So Is This (1982)
Género : Documental, Comedia
Tiempo de ejecución : 48M
Director : Michael Snow
The film is a text in which each shot is a single word, tightly-framed white letters against a black background.
Consisting of two parts: ‘Revelations’, Bill Hicks’ last live performance in the United Kingdom made at the Dominion Theatre; and a documentary about Hicks’ life ‘Just a Ride’ featuring interviews with friends, admirers, and family.
El detective psíquico Shawn Spencer y su mejor amigo, Burton “Gus” Guster, se vuelven a juntar. Lassiter, Juliet, Henry y Chief Vick también regresan. La película está ambientada tres años después del final de la serie. Los amigos se reúnen después de que un misterioso asaltante vaya a por uno de ellos.
A story of two stand-up comedians, Deep and Zoya, and how they try to navigate their way through their relationship while joking about it on stage!
Todo el mundo está emocionado por Navidad excepto Plankton, que siempre recibe un trozo de carbón. Este año jura que conseguirá su deseo: ¡la fórmula de la Kangreburguer! Y no porque haya sido bueno. ¡Va a lograr que todos los demás sean malos! Especial navideño de Bob Esponja realizado en stop-motion, en forma de homenaje a las películas de la productora Rankin Bass.
Un "roast" es una tradición estadounidense, una fiesta en que amigos del homenajeado se turnan para ponerle verde y llamarle de todo... luego, como la cosa no deja de ser una fiesta, el invitado tiene turno de réplica. Comedy Central lleva años explotando este formato con estrellas caídas en desgracia que se prestan al juego, y el equipo mezcla comediantes habituales con invitados especiales que sí conocen al homenajeado. Este es el especial dedicado a Justin Bieber.
Segunda película sobre el personaje marino más querido por niños y adultos, Bob Esponja.
El argumento gira en torno a Bob Esponja y sus inseparables amigos del mar, como son Patricio y la ardilla Arenita, y otros personajes de la serie en la que se basa, como Calamardo y Don Cangrejo. En esta ocasión Bob Esponja y cía se embarcan en una aventura en la que deberán encontrar una receta robada, lo que llevará a los personajes de Fondo Bikini hasta nuestra dimensión. Por lo que la película mezcla animación y escenas de acción real. Las escenas de animación están hechas tanto con CGI (imagen generada por ordenador) como en dibujo a mano.
En la dimensión real se tendrán que enfrentar al pirata Alameda Jack, al que da vida Antonio Banderas.
En una cena entre cuatro parejas, que se conocen de toda la vida, se propone un juego que pondrá sobre la mesa sus peores secretos: leer en voz alta los mensajes, y atender públicamente las llamadas, que reciban en sus móviles durante la cena. Versión del exitoso film italiano "Perfetti sconosciuti" (2016), de Paolo Genovese.
El comediante mexicano Franco Escamilla saca sus chistes de las experiencias de la vida real y está dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa por el nuevo material. Él no tiene miedo de hacer generalizaciones sobre cómo los hombres se bañan. Pero tiene miedo de hablar con extraños. Especialmente en los funerales.
In front of a live audience at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium at the Progress Energy Center for the Performing Arts in Raleigh, North Carolina, the Emmy-nominated host of Real Time with Bill Maher performs an all-new hour of stand-up comedy. Among the topics Bill discusses in his ninth HBO solo special are: Whether the "Great Recession" is really over; the fake patriotism of the right wing; what goes on in the mind of a terrorist; why Obama needs a posse instead of the secret service; the drug war; Michael Jackson; getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan; racism; the Teabagger movement; religion; the health-care fight; why Gov. Mark Sanford will come out looking good, and how silly it is to ask "Why do men cheat?"; and why comedy most definitely didn't die when George Bush left office.
Comedy icon Dave Chappelle makes his triumphant return to the screen with a pair of blistering, fresh stand-up specials. Filmed at The Palladium in Los Angeles, California, in March 2016.
Aunque Thomas no pretende cambiar el mundo, ayuda al jefe de la policía local a resolver crímenes, sirviéndose de sus poderes: tiene la capacidad de poder ver y hablar con los fantasmas e incluso con los espíritus malignos que se regodean con el dolor ajeno y cuya presencia significa la inminencia de actos violentos. Thomas empieza a alarmarse cuando ve a cientos de esos espíritus revoloteando alrededor de un forastero. Cuando descubre que ese hombre ha construido un santuario para asesinos y que ha puesto en marcha un peligroso complot, intentará detenerlo por todos los medios a su alcance.
