entre trabalhos como atriz. Jim, um crente, esperar capturar suas próprias imagens, então sua câmera está sempre gravando.
Inatividade Paranormal
Malcolm e Kisha se mudam para a casa dos sonhos, mas logo percebem que não estão sozinhos. Não porque a casa seja assombrada, mas porque Kisha está possuída por demônios. Para salvá-la, Malcolm contrata um grupo de paranormais.
Fenômenos Paranormais 2
Um estudante de cinema que é obcecado pelo filme "Fenômenos Paranormais" combina com seus amigos para visitarem o hospital psiquiátrico usado no filme original. Todos decidem passar uma noite no local, mas devem encarar o mal que reside por lá.
Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes
Filme inspirado na famosa lenda americana do Pé Grande. As filmagens aconteceram em locações onde foram registrados os maiores números de avistamentos do Pé Grande e foram feitas com base em depoimentos reais dos moradores locais.
Alien Overlords
A man learns about alien agendas from a dying agent and feels compelled to warn the world about the impending danger.
Perseguidos pela Morte
Três pessoas diferentes recebem um vídeo anônimo e com um terrível ultimato para continuar filmando... ou eles morrem. Experiencie o terror através dos olhos destas vítimas inocentes, com uma cadeia de eventos de found-footage tão real e absolutamente terrível, que você vai ter que assistir de novo para acreditar nisso.
Apollo 18
Oficialmente, a Apollo 17 foi a última missão tripulada à Lua, tendo sido lançada em 17 de dezembro de 1972. Só que, um ano depois, foi enviado ao satélite uma missão sigilosa, a Apollo 18, financiada pelo Departamento de Defesa dos Estados Unidos. Apenas dois astronautas foram enviados e ambos não sabiam o que estavam por enfrentar. Quando um deles encontra um capacete rachado em pleno solo lunar eles percebem que há algo de errado ali.
Fenômenos Paranormais
A equipe de um reality show que investiga atividades paranormais passa a noite em um hospital psiquiátrico abandonado onde há rumores de fenômenos misteriosos.
Atividade Paranormal: Tóquio
A estudante Haruka volta a Tóquio, após um programa de intercâmbio nos Estados Unidos, e traz em sua bagagem algo mais que os pertences.
Area 51
Os jovens Chris, Rob, Natalie e Paul resolvem viajar para o estado de Nevada para procurar um homem que diz trabalhar na famosa Area 51, conhecida por esconder todas as coisas relacionadas a seres extraterrestres e sempre negada pelo governo americano. O nome é Novak e disse que tinha um vídeo que vai revelar de uma vez por todas as experiências realizados com alienígenas. Entre eles Paul é o mais cético e acha que tudo não passa de uma mentira, mas Chris acredita que a história é verdadeira.
O Último Exorcismo
Numa fazenda no estado de Louisiana, nos Estados Unidos, Louis Sweetzer (Louis Herthum) acredita que sua filha Nell (Ashley Bell) está possuída por um demônio. Ele chama o reverendo Cotton Marcus (Patrick Fabian), com dezenas de exorcismos realizados, para salvar a jovem. Marcus decide filmar este seu último exorcismo, mas o que encontra no local é diferente de tudo que já tinha visto antes.
I Blame Society
A struggling filmmaker senses her peers are losing faith in her ability to succeed, so she decides to prove herself by finishing her last abandoned film and committing the perfect murder.
O Dia da Múmia
Na esperança de botar as mãos em um famoso diamante conhecido como a Pedra Codix, o fanfarrão Jack Wells junta-se a um grupo de arqueólogos para explorar uma tumba recentemente descoberta no Egito, a tumba do amaldiçoado rei Neferu. Quando de repente a múmia do rei retorna dos mortos, Jack irá enfrentar a experiência mais aterrorizante de sua vida.
