David Charap


Editor David Charap has a varied and distinguished career working across all drama and documentary formats. In feature films, David is known in Britain for his regular collaboration with directors like Dominic Savage (FREEFALL, THE ESCAPE), Pawel Pawlikowski (THE WOMAN IN THE FIFTH, MY SUMMER OF LOVE) and Terence Davies (SUNSET SONG, DEEP BLUE SEA). In documentary, David’s work includes the BIFA award winning Best Documentary THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS, the Prix Italia winning THE BESLAN SIEGE, and Emmy Award winning VOICES OF THE CHILDREN. He has steered numerous acclaimed Storyville and Britdoc projects to completion, such as BOLSHOI BABYLON (dir. Nick Read), and MY NAZI LEGACY (dir. David Evans).He is proud to have nutured Vadim Jean's project about the Angola 3, released as CRUEL AND UNUSUAL. David’s TV drama work ranges from the hit series UTOPIA and (THE DEVIL'S WHORE for Channel 4(Winner RTS Television Award: best drama serial, Nominated BAFTA: best drama serial) to the BBC’s THE GREEN HOLLOW and TRUE LOVE. He helped launch Sky Arts Playhouse with THE MAN (dir. Ian Softley), and has cut WE’LL TAKE MANHATTAN (dir John McKay), and POPPY SHAKESPEARE (dir. Ben Ross).


Say God Bye
Say God Bye
Leaving to Remain
Ondřej, a student and teacher; Denisa, a lawyer; and Petr, a policeman, are all Romani who have enjoyed a world of opportunity in Britain, something that’s hard for them to come by in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This multi-layered, yet rather intimate documentary, which contains a number of scenes shot by the protagonists themselves on their mobile phones, depicts the everyday worries and small victories of the three main characters who represent an educated and ambitious, yet still vulnerable community of Europeans, and who help embrace the opportunities offered to others. In addition to exploring themes of displacement and the search for one's own identity in a post-Brexit world, the film – which features humanism interspersed throughout – also asks how the characters’ fates were shaped by the COVID-19 epidemic.
Lucy Kirkwood’s Maryland takes us to the dark heart of male violence against women but manages to do so with humour and wit. An outstanding cast explores an urgent issue.
The Capote Tapes
Las entrevistas recién descubiertas con amigos de Truman Capote realizadas por el cofundador de Paris Review, George Plimpton, revitalizan este fascinante documental sobre el autor (y la alta sociedad) detrás de Breakfast at Tiffany's y In Cold Blood, al tiempo que sitúan a Capote en el canon literario estadounidense del siglo XX.
The film explores the destruction of a unique train station in Zurich and the construction of the new prison and police centre in its place. From the perspective of the filmmaker’s window, and with testimony from prisoners awaiting deportation, the film probes how we deal with the extinction of history and its replacement with total security.
The Reason I Jump
Basado en el libro escrito por Naoki Higashida cuando apenas tenía 13 años, este documental trata de realizar un retrato de distintas personas autistas alrededor del mundo. Lo hace a través de un niño que explora un impresionante paraje natural, y en el que se produce un torbellino de impulsos, emociones, sentimientos y de memorias que afectan a cada acción que realiza y a través de las cuales descubre qué significa exactamente para él el autismo. Así comprenderá mejor el porqué de sus pensamientos, por qué actúa como actúa... Y la verdadera razón "por la que salta"
Tell Me Who I Am
En este documental, Alex recurre a Marcus, su gemelo, para que le cuente su pasado tras haber perdido la memoria. Pero su hermano oculta un oscuro secreto familiar.
The Nightcrawlers
Consulting Editor
The Nightcrawlers proporciona un acceso sin precedentes a los Nightcrawlers de Manila, ya que buscan exponer el verdadero costo de la guerra violenta contra las drogas del presidente filipino Duterte
Nuestro padrino
Additional Photography
La historia de cómo el jefe de la mafia siciliana Tommaso Buscetta (1928-2000), el Padrino de Dos Mundos, reveló, a partir de 1984, los secretos más profundos de la organización, ayudando así a condenar a los cientos de mafiosos que fueron juzgados en el proceso celebrado en Palermo entre 1986 y 1987.
Nuestro padrino
La historia de cómo el jefe de la mafia siciliana Tommaso Buscetta (1928-2000), el Padrino de Dos Mundos, reveló, a partir de 1984, los secretos más profundos de la organización, ayudando así a condenar a los cientos de mafiosos que fueron juzgados en el proceso celebrado en Palermo entre 1986 y 1987.
Nuestro padrino
La historia de cómo el jefe de la mafia siciliana Tommaso Buscetta (1928-2000), el Padrino de Dos Mundos, reveló, a partir de 1984, los secretos más profundos de la organización, ayudando así a condenar a los cientos de mafiosos que fueron juzgados en el proceso celebrado en Palermo entre 1986 y 1987.
Ceremony: The Return of Friedrich Engels
Following the artist Phil Collins' search for a decommissioned statue of German philosopher Friedrich Engels in eastern Ukraine, and documenting its journey and arrival to a homecoming party in Manchester.
El último asalto
El excampeón de boxeo juvenil Jimmy McCabe, después de tocar fondo, regresa a su club de boxeo de la infancia.
Aberfan: The Green Hollow
A film poem to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Aberfan disaster, written by Owen Sheers and performed by a stellar cast of Wales's best-known acting talent, including Michael Sheen, Jonathan Pryce, Sian Phillips, Eve Myles and Iwan Rheon, with some contributions from the local community.