Carlin returns to the stage in his 13th live comedy stand-up special, performed at the Beacon Theatre in New York City for HBO®. His spot-on observations on the deterioration of human behavior include Americans’ obsession with their two favorite addictions - shopping and eating; his creative idea for The All-Suicide Channel, a new reality TV network; and the glorious rebirth of the planet to its original pristine condition - once the fires and floods destroy life as we know it.
Rose Matafeo has kissed nearly 10 men in her life, AKA she’s a total horndog. But what is horniness? Is it that intangible essence of excitement and adventure that has inspired humankind since the dawn of time? An understanding of the overwhelming power of love as the key to true personal flourishing? Or is it simply wanting to bone everyone, all the time? Recorded at The Ambassadors Theatre, London.
La película contará con una nueva historia en la que Yuuta y Rikka están en su tercer año de escuela secundaria. Un día de primavera, Touka declara que llevará a Rikka a Italia con ella, ya que su trabajo se ha estabilizado allí y piensa que deberían migrar juntos como familia. Touka también está preocupado porque Rikka no sea lo suficientemente competente como para avanzar a las universidades en Japón. ¡Las pandillas del club le sugirieron a Yuuta, que no quiere separarse, que se fugue con Rikka! Comienza un drama fugitivo en todo Japón.
Una adolescente se enamora de un estudiante de un curso superior el primer día de instituto, pero no se lo dice. Cuando un huracán destruye su casa, ella y su familia se ven obligados a mudarse a la casa del mejor amigo de la universidad de su padre, que es también el padre del chico que le gusta.
Nick (Jesse Eisenberg), un repartidor de pizzas, colisiona con los grandes planes de dos aspirantes a delincuentes (Danny McBride y Nick Swardson). Esta pareja de perdedores secuestra a Nick y le ata una bomba de relojería al cuerpo, amenazando con hacerla explosionar si él se niega a atracar un banco. Con tan solo un par de horas para hacer lo imposible, Nick pide ayuda a su amigo de toda la vida, Chet (Aziz Ansari). Según pasan los segundos, Nick y Chet tendrán que lidiar con policías, asesinos a sueldo, lanzallamas, y su propio pasado.
Newlywed couple Jay and Monica struggle to decide which set of in-laws they should join for their first Christmas. They eventually decide against picking one family over the other. Little do they know, their decision is made for them when their families show up unannounced.
Untitled adaptation of the hit Chainsmokers song of the same name. Described as “Woody Allen meets 10 Things I Hate About You”.
La adolescente Holly Hamilton (Hilary Duff) está cansada de tener que cambiar de casa cada vez que Jean (Heather Locklear), su madre soltera, tiene otro fracaso sentimental con otro novio de segunda categoría. Para animarla tras su último desengaño, Holly concibe el plan perfecto para brindarle el hombre perfecto: un ficticio admirador secreto que cortejará a Jean y rehará su maltrecha autoestima...
Teto es un joven millonario decidido a probarle a Paula, la chica que le gusta, que es un buen muchacho. Pero una mentira sobre su pasado terminará saliéndose de control.
Dekeukeleire's film evokes the notion of impatience via fragmented images of a revving motorcyle, a woman's expressions, and roads of a mountainous landscape.
Structured in visual chapters: the port, anchors, the wind, the spray, the dunes, the North Sea… A series of images that need no anecdote or explanation. Storck offers a glimpse of Ostend, aspects that order its multiple constitutive elements; The water, the sand, the waves, vital cinematic language displayed in simple pictures. A poetic and kinetic shock, without fiction or sound, which relieves film from its narrative obligation and restores it to the world of sensations that it can alone carry.
A short film documenting what was referred to as "The International Poetry Incarnation". It was billed as Great Britain's first full-scale "happening", with the world's leading Beat poets together under one roof at the Royal Albert Hall on June 11, 1965, for an evening of near-hallucinatory revelry. It came to be seen as one of the cultural high points of the Swinging Sixties.
A poetic ode to the River Seine, Ivens' distinguished camera eye surveys its lively banks and step-stone canals with a vérité candor, a beguiling elan.
Eureka (1974), which lyrically re-photographs a travelogue shot from a San Francisco streetcar, offers the purest expression of Gehr’s deep love of early cinema as a source of a joyous formal inventiveness-- changing its length from 5 to about 38 minutes.