A Viúva das Sombras
Em uma área densamente arborizada ao norte de São Petersburgo, as pessoas estão desaparecidas há três décadas. Os poucos cadáveres encontrados estavam nus. Em 14 de outubro de 2017, uma equipe de voluntários saiu para a floresta em busca de um adolescente desaparecido. Logo, toda a comunicação com eles foi perdida. Os habitantes locais acreditam que foram levados pelo mesmo espírito das trevas que levou os outros. Eles chamam de 'Limping Widow'.
As Fitas de Poughkeepsie
Centenas de fitas cassetes com torturas e assassinatos são encontradas em uma casa abandonada. E tudo isso acaba revelando uma década inteira do terror de um serial killer, se tornando uma perturbadora coleção de provas criminais que jamais foi vistas.


Waiter, Scarper!
It is the story of a man who had financial troubles. He was married several times and had to pay for several kids. He wanted to earn some extra money by playing in a cafe. But one drunken guest supposes he is a waiter and pays his bill to him. So the main hero finds his chance - he goes through restaurants, pretending that he is a waiter and asks people to hand their cash to him...
Lições de Infância
A época é 1945-46. Eda, de 10 anos, e seu amigo Tonda vivem em uma pequena vila nos arredores de Praga. Na escola, a turma é tão descontrolada e indisciplinada que o professor desiste e é substituído pelo militante Igor Hnidzo. Ele é muito rigoroso - mas também muito justo. Sua fraqueza é seu interesse pelas mulheres jovens. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
A Nice Plate of Spinach
The heroes of this absurd comedy, full of confusion and humor are Dzharda Zemanek and Frantisek Liska.
Cosy Dens
Two families, Sebkovi and Krausovi, are celebrating Christmas, but not everyone is in a good mood. The teenage kids think that their fathers are totally stupid, and the fathers are sure that their children are nothing more than rebels, hating anything they say.
Story of a small boy is forced to move out of Prague during World War 2 to a small village of Slavonice where he meets the rest of his family. He needs to make new friends and get used to a new life which is immensely different from what this city boy was used to.
Why? (Czech: Proč?) is a 1987 Czechoslovak drama film directed by Karel Smyczek. It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1988 Cannes Film Festival. The film deals with the hooliganism in Czechoslovakia, particularly with the fans of football club Sparta from Prague, whose supporters were the pioneers of the football fan riots in Czechoslovakia, starting with hooligan actions already in the 1960s, like breaking the trains in which they travelled when they went on Sparta's away games. The film deals with one of such episodes
With You The World Is Fun
Three middle-aged go for a vacation into the mountains with their children. How will they cope with their youngsters every-day needs without their wives? The annual men's ride of three fathers becomes something like a kindergarten in the winter countryside due to the wives' vigorous intervention. It turns out that in certain situations, fathers make better moms than moms themselves, which is especially true when moms aren't in sight. Their parenting methods are very peculiar and cause a lot of confusion and hilarity...
The Three Veterans
It is a story of three veterans released from the army. During one night spent camping in the country they one by one wake up and meet three elvish brothers. Each of the veterans is given a magic item - one gets magic harp that provides him with servants by wish, other one endless pouch of gold and the last one owns magic hat that can create all the staff excluding money and people.
Secluded, Near Woods
The Lavicka's, a Czech family from the city, rents a house in the country with the option to buy. However, old Mr Komarek seems reluctant to sell the house as they agreed.
Divided We Fall
In 1943, a childless couple, the Čížeks, decide to hide a Jewish refugee, David Wiener, the son of Čížek's former employer, in the secret pantry of their apartment. Čížek is aware of the danger into which he has brought his household and his neighbours, but he takes helping his fellow man in need for granted. But at the same time, as a largely unheroic hero, he is dying of fear. His personal situation is greatly complicated by the approaching end of the war, when he faces danger from both the Germans and his "honest" fellow Czechs...
Jara Cimrman Lying, Sleeping
Czechoslovak comedy film directed by Ladislav Smoljak, about the fictional national hero Jára Cimrman (universal genius, inventor, sportsman, criminalist, poet, writer and philosopher).
