
Classmates (2006)

Género : Misterio, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 30M

Director : Lal Jose


The story revolves around the college graduate class of 1992. In 2006, working in different corners of the world, the friends get together for a class reunion to revive the joy and laughter of their student days. Shockingly, on the night of the reunion, one of the classmates is almost murdered and goes into a coma.


Prithviraj Sukumaran
Prithviraj Sukumaran
Indrajith Sukumaran
Indrajith Sukumaran
Pius George
Kavya Madhavan
Kavya Madhavan
Thara Kurup
Satheesan Kanjikuzhi
Jagathy Sreekumar
Jagathy Sreekumar
Balachandra Menon
Balachandra Menon
Professor Iyer
Suraj Venjaramoodu
Suraj Venjaramoodu
Anil Murali
Anil Murali
Investigating Officer
Vijeesh Vijayan
Vijeesh Vijayan
Vasu Sadashivan
Shobha Mohan
Shobha Mohan
V K Sreeraman
V K Sreeraman
Raziya's father
Sukumaran's mother
Anoop Chandran
Anoop Chandran
'Pazhanthuni' Koshi
Suja Menon
Suja Menon
Renjusha Menon
Renjusha Menon
Special appearance in a Song


Lal Jose
Lal Jose
James Albert
James Albert
Alex Paul
Alex Paul
Vineeth Sreenivasan
Vineeth Sreenivasan
Playback Singer
P K Muralidharan
P K Muralidharan
Prakash Damodaran
Prakash Damodaran
Vayalar Sarath Chandra Varma
Vayalar Sarath Chandra Varma
M. G. Sreekumar
M. G. Sreekumar
Playback Singer
Sujatha Mohan
Sujatha Mohan
Playback Singer
Jyotsna Radhakrishnan
Jyotsna Radhakrishnan
Playback Singer
Playback Singer
Playback Singer
Franco Simon
Franco Simon
Playback Singer
Pradeep Palluruthy
Pradeep Palluruthy
Playback Singer
Rajeev Ravi
Rajeev Ravi
Director of Photography
Ranjan Abraham
Ranjan Abraham
Gokul Das
Gokul Das
Art Direction

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