A comic and episodic satire, the film uses improvisation to illustrate the clash between fantasy and reality in real life. Although conceived in the style of Mekas’ “Hallelujah the hills” (1962), it’s an authentically Israeli satire, an openly rebellious and individualistic expression that poked fun at the sacred myths of earlier zionist films. The technique of film within the film is used to portray cinema as reflection of the imagination, a miracle based on dreams and fantasies that take on concrete characteristics – parallel to the miracle of Israel, the dream that has become reality. Although not a commercial success, its importance is beyond any measure, though it remains a unique experiment, boldly uncommercial and subversive, out of any context in that patriotic, ideological epoch.
A parable centering on an old man who lives a secluded life in the desert, alone with only his memories and photographs. His wellspring, once a source of joy and hope for thirsty passersby, is now rarely used. No longer able to find comfort in his memories, he turns all his photographs to face the walls.
Basada en un hecho real acontecido en el barrio Carraízo de Carolina, Puerto Rico. Resalta la importancia de la alfabetización y el esfuerzo de un grupo de vecinos por crear una escuela nocturna para los obreros agrícolas. Diploma de mérito en el Festival Cinematográfico de Venecia y Mención Especial en el Festival de Edimburgo.
The title Horizontal Boundaries refers to frame lines- the boundaries between one image and the next on a roll of motion picture film. These lines, usually hidden by the projector gate, are revealed as subject matter and as a means of dividing the screen into as many as four very wide images, stacked one above the other. They represent many places, and a few people. My intent was to find ways to allow the images to interact in ways not usually possible. The track includes some Irish fiddle solos and intense recycled dialog.
This film tells the story of Gonthramm, a young knight who sought in vain for the Holy Grail and, on the way back to join his bride, Galeswithe, is met by Queen Banschi in the nightmarish realm of the Sylphs. Brum do Canto based the story on Charles-Marie Leconte de Lisle's Les Elfes.
I evoke a dancing woman. A woman? No. A bouncing line with harmonious rhythm. I evoke a luminous projection on veils ! Precise matter! No. Fluid rhythms. Why should one disregard, on screen, the pleasure that movement brings us in the theatre? Harmony of lines. Harmony of light. Lines, surfaces, volumes evolving directly, without the artifice of evocation, in the logic of its forms, dispossessed of any overly human sense, allowing an elevation towards the abstract, thus giving more space to sensations and to dreams : integral cinema. —Germaine Dulac
Dutch documentary filmmaker Joris Ivens follows the course of the famous wind as it originates in the Alps and finds its way to the Mediterranean Sea. Natural sounds and creative camera work provide a mood film showing the effect of the fury of the wind on the life of southern France.
An experimental feature made by rephotographing the 1905 Biograph short Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son.
Analogies: Studies in the Movement of Time uses a variety of multiple screen formats to create an intriguing series of visual riddles. The film consists of a series of simple camera movements that are rendered "diachronically"- several different aspects of the action are presented on the screen at once. By playing with time delays between these images, new kinds of space, action, gesture, and temporality have been found. Generated from structural principles, the film is both lyrical and sensual and provokes a new understanding of time and cinema.
A woman waits for her husband, a woodcutter, during long lonely days. She becomes weary and leaves him to live with her sister. He takes the news with a look of resignation, but the next day she returns to wait for him again.
"My first film, THE PATH, was based on a dream about a group of people on an ‘outing’ or a picnic. The people in the dream meet and greet one another and then walk around and through old houses, barns, and buildings. Inside these structures they pass by other people involved in various activities. A woman is folding clothes. A man is making paintings. A young girl is sitting in front of a mirror trying on different necklaces." - Richard Myers
In Celestial Subway Lines/Salvaging Noise its story is told by director Ken Jacobs but without the conventional storyline. Using a modified magic lantern, an early type of image projector developed in the 17th century, he morphs, flickering images that look like photo-negatives.
Filmed clandestinely in Czechoslovakia on 16mm. It's one of the films Godard made with the Groupe Dziga Vertov - a Marxist film about the political situation after the '68 revolution.
This story is built up with filmed documents in an experimental fashion.
Un artesano construye una armónica de cristal, cuyo sonido extrae los sentimientos más bellos de los hombres. Viaja a una ciudad donde la gente está obsesionada con el dinero, pero un burócrata rompe la armónica de cristal, lo que conduce al caos y, finalmente, a la reforma social. (FILMAFFINITY)