El maravilloso jardín secreto de Bella Brown
Una mujer joven que sueña con ser autora infantil entabla amistad con un cascarrabias viejo, viudo y rico.
City of Tiny Lights
En la moderna Londres, un caso aparente de personas desaparecidas desemboca en una intriga con implicaciones políticas y fanatismo religioso.
Sunset Song
Un relato épico e intimista sobre la esperanza, la tragedia y el amor ambientado a principios de la Gran Guerra (1914-1918). Se trata de una adaptación de la novela del autor escocés Lewis Grassic Gibbon.
Bolshoi Babylon
A behind-the-scenes look at Moscow's prestigious Bolshoi Theatre as it's rocked by an acid-attack scandal in 2013.
The Possibilities Are Endless
Scottish musician, Edwyn Collins' world was shattered by a devastating stroke. After fighting back from the brink of death, he discovers that life, love and language mean even more to him that he could ever have imagined.
The Deep Blue Sea
En la puritana sociedad londinense de los años 50, Hester Collyer (Rachel Weisz), la esposa de un juez del Tribunal Supremo Sir William Collyer (Simon Russell Beale), lleva una vida privilegiada. Pero todo cambia cuando, para asombro de todos, decide dejar a su marido para irse a vivir con Freddie Page (Tom Hiddleston), un joven y apuesto ex piloto de la RAF del que ha caído profundamente enamorada.
La mujer del quinto
Un escritor norteamericano viaja a Francia tras perder su trabajo por un escándalo. Allí conoce a una enigmática mujer viuda... Basada en una novela de Douglas Kennedy. (FILMAFFINITY)
Some Dogs Bite
A 14-year-old (Casey) leads his two half-brothers (H, 19 years old and baby Severino) on a journey to find and live as a family with his father after their mother dies.
Mrs Mandela
How Winnie Mandela went from innocent country girl to a fighter against apartheid.
FREEFALL is the first drama to tackle the extraordinary financial crisis Britons are living through. Helmed by multiple BAFTA-winning director Dominic Savage, the film takes a startling and provocative look at the events that caused people's lives to spiral out of control. With pace, edge and real emotional punch, it gives a unique insight into how the country came so perilously close to the edge.
The Cry of the Owl
Basada en la novela homónima de Patricia Highsmith de 1962. Jenny es una mujer que se siente observada por un mirón que no para de acecharla, Robert. El tercero en entrar en escena es Greg, el ex de la chica con la que no terminó demasiado bien su relación.
Breaking the Silence: Music in Afghanistan
All since the Soviet invasion in 1979 musicians have lived under restrictions in Afghanistan, before Mujahedin and Taliban tightened the reins even more. This documentary explores the position of music through more than twenty years of the country’s history. We meet musicians in Afghanistan and in exile, in addition to both believers who reject music and those having it as a central part of their religion.
Poppy Shakespeare
N has been a day patient at north London's Dorothy Fish day hospital for 13 years - her ambition is never to leave. Then she meets glamourous new patient Poppy Shakespeare, an ad agency receptionist convinced she's not mad.
Mi Verano de Amor
La película explora la relación entre dos mujeres jóvenes de diferentes clases. Mona una vez que su hermano se convirtió en un cristiano en prisión, conoce a Tamsin que sufre de falta de amor en su familia.
Wrong Side Up
A man who deals with parcels at an airport cargo company finds that he likes planes more than people.
Kiss of Life
Helen lives in London with her father and her kids. John, her husband, is an aid-worker in Eastern Europe. He has been gone many months. Helen is desperately anxious that he should come home. Taking the kids to school one morning, she is killed in a car accident. She remains caught in limbo, trapped between life and death. Many miles away, in war-torn Eastern Europe, John is unaware that his wife has died. As Helen herself is unaware that she is dead. Thus begins, a four-day Odyssey: Grandpa and the kids must come to terms with Helen's death; John must travel across a war-torn land as he tries to reach home; and Helen must stand helplessly observing her own existence as it comes back to haunt her - until at last she is reconciled with John, and thus released.
Year of the Devil
Documentary maker Jan Holman follows the ultrafamous singer/songwriter Jaromír Novahica during his tour with the band Cechomor. The combination is very succesful, but it draws a heavy toll on the band members and Jan Holman.
My Brother Tom
A teenage girl, Jessica, befriends a teenage boy called Tom, who is bullied by a local gang. She is abused by Jack, who is both her neighbour and school teacher, and Tom is sexually abused by his father. Together they bond in the woods, creating a private reality that no-one else can enter.
Last Resort
Tanya, una madre joven e ingenua que espera que su vida cambie al lado de su novio inglés, abandona Moscú acompañada de su hijo de 12 años, un experto en la vida callejera. Cuando llegan a Inglaterra, nadie va a buscarlos al aeropuerto, de modo que se encuentran sin documentos, sin dinero y sin nadie que responda por ellos. Las autoridades los encierran en un desierto complejo turístico convertido en lugar de acogida, donde cientos de refugiados luchan por sobrevivir.
Black and White in Colour
A vivid documentary portrait of Véra Bílá (1954-2019), a Gypsy singer acclaimed in the international music world. The film explores Romany culture and what it means to be part of a marginalized minority group. She was dubbed the Ella Fitzgerald of Romani music. The Czech singer enjoyed international success in the late Nineties when she was signed to the German record label BMG.
After the Harvest II
A devastating, life-changing experience leads to a dangerous encounter.