
Water for Canitoga (1939)

Género : Western, Aventura, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 59M

Director : Herbert Selpin


In the spring of 1905, the water conduit project in the Canadian city of Canitoga is set to be completed. For years, the completion had been marred by sabotage. Engineer Oliver Montstuart commands the last blasting operation. But again, the explosive charge is too large and thus, further construction is forestalled again. When Montstuart confronts foreman Westbrook, the foreman threatens him with a knife. In self-defence, Montstuart shoots him. Now, he has to flee.


Hans Albers
Hans Albers
Oliver Montstuart / Nicholsen
Charlotte Susa
Charlotte Susa
Hilde Sessak
Hilde Sessak
Winifred Gardener
Peter Voß
Peter Voß
Gilbert Trafford
Josef Sieber
Josef Sieber
Andrews Engelmann
Andrews Engelmann
Karl Dannemann
Karl Dannemann
Hans Mierendorff
Hans Mierendorff
Heinrich Schroth
Heinrich Schroth
Ernst Fritz Fürbringer
Ernst Fritz Fürbringer
Beppo Brem
Beppo Brem
Sprengmeister bei der Sabotage
Carl Wery
Carl Wery
Vorarbeiter Westbrook
Willy Rösner
Willy Rösner
Bauarbeiter Reeve
Heinrich Kalnberg
Heinrich Kalnberg
Katja Bennefeld
Katja Bennefeld
Straßenmädchen in der Silvesternacht
Peter Busse
Peter Busse
Henry Pleß
Henry Pleß
Vormann an der Pressluftzentrale
Arthur Reinhardt
Arthur Reinhardt
1. Arbeiter an der Baustelle
Wilhelm König
Wilhelm König
2. Arbeiter an der Baustelle
Ernst Rotmund
Ernst Rotmund
Der Herr Direktor in der Silvesternacht
Arnulf Schröder
Arnulf Schröder
Lagerarzt an der Baustelle
Bruno Ziener
Bruno Ziener
Professor Deutsch
Max Harry Ernst
Max Harry Ernst
Gast beim Empfang des Gouverneurs
Louis Brody
Louis Brody
Walter Bechmann
Walter Bechmann
Fritz Reiff
Fritz Reiff
Ormand, Adjutant des Gouverneurs
Herta de Salvador
Herta de Salvador
Barfrau in der Werkskantine
Lydia Schulenburg
Lydia Schulenburg


Herbert Selpin
Herbert Selpin
Peter Kreuder
Peter Kreuder
Lena Neumann
Lena Neumann
Hans Rehfisch
Hans Rehfisch
Walter Zerlett-Olfenius
Walter Zerlett-Olfenius
Emil Burri
Emil Burri
Peter Francke
Peter Francke
Carl W. Tetting
Carl W. Tetting
Franz Koch
Franz Koch
Director of Photography
Josef Illig
Josef Illig
Director of Photography

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