
Geethanjali (2013)

Dr. Sunny is back

Género : Terror, Misterio, Suspense

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 30M

Director : Priyadarshan


Anjali, whose sister Geeta has committed suicide, is haunted by her spirit upon her return to her mother's home. When psychologist Dr Sunny tries to help Anjali, he makes a shocking discovery.


Keerthi Suresh
Keerthi Suresh
Nishan K. P. Nanaiah
Nishan K. P. Nanaiah
Dr. Sunny Joseph
Swapna Menon
Swapna Menon
Ganesh Kumar
Ganesh Kumar
Kathalikaattu Thirumeni
Harisree Ashokan
Harisree Ashokan
Ambika Mohan
Ambika Mohan
Anjali's kin
Suresh Gopi
Suresh Gopi


S. Thirunavukkarasu
S. Thirunavukkarasu
Dennis Joseph
Dennis Joseph
Abhilash Nair
Abhilash Nair

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La cumbre escarlata
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El lobo de Snow Hollow
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Ee Pattanathil Bhootham
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No: 1 Snehatheeram Banglore North
Vijay Bhaskar (Mammootty), a well-off builder who lived separated from his wife & who tried to keep his kids Sudhi & Anu away from her, gets into a predicament when a stranger, Hema (Priya Raman), forcibly dons the role of the kids' mother, while they were in Bangalore for a short stay. The kids who had always been on the search for their mom, assumes Hema to be her & doesn't let go, forcing Vijay to play along. Vijay enters into a pact with Hema to continue the act till their stay was over.
Ravishankar is a leader of the poor and the oppressed. The 'bad' guys resent him and want him killed. How Ravishankar fights these evil forces with the help of his ladylove, District Collector Kamala (Ramya Krishnan) and ACP Vishnu S Pillai (Biju Menon) is the rest of the story.
Villali Veeran
The story revolves around Siddharthan (Dileep), who is a humble vegetable trader from a small village. He shoulders all the responsibilities of his family and is someone who is ready to sacrifice everything for his sisters. The quest for wealth leads him to a lot of troubles.