Circular Panorama of Electric Tower (1901)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1M

Director : Edwin S. Porter


A most interesting picture at the Pan-American Exposition. The picture was taken from the north side of the Electric Tower. It presents the most perfect and diversified views of the Transportation Building, Mexican Plaza, the Stadium and the north side of the Electric Tower. (Edison Catalog, 1902)



Edwin S. Porter
Edwin S. Porter
Edwin S. Porter
Edwin S. Porter
Director of Photography
Arthur White
Arthur White
Director of Photography

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Recomendar películas

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President McKinley and Escort Going to the Capitol
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Pan-American Exposition by Night
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Mr. Edison at Work in His Chemical Laboratory
“This film is remarkable in several respects. In the first place, it is full life-size. Secondly, it is the only accurate recent portrait of the great inventor. The scene is an actual one, showing Mr. Edison in working dress engaged in an interesting chemical experiment in his great Laboratory. There is sufficient movement to lead the spectator through the several processes of mixing, pouring, testing, etc. as if he were side by side with the principal. The lights and shadows are vivid, and the apparatus and other accessories complete a startling picture that will appeal to every beholder.” (Edison Catalog)
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Dismissal from Mass in Ljutomer
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A Computer Animated Hand
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President McKinley Taking the Oath
President McKinley taking the Oath.
Kodachrome Color Motion Picture Tests
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Without Title
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New York, descente des voyageurs du pont de Brooklyn
New York, travelers descent of the Brooklyn Bridge
Per aspera ad astra
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Grandma Despina
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Le retour, Place de l'Etoile
Street scene: Arch de Triumph.
Chamonix, Le Village
A short clip of street life in the French village Chamonix.
Rip Passing Over the Mountain
Death in the Forenoon
Footage of a bullfight, shot by Hill in 1934, hand-painted by the artist three decades later.
New York, Whitehall Street
Pedestrians, carts and trams traffic, on Whitehall Street in New York.
Color Film
Further examining the medium of film itself, Colorfilm is a work Lawder made while trying to make a minimalist, "pure color" film. Using spliced-together strips of colored film leader in white, yellow, blue, red, green, etc., Lawder ran the film through a projector and found the results to be quite boring. While he was running the film, though, he noticed how beautiful the colored strips of film looked as they ran through the projector. So, he turned a camera on the projector and filmed the colored film gorgeously winding its way through the projector's machinery." - Noel Black, Colorado Springs Independent
The Great Society
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