Once Upon a Time, There Was a King...
A selfish self-centered widowed ruler, barely tolerated by his subjects and called appropriately enough, 'King Myself, First' asks his three daughters to name the measure of their love for him. When one of them says, "more than salt", he banishes her from the kingdom. Not understanding what she meant the King assumes love can only be measured by precious metals or one's own talent, the 'correct' answers from his other two daughters. The arrogance of the King leads him to gather all the salt in the kingdom and destroy it. Of course, this backfires as he slowly learns the universal value of the substance, and of course, the essence of his daughter's reply. With the help of the wise and magical old 'herb woman', the King also learns what it means to be a true and wise ruler.
The King of Ping Pong
Rille, an ostracized and bullied teenager, who only excels in the ping pong room, descends into a life-and-death struggle with his younger, more popular brother when the truth about their father surfaces during their spring break.
How to Drown Dr. Mracek, the Lawyer
There are still water spirits among us. One group lives in Prague, led by Mr. Wassermann, who is using his wife's family as a servants. All they need is their old house near the river. But the house is to be demolished. They have to stop it. And the only way is to drown Dr. Mrácek, who is responsible for the demolition. But he falls in love with Wassermann's niece Jana. He changes to fish, is mistaken for water spirit from Germany, is drowned and revived again. The other problem is the flour with ears... and so on...
The Inheritance or Fuckoffguysgoodday
Bohus is indolent and spends his days drinking brandy. One day he finds he has inherited a brickworks, several shops and a five-star hotel. Bohus sets out to tour his new empire, insulting everyone on the way.
The Snowdrop Festival
This movie is based on texts of Bohumil Hrabal, world-known Czech prosaic. It's a story (in a form of a mosaic of short episodes and pictures) about the sadness and happiness of inhabitants of Kersko (Kersko is a small woody area full of cottages and roods). These people are both simple and sensitive, they have their own pleasures (e.g. Leli is a collector of cheap, but inutile things) and the greatest delight of all of them is a hunting. Crude poetics of amateur hunting is screened by dreamy pictures of this area. Menzel mixes sentimental lyricism and rough (but not vulgar!) humor and the outcome is the never-ending landscape of continuous life in the proximate nearness of nature. The performances of actors are brilliant. Both Rudolf Hrusinsky as a Franz and Jaromír Hanzlik as a Leli have nonrecurring charm bottomed on a pain and inebriation. Only the music is not perfect: Jiri Sust usually assembled his film music from his older works and in this movie there is many quotations.
Accumulator 1
In this movie, TV sets are full of life. If a person is in TV (e.g. because it was filmed on the street) it has a double that's right in the TV set. This double needs energy from the true character to survive. Each time, the real human watches TV, his Double will pull life energy from him. So there's a mysterious Death-serial. Many persons die in front of their TV set and nobody knows why. Olda, the main character, is one of the persons, that get more and more weak. He is near death, till Fisarek, the natural healer appears. He teaches Olda how he can resist this magic force and how he can fight it.
Marecek, Pass Me the Pen!
This comedy is about one average family. The father works as master in the factory and his son is studying on high school. One day father must start to visit the evening school. It's the same school as his son visiting. The lives both students are connecting together. The son must teach the math and physics his own father. The father getting to know, that the life of the students is not simple as he supposed.
The Creation of the World
La Création du Monde is among the first animated feature films made in France. But to be exact, the film was animated in Czechoslovakia and directed by Eduard Hofman. It is adapted from a series of five books by Jean Effel, a French caricaturist and illustrator. The visual style is adapted from his drawings. The film is a comedy about the creation of the universe in six days, with the devil messing around and contributing in his own way.
Cerni baroni
Life of Czechoslovak soldiers in a military unit for the so called "politically unreliable" - the Technical auxiliary battalions, aka "the black barons". Although it might seem like a political satire and it's mostly funny, it shows the reality and the absurdity of military service under the communist regime. Based on a novel by Miloslav Svandrlik.